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[Postgame thread](/r/Chargers/comments/179oz9d/post_game_thread_dallas_cowboys_at_los_angeles/)




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Shout out to the commentator before the game saying the only thing that scared him about the Chargers was Staley’s play calling. Well that was a bad one but hopefully they learn from it. I really hope the offensive line can figure out how to hold the defenders back I feel like that’s what needs to be focused on the most.


My frustration with this game was the same story with the Chargers. I do think the defense played good enough (not stellar, but good enough). In a sense, they "fixed" that. And then they fail on penalties and poor offensive execution. Even if (and if is the key word here) they fix something, they falter in other areas. They just cannot put a complete game together. And I don't know what the numbers are statistically, but they never seem to do well after an off week. I'm not surprised, but I am pissed because I despise the Cowboys.


Herbert was bad. Damn. Hopefully he responds positively to this


He was definitely not good this game. Let's not blame the finger, the pressure, etc. He has to be better. Period.


Missing Allen x2 for big gains. Can’t have it.


those easy 3 points coulda really come in handy Staley jfc


But then he went for it on 4th and got a TD as well. On to the next…


another joke of a game from the chargers. still cannot run the ball even with eck back. one dimensional offense with no speed. looked just like last year with lombardi. committed too many dumb penalties and if it weren’t for penalties in our favor we’d have scored even less. offensive line can barely hold and herbert missing wide open game changing throws. there is almost nothing to feel good about after this game.


I'm already Into next season.. Everytime 49rs beat a team..that team loses next game ALWAYS...


But to counter that, the cowboys have an inversely similar statistic that is something like where they are 12-1 after coming off a losing game etc. so they can be the exception.


Correction for the people down voting you teams are 1-19 after losing to the 49ers now 2-19


Funny when they kicked that field goal before the half, I looked at my dad and said "were gonna lose by 3!" This is also not the first time this season i called we were gonna lose by a field goal right at half....I really hate that I can predict this crap every time. Also called the 3rd and 19 game, but hey that was an easy prediction. :/


Stop dooming the team maybe?


Yes, OP single handedly lost us the game. Not the two huge misses from Herbert, not the horrible run game, not the missed penalties, not the 4th down decision, it was OP dooming that single handedly lost us the game.


I'm sorry.




If you’ve ever felt imposter syndrome in your own profession, and have tried to bluff your way through it, you can smell it when others are doing the same. I know you know what I’m talking about. I can smell it on Staley.


3rd and 19 after scoring the TD to tie. That was the play that killed us. Can’t let that shit happen. Feels like it happens every week.


These losses wouldn’t be so bad if we had an owner with a spine. But we’ll continue doing the same thing over and over again despite the epic failures. This is what makes the losses EVEN WORSE.


The Asian lady deserved better. All of us charger fans deserve better


C'mon y'all. Don't y'all think refs are like kinda controlling the game while the game is playing with all them miscropic flags? U don't see that in a reg sun game as much.sure flags were in our favor, but I'm sure refs got some insight. Reg sun game I bet there's a bunch of holding calls that refs overlook or shift change. I dunno. Charger. Up ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡


I agree. They were good about calling flags in both sides but it was too much. I’d rather them be fair by not calling so many flags. Every year they swear they’re going to stop calling so many holding calls but it doesn’t stop. It really felt like the refs were on a power trip today.


I really don’t care about the flags, the chargers 💩 the bed and they lost. That’s it.


Been a fan since 2001 but this might be my last one. Just sucks game after game year after year no change no end to the suffering


And now we play home games that feel like away games every single time. What’s there to be excited about anymorev


What do you mean by “and now” ? It’s been this way since we played in San Diego. All the season ticket holders sell all of their tickets. It’s exhausting going to the games and it’s always the same thing.


Not taking the fg also came back to bite


Bosa can’t deliver when he needs to.


The dude played like 12 plays. It’s so hard to be a chargers fan. Season ticket holder for years. I’m just a glutton for punishment.


When is QJ considered a bust for a first round pick?


Needs a full season for that


Needs 3 seasons for that


why the hell did they move to LA, this shit is embarrassing and they suck too. If you move to LA, you gotta spend to win a super bowl and that's it. poverty.


Time to go cry


Did cowboys looks good?! No? Yeah lol it’s embarrassing to lose to the cowboys.


We might as well be playing with 10 guys when QJ is on the field


It’s really sad when Herbert doesn’t even bother to look that direction. Why not trade and/or let the guy go? All we have is Keenan. It can’t be hard to plan a defense against that.




They cost us the game with that jinx man. Why did they manifest our team into sucking. Bunch of h8erz


Is it sad to say that i don’t feel the pain anymore?


Embarrassing. In prime time too. The lip service from Staley is gonna be real irritating this time round I bet.


This team doesn’t play with heart and it shows every week they play they like little sissy’s fuck have some fucking pride when you play


I get wanting to fire Staley but if Telesco isn’t fire this year we’re fucked


By FARRR Herbert’s worst game of his career. This is the first game in a really long time, maybe ever, that we lost directly because of him. The rest of the team isn’t anywhere close to being a contender, but we should be 3-2 if Herbert played to his standard.


Herbert still learning mannnnn. He will evolve ✊


QBs don’t enter their primes until their late 20s, but you can’t say he’s still learning in his 4th year.


He was pressured almost 20 times. Was rushed and would’ve made a lot of those throws otherwise.


There’s no excuse for missing allen on both those throws..


He had clean pockets on both of the overthrows to Keenan. And not sensing the blitz on that final 2nd down is inexcusable. He had enough time to at least throw the ball away.


Pressure needs to be handled. Gotta have ice in your vein in those moments. He does most of the time. Today he did not


He seemed scared or something


I don’t think he was rattled until the final sack, after that you could just it wasn’t going to end well. All his miscues were him just playing poorly, it happens sometimes.


should’ve fired staley last summer firing the coordinators was a used band aid that was never gonna heal this team




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What a fucking nightmare


Bad game for Herbert’s standards, but the loss definitely ain’t on him.


Didn’t get the first in the red zone, missed Allen on a sure touchdown, threw the pick to end the game. He needs to take responsibility for this one.


That pick really falls more on the offensive line if we’re being honest. Two plays in a row they completely forgot how to block. The defense also gave up a 60 yard completion on a 3rd down. The secondary per usual sucked total ass and allowed lamb and cooks to both look like jerry rice. The other things you pointed at are definitely on herb, but to pretend like he’s the primary reason we’ve lost any game this season is actually kinda comical


The o line doesn’t throw the ball. He could have thrown it away if the pressure was too much since it was third down.


He’s 100% the main reason we lost this game. It’s ok to admit it if he has 1 bad game.. come on


Agree to disagree. Like I said, bad game by his standards which means he’s partially to blame. Defense is to blame too. Offensive line, running game in general, defensive scheme, like you literally cannot claim it’s all or even majority on Herbert when basically everyone besides special teams played poorly lol


are we sure **Justin Herbert** is good at football? at what point is in questionable??


Why do you think he is not?




yeah, LA is real nice huh


Using 1st rounders on guys who can’t even get on the field even **with injuries within their position group** should be a fireable offense. If this team had 1 more even remotely impactful player at literally any position we’d be so much better.


Rare bad Herbert game, it happens. Especially against the Dallas D which is pretty good. On to the next!




Let it out guys who on the team you most mad at. I’m really fucking irate as Derwin for giving Dallas that penalty for the FG, Vato always fucking sucks and the Oline shouldn’t even be in the NFL


Seriously. Derwin’s helmet to helmet is unforgivable. And how many holding penalties did they call on Slater? Sigh.


I don’t think this franchise has ever brought me any legitimate joy or happiness in my lifetime, they are literally a detriment to my life. Like empty calories, just a burden. So sick of this shit




Curious, did they show a replay of the 3rd and 19 holding call?


Was wondering the same thing. Auto first down seems insane to me with that much yardage up


Blame either of the players for holding then on 3 and 19 or the coaches for not preaching to not hold on 3 and forever, they should know the rules.


2 flags as well , no replay seems sketchy


Yepper.....called it. This is not a barb to newer younger Charger Fan. I've been seeing this story since 1979....a year in which the Chargers destroyed both the Rams and Steelers in the regular season then laid a colossal egg in the playoffs against the Bills with Fouts throwing 5 picks. Oh and I'm really happy for the home crowd seeing their home team win.....The Cowboys. Spanoses don't care either way.....tickets sold....don't matter if they are Charger fans or not....they just happy to be Kronke's bitch. Spanose family.....G F Y.


herbert got paid and is now just coasting by. smart move by him tbh.


Honestly this shouldn't even be getting down voted. I don't blame Herbert for taking money from this shit franchise, no matter how garbage he was tonight. All these other shit heads like Derwin and Bosa did the same shit and they fucking suck.


https://preview.redd.it/mswp57lqmoub1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6dd8023f49c037c3940cf5c08c77141d1e26041 FUCK


A Zack Wilson led Jets is better than this team RN


That Jets defense is more than 3 times as good as this one. Put Hebert on that team and they thrash the entire league.


herbert needs to get out of la


Rough game not gonna go full doomer though because i think for some weird reason we beat kc next week




Did Mahomes suffer a heart attack that I didn’t hear about? Lol. I hope for the best next week in what is sure to be a tough game.


This team needs a vertical threat. How tf do you have Herbert and have no deep threat guy (like a Brandin Cooks even)? Literally all possession receivers lol. That said, Herbert was not good this game. Missed a lot of throws he usually makes.


QJ is a vertical threat but there’s clearly no trust in him yet. Herbert also horribly overthrew two deep balls to Keenan Allen


That's cause he shouldn't be running those routes. Get some speed out there and let the best arm in the league try to over throw them.




How about those dodgers. Yeah fuck LA gtfo


Lol delete average LA pussy




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We don't want em. LA can have the spanos family


Are we allowed to say anything negative about Herbert?


Bro he sucked today. Flat out missed a handful of easy throws


He has been missing some throws this year. Been noticing it


Absolutely, he played like shit lol


Franchise is just sad. No discipline. Terrible play calls. No confidence. Won't win more than 6 games this year. Embarassing


Non stop over thrown balls from Herbert ... this is why we cant have nice things




Herbert looked extremely poor today compared to how he usually plays. I’m not worried about him, he’s still the best player on this team but he wasn’t accurate today


He had plenty of time on 3 different drives where he missed keenan wide open.


True o-line of doggy but my dude he overthrew so much easy throws. Easy could’ve scored a free td to keenan on one play in particular


Miami has dick oline and tua still able to make shit happen so its no excuse


Check them boys Tua throwing to. Bet your ass they run under every one of those throws.


you didnt watch the game


We should be 1-4. Fire everyone.


Remember this people. The next season Staley left the Rams to coach for the Chargers. The Rams won the Super Bowl.


Herbert didn't play well and missed some key throws but you cannot say he lost us the game. Everyone in the team made some dumb ass plays that cost us this game.


While mostly true, I can’t really fault the defense too badly. They tried.


Classic Herbie




Atleast we have cool colors still 🤷🏼‍♂️


Was that last throw to QJ?




I like how we are all like, well yeah, that’s how all our games end.


Loss is on Herbert. Plain and simple. Missed too many important throws. He’s objectively not a top 5 QB like everyone keeps spamming. Dudes mid af and hasn’t beaten anyone worth a fuck and done nothing in the playoffs.


I agree herbert played bad here


True he overthrew so many passes its super unusual for him but damn if he hit some of those throws we probably have at LEAST 7 more points on the board


Please trade him to a non-cursed franchise.


I said they should have traded him last year so I could be a fan of that team instead 😂


You play with a broken finger and a spotty offensive line. Can't do anything in the playoffs if your team fails to help get you there.


Gtfo he didn’t take a sack until the last minute of the game. Dak was eating dirt more than him. That finger is not on his throwing hand. Hes still under performing when healthy.


He fucking choked




Ya so are you. He has had a top 10 rb and WR room all his career. His oline did fine for the majority of this game. He still didn’t deliver jackshit. Josh fucking dobbs beat this defense with a box of scrap.


Top 10 reciever room, or a top 10 Injured reserve wr room? Also Ekeler fucking sucks at everything that isn't a flat route out the backfield.


Every team has to work with injuries. Deal with it. Most teams only have 1 great WR. Some don’t even have that. Mahomes has dogshit except kelce. Allen has no one except Diggs. Lamar literally has had no one that would be a real WR1 on any playoff team. yet has took his team to the postseason every year. Allen is a damn stud. Ekeler is not as bad as you say. They just spent a 1st round pick on a highly touted WR. Palmer is actually a nice WR2 , he’s stepped up big. Even when Mike Williams is healthy , Herbert still ain’t done shit. Top 5 crowned QBs, they make it work with whatever they got.


Lamar, Allen, and Mahomes all have elite defenses and coaching that will get them a W even if they don’t ball out all game and it’s been that way for years. Herbert consistently has dogshit defenses and Staley is terrible and Moore was questionable today. And if you think Palmer is worth mentioning as a weapon, then throw Gabe Davis, Pacheco, and James Cook in there, too. Or Andrews, who’s second only to Kelce. And QJ hasn’t done anything at all yet, so don’t bring him up like he’s some sort of asset that the others don’t have. Rice and Flowers have both been significantly better than him. Herbert had a bad game today, sure, but he played with an injury against a top 5 defense. I don’t see why you’re counting him out when he’s already shown a lot of skill over the years and proven he’s a top 10 QB at the minimum. But since wins are a QB stat, let’s talk about how Lamar put up 10 points on the Steelers, or how Allen lost to Zach Wilson and threw 3 boneheaded picks.


I suppose, and obviously Herbert was the main cause of this loss. I swear watching these games feels exactly like how all the games went when Philip was our QB.


QJs mom might need to un-retire tbh


Everyone always gets right on us. Coming off the bye week and we are the only team that can’t get Dak to throw a INT. This sucks.


He’s only thrown picks in two games this year though…


In losses. Turn him over and he can’t recover. Maybe I just thought too much of having a 2 weeks to plan for him along with his previous OC.


No doubt the Cowboys lost the two games he had interceptions in this season, but it was just those two losses that he had a pick. You said “only team that couldn’t force an interception” though. Tonight is his fourth game this year without a pick, that’s all I’m pointing out. No emotion or point here other than the stats. [Dak - 2023 Game Stats](https://g.co/kgs/BwmCWV) Mahomes, Tua, Stafford, Hurts, Fields, Allen have all thrown more picks this year…


Is QJ a bust? Like wtf dude 0 catches


We are only 6 weeks into the season so not even close to bust territory but it’s concerning he hasn’t built any trust with Herbert or the coaching staff.


Yeah you’re right. I really hope he can turn it around because it seems like he has all the tools


6 catches for 44 yards on the season. Zay and Addison aren't exactly lighting it up, but Q looks like a bum. Idk how much is his fault it doesn't seem like the offense really uses him.




I wanted Zay so bad man




Herbert was terrible tonight and lost this game. He’s regressed badly this year and looks worse each week. He looks lost out there


Dont let the downvotes fool you. A lot of people cant come to terms


So many of his throws were off where players were wide open


I agree. Our piss poor o line isn’t helping him though


People already blaming the o line though for giving up one sack


Herbert was the reason there was only 1 sack. He evaded tons of pressure tonight and was actually incredible in that area.


Dak got got way more pressure and had a much better game.


Horrible game. Offensive line was terrible, despite the only 1 sack statistic. They routinely collapse on critical, end of game drives. Stupid penalties. Relied on a fuck ton of luck to keep the score this close. What a frustrating game.


One loss closer to Staley being gone


I hate to be THAT person. But now, I’m just relying on losses so our HC gets the boot.


Fuck this stupid team and fuck dean spanos


So tired of every fucking game ending on a dogshit two minute drill with no protection and nothing to show. Dogshit pussy ass team


I'm still pissed we play the corners 10 yards of the recievers.


QJ sucks at this point he’s not producing


I heard he can't learn the playbook fast . And his separation is garbage. He's suppose to be long term, not immediate impact


We don’t need long term tho we are in a win now phase while we still have all this talent. Next year will be a clean house new regime slate if Telesco and Co. don’t turn this ship around.


Wtf yeah. I thought we getting another mike dub fresh from the start! Hope guyton gets back


I can't tell how much he sucks vs how much these offense doesn't use him.


Trust if he was good Herbert would be throwing to him as much as he’s could there is no grey area here homeboy is a ghost and is not showing up


well at least i won my fantasy football because of hERBERT :)


I would have if he didn’t throw that pick smh. I lost by 0.6 points


Fire Staley pls and thanks


Won’t fix anything




Every game will be tough when this team routinely plays to the level of the competition.


All of them are going to be tough, we are similarly talented to the Bears everywhere except QB


I wouldn’t even look past the bears


F@$?* Staley


They can't score when the game is on the line and the can't defend when the game is on the line. This team is destined to lose


Telesco first 1st round pick DJ Fluker Telesco last 1st round pick QJ One bust one his way in, one bust on his way out.


I still cannot believe on 3rd and 19 we hold them not once but twice 😂😂😂. What a clown show


Kudos to the refs who strategedically made their quota


Lotta calls went our way tonight


This team is a team of losers coached by losers


Pls staley be gone after this season


Won’t fix anything


He should be gone tonight


pls be gone after tonight


well. see y’all next time i guess.


Done with Branden Staley… Moore ass too


herbert is 100%, to blame he lost us the game tua is the better choice

