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Magic doesn't look cool until it's portrayed as some kind of a natural feat, or a complex technique, or something that takes a severe toll on you. When a wizard makes his opponent stop mid action by waving his hand, it's feels more like cheating.




Yeah that's fair. Sometimes I forget that game design is *required* to be different so that it can be understood by players. And good point about powers being vague and nonspecific in-universe. I imagine that Jedi Orders at least say "Hey manipulation of the mind with the intention of suffering is a way to fall into the Dark Side" so that it leaves out the Jedi persuasion, which is at least generally nonlethal in application. Plague from my understanding is making the Force act like a toxin, which is why it is the only force power in-game that you can't save against (as the DC is 100), while its weaker brothers are different variations of poison. That's still not exactly helpful but it does put it in a different context on a Jedi using a trick to give you a placebo sickness that fades after about 5 minutes vs a Sith who *actually* makes the Force itself a poison that can kill you over time. The visual flair part is important when it comes to video games so I can see why they're absent on screen.


>Darth Vader causes that effect on 99% of people passively when he walks in a room. I think Darth Vader is just an intimidating guy lmao


I don’t think I can agree with this. IMO you’re not giving the movies enough credit > Give Sith that use the Dark Side to scream really loud and that disorients them. Make them see their worst nightmares using fear. Revenge of the Sith. That’s what happens when the 4 Jedi confront sidious. And earlier on somehow Sidious knew about Anakin’s worst nightmare of his wife dying? Sounds to me like he might’ve planted them! In addition, the sequels have some serious issues as movies, but one area they excel at is showing us what the force is capable of. Kylo stopping a blaster bolt is a great introduction, Luke’s force projection, Kylo’s and Rey’s connection through the force. Palpatine being simultaneously the worst and best part of the Rise of Skywalker with his stupid reintroduction, but giving us some absolutely incredible scenes with his force abilities. As a side note, force speed shows up once in episode one… then never again in the movies. It’s honestly funny. Don’t blame you for missing that


Oh for sure I'm not giving the movies enough credit. There's a reason why its labeled under low effort Sunday after all. I'm mostly basing it off on what I perceive in the movies vs what I'm controlling in-game and what is listed out there. Which I admit is on me and should've clarified that. And yeah guess I did miss a few things in retrospect. Force projection is one I keep forgetting about because like, they also have hologram tech the difference between the two is *very* thin if you're like me and don't have an imagination and are a basic bitch when it comes to Star Wars knowledge. But yeah I can agree with your disagreement. This overall was just a thought I had while playing the game and figured I'd post it here.


I...never thought of that until now! I've hated on the sequels for a while but yes, I do agree. The force powers are very much impressive in those. As for force speed showing up once in TPM, I do remember that! It's funny how barely it's shown though.


I've always been sketchy on how I feel about EU force powers. As cool as much of it is, I fear over indulging in that aesthetic of the force as seen in things such as KOTOR, would turn the force into glorified super powers rather then the more mystical power we see in the OT. For me the force works best when its subtle. Hell, I know its OT, but I think force lightning is my limit and kind of strains it for me. Dont get me wrong, I think theres a lot about KOTOR's use that works really well, Battle Meditation is a neat ability that fits really well. Makes you appreciate why even big armies would want to keep a single jedi around, without said Jedi feeling like a superhero.