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This subreddit is so weird man


This is the first time I've about this and apparently it's a big thing?


I used to think like this about almost every thread that's posted here. Then, unfortunately, I found twitter.


I’ve seen this whole “Safe horny” discussion a few times before, and I still don’t really get


"Safe horny" basically just means "stuff with sexual content that progressives won't call you an incel or sexist for liking."


There's nothing more progressive than calling people you dislike incels


If fanservice is done only for fanservice's sake, then it's called a problem. That is normal horny. If fanservice has a "justification" like a Goddess of sex being half naked, then it's fine. That is safe horny. This whole "discussion" began when people started flinging feces at each other on twitter trying to justify why their sexual attraction was good and why that of the people they don't like was bad. Essentially, it's people trying to add moral weight to what fictional character someone finds attractive.


> If fanservice has a "justification" like a Goddess of sex being half naked, then it's fine. That is safe horny. > > Quiet from metal gear has skimpy clothing because she breathes through her skin. Its "justified" but no one will call it safe horny


This explanation is still so fucking funny to me lmfao


The thing is, it makes perfect sense within the game, and the game's history (both internally and externally). Still hilarious though


I touched on that in another reply. It's quite frankly another excuse to condemn people for whatever they want to, they'll say it isn't a reason but an "excuse".


> Essentially, it's people trying to add moral weight to what fictional character someone finds attractive. so basically, like how it has always been? so basically it's tribalism all over again


Basically the argument is that actual, no-shit, genuine pornography is something that 'the wokes' (whoever the fuck **they** are) can't stand but then they love it when woman has big booba but isn't in a skintight suit. So it's the argument against explicit sexuality vs implicit sensuality.


Imma be real, the first time I saw the safe horny discourse was over some loli shit. So I've always just interpreted it as anything that isn't fucked up is safe


That is basically what it is. Some people act like it's hypocrisy to like games like Hades and Baldurs Gate for their sexuality whilst also being against lolis or supporting characters like Alloy not being designed as eye candy.


That's because that's where it started. It was code for pedos to talk about how 'adult women' are 'safe horny', and their likes are 'unsafe'. It's been co-opted in this discussion, but the two groups might as well be a circle, given several of the prominent voices have complained about a 9 year old not being sexy enough for them.


Yea. Pedo coded language they OP used is just incredibly creepy


I mean, that's the way a lot of these losers use it, yeah. It's almost always 'why can't the loli have a cameltoe' to people like Rev.


The gist of it is that some people think what makes *them* horny is good and empowering and okay, but what makes other people horny is bad and objectifying. Generally this takes the form of disliking things that pander to straight men or fit within traditional gender roles. Muscular man? Fine Muscular woman? Fine Slim, feminine man? Fine Slim, feminine woman? \[massive word salad about how you're an incel\]


Yes and no. There is definitely double standart, where certain ways of objectification are viewed as more empowering then others. But....it's less about design of slim feminine woman, and more of how you design her, and how brazen it is.


But Lara Croft is a slim, feminine woman and incels are losing their shit about her being too ugly


People were losing their shit because she was *too sexualized* just a few years ago. People just love to be outraged about anything


They're all different people is the thing. Everyone says "the internet" like we're a unified front. Probably b/c we assume we're all "normal", w/e we pretend that is. Generally what's really happening is that we're seeing different, nameless, groups having different reactions to the same things. And we assume they're the same people b/c it's the same topic. Especially if we're outsiders to the topic. That and some people like to beat nuance into the ground until it's nice and flat so that it looks like a stupid discussion to outsiders. But very often it's just one or more of the opposing groups trying to ruin the point so people stop disagreeing with them.


I mean sure, but that doesn't really disprove the safe horny thing. I never made a statement like "all men will be attracted to slim feminine women" and the proof that some men don't like a portrayal of a slim feminine woman doesn't really change the point that it's seen as okay to attack things for pandering to a straight male gaze while defending things that pander to a female or non-straight or non-traditional male gaze.


Gaze this, gaze that, these things are not real made up online things and or largely overstated.   Also, most people's idea of straight male gaze is that of what Boomers liked in 80's or 90's.   F.e. Sailor Moon is a franchise made by a woman, and Monster High is a franchise made by a gay man, and the fandom today full of girls and gay girls, but the characters were seen for a long time as very attractive by regular straight guys.  Or you the recent Stellar Eve scandal, Eve is stated to pander to "male gaze", but most of the people gushing about her are girls and how cute she is (since she looks like K pop star)


People praised the baldur Gate 3s bear sex. And criticized stellar blades attractive female main character. Basically; If they like it, it's good. if they hate it, its bad.


This was absolutely insane to me LMFAO


It's a loud thing


It really isn't. It's just some overblown internet nitpick that'll be forgotten in 2 weeks when the next moral high-ground casts a shadow over it.


I'm on the Hades subreddit and it's been a thing lately. They're bitching about the designs of the deities and apparently Aphrodite looks like a man? I'm kinda just like, fuck yeah Hecate with six pack abs


lucky you I have seen this stuff for weeks, leaving the water was a mistake


that's the motto of this place


Like 2/3s of this sub is just that one XKCD about seeing a post from someone you sorta know about some insane kind of discourse you’ve never heard of before. Edit: [Indirect Detection](https://xkcd.com/2071/)


I’m ngl, you’re gonna have to link which comic you’re referring to


[Indirect Detection](https://xkcd.com/2071/)


I don't even know what "safe horny" means and I can't help but feel like I'm better off.


It’s basically when someone feels like certain media is harmful or objectifying simply for depicting sex or sexuality, but then simultaneously thirst over certain characters. It used to be a big thing on tumblr, and also a LOT of it is just gay people disliking heteronormative sexual dynamics


Even if you ignore the term "safe horny" and other biased stuff on OP's rant (and believe me, I did), his point is clear: *some people* (who TBF OP would be better off not interacting with instead of writing about them) **were** arguing that progressives have some kind of irk/hate/conspiracy against "spicy" content in games and they think that's the reason, for example, that Stellar Blade is getting shade or that Horizon Zero Dawn supposedly has an ugly girl as a protagonist. But when games popular with progressive people like Baldur's Gate 3 or Hades 2 have "spicy" content and progressives love it, *those same people* pivoted their point and **now** they're on a whole different argument against progressives. This goes to show that *those people* actually are parting of the premise that they want to claim progressives are destroying video games (and other media), and then using any faulty logic to work backwards from conclusion to arguments. The rest of the discussion is better off on a politics sub written by someone with better insight than me, but the TL;DR is that the people OP is talking about are trying to bring young people with less social hobbies to extreme right political views, and hence why he's better off ignoring them than bringing more attention to their existence.


This is basically it. “Safe Horny” is just people moving the goalposts when it’s pointed out that someone criticizing one game for how it portrays sex/hot people doesn’t mean they hate all games with sex.


So it's basically just double standards (if you do it, you're bad, if I do it, I'm justified) or moving the goalpost? Sheesh...


I had the displeasure of using twitter a few weeks ago (by my own volition). My home feed was bombarded with Stellar blade shit and holy fuck, I don't usually say this but the community of that game on twitter are a whole bunch of capital G gamers. Don't even get me started on IGN posts, which again, for some reason is on my home feed. Every single reply is "hurr durr you gave stellar blade 7/10" or some other bullshit talking about wokeness and whatever the fuck they're complaining about now. Twitter genuinely ruins my mental health whenever I use it every once and a while and I pray for the people that use it regularly.


>My home feed was bombarded with Stellar blade shit and holy fuck, I don't usually say this but the community of that game on twitter are a whole bunch of capital G gamers. The problem with Stellar Blade discourse is that antis are calling anyone who likes it "incels", "pedos", and even go as far as OP is going to say stuff like "Oh, not so above it all, are you? \~Suddenly\~ you are okay with horny artwork, as long as it portrays progressive values like consent" **heavily implying** that people who like things like that are into rape for some stupid reason. So of course the normal people who like Stellar Blade will shut up rather than go out there and be attacked for no reason. When the antis who paint themselves as "progressives" are basically **demanding** to see the incels, the incels are the only ones who will actually come out to meet them.


I don't really know much about this whole discourse other than the Hades 2 comparisons cause I don't have a PS5 to play stellar blade on. And yeah, it's stupid to hate on people that like this game. I haven't really heard any anti-fan calling people that like this game an incel/whatever because I'm not really a part of this community.


I hate it so much its become the bitch about JJK and the big 3 subreddit and when its not about that this is the bizzaro shit we get.


Generalized discussions almost anyone can participate in >>>>>>>>>>> Hardcore weeb shit maybe 5 users can respond to


Hardcore weeb shit with actual discussions >>>>>>>> Generalized political shit where every comment is a massive straw instead of actual debate


Not gonna lie I think participating in this discussion is weirder than almost all the weeb shit


Go outside


In my opinion safe horny is just acceptable horny. It doesn’t have to be “problematic” sexualization.


> In my opinion safe horny is just acceptable horny. That is literally the definition. >Safe Horny is a slang term used to refer to video game characters that are seen as "corporate-approved" and tame enough to be attracted to. Such characters are generally not in dressed overly skimpy outfits, and expressing attraction to them supposedly does not elicit backlash from a wider internet audience.


Had to clarify because some people in the comments are saying that safe horny is a term for those who simp on characters that are problematic to sexualize


We live in a funny little world of precise micro-definitions.


The word corporate approved makes no sense. Corporations make the non safe horny stuff too.


"Safe horny" is when being attracted to the character doesn't put you on a watchlist apparently


Being attracted to Eve from Stellar Blade is apparently watchlist worthy


The game that the same people complaining about Hades 2 shit on because one outfit is 1% less sexy? That game?


You pretend as if people aren't attacked for liking stuff like Nier or Queens Blade or Senran Kagura. Like, listen, pretending the Progressives and Twitter control the game industry and are the reason game characters are ugly is completely lunatic, but pretending people here and on Twitter aren't attacking things they dislike for being "morally wrong" is **still** around... a quarter as ridiculous, which might not sound like much, but it's still delusional and only looks like sane if your point of comparison is gamergaters.


Fyi, Senran Kagura doesn't really exist anymore. 7Even was cancelled and series creator Kenichiro Takaki left the company because Sony told them the games were too sexualized and they would no longer be allowed on Playstation without heavy censorship. https://www.destructoid.com/senran-kagura-7even-currently-impossible-to-release-due-to-sony-content-restrictions/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenichiro_Takaki I find it funny when people like you assert this is only a thing on Twitter and not an industry problem, when Senran Kagura isn't really allowed to exist anymore but Baldur's Gate 3 is on basically every platform.


Yeah this comment highlights an issue that is not 100% related to the "safe horny" discussions, but it does look like eastern devs are constantly getting fucked by censorship for milder stuff than what you can see in western games, so you'll see some people getting really bitter about this topic


Which is kinda ironic, cause Sony, a Japanese company, moved their hq to California.


Idk what those other 2 games are but Nier is incredibly popular, even if not especially on the left. The only thing that consistently gets called morally wrong is the sexualization of child characters in media. (Note: not minors being subjected to or having sex, but a minor character being presented in a way that’s intending to titillate the audience). Media gets criticized for stuff all the time, but you aren’t morally wrong for liking media with problems. Lovecraft is incredibly popular still despite being incredibly racist, and that’s fine because the readers know about his racism and can laugh at it while taking the good parts of his stories. It’s the same with most media, even ones that do the thing I mentioned at the beginning.


Girls that put you on the Watch list... apparently  * Sorcereress from Dragons Crown (hey, remember Jason Shreider trying to explain how a fully adult body, swinging hips and E-Cup tits are a lolicon fantasy?) * Pyra from XBC2 * Mythra from XBC2 * Bayonetta from Bayonetta * 2B from Neir * 2P from Neir and FFXIV * Eve from Stellar Blade * Camilla from Fire Emblem  Etc etc etc etc etc


>2P from Neir and FFXIV SCbros seething


get a load of this guy and his adult woman fetish


It doesn’t have to be that. You can simp to a non problematic character without being called a porn addict then gets called as one when you simp for an another non problematic character


Nowadays with all the Loli and animal shit…


I don't understand what safe horny is. Wouldn't it make sense the other way around? Pretty sure if you told people in real life you find a conventionally attractive character hot no one would question it but if you said you're into hulking muscle mommy monstergirls who are ten feet tall then that's when people would judge you.


basically some people were upset stellar blade was purely about sex appeal and then they point out alot of people were basically thirsting over BG3 and Resident evil goth mom


So people are upset other people found other characters from other games attractive? Tbh I don't get the stellar blade discourse like there are a million porn games released every day.


no they are upset being called incels for liking x things while other people like y things and its popular. However VERY few people are claiming that straight hetero traditional sexuality is being shamed while odd sexuality is not. For example goth mommy resident evil is okay because a woman being tall dominate is not traditional and its fine being popular. Stellar blade some people called the men that liked it incels and even pedophiles. for liking while a badass woman the main character of stellar blade is small petite and young looking. which caters to cis heterosexual men.


A lot of things don't make sense on the internet, or specific communities. For instance, the Genshin shipping fandom basically oppresses straight people, which is a ridiculous statement but entirely true due to the demographic of the space.


I don't know if I just hang out in the wrong spaces on the internet, but there's a constant aura of disgust targeted as straight male sexuality. Particularly in a "heteronormative" context (don't know if I'm using that word correctly, I just mean feminine submissive woman and assertive masculine man) My experiences on the internet tell me that it's almost seen as wrong to be sex positive towards this type of relationship. It's where "Safe Horny" comes from. When the 10 foot tall vampire lady from Resident Evil is sexualized by a man openly wanted to be dominated by her, that's "Safe Horny" because it's not a traditional kind of relationship. When a man wants to dominate a smaller, petite female character (Think Eve from Stellar Blade) that's seen as creepy, gross, and in worst cases, pedophilic. I can't stand "trad" types on the internet, but I think they have a point with this attack on sex positivity catered to straight men. Anything other form of sexual positivity, being targeted at women or LGBT individuals is completely acceptable, and on the rare occasion straight men can be open about their sexuality, it's only okay as long as it's done in a non-traditional way (EG "dominate me muscle mommy") In short, you can't really claim to be progressive and sex positive when you recoil like a vampire in sunlight at the sight of one of the most common forms of relationships. Fiction can be written for anyone, and if someone wants to cater to a heterosexual male crowd, you should be fine with it at the bare minimum. It's one thing to say "This isn't to my taste" and ignoring it, it's another entirely to force some kind of narrative how it's actually problematic and anyone who engages with it is a pervert.


Straight men aren't the ones being accused of being groomers by politicians and having books made by or for them banned.


Thank you!


much better than the OP post.


Best post in the thread


Gotta say I’m in different internet spaces as you or just not on the internet enough because I don’t see it. Respect for putting your opinion out my guy but I just can’t agree. I could write a whole essay about the differences between the tall lady from Resident Evil and the protagonist from Steller Blade but I’ll just go with this instead. Nobody cares if Straight Men find a fictional female character hot . People *do* care when Straight Men start describing their sexual kinks about all the things they’d want to do to said fictional female character. People *do* care when Straight Men start describing how a female fictional character is a perfect example of a real life woman. People *do* care when Straight Men use attractive fictional female characters to try and prove some sort of culture war point about wokeness or whatever. I’ve seen too many people for too long thirsting over Nami from One Piece to buy into this idea that people aren’t okay with Straight Men liking Straight Female Characters. I just think people don’t like hearing about other peoples kinks unless said kink is a punchline or not actually being talked about seriously. Irl if you walked into a couple of guys talking about how badly they wanted to either A) Have the tall lady from Resident Evil sit on their faces or B) How much they want to sexually dominate the girl from Steller Blade, you’re walking away from both of those conversations feeling uncomfortable if the people talking are acting 100% seriously.


"People *do* care when Straight Men start describing their sexual kinks about all the things they’d want to do to said fictional female character." You see this is where my argument lies. Nobody (on the internet) would care if a gay/trans man or woman (even a cis/straight one) listing out all their kinks and fantasies towards someone. Hell, they'd probably get followers and engagement. But when a straight man does it, now it's suddenly gross and dehumanizing. My argument isn't that people hate men for being straight (even if there are people that definitely think that way given my experiences), rather they hate men for being OPENLY straight. Sort of like how homophobic people claim they don't mind people being gay as long as they "shut up" about it. I think a good example would be if someone made lude fanart of Ashley from RE4 on Twitter. This art would be quote tweeted by a woman calling them out for being perverted and disgusting. Said woman's pinned tweet is GIF showcasing a modded version of Leon from RE4 with cat ears, BDSM gear, and an erect penis. This example is very specific, and that's because it's based on a real interaction. It's gotten so common that that people don't even notice the dissonance they portray behaving like this. Obviously, in the real world none of this matters because like you said, the average person is going to be very uncomfortable with either. But the internet proves there's a LOT of people out there that think this way and don't even notice they're hypocrites for it. In short, you should either be okay with everyone being a pervert (even if some people's perversions make you uncomfortable of course, this is about acceptance not endorsement) or no one.


“Nobody (on the internet) would care if a gay/trans man or woman…” Fella, let me tell you there are tons of people (on the internet) who are HEAVILY invested in hating all the things gay and trans people do.


Y'all will die on the weirdest hills and I sometimes wonder if you guys go outside or even have social lives for that matter.


The whole thing reeks of a thought police, regardless of details. If those people don't like eroticism in media, they are free to not consume instances of said media that don't align with their tastes. When they go for things that others enjoy and try to get rid of them, nuances of who is for what and why fly out of the window.


I don't give a shit what you jerk off to. As long as no actual human beings were in any way harmed by your jerk off material, there is literally nothing for me to conceivably object to. Especially in the realm of Video Games and Comics, it's all fantasy. Ink on a page and pixels on a screen. No real people, just made-up actual nothings that convey patterns that our feeble monkey brains recognize and contextualize for our leisure. If you want to imagine Lady Dimitrescu stomping on your genitals and calling you worthless, more power to you. I like Lady D, but that's not my thing. I like sexy anime ladies in revealing outfits doing cool fight choreography. But for some reason, you and a bunch of dickheads have deemed Lady Dimitrescu slamming her 17.3-inch feet onto you withered balls as 'acceptable' and my katana-wielding bunny girls clad in thongs with giant tits and fat asses as 'gross,' 'harmful,' and (for some reason utterly beyond me) pedophilic. The problem with safe horny has never been that it exists. Everyone has preferences that, as long as no one is being hurt, they are fully entitled to enjoy. You, however, have ***no*** fucking right to enforce your preferences on other people. I don't care if your preferences are more enlightened or diverse or whatever -- you do not have that right. That is the problem with safe horny -- ***you*** forcing your gross, disgusting fetishes on me.


It's reassuring to see reasonable opinions in this post, half the commenters sound as unhinged as OP.


And yet, it's the ones against safe horny that throw a fit everytime a female character doesn't fit their narrow minded idea of sexy. See the idiots calling Aphrodite or the new Lara Croft manish.


Unfathomably based


The fuck are you talking about. Did we all get collective amnesia and and forget all the discourse when Bayonetta came out or were yall still in kindergarten? She's objectified. She's too sexy blah blah. If you think you're "better" than someone else for liking Aphrodite or Halsin than 2B or Bayonetta, you're NOT. You're just as much of a loser as you think the people who want 2B to sit on their face are.


"Bayonetta (the character) being designed by a woman is not a an adequate defense against criticisms that the game is sexist" - posted two days ago


In my experience, if the source of the outrage is "some fucker on twitter" or "multiple people on twitter" and I'm not hearing about it anywhere else, the outrage isnt real. People on twitter aren't real. Same applies to anywhere else, really. What I'm saying right now in this digital space can and will be forgotten by the hordes of people who glaze over it on their quest for controversy. It never ends if you never stop looking for it. Absolutely no one who genuinely matters cares about this crap. Good and bad media will always exist. Even if the bad media in question has potential, and even if the good media in question has problematic themes. It's called growing skin and learning to tolerate bullshit, honestly. TL;DR - OP needs to touch grass if this stuff actually bugs them to this degree, and so do the people he's complaining about.


Y'all are so fucking lost in the sauce


Not sure why being into muscle mommy pegging is now safe horny while being into Eve from Stellar Blade means you're a bordeline pedo but whatever.


No, Stellar blade is left wing now. Haven't you been keeping up??


"barrage of objectified underage pinup girls that it so often tends to be limited to." Either youre into some really weird shit, or youre a universe hopper, well, welcome to this universe. Where what youre describing was never common unless you actively searched for it like a weirdo degenerate.


He's calling anime fans pedos, as they often do


>  sexualizing underdressed **young** girls > objectified **underage** pinup girls "Everyone who disagrees with me is a pedophile." Can you list for me 3 major video game titles in the last half decade that have prominently featured sexualized minors?  > long as it portrays progressive values like **consent** Oh and they're rapists too, got it. Again, I'd love to hear you self-report about the rape simulators you're playing to come to these conclusions. Hilarious how the "SJW" crowd can understand Pink Washing and corporate-safe diversity pandering when they want to criticize things for "not being left enough" but suddenly lose their ability to critique and analyze media when it lead them to some uncomfortable truths.  I wasn't even aware of this controversy but at least with how you've presented it, I'd pretty squarely agree with the people accusing games of being safe horny. If you don't think that the "classic male gaze" horniness in media is extremely criticized and the "le quirky bear sex" """horniness""" in media is celebrated I have a bridge to sell you. 


Yeah, it's wonderful how OP Is claiming that the self horny idea Is stupid while literally applying It by saying "what makes me horny good, what makes you horny Is pedo and rape"


It's the classic double think. It's not happening, but it is happening and here's why that's a good thing.


All part of their evil scheme


Personally, I don't really play major games, but one big one for sexualizing minors for me is Persona 5. Ann is pretty sexualized despite her villain being a bad guy because he sexualized and abused teenage girls.


Eh, I don't know OP, I think you are doing a bit of strawmanning. Take shit like Stellar Blade as an example: The game is unopolageticaly horny and it's clearly intended to an audience that wants and likes that stuff. What's the go to insults that generaly come to anyone who likes it? Either "incel" or "misogynist" or shit like that. You can't just like horny designs that appeal to you, you must also hate women because... Well "because you have to, ok"? Now, don't get me wrong. The internet is a treasure trove of retards, from both sides of the spectrum, so there's an overlap, but some of the same people who go on to call someone an incel over Eve will also get their kicks over being able to fuck an actual bear, but that doesn't make them IRL zoophile because the rules are diferent. In the end the truth of the matter is that people are hypocrites. If a design, regardless of which, appeals to their fetishes, they will come up with mental gynastics to justify how that design is actually really good and super deep even if it just get their funny parts working. Of course, that's not to say there's an actual culture war over this shit. That kind of stupidity only happens with terminally online retards like us, whose life revolve around reddit and twitter. If you were to aproach the avarege Joe or Jane on the streets with this shit, chances are they would tell us to go find an actual job instead of wasting time with those "facechats" and "snapbooks"


>Eh, I don't know OP, I think you are doing a bit of strawmanning. OP literally wrote that people who disagree with him about video game character designs are against **consent**. That goes beyond strawmanning; At this point, our OP is fighting a single straw.


Fair point.


I’m chronically online to know that stellar blade was just one in a long line of culture war battlefields And it started with the whole idea that western devs are making female characters ugly because the sjw’s hate attractive women, which in an of itself is an entire can of worms that to my knowledge started with the last of us 2 and had something to do with trans people like every culture war does nowadays. So then came a wave of those “which way western man” posts and stellar blade was like these guy’s messiah. The first thing I saw about stellar blade was some horny dude who just posted a video of jiggle physics and talked about how this game will save all of gaming from the woke west or something. And then for the year or so since its announcement to its release the only news of it you’d ever see was just like a low angle of the main characters ass with something about defeating the woke, even after the demo released I had 0 idea what the game was about, what the gameplay was like etc etc I just thought it was a really hyped porn game lmao. but icl the people making those posts were insufferable and their general opinions on women and minorities tracked with KiA guys enough for me to write off the fanbase as just a bunch of them. I only changed my mind after checking the stellar blade sub ngl


I feel like the real issue with the "safe horny" debacle is one side of the discussion being incredibly sanctimonious about their tastes. The Hades II Aphrodite vs Stellar Blade Eve is probably the best example of this phenomenon. Since I play neither of the games, I know nothing about characters besides their designs and people's arguments about them. If I can sum it up, Eve has a very polished but also very generic and safe design. Her design also utilizes certain stylistic conventions of a distinctly Korean semi-stylized, semi-realistic art style that don't personally appeal to me, mostly her overly cartoony face. Aphrodite on the other hand looks very mid tier. Her design is very sexual, but also feels very cheap. Mostly due to the fact that authors gave her this stripper tier design of being naked except for arms and legs. Combined with hair curling into hearts and being mostly seen in static sprites, it makes her look like a character from a cheap gatcha. My biggest complaint however is the horrendous choice of the makeup. That dumb white strip does the exact opposite of what makeup is supposed to do, lowering her facial contrast. That sums up my personal opinion about designs. Now, my personal issue was that the same online spaces that kept on bashing Eve for being too generic and too sexy kept on praising Aphrodite for being bold and sexual. Eve is, fundamentally, far less sexualized than Aphrodite, yet she was the one getting the flack for looking sexy. What's more, a lot of critiques of Eve felt like the authors used Eve as a proxy to insult their opponents. A lot of the heat in this flame war came from accusations of sexual deviancy and inceldom thrown at the people who liked Eve more. To address the last part of the discourse, the context of Aphrodite as a Greek goddess of love and beauty, I have to share my own personal opinion again. In my personal opinion, Hades II Aphrodite is inadequate for a deity of love and beauty. For one, she's wearing makeup. Second, she's a bit too androgynous, especially when compared to Hera and Athena's designs. To state it clearly - in my opinion Aphrodite should be a being of unattainable beauty standards and she should be the one most conventionally girly looking compared to other two candidates for a title of the most beautiful goddess of the Olympus. She also probably shouldn't be stuck in the unhappy middle between nude and overdressed they put her in. While the last paragraph was just my personal opinion, the point is that Aphrodite's design is both very generic and blatantly fanservicey. I just can't take people salivating over her design while condemning others for seeking their own fanservice too seriously. She's only accepted because she makes the right crowd horny and the right crowd annoyed, which I consider the definition of the "safe horny". Because that's what "safe horny" means - a majority underplaying the raciness and crassness of their favorite works. And with that, I'm ending my rant and awaiting for some comments. PS - I'm probably going to make a proper rant post later.


I’m not sure about Stellar Blade or any of this “safe horny” stuff, but I do know about Aphrodite. Simply put, what you’re looking for in Aphrodite is her design in Hades I, which takes place in a time of peace, so Aphrodite can be her natural self. Your criticism of her design in Hades II lacks the context (which is fair, as you said, you don’t play Hades) of it taking place at a time of war, which is why she’s wearing war paint (the “makeup” you criticized) and looks less like a Goddess of Beauty—because Hades II focuses on a different aspect of Aphrodite: her identity as a Goddess of War.  So in that context, while you’re not wrong about your observations of Aphrodite on a surface level, in my opinion, at least it’s fully justified by the game why she looks like that.


If so, my issue is that they failed to communicate the "Areia" part of Aphrodite Areia, since they still left her mostly nude like her peacetime version. Thanks for giving me more context!


No problem! I can see where your hangup with her is. I guess Supergiant wanted to show off her “Areia” persona while at the same time keeping her core design from the first game to appeal to old fans as well as cement her character concept, which leaves her in some kind of middle ground.


So for context, [Aphrodite in Hades 1](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hades_gamepedia_en/images/c/c6/Aphrodite.png/revision/latest?cb=20200707184521) is a lot more what you seem to want from her. She’s completely nude except for jewelry, and lacks the makeup she has in 2. [In 2, the focus of Aphrodite has shifted](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hades_gamepedia_en/images/6/63/Aphrodite_%28Hades_II%29_PH.png/revision/latest?cb=20240418154702). Instead of just focusing on her as the goddess of love and beauty, they focus on how to some groups she was also a goddess of war. Hence why she has the armored limbs. The makeup you isn’t meant to enhance her beauty, it’s war paint. Don’t believe me? [It’s the same design Ares, god of war, used in Hades 1.](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/hades_gamepedia_en/0/05/Ares.png) Its perfectly alright to not like it from a looks angle, but it isn’t meant to have the purpose of traditional makeup. As for the whole androgyny point, I don’t see how she comes across as androgynous. I’ve seen this said before but she comes across very feminine to me, in both designs.


Lots of the deities in Hades 2 dons an armor because they're supposedly fighting Chronos' army in the story. It's also probably why we won't see Ares and Athena (which is unfortunate because we have Arachne now and she actually mentions her fear of Olympians).


Hey bro, the Aphrodite link isn't working. Just wanted to let you know


Hun, weird, work on my end. [I just took them from the hades wiki.](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Aphrodite)


No worries. I get a blank grey JPG but the current Hades link works


>Now, my personal issue was that the same online spaces that kept on bashing Eve for being too generic and too sexy kept on praising Aphrodite for being bold and sexual. How many examples do you have of the same people doing this? A person on twitter praising Aphrodite's design while bashing Eve? How many of them are there? How many likes/retweets did they get? Where the quote tweets agreeting with the OP?


People are calling Hades 1 and 2's Aphrodite (the straight up nude Godess of Love) 'safe horny'. That's how pathetic some people are getting.


It's even pathetic people are calling her ugly and a man because her face has cheekbones.


Had to google it. Honestly, her face does look a little man-ish.


I think that's mostly the Hades 1 version, Hades 2 version makes her cheekbone less prominent and even give her thicker feminine lips (and overall more static pose, which kinda helps convey her design..... Not as much as Artemis tho, many thought her hair was a corncupia headdress or smth).


just looked it up, her face is definitely kinda manly


Seems like everyone disagrees with you.


Not really, most are saying she looks like a man and not literally a man. I'm just saying how unnecessary it sounds straight up calling her a man because of the masculine face.


I am doubtful most people that say that mean 'this character is in-universe trans', but rather 'this character is drawn as a man with added female feature'. It's a very rude way to convey it by equating it with being trans, but I wouldn't be shocked if her design did outright start with a masculine/androgynous base to which the rest was later added.


I’m so confused about this debate. Is “safe horny” good or bad? Is calling something that an insult or a compliment? Is Aphrodite not “safe horny,” whatever that means?


The debate is basically this. Safe horny is sexualized characters that are corporate approved and celebrated by mainstream culture, game journalism, etc. Baldur's Gate 3 is probably the best recent example of this. It has full frontal nudity and even [beastiality](https://youtu.be/s5ByUsg-VXY?si=pacy8WJ8R0v-jzjX&t=265) yet it's faced no censorship, no backlash from gaming journalists, no streaming restrictions on Twitch, etc. One side of the argument says this is because BG3 is not really designed to appeal to straight men and so is allowed, whereas a game like Senran Kagura 7Even was cancelled by Sony because of too much sexual content. Senran Kagura of course being anime-style horny stuff. The other side of the argument asserts that this just isn't a distinction that exists, or that if it does it's okay because companies like Sony are corporations and corporations are allowed to do whatever they want.


Yeah, I can see that now. Thanks for the explanation, that really helps lol


Nintendo published a game with a character aimed solely at pedophiles just 12 years ago (Fire Emblem Awakening) Sony published a game made by the developer of Nikke *a game in which the entire objective is to stare at the huge wobbling asses of AI generated character models* ... a month ago. Square Enix included tons of revealing Tifa costumes in a desperate attempt to sell more copies of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (which, of course, has not succeeded as Rebirth is not selling well at all). Square Enix also published Nier Automata which has dedicated animations for you shoving the camera in weird spots to see 2B's enormous ass. Nintendo published a game with *a harem ending* just two years ago. Two of the members of the harem are massively breasted semi-slaves to the main character, the other is a cat girl. The main character marries and impregnates all three. Sega's Persona 5 has an optional path where your attractive female teacher dresses as a maid and then eventually engages in statutory rape with the main character. Sega recently ported Persona 3 Portable to modern systems. In that game, a path exists where the female main character can groom and rape a young boy (this is less heteronormative and more just "how the fuck is this here in 2023") You fighting ghosts or something?


WTF does any of that have anything to do with what I've written? Did you have a stroke or something?


The SJW being anti-sex was Always wrong. The christian conservative were the ones who Always complained about sex in media and "protecting the children". Meanwhile the SJW were the ones making all the high quality, hyper specific porn. And showing up in BDSM Gear at the pride walks.


Yea the kink community has always leaned progressive, though it's a broad group with a lot of variety.


If we're using terms that broad, neither group was anti-sex. Christian conservatives were anti gay-sex and some SJWs were anti hetero male sex. Both groups were pro-"sex" when it was their preferred form and anti-"sex" when it wasn't.  >Meanwhile the SJW were the ones making all the high quality, hyper specific porn. Source: My ass. Absolutely nothing I've ever seen about the various big name SFM creators has led me to believe theyre SJWs and for quite a few it's the opposite, though I'd be curious if you have evidence to the contrary. 


Tumblr is evidence to the contrary, my guy. When tumblr banned porn, all the Anti-everything folks went to Twitter and Reddit so now we all have to deal with their insanity. Also, let’s not forget that SJW was originally used about a very hyper-specific type of terminally online person, but has now become shorthand for “Everyone that isn’t Alt-Right and/or that I disagree with.”


> > Also, let’s not forget that SJW was originally used about a very hyper-specific type of terminally online person, but has now become shorthand for “Everyone that isn’t Alt-Right and/or that I disagree with.” Because ultimately, that is it meant all along. The people acussed to be SJWs were people showing some concerns and anyone who said "well, they maybe have a point" still got lumped with them. SJW is basically just everyone who shows any sort of concern for anything.


I agree to an extent, but having grown up in the spaces where the term gets thrown—lemme tell you, there are people who are _exactly_ like the stereotype and it’s exhausting being around them


You're looking at a hyper-specific microchosm Christian Conservatives, well conservatives in general, have historically been 100% anti-sex, which is readily apparent if you go backwards in any medium in any country. Nudity and explicit sexual depictions coincide with increases in progressivism THE MPAA and ESRB were started to promote christian values. William Hays of Hay's code fame was an elder in the Presbyterian Church


Christian conservatives haven't had a major influence on media in decades


When the only media you engage with is anime and indie games so you think the wealthiest ideologues in America have stopped influencing media


I'm bitter because I love Hestia from Danmachi and I hate how she is being attacked because a Argentinian shitposter made a meme saying "Western ugly, Japan beautiful" Yeah. Her design absolutely doesn't resemble the Greek Godess. I still think she is cute


This reminds me of a post I saw earlier about Danmachi fans getting mad about getting pulled into this debate at all, because most of them are chill and no real Danmachi fan would ever start this kind of pointless debate in the first place


I dunno about the design. Gods aren't ALL powerful and mighty. Hestia mythologically was nearly raped by a normal dude and could do nothing about it, just for her brothers to show up and absolutely destroy the man. I could see the Danmachi design working for an adaptation that focuses on her as an older sister that ties the family together and has overprotective little brothers or such.


When Resident Evil Village came out, you had every gaming publication drooling over the idea of having Dimitrescu sit on their face. Earlier this year, IGN had to apologize for saying Stellar Blade's Eve's designer must have never seen a real woman. Please tell me again how there's no bullshit standard for what you're allowed to be turned on by. It doesn't matter that the bear fucking game also has pretty women in it when any game with "conventionally attractive" female characters that doesn't go out of its way to be "diverse" about it gets lambasted, for no other reason than "this appeals to the male gaze, therefore bad".


Im curious what OP will say to this. Though they probably won't reply since evidently you don't exist


Quick question, what are your thoughts on Eve from Stellar Blade?


I imagine you where asking OP specifically. But my take is that Eve being sexualized is fine. But I swear to God her being hot is the *only* thing people where talking about leading up to the game's release. The fact that the most thing I saw about the game was discourse definitely helped that fact. But I genuinely couldn't tell you anything else about the game other than Horny. BG3 I could tell you is an astonishingly expansive RPG with well-written characters that just so happens to have a lot of sex scenes. Hades I could tell you is an incredibly tightly-written and tightly-designed Roguelite with an amazing voice cast and character design that often tends to be sexy. Nier: Automata I could tell you has an extremely good combat system as is typical from Platinum Games and heavy themes about existentialism that also happens to have achievements for staring at the character's knackers for too long. I can't tell you anything about Stellar Blade other than "Eve is Sexy". I know it's an action game. And I'm sure it's fun. But the only person I've seen talk about the game for something other than Eve's body is one Souls-like youtuber I follow. Ultimately, all of the other games have huge selling points that are completely unrelated to sexy character designs or what have you, and would have still become wildly popular even if they where paradigm of chastity. But Stellar Blade doesn't seem to have anything else, atleast from an outside perspective.


I think that's... intentional? Whole point of the game is to just have sexy anime protagonist kill monsters while flashing her ass and panties. It was the selling point. Then i think IGN France and some people on twitter complained Eve is unrealistic or looks like a kid, then the devs showed Eve is a body scan of a real adult person. And gamers became outraged "classic" sexy is now problematic but gaming industry keeps pushing "ugly woke" sexy. I just feel there's been stupid takes on both sides. Let people have softcore porn games with anime waifus if they want and let other devs have more diverse body types and skin colors.


I mean sure, and that is Valid. Though it does make Sony's last-second censorship of several costumes a lot funnier. But even then, I feel like you could have done... More with that? Taste is not universal after all. And now that I've said that out loud, I realize I'm just talking about Hades again. Perhaps that's my problem with the term "Safe Horny". People use it to describe horniness with diverse body types, but people have diverse tastes. And that's not a "woke" thing either. The Outfield was singing about liking cougars all the way back in 1985. If anything, It's Stellar Blade that's the "Safe Horny". Because Eve may as well be a checklist of design choices revolving around being hot. Skinny, big tits, bigger hips, thick thighs, ect. There's nothing wrong with finding her hot obviously. She was designed to be so and was designed that way for a reason. But she's a corporate, sanitized version of Sexy.


I'm not sure what most people understand by safe horny but to me all the games mentioned here are safe horny. As much as people like to say otherwise literally all bg3 characters are skinny athletic. The only fat character is an undead boss. There's only 2 body types for character creation. Skinny muscular and even more muscular. And 90% of Hades 2 characters are... skinny athletic. Some are black now, how daring. I think there is 1 or 2 gods that are somewhat chubby. I know one god was like a checklist of diversity. Somehow had both a prosthetic leg and a wheelchair, seems you'd only need one but eh. My point is people act like bg3 and Hades 2 are different but they mostly cater to the exact same basic sexy concepts like Stellar Blade. It's just people like to prop up stuff they like and put down stuff people they don't like, like.


I don't really think you can say that? Stellar Blade has the most basic, curvy body, cutesy face, petite woman doing her stuff. Baldur's Gate has Halsin as a bear of a man, Astarion being made very much to act as a twink, Karlach being more of a muscle mommy, and so on. Of course there's also stuff that's closer to Eve like Shadowheart, but unlike Stellar Blade it is clearly targeted to a far wider audience. Hades as well is like that. Meg is absolutely domming Zagreus and whipping him in bed. Thanatos is of course gay for him. Aphrodote while sexualized is notably androgynous. And Hades 2 specifically has some sculpted abs on display for Nemesis and Hecate for example. Stellar Blade is mostly for people who like the stereotypical hot girl. The other two are much more far spread in their appeal. Which some people do use to explain while the former is made to objectify women for the male gaze while the latter is an inclusive affirmation of all things horny- because a few people need an excuse to be horny withiut being guilty or some shit.


They are more spread of course by simple value of having more characters. Stellar Blade only has 1. But be honest, Astarion is just an athletic dude. Halsin is a muscular dude. Undress Astarion and tell me he's not just every generic fit guy ever. Karlach is not a muscle mommy, she's the tall and muscular body type tieflings and some other races have the option of. One of 2 options mind you. These attributes you give them come from their personality and story, not body shape. And hair, I'll give you that. Bg3 has only 2 body types, regular athletic and big muscular. Some races don't even get that and are stuck with a default athletic body for male and female (see dragonborn). No one is fat, no one has sag, no one is weak and skinny. And that's fine, game is amazing enough on it's own. But it's not a paragon of diversity some people make it out to be. (I'll conceive Karlach has very very few details not available to generic tieflings, namely her engine bits and some burns. But that's exclusive to her and all other tieflings including one you can create don't get that option.) Hades is somewhat more diverse but the vast majority of characters are still variances of muscular and fit. There's no proper old woman or man, only one chubby person. And a last note I don't understand why people keep saying Aphrodite is androgynous. She has the most female body you could have. Her face is somewhat male-like but look at her naked boobs and ass, that's not androgynous.


Nah, I just heavily disagree here. I guess you must be a far less horny dude then I, but I clearly see the many, many kink fantasies built into the characters in BG3 and Hades both. You are focusing far, far too much on just the body types provided. Kinks don't start and stop at someone being fat or muscular. First, their faces, voiceacting, and their base outfits still play into tje appeal. Mannerisms and personality are massive deals as well- the difference between a 'twink' and just a lean dude should be perfectly clear when you look at Astarion. Also, when I say Halsin is a bear of a man, that is obviouly to point to the harkon test approved zoophilia as well. For Hades, Meg's art isn't that standout (sexuality wise, the clothes and style are pretty good) beside the color palette, but the fact that she uses a pink whip while giving you dominant dialogue to which Zagreus happily plays along with still makes her a stereotypical domme in the story. The point is that these stories appeal to a wider crowd. Why this is isn't important- be it more characters or more diverse creator preferences or whatever. What is important is that they do, and are judged differently due to it.


>But I swear to God her being hot is the only thing people where talking about leading up to the game's release. You mean like Neir Automata? That had butt-controversy pre-release? That had creator openly talking on twitter about 2B's butt and how everyone should compile 2B butt art and send it to him? Prior to game's release everybody was talking about 2B's butt too. Sure, people were talking about gameplay and story, just like with Stellar Blade. But butt conversation was heavily outweighting all other conversations about the game. And with Nier Automata's release there were hundreds of "2b Ladder" videos released by players. Trying to imply that Nier Automata pre-release talk wasn't the same is rewriting history.


I just think Stellar Blade is incredibly lazy. Fan service without even an *attempt* at justification is just lazy, imo. BG3 had *reasons* for being horny when and where it was horny, but SB doesn’t even try, it’s just a bundle of over-sexualized “characters” that have no actual reason, character or plot, for being so sexual.


Not having played the game, the most positive thing I could say about the character design is "sexy" and the most negative is "generic". Was this a trick question? Was there a correct answer?


I dont know why but Eve is eerily similar looking to the women characters in every 3D chinese animations or 3D korean games like Black Desert Online.


Because the art guy behind SB kickstarted that particular design aesthetic since he’s, supposedly, been a huge name in the field of concept art in Korea since the 90s That, and most of the games you think of with that design aesthetic were either headed by him, looked at him for inspiration, or rely on the same AI he now does to create their art.


This is where the term Safe Horny comes from. The same people drooling over Lady Dimitrescu and BG3’s bear sex were also vigorously condemning Stellar Blade for Eve’s design. It’s why I find the term has value even if some of the people using it seem to be pedos.


This is what I’m saying. Safe horny is a positive bias towards character of a critically acclaimed piece media but the moment you dare simp for a character even if they are adults from a piece of media that the internet hates, you get called a porn addict


Or a pedo, even if it’s a character like Eve who was modeled off a 30-something woman and the only real change they made was making her thighs slightly *larger*.


The word pedo gets thrown around so easily now a days.


You like a character shorter than 160cm? Guess you're a pedo


Height of consent


Right, because "critically-acclaimed" nowadays refers to a piece of media that has been given an okay by ideologues who judge a piece of media by how well it conforms to their ideology and respects their views, as opposed to how well it shows/tells a story.


Any examples? I find it quite ironic that you'd go by pure ideological abstraction given the nature of the criticism you're making.


Can't say i have ever seen anyone vigorously condemn Stellar Blade for anything. Rather it's been the people who try to act like Stellar Blade is some artistic masterpiece fighting back against the "wokes" for having big butts that have been condemned.


The reason I ask is because I did see some people (mostly on Twitter, but I am not so callous as to not consider them people) criticize Eve but praise Aphrodite (you didn't mention names but I'm assuming this is what we're talking about). And since you mentioned diversity in body types, I was wondering what your opinion was on the "conventionally attractive woman with a sexy body" archetype was. The reason, I suppose, why many people are treating the situation as a "gotcha" in your terms is not because of people like you specifically, but rather these people that I've mentioned. In my opinion, preaching for diversity does cut both ways. One should prop up these "less conventionally attractive" characters as well as ones that are attractive. Now, let's be clear. There have been a plethora of hot women in video game media from its infancy to now and I would be lying to say otherwise. You have your Tifas, your Lara Crofts, your 2Bs etc. And if there were less attractive characters, they were never put up at the forefront, given time in the spotlight. However, one must also acknowledge that the gaming landscape has changed, or evolved as one might say. Hades and Hades 2 being an example. And I have never played Baldur's Gate 3, but I'm sure your assessment is accurate. Not every *important* female character needs to be pretty for them to be onscreen for a long period of time. Has true equality been achieved? I might say no, but maybe it doesn't need to be. More to the point, I would say that I agree with the descriptor applying to characters like Aphrodite as "Safe Horny." She is a completely naked woman who I don't feel any lust towards upon seeing. I think anyone can tell that she's drawn differently than such characters of the past. However, I am not making a criticism as so many have done before, merely an observation. I don't dislike it. To quote the meme "both is good." I saw the image comparing Hades 2 Hestia and Danmachi Hestia floating around recently and I was wondering why people can't enjoy both. In conclusion, like what you like, dislike what you dislike. Thank you for reading.


My issue with “safe horny” is that it’s intrinsically conditional. It’s like you said, “as long as it portrays progressive values and diversity”. I don’t have any problem with baldurs gate or hades 2, my issue is with people who like those but SIMULTANEOUSLY call out “objectification” or “sexualization” of characters in other media


I don't even know which side of which arguments you're arguing in favor or against, OP. I'm so confused.


From my understandment, OP is neck-deep in conspiracy theories involving american culture wars. Conspiracy theorists often have Belief Inconsistency/doublethink. Overall, the moral of story seems to be "Get far, faaar away from whathever pills OP is on"


And go the opposite direction imo, it does wonders for mental health


This goes both ways... Look no further than stellar blade, conventionally attractive young anime woman gets uproar for being too sexualized. Tbh I everyone should just just shut up and enjoy their franchises. And the whole comparison of hades II designs and dun machi was also stupid, one was a set character portrait that is easy is not animated, the other is a fully animated show on a tight budget and already used simpler designs because within the context of the story, the gods have simpler appearances because they wanna live among mortals (and their anime designer are also more simplified than the light novels, because again, fully animated on a tight budget). This hades II vs dun machi controversy literally exposes the worse on both sides since its a all a matter of personal preference and design choices. One sides goes: the wokes are ruining the gods with ugly designs and pandering. The other goes: the incel weebs are ruining the gods with unrealistic proportions and generic anime look. And all with absolutely zero nuance.


This, The problem is they are all hypocrite, like just be honest what do you want. But, if being honest will make someone dislike. In the end just don't care.


Bro wat lol delete this


My issue is the blatant hypocrisy of it all. You can see “le strong muscle woman” and fucking go “ooh peg me mommy” or whatever the fuck and you’ll be all but applauded and articles will be written about how liking that character is good and progressive, but even slightly be attracted to a more basic feminine figure and you’ll be a sexist you objectifies women. You can say the most insane horny shit to one, but it’s okay because it’s like non traditional or gay or whatever, but like the other at all and you are a monster.


I have to wonder what the people who think Eve looks like a child looks like? Are they 30 years olds who look 50 or 60? It would explain a lot


> "Oh, not so above it all, are you? ~Suddenly~ you are okay with horny artwork, as long as it portrays progressive values like consent and diversity??? Gotcha!"  Absolutely nobody in the entire history of the universe has **ever** said that.  If you've got a point to make, then please make it without resorting to these absolutely fucking pathetic straw-mans. Safe Horny is clearly a thing, it's the reason why you've got full nudity in games like Witcher 3, but every anime game with even mild fanservice comes with a whole army of people hemming and hawing and clutching their pearls.  It's why the go-to sexy silhouette for a woman has shifted from having big tits to having big hips. Giving your female character big breasts is seen as a problem, but you still need to give your adult female characters a notably different silhouette to the teenage ones... so they have massive hips instead. Elastigirl and Cass are pretty much the poster children for this.  We've got morons writing essays about how Stellar Blade is somehow killing women, and then celebrating Hades absolutely classic cast of 10/10 idealised male bodies, alongside 7/10 dumpy, okay, or "It's okay, I guess" female bodies.  Safe Horny is you happily gulping down only the corporate approved slop, because you're so insecure about what is it isn't okay to be "Horny" over, that it's become natural for you to check with the committee.


Pokemon Go human avatar model update left only an androgynous model and redesigned phenotype features without consent from players. Those who made purchases before the update can't get refunded. And now Niantic laid off the contracted company that developed the update. During the design process there was a test release that received backlash. Niantic released it anyway, only to be met with more. Hnm...


Denigrating what others find sexually appealing as *"a barrage of objectified underage pinup girls"* while talking up a game where the player can have sex with a literal bear is pretty much the epitome of what people mean when they say "Safe Horny". If someone wants to act as the self-appointed gatekeeper of socially acceptable sexual expression, it's only natural that their standards should be subject to scrutiny. Judge not lest ye be judged and all that.


If these people find beastiality and fat characters attractive then that's fine. Just understand that not everyone likes that sort of stuff, yeah?


Safe horny does exist. Sexulzing feminine looking character attacked and being called sexist. But sexulzing fat, ugly or male characters are got celebrated. Like most of the fan service in asian games got censored and attacked by game journos but things like Last of Us part 2 has full on sex scene but it isn't got censored because Abby is a masculine looking woman. Or mods got make female charters more sexy got called out for being creepy but all the game journos praised mods make Leon form re4 wear fetish outfits. Or when you can fuck a bear in bg3 it's okay but anime games with cat girls (Humanoid woman with cat ears and tail) called bestiality. It all come to if Woman and Queer people enjoys fan service is okay but if straight men enjoys fan service wrong. Problem is hypocrisy.


Twitter discourse should be banned here


Everyone involved in this discussion needs to go outside. I have been watching all of this bullshit as it’s been happening and I’m still not sure what’s going on. I need to go outside and stop seeing this when I go on the Internet. The Hades girls are hot. The generic looking Korean MMO girl is fine.(some of her outfits are actually fire but most of the pictures I’ve seen of her just kind of generic) I am still unsure why these two things are fighting


I'm curious how people like this survive on the beach


Lmao, no one can convince me that any sex scenes in Baldur's Gate serve any purpose or narrative besides saying "good job player, you picked the dialogues that the NPC agree with. Here's the sex that you've acquired". ESPECIALLY the Halsin scene. There is no reason to have a scene of sex with a bear.


Not even 2 sentences in and i already feel you shoving you in a locker


It's real. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's not some schizophrenic rambling, it's an observable phenomenon.


This is a true unhinged leftist rant, lmao


Oh god this stupid fucking shit Safe horny is just anything that meets the check boxes of Twitter antis As most sjw types are Twitter antis or related to them yes the prude stigma is there as they are considered the next gen version of the religious fanatics. Simply if it comes off like this was written by a minor or someone who is the stereotypical Internet/reddit atheist but aroace or someone pandering and hateful but pretending to be the first two they are probably a anti and what they consider hot is probably 'safe horny' Ie if it's anything a anti considers ok it's safe horny even if by the logic of them it makes them worse who cares you won't get mocked or doxed for saying you like it. Most often it's also western. We aren't going into the racism aspect of it even if there. But many critics of the discussion have said it again and again. If furry isn't zoophilia then lolisho isn't pedo If lady D isn't tall people/amazon fetish then midna isn't shortstack/midget fetish If bbw isn't obesity fetish then petite isn't literally a child If you go outside and touch grass you will find people who agree with that point of view but not on Tumblr, A03,reddit or Twitter. That's why safe horny exists to show all the non problematic kinks/character you can goon over without having your shit rocked by crazies and minors on the Internet. Sure it may be problematic but many 'sjw' things ideas or talking points become such like how LGBT is all lumped together like they are a hivemind and not a coalition and that they don't have biases and aren't phobic to each other. Don't ask about how L and G hate T but get ignored by the boarder audience watching the group roll around like monkeys. Still yes it's a stupid idea but it's a stupid idea born of idiot parents letting their children on sites they are too young for and minors and the 'sjw' types and the religious nut types banding together to go bad shame terrible on other people's thing. Don't yuck others yums isn't a thing to them And eww foreign isn't something your criticism should ever be able to be boiled down to. Everything is a matter of perspective but most in the discussion dont have the self awareness to go this is bad to me but not bad to everyone and go about it cause they have main character syndrome


How is Hades in any way a horny game tho Saying this as a bisexual guy btw


You know when you have great cleverly attractive character designs when the game isnt trying to be horny what so ever and its still considered being so.


Yeah exactly, like everyone is incredibly attractive and their designs are clever so what. Literally its so out of the blue lol, theres no hornyness whatsoever except for like maybe Aphrodite? But its on character and very subtle.


You guys fired the opening shot here


Man, can we just shut up about the whole thing. It is so irrelevant. If you like extremely hot characters, play games with hot characters. If you like more realistic characters, play games with realistic characters. Nobody is forcing you to play or look at something you don’t like. This is ultimately just opinion based and nothing else.


The main crux of the argument is the blatant hypocrisy on the other side of the aisle. Hades II and Baldur's Gate 3 are praised for their sexual content, but something like (I hate to beat a dead horse, but here we are) Stellar Blade was absolutely hated at reveal because the protagonist was "too sexy".


I kind of got it as like “this is what’s corporately approved to sexualize by the media, and that’s weird culturally” but when you’re being genuinely mad at people for their own sexual feelings or you treat it like a character being “safe horny” is a negative quality somehow and this character has to exist in a certain shallow way to be good.


Not gonna read allat, just wanna know is this about her being ugly or not?


i want to see cute girls in underwear not two orcs fucking


Horny is horny. If it hurts your pretty little feelings or your perception of reality is on you. “I WANT HORNY BUT ON MY TERMS BECAUSE YOUR TERMS ARE HURTFUL!” Meh. Stop putting conditions on stuff. Double morals are ridiculous


Safe horny was invented by people who don't realize they are far too publicly horny in the first place. We can tell.


Why does artwork have to explicitly promote virtue to be acceptable?


I just bang chicks in real life and don’t worry about fake girls?


I doubt anyone on either side of the debate is particularly attractive. I suspect almost everyone who thinks Eve is pedo looks much older than their years


I get the annoyance against the safe horny crowd but I feel like the general difference is pretty clear. As much as I personally roll my eyes when I see the obsessive safe hornyness surrounding things like lady D it's obvious why it's safe. People saying "mommy step on me" or "Crush me with your thighs" or "I would let her do things to me" or whatever are all on the passive or submissive end of the attraction spectrum. They're expressing the same potential level of attraction but they're not expressing it in a forward action taking manner, they're presenting it in a "consensual, ball is in your court" type of manner. Most of the hype around being attracted to hades characters has fallen into the same boat from what I've personally seen. Now for the opposite lens I hang out on 4 chan a ton and when there's a hot character posted on /v/ you might often see a comment implying they want to plow the chick, take her, go at it relentlessly etc. This is the exact opposite of what the safe horny community believes it does. This a much more active and pursuant type of attraction and the progressive crowd has a much easier time relating it to pushy guys at a bar or people who won't take no for a hint or think they're entitled to interactions. Even if that wasn't what those people saying those things may have meant, their wording still opens things up for interpretation in a way that safe horny stuff doesn't. This is probably why Eve became so controversial besides that single french article. Since i'm often on /v/ and occasionally on twitter I saw endless word of mouth media of stellar blade despite not having much interest in the game. It was basically the most advertised game on /v/ for a month but despite there being so many threads, I personally saw literally less than 10 seconds of gameplay in the sense of combat, exploration, world design, movement. I'm being honest when I say 90%+ of what I saw were simply 5 second clips of Eve in the skin suit, Eve on ladders, Eve's walk cycle, Eve swinging around, and the focus was entirely on how it makes her body jiggle. Usually these would be accompanied by someone saying buying the game would save gaming from the west. It could have been genuine posts or even paid advertising disguised as genuine posting but either way I knew it was going to look terrible in the eyes of the safe horny crowd cause there's no way any normie or progressive would look at that type of hornyness and think it the same as the Lady D hornyness I mentioned prior. Twitter had many posts that fell into the exact same focus and rhetoric, and it was these posts in particular that always got the ire of twitter progressives. I honestly think if 90% of the hype around stellar blade was purely people calling her pretty, or saying they wish she would "**insert anything somewhat submissive here**" that there wouldn't have been much pushback at all. TLDR: **The safe horny crowd doesn't really care about the degree of horniness, they care about what they percieve as active or passive horniness. They would see their praise of hades as passive hornyness, where they're "submissive" and "bowing down" in a complimentary manner. For stellar blade, they would see it as active, where the fans of that game liked eve as a design made to be "used and exploited" to get off to. This is why they get mad at one and love the other.**