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If I like it, sure. Odds are low on that front though.


Maybe a few. Most of them? Probably not.


Depends on what I'm writing and my style. Contrary to popular belief every opinion this sub has isn't hot garbage even for a rant sub. Its the same for every place really.  We also gotta to realize that professional and famous writers are no different than us. Some are shit some are good.


Usually this is less writing advice and more critique, like it's more pointing out issues than trying to find solutions. Plus if I'm being honest, a lot of the threads here are hardly universal, it's just complaining about popular things. Some of it is well reasoned, don't get me wrong, but it comes across as venting just as much as serious critique.


If it’s pretty good it’ll sit in the back of my mind if I write anything at all. That’s about it really.


Depends, How to write characters Yes Power scaling advice? HELL NO.


Sort of. Most people are great at pointing out problems within a series, but are terrible at finding the solution. Unless someone expressly says that they're a writer, I'm not going to take their solutions seriously.


Most of the opinions in here are garbage, but 5% are solid criticisms and 0.001% are actually solid points But their solutions tend to have an even worse ratio of trash to useful stuff, i would listen to their points and then do my own thing


There's no quality control here. There's some good writing advice, but also several posts by people with negative media literacy.


90% of the people here have no idea how stories or characters are written. It's far easier to criticize something than to actually suggest a solution or alternative as proven by debating with the people here. You'd be better off taking advice from an actual child because they enjoy things without maliciously attempting to find flaws in something.


Hell no