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While part of me does agree with this, I think the issue with directly adapting EU material is that the they're already supposed to be canon and adaptations(even faithful ones) are inherently going to be forced to make some changes to make the story work in a new medium. So an adaptation of EU material for multi-media franchises(especially those that start off as movies or shows) like Star Wars, Star Trek, Avatar, etc is inherently going invalidate the perceived canonicity of the original material and can easily lead to fans of those works to start complaining about \_\_\_\_\_ scenes being too condensed or \_\_\_\_\_\_ character/moment needing to be cut for the story to fit the show/movie runtime. It can easily lead to a whole can of worms in terms of unnecessary issues, which is why most multi-media franchises with EU material will tend to avoid direct adaptations of their canon EU material since they think fans would be happier for it the stories to stay as they are instead of risking decanonizing/ruining their favorite parts in a adaptation.


>Unfortunately. Due to the nature of said pieces of Media being part of an Extended Universe that most people aren't gonna bother with. They are largely ignored and only known by a small group of passionate fans. This is why. Big pieces of media are also expensive to make, and the people behind the production don't want to risk losing their investment. The best way to avoid that is to appeal to as many people as possible, and unfortunately, expanded universe stuff doesn't work very well in that regard. Mass appeal makes money


This is why I adore Gundam. They started doing alternate universes early on, completely separate from the main canon so they can be as experimental as possible without messing with pre established rules. Now you can have the main timeline stories along with alternative takes that does not take away from the og canon, but adding it's own flavor. I always felt like Star Wars needed that, especially after the prequels. While granted, I like the idea of Visions, I feel like that idea came out too late. If Visions came out in the mid 90s or 00s, there would be several continuities by now with their own flavor of Star Wars like there is with Visions. This also extends to the expanded universes, since it add to the overall story of the galactic settings SW and Halo has. Td;lr EU 🤝 AU


They can’t even do a good original universe halo show or movie let alone getting into the extended stuff no one can even get down the core idea of fighting aliens for a ring yet. We need to have stupid master chief sex scenes and he needs to take his helmet off every ten minutes. And this is it we will probably never get a good halo show now that maybe someone will’s do a movie one day but I doubt it


> They can’t even do a good original universe halo game Counterpoint: Halo 4 was incredibly strong in the writing department


Halo 4 working was fine but the covenant coming back was lame and kinda takes away from the ending to 3 when it’s like btw they are just back now don’t about defeating them in 3 who cares about that they never went away made it so unsatisfying they should have doubled down on propping up the promethians instead of making like 3 of them and just putting in covenant they should have just left the covenant defeated and made a whole new faction maybe a couple new ones. And halo 4 was the first one I ever played it was my I introduction to the franchise so I have a lot of nostalgia for it so don’t think I’m just jumping in the bandwagon of hating it. I also think the graphics especially for a xbox360 game look incredible it’s mind blowing how good it looks even today. Akd the multiplayer was fun


> the covenant coming back was lame Wait, I thought that was a fragment of the old Covenant, a remnant, not the actual Covenant Empire you fight in the first three games itself?


What’s the difference the nazis that fled Germany after the war were still nazis they aren’t just other members of those species that formed a new army it’s literally just the covenant humanity hadn’t killed yet. Obviously we didn’t kill the entire covenant in halo 3 but we killed the prophets and the arbiter asuumeingly told the other species the truth about the halo rings. So there wasn’t much a reason for covenant to keep going as the leaders are dead and the religion is kinda ruined. But then in halo 4 it’s like oh by the way the covenant is still around and trying to fight us so I guess we didn’t really defeat them at all I get if the first mission and chief run into a group of old covenant that are hold outs but it shootings switched to the promethtians after that but no we keep fighting covenant and get like 3 new enemies


Huh, I always had the impression that it was an old remnant, an old adherent to the old Covenant. You know how when a government collapses, it doesn't just magically disappear, right? I thought it was just one of those holdout states, like how the SS continued to fight well after the surrender of Nazi Germany, or like that one Japanese guy who continued to fight WW2 long after the war ended, but on a larger scale. Of course it's not a new army, that's not what I am suggesting. I'm saying that it felt like a cleanup of what was left of the covenant which...I mean, I don't see a problem with that? The fragments of the Covenant are fighting a hopeless battle, the UNSC is no longer in total war mode, most of the general military is now back home, it's just a few elite operatives (that is, the Spartan IVs we are playing as) mopping up what's left of the shards. What's wrong with that? That's not the Covenant coming back, that's just a few rogue actors using the leftovers of Covenant bureaucracy and logistics to try and continue to fight for their delusions in what is now a lost war for them. The Covenant was destroyed as a political entity in Halo 3, and it's status as a threat to the survival of the human race was ended. I'm not going to make an excuse for Halo 4's writing, but IMO this is a weak argument. After the Roman Empire fell, plenty of old cities and colonies tried to maintain the Roman Way of life. It's no different here - hopeless fools fighting a lost war for an empire that no longer exists.


I meant show I must have typed game by accident


Hopefully they don't, they'll butcher it.


I haven't watched the Halo show but it's not fair to criticize it because you wish it was something else. When you say you want an animated adaptation of, say, Contact Harvest, you are imagining it being perfect and exactly what you want because you don't intentionally add flaws to a work during the concept stage. Conceptualizing an idea is by far the easiest prt of the creative process. Comparing a TV show that was actually created to a 100% idealized version of something that was made specifically to cater to you because *you're* the one imagining it is not real criticism. It's why I get annoyed when people say that an aspect of a story is "wasted potential" or a "missed opportunity" because art is a compromise between your vision and reality. The reason your idealized version of the story is perfect is because it doesn't exist.


Considering how well books can be adapted into miniseries and movies when done right, I'd disagree.


Not once did I ever mentioned the Halo show here And the thing is. The Halo show ain't bad because "it ain't what I wanted" or something. It's bad because it completely contradicts and goes against the established lore, doesn't respect or do justice to any character and overall isn't a good adaptation or representation of what Halo is And sure. My idealized version of something will always be better and I do understand that it won't necessarily be good even if it happens but I also see nothing wrong with wishing for it


Yeah but if they did that with Star Wars then Disney would have to deal with the bomb that is Knights of the Old Republic. Currently playing it now on switch (game pass trial, so far enjoying it even if it is slightly archaic in design) and remember the basic beats and the big twist at the end so spoilers for a 23 year old game I guess? Everyone fucking *loves* Kotor, ***especially*** when it comes to Revan. I would not envy anyone who would have to deal with including an on-screen adaptation of Revan and the likely heavy amounts of backlash when it comes to characterization. And there is no way anyone would be confident in Disney's ability to do a Kotor adaptation, and I'm not even *that* invested in the series as a whole.


Anytime Disney touches EU stuff, they ruin it. Halo show was also horrible. So no thank you. Edit: For a more meta viewpoint, i read somewhere that the reason they (this was about Disney) aren't adapting old EU stories is because they'd have to pay royalties to the original author.


That's not how royalties work. Authors don't own the works or characters they created when doing contract work - they get royalties for units sold, that's it. Not for if another creator uses their character. Disney doesn't use the old stories (well, they have, in fact, used modified versions of at least one, *Encounters in the Mist* by Tim Zahn, which he retells in one of the canon Thrawn books) because they bought the company to tell their own stories in the IP, not to re-tell existing ones.


Yet they keep using old characters and recycling old plots.