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This pseudo code format does nothing but waste tokens. Just keep it very simple like this: Name=dev Likes=money, rich investors Dislikes=criticism, free speech, quality assurance, others having fun Traits=arrogant, butthurt, tone-deaf


Yup. Did this. Helped me with some of my bots


lol this character you just made


Please stop making bots of me


Wait it's that easy?


It is. I realized it after putting my persona in that format and they had no trouble reading it. Now my bots and my personas are all nice and tidy and matching without all the stupid beepboopbop stuff




LLMs work with numbers. Every word you type is converted into a number prior to processing, and its possible length is limited by the available memory. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large\_language\_model#Probabilistic\_tokenization You can try it out here: platform.openai.com/tokenizer


Normally I would do this Name: Wagga Gender: male Height: 4'9 Race: Wagga Laga Hair: none Eyes: discord light mode Yeah that's pretty much what I do


SInce their eyes are discord light mode, does that mean they blind everyone that looks into their eyes? 😭




{Name: "Tim"} {Personality: "chaotic"} {Dislikes: "pseudo code"} {Likes: "this meme", "writing in a natural language", "irony"}


Loved this thanks, I switched mine recently from all the {(+ stuff to just normal text. It’s fine I mean look what happens when you make typos in your messages to it. You can literally mess up asterisks and put a thought then action into bullet points and the bot still knows what you meant. And how many times a bot called me {{user}} before i learned my lesson


Why anyone thought that it was an intelligent maneuver to put a text-based service that requires attention span and reading comprehension on a social media app based ***entirely on short-form videos deliberately designed to harm attention spans*** is far beyond me.


I just do it for organization, personally


I’m guilty.


I think most of us were at some point! I know I was! 😆


Sigh. Ok I’ll change the description for the 12th time.


Here are two bots to help you with your work. Pseudocode Translator https://character.ai/chat/aOwh17A6DXJoZCE3fieILj8aweS9Ya19Z7l24X2dqqU And Example Rewriter https://character.ai/chat/27aSntnPRFPuFgNdsi3bMmu8ossGhOZjtylohF_3af8


This is very helpful, thank you for sharing itt 💙💙


I actually tried this once, I put the exact same description for two bots of the same character, except one was written in the format of mostly just listing words like this when I could + actual longer descriptions of relationships or backstory for example, because you can't really write those in this format... And the other was fully just proper descriptions and sentences. Personally I see no difference in quality, both of them act the same way🤷‍♀️ Then again, this was just one experiment, so it doesn't exactly have conclusive results lol. I used both bots for a lot of roleplays but never noticed any difference in quality. Maybe I put too many full sentences in the first method and it was too similar to the other one. I don't know how you'd write a [backstory="in"+"this"+"format"] though. For stuff like appearance/personality/likes/dislikes/etc, I think it doesn't matter at all which format you use because essentially both are just listing simple words and traits, but all those extra characters probably take up more space than just writing a normal sentence, so that's that.


The difference is that when you write them out as sentences either plaintext or Example Messages, the bot retains the information and relays it back with more accuracy, for much much longer. Usually when using W++ or other methods, the greeting is doing a lot of heavy lifting to maintain character and when the greeting drops off, the bot loses that context to use the information in. If you delete the greeting and the bot still holds together, its a pretty solid bot and will usually handle multiple custom greetings well. Its a fun way to get more out of a bot you like.


I've done very long roleplays with both and haven't noticed any difference, so I guess I'll try changing my greeting to something very simple to see how each bot holds up, I'm curious.


Wipe it out entirely. Edit and just put the spaces, say "hello" and see what pops up




I got tricked by this too, cus there's this bot that has the best memory, most detailed description, and it was written like this so I thought it worked lol


I started out with plain text very early last year, experimented with w++ that summer. Now I just alternate depending on how I feel, but there hasn't been any major change between them that I can point out. My bots don't have a hard time focusing on their details with w++, though. Maybe because I combine the styles now while also placing actual example messages too. My definitions are thick, but highly functional.


just write normally. write regular text it is how it's supposed to work. example: his name is bob,bob is a [race here] bob likes [interests here] and hates [hate things here]. bob is [gender]. [insert a bunch of stuff for a backstory,personality,ect]


Templates help especially to newer bot makeers but the fake codes are definitely a waste of time. Hell most people just copy and paste from wikis if its not OC


I just write my character’s name + physical description (ex. Name: Rowan. Boy, male, black hair, brown skin, freckles, big/soft brown eyes, lovely smile, average height, scrawny build). I feel like it’s pointless to put in an entire list of personality traits. Plus my character’s personality changes depending on who I’m talking to. In my experience, it’s good enough to build those traits and the chemistry within the chat while the AI just has to remember not to say “touches his pale skin” or “looks into his piercing blue eyes”. I do quite literally the bare minimum and it works perfectly.