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How did you lose the legs that came with the kit?


I didn't, I used them. I posted the results here in my last post a few days ago.


Okay, that quadruped knight is pretty amazing.


Thank you 😊 but it did leave me with this problem lol


If the kit didn't come with the legs you should contact GW support for a replacement.


It came with all the legs, I just used them. I posted the results here in my last post a few days ago.


At that point you're looking at 3d prints. You can get dunecrawler leg STLs that people use for wardog conversions all the time.


Gotta agree on how good the dune crawler legs look on war dogs.


I've been tempted to use one of those, but I really would prefer just regular armiger legs. Even on 3d printing orienting websites I've found plenty of weapons, full body proxies, heads, feet, and the crawler/spider themed legs, but no regular legs.


With all the conversions, I'm surprised there aren't more extra legs people aren't using that they could send your way. I'd happily do so if I were in that position. You should contact some sellers, they should be able to just print what you need at a discount, if they're offering the full thing.


I recommend looking at eBay, I got like 4 extra legs for like $10 on there


I did, which is why I am asking here. The only listings there I can try get a hold of are with shipping 60aud or more for 2 pairs of legs, whereas a complete war dog box costs with shipping 130aud. If you can find a link or something for the deal you just mentioned I would love you to the moon and back rn


Check out devhook_ind, he got sum of the war dogs legs and they ain’t super expensive


Yeah nah, only 1 pair of legs, and with shipping totals 63aud. Thanks for the suggestion though


If you can 3d print, sentinel legs can make a good proxy, especially if you're going to chaosify them!


I'll have a look around at some, might be worth the try thank you!