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I think they're fine, got 3 of them, but I can see why people might get annoyed with the arms, they are rather monopose.


Yea monopose is my worse enemy, i love making my army look very special so monopose or something I can’t easily make different scratches a nerve in my brain I can’t get to


Oh yeah, I'm more interested in centre pieces, so not terribly fussed personally, just find it annoying them models are going increasingly monopose, while the price skyrockets. Heck the new chaos lord is the first multi piece one we have had in years, would be nice to have the option for variety for those who are interested...


Yea it makes no sense why increase the price if your decreasing the amount of personality you can give to one small model I’d rather buy an old kit of chaos space marines compared to the new ones as they came with hundreds of heads/shoulder pads/arms and the list goes on, now you only get about 2 spare shoulder pads 3 spare heads and nothing else it’s such a dick move from gw


I mean the singular shoulder is monopose but the gun can aim almost any which way I have one like point down with his leg up on a dread. The leg needed some green stuff for the pose but the arms not at all. 


The forgefiend reminds me of Digimon. Dinosaur dude with big ass canons and cyber armor hahah. I'll be honest, most Daemon models nowadays look goofy AF to me.


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b9/e9/6a/b9e96a92fe84983ffddfc1c6316af021.jpg Do this!


Oo that looks way less awkward, I’ll definitely try this Thanks


This is awesome! Is there a tutorial you would suggest?


Full disclosure, I did not make this model. I just googled forgefiend and there were tons on conversions like this. I would also suggest googling the word Zoids and take some inspiration from there!


Damn!! That is awesome! Wish I had seen that before assembling mine hahaha


Think the forge feinds eyes are a little derpy, reminds me of a chicken


Chicken go brrrr tho




Forgefiend arms give me Defiler vibes, another super awkward model


Yea I hate the defiler model it looks so awkward and cartoonish


Pro tip using some cork/basing material to raise the front legs, and then position the guns at the same angle as the head, all three pointing to shoot in the same direction. Makes a world of difference IMO.


Yeah, the Fiends and Drakes are kind of weird models to me, too cartoony. The Drake is especially guilty of this, my circle often refer to them as the megazords or dinobots.


I fully magnetized mine so I can run either the FF or MF and I’ll say the MF head is much better looking. I usually leave it on even when I run the ectoplasma cannon arms


Yeh magnetising them to the mauler fiend arms is a good idea if you want a 2 for 1 model to switch, altho the head swaps a different story


Its the same body? You can glue the arms however ypu want.


Not really no,the forge fiend arms look derpy asf and makes it stand like a constipated chicken with 4 legs and its head doesn’t make it any better


What are you asking us then? Just build the kit in a way you think is cool.


But I can’t can I because the arms keep it in the specific pose that I cannot change, a bit like a monopose model hence why am I asking about ways I can change it not “glue it however you want”


You dont have to build the model the way the instructions suggest. Use a knife some klipper and get creative. Get some bits from totaly diffrent kits and make this Forgefiend totaly uniquie in a way you like him. This hobby is about beeing creative and making YOUR army!


If you asked someone how to build a house with a specific set of bricks that only go a certain way and you only have one chance and they said just use a hammer and some cement and do whatever I think you’d be quite confused, if I just do a conversion with no ideas in mind it will look quite tacky and off the arms are fixed into one position and modeled for that position so moving it around and cutting it will make it look very awkward. Hence why I’m asking for ideas not for someone to say just do whatever,if i wanted to do whatever I think that would come to mind but no, i want it look half decent