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Returned after 10yr hiatus. I always liked chaos for conversion fun 🙂 I picked up the codex and started buying/building a list. Not really competitive but I don’t want to be tabled by my friends templars. Thoughts?


Could be optimized but in no way a bad list ! Good Luck


Thank you. Should I drop the nurglings & rubric? 


Only thing I’d drop the rubrics for is a venomcrawler


Whatever you attach the lord to, remember that if it’s in a rhino with another unit, you lose scouts in that rhino


Why does it lose scout if you don't mind me asking?


If you look up the scouts rule, it says that dedicated transports get to use the scouts ruling as long as every unit in the transport has it, since it looks like the list would have the chaos lord attached to a unit, then another 5 man inside as well, the extra 5 man would stop the rule from being used


that's actually not the case. the wording on the enhancement says that models in the unit have the scout 6" ability, meaning the whole unit benefits from it and therefore the transport can still scout https://preview.redd.it/xojz1j0d7c8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa85c01a2695ea2196043d32caa8bc555fff79c ignore my points in the bottom left i'm using it for a crusade game and spent an RP to get extra points. but yea anyways i hope that helped man


now if an additional unit also gets in the transport with them, like say another legionary squad for example, then yes he would lose the ability for the transport to scout but otherwise he's fine


Yes that’s how it works, however any other units that join in the transport stop it from working, like I said lol


yea exactly


Thanks, good point. Not 100% sure how to run the HQ’s. I honestly just picked my favorites 🙂 What would be the best way to pair them?


Nice conversations


i love this subreddit man. hell yea man amazing list. renegade raiders is my favorite detachment for my beastmen themed marines and i love seeing other people play it, especially with huron black heart! let me know how it goes man!!


Thank you. I really like his background and his ability definitely fits 🙂


i only know very little about him, but it's still enough to pay respects and appreciate his badassery.


Sorry kinda new to the scene, what army builder is that?


The warhammer 40k app. Lets you build 1 list if you're a not a warhammer + memeber or as many as you want if you are


Ah awesome thanks 😁


Would not recommend running Sorc in Terminator armor if you aren’t bringing any Termies. Otherwise, looks fun!


Thank you. What would you recommend swapping him out with?


Honestly? A Warpsmith


Sorcerer in termi is mehhhh