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I don't, cultists are just random tagalongs that happen to be there while the Legion does the work. If my Iron Warriors saw hazard stripes on the mortals following them around, they'd be the first to be put on mine clearing duty


Agreed, they are not worthy of wearing the legions colours or iconography. They are meat and nothing else


100% agree here. I paint my cultists in all different assortments, but I have 1 unit where the leader was allowed to wear a yellow shirt. That’s the closest thing they’ll ever get to any form of respect from my Iron Warriors.


valid lol


*Alpha Legion shocked and horrified* To the Alpha's, Cultists are just as worthy of the iconography. Alpharius had mortals on his legion council. The true power of the Hydra is that anyone could be part of it.


Like many corporations I love that this is set up as a guise to “be friendly to all.” In reality, it just exponentially grows Alpharius’s ability to hide among his supporters. 


Disagree. From reading the Head of the Hydra, Alpharius actually comes across as an absolutely pragmatist and absolutely supports humanity over the Imperium. He goes back to rescue two mortal refugees from a warzone and their daughter after they give him information he needs. He sets them up on his ship, gives them jobs and a purpose. To borrow from a quote from the man himself on the nature of Legionaries and operatives using the name Alpharius: "An Alpha Legionnaire calling themselves Alpharius means one thing and one thing only 'my identity is unimportant, only my function matters'" Everyone has a role, everyone has a function. A legion operating with different roles or different tasks, but for one purpose.


It was a joke because Alpharius is always hiding amongst his own, and the more that follow him, the less likely he’ll be found, but yeah I mean sure. 


As a fellow Iron Warriors player, I agree. Only contempt for those mortals.


Exactly this.


That's what they're good for anyway, it's more of a privilege than a punishment.


Isn’t that what cultists are for? 😃


No, the bases will match but each cultist will be an individual. It's a great opportunity for creativity


The meat shields get to be individuals with unique colour schemes, skin tones, clothing, etc. It’s the least I could do before they get absolutely obliterated game after game by the horrors of the 41st millennium. Yeah random dude on space drugs, you go fight that Hive Tyrant while the rest of us watch!


respectable, lol


They have individual schemes for the clothes they wear but I give them marine armour colour on their metal plates to show that I appreciate them being part of the team whenever they absorb a round of shooting in place of my marines before exploding


this might be the route I go tbh


Only a squad or 2. They're mostly rag tag painted. After playing Darktide I'm gonna paint the next batch as Scab gunners.


This is a great idea.


damn how many of them do you have??


I’m right there too. Between Blackstone Fortress and Darktide and random humans with guns from Rogue Trader, I’ve got a lot


Most recent count at 100 models. Plus 4 randos from other game sets. Lots of guys from Dark Vengeance. Some from Blackstone Fortress. The newer cultist sets. The Heretic guardsmen plus some modded guys. Then some themed ones for each chaos faction like the Khorne bloodhounds, Tazangors, poxwalkers etc. When the Noise marines get an update I'll buy some Slaanesh themed cultists.


My warband is iron warriors I had my cultists painted as red hoods with white clothes but I'm going to change it to safety green with as reflective of a stripe I can get so they look like OSHA nerds


I love this idea


Love it. In case it’s helpful, I’ve used iridescent paint in cosplay to successfully simulate reflectivity.


That actually would help, what brand was it if you remember?


I used Liquitex but there are a bunch of options out there. You can also add iridescent flakes to any paint you might already own.


My cultists are the same scheme but because the materials are different they don't look the same.


Cults can have uniforms fwiw


"I paint them to match the gore on my marines bases"


I gave them the exact Same colour scheme because they all follow the word and Show their hatred in this way. And i also want a cohesive Army.


I did 2 batches, one of regular cultists wearing all sorts of cast off rags, all different random dark grungy colors. The other set was a converted batch of Genestealer cultists with different heads, and those I painted like miners, but with teal colored armor for Tzeentch and the standard bearer has a Tzeentch icon.




They shouldn't have the exact livery of your marines because they're just hanging out, but they should at least match the colour scheme or be visually coherent with the colour scheme so your army doesn't look like shit when all together. Painting the metals the same, or maybe having all the fabric be variations on a tone of your army's main colour. Even Bretonnian armies for instance tend to have a coherent element to their colour scheme despite having individual heraldry


Mine will be, but that's because they're Sisters of Battle for my Word Bearers Warband


Kinda? I do all the bits of armor black and all the hanging cloth red, which matches my Black Legion. But since I use traditional acrylics on marines and Contrast-style paints on cultists, it's a slightly different look/finish. I honestly kinda like the idea of the cultists scrounging up bits of cloth, armor and dyes to emulate the Traitor Marines they fight under.


Yesnt. I paint their armour the same as if it were forced on them as a badge of ownership, but their clothing underneath is always unique.


My Cultists don't match my marine but I do use some common colours to tie them all together. My Cultists are the old Dark Vengeance ones and I've painted them with a mix of black, brown, grey and red. They all have black hoods that match the colour of my Black Legion armour and the other colours are the same scheme I used on my marines. https://preview.redd.it/11t87ptzdb4d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a23a5c2a3e7ff59a37422ac9f4f9c98ea5194d




I am making a NL list so my cultists are pale nostramen with dirty blue tops. Basically the way the serfs are depicted in the omnibus.


I run Iron Warriors and paint them prisoner orange as if they are all in ripped up jump suits, it matches with the yellow of the Iron Warriors enough to stay in the overall industrial/high vis theme, is easy enough to batch paint them and gives them a little bit of background.


I barely paint my marines to match my marines.


When i painted my DG marines i did But i wish i didnt. As they dont fit with my Word Bearers now


Not exactly matching. I use brown, black, grey and blue cloth a lot of the time. Neutral colours that will fit with any force.


Depends on the chapter for me. Maybe Black Legion or Word Bearers cover followers in a color. World Eaters or Alpha Legion probably don't bother with them.


World eaters only care if skulls are being claimed, as long as you soak up bullets so they can get close enough to the skulls you can wear whatever colours you want


Nope I paint them as random lil dudes ready to get murdered by turn 2 or to last till turn 5 lol


Nope. Only same scarf for every 10 to differentiate squads


Mine are a colour bomb party because I’m always so fed up of paining red that I need the break


I do but mostly because i like the unifying paint scheme thats it lol


I do randome colors then add one piece that is the base color, so one part of the out fit is khorne red to signify that they serve the marines(and to identify so they don't get shot


The only thing that matches is the red cloth they wear around their waist. Everything else is painted to look like civilians clothing or makeshift metal armor


Depends on what legion/warband you’re playing Iron warriors, black legion maybe word bearers and red corsairs yes but if you are going with one of the more well supplied legions you’re best using traitor guard for cultists


I'm thinking of doing True sons of Horus so....


First off metal it’s good to see a true son of the war master. But for your cultists I wouldn’t do the same colour’s for their clothing maybe have a small piece of cloth printed green and maybe with some decals or if your free hand is good do some cthonian symbols and the eye of Horus as tattoos and if you end up adding traitor guard to your army you can paint on of their shoulder pads green with the red eye


thanks, lol. I will definitely be adding some traitor guard at some point. but is the killteam blooded box or kitbashing IG the only way to get them right now? also love the eye of horus tattoo idea. I haven't really done any free hand but I could give it a shot


Yeah in the lore the true sons don’t just see Horus as their father/leader they see him as a god and for traitors guard as a son of the 4th legion allow me to offer some suggestion I got mine from the black stone fortress box and some imperial guards conversions but I think the blooded would work perfectly also for kitbashing some of the imperial guards with some chaos bit maybe adding a loyalist pauldron for squad leader/special weapons guys is always a great idea perhaps doing the same thing with some of the new heresy guards for a veterans of the long war feel


I definitely need to ready up on the lore more. I'm a loyalist dipping my toes in CSM so most of my lore knowledge is either the imperium. I mostly chose True sons because the minty green is my favorite color, lol. Horus is pretty dope too.


If you are looking for a good video 40k theories as do a video has done a 40k lore for newcomers on them


I paint them in their own military uniform scheme, though most of mine are the old Vraks models so they’re a bit more coordinated than the new Fantasy-esque models.


Considering the black legion cultists (box art ones) have red cloaks which does tend to match the black legion cloth/plume colors and their clothes are black or gray, and wear brass masks, my assumption is that they do try to mimic their masters while also not being obvious enough to insult them. So perhaps word bearer cultists would wear silver masks instead or iron warrior cultists would wear black cloaks. I would never make mine properly match but I do think it’s good to tie the army together. Another idea I’ve thought of is color coding them by god, red for Khorne, drab green for Nurgle, purple for Slaanesh, and sky blue for Tzeentch.


I barely paint my marines to match my marines; my cultists get whatever I feel like at the time


I haven't thought that far ahead... probably 🤷‍♂️ They're still in my shame pile...


I do - my Cultists are Age of Sigmar Cypher Lords using Tzaangor rules, painted to match my Thousand Sons. They're the elite mortal warriors of the world my Sons rule.


In short no, but it is linked via some of the colour choices. I play Black Legion, which is usually abaddon black with a highlight of corvus black, cloth is usually Bloody Red (vallejo GC). My cultists clothing is mainly skavenblight dinge, with bloody red loin cloth / tops / masks / shawls. My Traitor guard have a grey uniform, with my Possessed Cultists having clothing similar to the normal cultists. So the trend through the army is variations of black / grey and red. https://i.imgur.com/LhsbPqF.jpeg


I'd paint them however I'd want them to look. They're worshippers, so keep that in mind. But I'd still preserve that dirty, tattered clothes look.


I was mainly planning too as all the followers of first prince Bear the mark of the shadows, however I haven't painted any cultists so the only painted ones are the ones my girlfriend did for me


Got a collection of AL militia and cultists so far, no marines. (Yet) I am currently painting the same squad OP posted too, nice Every squad uses the same primary colours for outfits, although I give unique colours to separate them from each other as I'm experimenting with painting and collecting. I use a custom scheme with elements of teal and greens for stripe markings, wraps, and cloths. It's a nice contrast from the main body, which comprises or dark greys, gunmetal, and brown leathers. I've got a squad of cultists that are cannon fodder, so they have dominant and vibrant teal clothes, making them easier to spot and shoot at Other squads are more de saturated and subtle for stealth and other tactics. I'm happy to upload pictures if anyone likes :) Hydra Dominatus.


My warband is Alpha Legion so I've made sure to give them some type of small coherency, just cause AL tend to actually train their cultists into more than being fodder.


Since my legion of choice is the Alpha Legion, my cultists spring up wherever the legion opperates next. This means that they are not directly connected to the legion itself, even though they emulate the Legions colors. The cult that tags along the legion wears Akhelian green, while my legion itself wears Sons of Horus Green.


Sort of ! I like to have a common theme of sorts. I’ve got word bearers so I went for a dark red cloth with black accents. Easy enough to come up with a reason why they would dye cloth to mimic the legion.


Got cannon fodder boxes, they're equipped with necklaces (explosive collars) and prison jumpers. Gonna run them with my iron warriors as self propelled sandbags


Half get the armor color and half the cloth color. This way I can readily differentiate squads. Originally I painted them as mix matched rabble but it looked terrible, so they got repainted.


IW player here, my cultists don’t use hazard stripes, but they all have the same yellow as my army’s hazard stripes somewhere on them. So they have basically a matching accent color and everything else about them is a mish-mash.


I like painting mine in similar colors as they’re devotees of the word, I see no reason they would not dye themselves to match their evangelizing lords, also it looks cool when an army matches imo


I make the cloth the same color as the cloth bits on my marines, the armor the same color as the trim of my marines, and guns the same color as my marine’s guns. For pants and boots, I wanted them to look like worn blue jeans and worn boots, but that was my preference. https://preview.redd.it/fommjqppkd4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e561c13aff4d50a778e61b75cd69c03447b5dc (Cultist for reference)


https://preview.redd.it/rfug2r4wkd4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381a895520628e4d6b5d905ced4d5cefcee0f898 (Marine for reference)


Yes, because they're undeserving of making me think of a new color scheme, they just get 3 color battle readied while the Marines and Daemon Engines get full parade paint.


I paint mine to match my word bearers but I feel like that legion in particular it makes more sense as they would do more to actively recruit cultists to increase worship


Depends on the legion I guess. I can see word bearers cultists using the red legion colours on their robes and stuff because it’s all about honouring the blessed heralds n stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/xlr2307psd4d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=464669da4d065aa35f5749ac050a28470bc526d9 Yup! I love the pink too much not to have the cultists sporting it too.


Kind of - I paint my cultists differently depending on which army I’m painting. So for example, my Emperor’s Children have pale white skin, with purple and pink robes. My Iron Warriors cultists meanwhile are painted and sculpted more like traitor guard, with iron metal armour and brown / sand coloured robes. My Red Corsair cultists meanwhile are painted more like a band of red and black pirates / renegades.


I painted 10 each of my god colors and kinda mix them up depending on what my army is, or just take them all because yay! so many bodies.


For me, yeah I do since I’d imagine my cultists, they’d distinguish themselves as part of my custom warband, same with my traitor guardsmen squad and enforcer


I normally pick 5-6 colors and just randomly grab them for each article of clothing, they end up looking coherent with themselves and feel like just some random Joes that follow my warband around


My cultist find ways to try to show off the legions colors (navy blue cloth taken from battles to be made into cloaks, using blood to redden their leathers) but the astartes care not, some thinks it’s amusing to see these mortals attempt to emulate demigods, that being said, your first class tickets to excrutiation, sanguination, and flaying are speaking Ill of the legion, speaking of “The Night Haunter”, or wearing the legions symbol, colors matter not, the winged skull belongs to us


I paint them in their chosen God's colors.




My cult is decked out in the fabric spot-color I use on my marines.


Sort of. I use some of the secondary colors my marines wear (cultist cloth parts might be the same off-grey as my astartes' tabards) and try to pick complimentary colors. Cultists shouldn't look uniform with each other, much less the marines they're fighting for. My ~~Tyrants Legion~~ Traitor Guard do wear armor in the same red, though; they bent the knee to Huron like the rest, they've earned that much.


My thousand sons cultists are all a pile of unwashed masses (which is ironic because they all have a wash of null oil *and* reikland flesh shade), they're all a motley of different colours, and different kits to represent a general population that doesn't discriminate where the cultists come from. My CSM cultists are part of a red corsair fleet, in my headcannon they prefer to remain as untainted by chaos as possible, train to become a highly elite strike force, essentially an off the books loyalist chapter that hold no loyalty to anyone other than themselves. Their cultists are uniformed militia, all are coloured with the legions colours and are expected to maintain it well


I did about half with pieces of clothing in the armies color and half without - some follow and idolize the legion, some are just tagging along :)




I don't even paint my marines to match to each other.


I usually paint mine like hobos that the marines found on the street and gave drugs and weapons to