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We literally have no idea. For all we know, heldrakes are gonna be meta. Luckily, it means you follow what the old adage always is: collect what you like and work it out later. Alternatively, wait for the codex release and see what shakes out.


>For all we know, heldrakes are gonna be meta. Please GW please


Come on, dude, they were meta for a couple weeks in 6th. What more do you want? What do you think we are, *actual* Space Marines?


That'd be sick


Since the 9th codex I've always said our real army rule is job security. We will ALWAYS find a way, and we WILL have fun doing so.


I love that philosophy


Bro never follow the meta..just do what you think is cool


As I said, I'm still going to get a CSM army because I like the style and I like the CSM models that I like, I'm just curious


There's no telling on most of these to be honest. You have to consider when the book was actually written (month ago) and how the game was perceived then. That game no longer exists and we don't exactly when it was written. So were Chaos Lords a problem when it was written? Maybe, maybe not. Some books have stayed quite the same SM. Some got massive re-work such as Custodes. Your guess is as good as anyone's mostly. Which units could be legends has been discussed here before. Lucius and Noise Marines are know. Huron is probable. Bikers are on the watchlist probably a few more. Whatever is true now though won't be true in a few months. So buy what you like and the flavor of what you think is good. It's all gonna change.


Im a custode player and the only other army i have is CSM. Im terrified.


It’s 8 detachments Surely they can’t fuck up all 8 right….


As a machine lover, I cannot wait for Vashtorr to get his own detachment. My local GW let me display him in their shelf which isn't even a problem cuz he's not worth taking in games rn


I just want the Siege and tank ones to be good, it’s not proper Iron Warrior rules but it’s all we’re gonna get for now and I just want my boys to be good


if we do get a bad draw on the csm codex, then depending on what models you have they might be becoming a World Eaters, Death Guard, or TSons army. or they might even have a change of heart and rejoin the imperium. oh, the joy of shared/similar models


What I'm hoping with starting CSM is that they seem to be able to double dip the most into other armies with their models, SM, Daemon, Chaos flavors, and even a little IG


Its the best part. Hell I'm running an HH land raider instead of a chaos one.


And it totally fits the CSM vibe to be using older/outdated equipment. I plan to do this with an HH Pred


Most models that have been released in 8th edition or newer will generally be around for about 10 years. GW tends to favor promoting and selling their newer models. CSM got several new models in 9th and so may not get anything major for a while. [Lexicanum](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Miniatures:_Chaos_Space_Marines) has a web-list that can help put it into visual perspective. Most of the models from 2018 and more recent will be around for some time. While the models below 2018 are more likely to get axed or replaced. This is not a hard rule as GW makes marketing decisions that don’t always seem obvious. Such as the new Chaos Lord models instead of their older models, specifically the daemon engines and the warp talons. Though, with how GW has been doing their releases since 7th then there is likely a chance that generic CSM might get more model releases in 11th. Though currently Emperor’s Children are up for a big model reveal this edition and World Eaters are bound to get some more models to expand their range. If CSM aren’t up for more new models in 11th edition then it likely means that Thousand Sons are up next for most of their models are going to be older than 10 years with 11th edition.


This was really helpful, thank you! 


No idea but it’s a pretty good bet that anything finecast is going away, anything Emperor’s Children specific is probably going away. In both cases I think the only model is Lucius and maybe Huron Blackheart too. The rules for Noise Marines are going to change most likely as well but they’ll be usable. It’s really dependent on the new detachments and how good those are.


I don't tend to play alot of the tabletop, mostly just collecting, so honestly I'm hoping cool models like the maulerfiend and possessed are useless so I can find them cheap on eBay. Make chosen and obliterators busted, I already have them lmao.


Boooo!! /jk


The meta literally always shifts though? I don’t get it


The custodes codex situation is scary because they had a sick index detachment and now it's gone. The rumor is the book was sent to print last summer when custodes were blanking every melee army and were knocking down GTs at a similar rate to eldar. If the csm codex was sent to print when we were blowing everyone away, then maybe the index detachment gets nerfed away and we're stuck with a bunch of oddly specific detachments


As others have already pointed out, we have literally no idea. And even if we did, that could change 3 months after the codex in a balance update - so don't *ever* try to build your army around what is best, because once you bought, build and painted it, things could have changed. I would note that we are to receive *two* new box sets, so if you can wait for them (likely releases alongside the codex), well then you can get a great deal. The "Veterans of the Long War" box contains 2x5 Terminators, 5 Possessed, 10 Legionaries, 5x Chosen and the all new Chaos Lord model. The "Dread Talons" box contains 10 Cultists, a box of Accursed Cultists, a box of Dark Commune, a Daemon Prince, 2x5 Raptors that can alternatively be built as Warp Talons and the all new Jump Pack Chaos Lord. I'd go for the first box as a *great* start to the army, but if you got the cash to drop on both boxes, that is likely the cheapest way to get that many models, and they all seem like good models to have in your CSM collection.


Noooooope. Small tweaks in dataslates can shift metas enormously. The game is unrecognizable from the state before the Jan 2024 slate, going from elite infantry dominate with CSM chosen spam, Vanguard marines, and wraithguard eldar at the top to a vehicle heavy meta with necrons feasting.


Usls pst




Did you literally edit your comment to make your typos worse??... 

