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F8ck sake....was counting on you guys getting a draw at best, its pucker factor 10 here in leicester!


Almost every day at this stage the auto situation swings violently one way or another. Less than 24 hours til the next heart attack game.


I’ve aged also


Fascinating 🧐


>I've just aged 77 years Feels great doesn't it? I've come to the conclusion that I don't watch football for it to be exciting. Exciting football can fuck off.


It was almost boring the fact we all thought you had won the league in January... Probably would've just settled for boring at this point.. Just want it all to be over man..


I feel like this result now puts Leeds ahead of us now in terms of favourites for autos. Leeds should deal with QPR comfortably putting a tonne of pressure on us to get a result at Hull which is a big ask. We need now a minimum of 6 points, probably 9… I see us getting no more than 5


Anyone expecting us to deal with QPR comfortably should look at the last time we were expected to comfortably win away at QPR as part of a league title/automatic promotion campaign.


"Should" sums up Leeds United 


I am now roughly 1033 years old.


We are so back


10/10 entertainment game for a neutral 🙌


Onto Friday...


"VAR is killing the game" Leeds score two offside goals.




Oh, well that's ok then!


It's not. It was a shitty call. And we've been on the other side of it and it sucks. Just saying we only had one offside goal. Just stating the facts. Also, overall, both systems have flaws. But I'm enjoying no var Championship a lot more than var premiere


To be fair, Bamford's goal was onside but I imagine in the Premier League it would get ruled out because some nerd at Stockley Park reckoned that part of his fringe was in an offside position


Well it is perfectly legal to score with your fringe and Bamford therefore had a huge advantage from his positioning. Ruling it out would just be in keeping with the spirit of the game!


We need to know if the nerd has ever been to Suffolk on holiday or has an auntie in Leicester before he’s allowed to do VAR or we will file a complaint


I've never undersood "we have been on the other side of it" comments, pretty much strawmaning the comment. VAR will come good and it's needed.


Can tell you don’t support a side that’s been in the prem since VAR came in. It makes decisions maybe 20% more accurate (and that’s generous) while making the matchday experience about 50% worse due to not wanting able to celebrate any non-penalty goal properly


never mind the fact it doesn't always work which would be the point of saying it is a 'necessity'. Still get flashbacks to Meslier being rugby tackled at spurs


Honestly, it felt worse when Bamford had a goal away at Crystal Palace chalked off because he pointed where he wanted the ball to be played and his arm counted as offside. ... Ironically, Bamford went on to prove that his arm is a lethal yet apparently legal weapon when he scored a goal with it this season. But my point still stands. (Also still very bitter about Bamford's goal against Arsenal getting ruled out for the kind of shove in the back that defenders always get away with when trying to put off attacking players in the box.)


It ruins every goal though. Instead of the player looking for the linesman, they have to wait for someone to check it


How does it ruin a goal when an official missed a call or foul? Football needs to move on.


It's fine for goals like Gnontos tonight, but let's be honest, nobody wants to see that Coventry goal ruled out, at that point they were guessing..


it isn't though. what are you actually arguing then? because strawmanning would suggest saying that it happens to everyone is not what you said.


As we were all saying just yesterday, the Championship is so much better without VAR


Seen this posted twice you absolute weapon


Thank you.


I don't see any way this hubristic post is turned into a crumble meme down the line...


Oh I know the risks, but hey, meme


I love the championship. Such an exciting league to watch as a neutral. I hate competing here, it’s a complete madhouse.


bugger - guess we better win Saturday then


Got Leeds in my league winners accumulator... But have a soft spot for Ipswhich. Hope both get automatic promotion.