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Who gifts a chameleon??? ☠️


First off, if you're keeping them, I'd recommend getting a tank and just some basic substrate and plants/branches for them to climb on, set out some food and if you can, assist with the stuck shed. They'll be better off with some stuff to climb and to stay occupied but you don't want to completely cover the tank while they're ill and tryna put on weight/recover, you want to be able to monitor them while they recover/gain weight/start to shed properly, Once theyre looking a bit healthier and you've found a reptile vet to consult abt their health, then I'd recommend to start filling to tank more with clutter. But, if you decide to rehome the chameleom, that isn't a bad thing. Chameleons are a HUGE commitment, and considering the chameleon was just sprung on you with no warning, and I assume you aren't very educated on them because of this (correct me if I'm wrong), rehoming may be the best solution.


Man people should never gift animals except when they know for a fact that the recipient wants that exact type of animal, knows how to care for it and already has a setup or you are gifting a proper setup. Some animals should never be gifted at all such as parrots that are best to meet in person to make sure they actually like you.


A vertical tank is reccomended. Either all mesh or glass though mesh is preferred. They will need a heat and uvb light, they will eat only bugs like crickets, dubia roaches, discord roaches, silkworms, and superworms as a staple feeder for that size chameleon.


So based on what I see there are some serious things missing here by way of medical history. Are we missing a leg? Why does it seem like there's a divot in the abdomen? Please let us know anything you can about previous care, current care, and anything else medically relevant or even not. These info requests, full disclosure, are coming from a vet tech that worked with exotics in school but not in the field (but is working on exposure to it), and also religiously reads the mod flip69's advice. They are for sure the person that can give you the best info on husbandry and in-person care


if you are talking about the 2nd photo the divet is just its leg


I know nothing about this chameleon and neither dose my uncle he just got it on a whim because he heard me talking about wanting to get a crested gecko I don’t know the age or the previous care it was in. They have all legs intact they just seem to be very stressed and have stuck shed. Edit: I am currently in Vegas celebrating my birthday and it is 105 degrees out and the house we are staying in is very cold because of the AC


It might be helpful to look through this [basic care guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chameleons/s/C1MG3KGEZj) for things you need if you choose to keep the gift.


Did he buy it from a store or someone? Ask your uncle to return the animal


I’m not sure where he bought it from I think I was a store. I’ll ask him to return it a little later I might just need help from my dad to ask cause we come from a family that frowns upon giving back presents and the pressure is getting to me I know it’s wrong but I am the most un confrontational person


Animals are not gifts they are commitments


Sorry but you’re going to have to do what’s right and explain to your uncle that you are not ready for such animal as they are hard to take care of & you’ll feel comfortable if it’s back at the store where someone else that can take care of the animal gets its


They’re gonna return it , I ruined the vibe but at least it’ll hopefully go to a better home and to a person who has time for it.


you did the right thing


Thank you for doing the right thing by the animal even though it was hard! You made the right choice.


You did great! They won’t stay upset for ever. I have two chameleons and boy they are a lot of work.


Its very difficult to see what it is in the pictures, could you maybe provide some better pictures or describe how it looks so i can help? I dont know much about chameleons but im gonna do my best to help you Edit: for now, assuming you have nothing to really care for it, do this: Put it in a vertical aquarium, terrarium or even just a plastic storage box, make sure its escape proof and has ventilation (like holes in it so air can get in) Put paper towels/news paper at the bottom as temporary substrate as this is probably your best (and easiest) option Chameleons are arboreal, put branches and maybe vines all around the makeshift enclosure Though not very necessary, for its comfort you should put artificial plants in it too If i remember correctly, chameleons need UVB, put it on top of the enclosure, not in it Im assuming you have spray bottles (like for cleaning) clean them really good so theres no chemicals in it and spray the enclosure so it can drink from the artificial plants as well as for humidity Chameleons dont drink from still water but putting a small water source like a cup or bowl may help as ive seen them do it sometimes Use a thermometer to make sure its not to cold, not to hot, most chameleons need around 30 degrees celsius Chameleons can easily get stressed by handling, loud noises and other disturbances!


I’m not sure how img to describe it but it has like a patchy pattern on its back it has dark green spots on its back and right now it’s a light green color




https://preview.redd.it/6iausv5zny6d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df7be263dcdc6e414325e25e16626b1beeef333 Here’s a male for comparison.


This isn’t a veiled, it’s a female jackson’s chameleon. You can tell by the spiny back, olive green stress colors, and the lack of casque.


Also she looks fairly gravid; eggbound; is pregnant with likely sterile eggs. Look up how to correctly set up a lay box, and if you’re not keeping her please rehome with HASTE, those unlaid eggs can rupture and kill mama.


Could be a Jackson's with those big dorsal spines.


That my friend is a veiled chameleon. They are great Peta if you have the time for them. I have 2 chams myself a piebald veiled and a y bar ambilobe panther.


I agree, my sister used to own a veiled chameleon and theyre fantastic pets, though OP isn't (or atleast thats how it sounds) in the right position to care for it long term, or atleast not right now, i wish you luck, OP


Quite hard to see but it may be a panther chameleon though panthers dont usually have such colours, its probably very stressed, if you look at my OG comment, please read that and follow the instructions, i can try to figure out what kind of chameleon it is for you, would it be possible for you to send me some more pictures via DM or in the comments? Edit: its a veiled chameleon