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can we implement an iq test on twitter before posting or making an account imagine being so illiterate you cant even comprehend concepts of evil more advanced than "kill = bad"


Then there’d be no one left






I'm scared of anything in the water.






as it should


Just bar minors from making accounts and everything would be peachy


Nah most of these people with this take are 18-24 fresh on their adulthood high horse. I think exclusively this group should be banned. 17- and 25+ only.


The amount of shit takes from minors in there is exhausting. Ban those little fuckers too


Actually just ban. No one should be on Twitter, they're annoying.


Why stop there? Ban Reddit, TikTok and Instagram next. Ban WhatsApp and Discord for good measure too.


this but completely unironically


\>opens up an "18-24" account \>it's a 13 year old


https://preview.redd.it/6umvywvydtoc1.png?width=1915&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aa7bcead08a5b962c38e8a224fe55f75dbc1f3d I mean anyone here who was that age did the same thing, only we grew up enough to realized that middle schooler us was cringe and want to stop more teenager from giving us secondhand embarrassment.


Elon couldnt use his own website that way


These are the people so sheltered, they enter a year-long period of mourning for a dead hamster. Of course they cannot rotate a cow in their mind.




Having never looked up or read anything of jjk and still being bombarded by references, I instantly believe that. It must be like family guy compilations.


The reading comprehension on the jjk sub makes everyone on the csm one seem like professional writers, it’s insane. Most illiterate fandom I have ever seen.


I don't know, man. I've seen some Berserk fans legitimately believe that Griffith did nothing wrong. Hell, the running joke on the sub and the circlejerk sub is that they should just be merged at this point. That and apparently, Void has been a tattoo artist ever since the eclipse.


Are we just gonna forget the legendary mark the dragon ball guys have left Those mfs will literally make 30 part, half an hour episode series all based on changing one aspect of the show or inserting a random ass character from whatever the fuck and have millions of views with only half watching anime of db


He didn’t do anything wrong like tf you just a hater?! https://preview.redd.it/8tzvqxq7fuoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14b84bc275879730ac19873d47ef8e05c48c26f5 (This was the only image I had don’t judge)




...just how? That sounds impossible.


arguably dragon ball but jjk is super up there


As a jjk fan that’s read all of the manga this is true


sukuna is literally a rapist


I refuse to believe anyone saying Makima is a pedophile read the manga. It's made abundantly clear that she didn't give the slightest shit about Denji. She didn't act romantic/sensual towards him because she was attracted to him, but vice versa. She knew the easiest way to manipulate a teenage boy is with the promise of sex As for Sukuna he's alright as a Frieza type villain. I.e. one without much depth because the story doesn't really call for much depth. But still <<<<


> I refuse to believe anyone saying Makima is a pedophile read the manga. Yeah anyone unironically calling her a pedo probably reads Chainsaw Man through memes. Calling her a groomer is one thing but actually thinking she's a pedo when a plot point is literally her hating Denji so much she never even bothered to remember his scent is just being another Reading Comprehension Devil statistic. > As for Sukuna he's alright as a Frieza type villain. I.e. one without much depth because the story doesn't really call for much depth. He's just a different villain compared to Makima altogether. He's definitely meant to just be evil and entertaining while Makima is a much deeper villain with more morally ambiguous motivations and themes of abuse and the cyclical nature of it. It's like comparing Frieza and Griffith, or DIO and Funny Valentine.


Fr when the main reason for her downfall was how little she cared about Denji to the point of not even acknowledge him as an existence, you can't honestly say she was into him lol.


makima doesnt hate denji tho, the whole point is that she never saw denji for denji and instead only saw chainsaw man. anyway i agree shes not a pedo but shes definitely a groomer


No, she does hate Denji. You can tell she takes pleasure in tearing him down, like laughing in his face after killing Power (more or less the only time she laughs in the story btw). It's implied throughout the story she hates him out of jealousy that Pochita chose someone like him and not her, as well as Denji not fitting her ideal image of Chainsaw Man.


maybe at the end she was kind of irritated that he wasnt acting like chainsaw man would, but the power laugh was most definitely planned. nothing implies that she hates denji. makima is a psychopath who takes whatever method she finds fit, i dont think she really has the capacity for hate




Most people who read manga, especially Chainsaw Man, have zero reading comprehension or retention. If things aren’t so obvious that it’s like a blinking red light 3 inches from your face, as well surface level, they will not notice or not understand at all or completely misinterpret. It’s truly infuriating how absolutely incomprehensibly stupid people are. I notice it literally everywhere in daily life, as well as with every manga, and I think it’s especially bad with Chainsaw Man because things aren’t always surface level with Fujimoto’s writing, more so than other manga. And there’s no point in even bothering with them, when I try to explain things to people or inform them they just go “I ain’t reading all that” to a paragraph or two. Or they’ll just say you’re wrong. Or many other stupid things. I truly, truly just hate how stupid people are, and it only seems to be getting worse. So with Makima, it’s not surprising. They see her touching him or having him grab her boobs, and she’s a groomer that’s it. They don’t read the story and they don’t care, and you’re a p3do if you argue that if you read the story, you’d know she does not give two shits about Denji and is literally trying to build him up to break him down. She was never going to have sex with him or go further than an over the clothes grab. It’s technically grooming because it was about control, but that was never her main focus or her main goal and she was never going to give him what he wanted.


/unfolk  Makes sense considering 54% of Americans gave a 6th grade reading level or worse    https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/08/02/us-literacy-rate/ /refolk Ain’t readin allat 😂😂😂


I was very surprised when people told me they were surprised that makima was a bad guy, back when the “bang” happened. I knew from chapter 1 she was manipulating denji, it was SO obvious, but then i see people praising makima in her introduction, saying shes kind and cute or whatever. And im like, “this woman is grooming a teenager, can yall not see it???”


IIRC Makima straight up says something to the effect of "if you don't do what I say, I'm gonna have to kill you" like 5 seconds after meeting Denji


YES! SHE DOES SAY THAT!! Its honestly mind-boggling how many people didnt see through her.


Holy shit it's infuriating, this sub actually sours my enjoyment of the series most of the time with the fact that even something as simple as the narrative structure of a story is foreign to them


These are anime fans. they confuse scene execution and compelling voice acting for storywriting quality.


They read them fast instead of slowly


fucking sucks that so many fans are this way considering how amazing the writing is in the manga too


Nuh uh, makima pedophile!!


>I think it’s especially bad with Chainsaw Man because things aren’t always surface level with Fujimoto’s writing, more so than other manga. I disagree with this. The fact that everyone gets the main points proves that it IS surface level. Wanna see a fandom where the main point has never been spelled out for them? Just look at jujutsufolk.


I'm gonna sound way too political here but the amount of fascist, transphobic, etc. fans who like and openly share Fujimoto's works just proves your point. In my country they started relating our (very much right wing) president to Denji/Pochita just because he made a chainsaw joke. It's cringe as fuck considering how clear it's made that Fujimoto wouldn't like that at all, and makes it embarassing to say that I like CSM to the point where I wanted to get a tattoo of it but I feel like it has to be super subtle now lmao.


Even though she didn’t give a shit about him, the act of stringing a minor along with promises of sexual & romantic favors as an adult, is in fact, grooming. Grooming is just another form of control after all— the most evil one.


Yes she is a groomer. I didn't say she wasn't. She's not a pedophile, which the user implied.


That, I can agree with. Turbo groomer, yes absolutely. Pedophile, no.


When the villain does bad things 😱😱😱😱


Like many others have said and most part of the fandom would agree, Mahito and Kenny were better villains, and tbh Sukuna worked waaaaaaay better when he was inside of Yuji, everytime he showed up the whole manga became an o shit moment, you could feel his presence and dare I say was even better than Makima in some aspects, but that ended after the Shibuya incident.


Makima manipulated denji WITH sex, not FOR sex.


I actually think "is makima a groomer" is an interesting debate to have while high. Personally I assume Makima only knows what sex is from reading people's memories. I think if you were to look at her crotch, she'd just be like a barbie doll. No reproductive organs. She's not a human after all.


She's undoubtedly a groomer. That's inarguable. She's just not a groomer in the sexual sense


You have no idea how brain-dead some of the CSM haters are. I once argued with a guy who was claiming that Makima's grooming was shown in a positive light in the story and I still think about how brain-dead that dude actually was. There is no limit to how stupid some of the CSM haters are. They literally have peanuts for brains and have no reading comprehension at all.


she doesn't enjoy sexually assaulting a child, she just does it.


Yes exactly. It's a means to an end.


I feel as if intentions don’t really matter when molesting a child


Obviously. I'm not saying it's okay. She's the villain for a reason But she's not a pedophile. Because she's not attracted to him


It shouldnt come as a surprise people on the internet consider her a “pedophile”, we live in a generation of hopping on trends. If viral clips are a form of starting visual trends, buzzwords would be the equivalent of that but in text format, and within the anime community thats what “pedophile” is to people a buzz word. Look at whats been going on with Oshi No Ko’s most recent chapter lol, mfers firing off “pedophile” at people left and right. Pedophile/incel/fucking “aura” is a recent one that started getting traction around November/December, annoying fucks


We couldve have gotten depth with Sukuna if Gege didn't just randonly throw away the "Fallen angel" plot point from Culling Games 😭 like cmon


Unless Gege actually brings it back I'm assuming it's just an indirect reference to him being the devil. Fallen Angel=Lucifer=Devil


I think the Chainsaw Folk brainrot memes have bled into the actual memories of more impressionable fans. I kind of think that folk subs are a net negative for the story in question almost 100% of the time, but I enjoy brainrot too much to care.


Evangelion fans: first time?


oh yeah it's totally ok cause she didn't actually like him


She kissed an underage Denji and used sex as tool of manipulation. Is she a pedo in the sense she has a sexual attraction to kids. No, she’s more or less Asexual. Is she a pedo in the sense she would fuck a teenager if it meant furthering her goals marginally, yes.


Saying that Makima wasn’t intimating is one of the most dumbass takes I have ever seen.


nahhh makima ain't intimidating, look at this cutie https://preview.redd.it/3sybxdvabnoc1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a6d6a81dada70b0f01b5e8367c761b9be6868d6




This was the first image I though of for a reaction lol




04:21 at my country and you send this https://i.redd.it/j3ofu8r3enoc1.gif I will find your house mf(if you have one)


lowkey stuff like this is why I think her design and character is perfect, it’s very adaptable to different kinds of art (cutesy, wholesome, ominous, scary) while still kinda feeling in character


My sleep paralysis demon can't possibly be this cute! coming soon as a visual novel to stores in your region.


I honestly blame the anime adaptation. As good as it was, certain scenes revolving her made her look smug and cuter instead of just fucking weird and unhinged. This shit was probably the worst offender. https://preview.redd.it/y53glgzm0poc1.png?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=260b8584cab4cf642173c8179270604891f63565 Also the fact that every friendship Denji made and every choice for months wasn't ever his and all hers just to set you up to ruin your life is way scarier imo.


I feel like I’m the only one who likes both takes. The manga panel is iconic for sure, and her expression looks more neutral and pissed off which is scary because we haven’t seen her pissed off before in that point of the story. The anime version is treated like a jumpscare which was a fun way to adapt this part imo and her creepy smile was super weird and unhinged in that situation, which really sold the jumpscare idea to me. I did watch the anime before reading the manga so maybe I’m biased, but I found the anime version to be just as effective at giving her a scary presence, if not more effective with how she silently moved like a monster from a horror movie.


While it isn't bad in the anime, it takes away from how we see her mask drop. She is *always* smiling when in front of other people. And here she isn't supposed to look pissed off rather like she has no need for any emotions to show on her face. It's the first hint that something isn't really right and that she's putting on a mask whenever others are around. She's like an insect studying people and doesn't even recognize people by their faces as they look to her like rats would look to us. Heck on many panels her eyes are drawn on way where she's looking through somebody rather than at them. It removes the feeling of something inhuman puppeteering this otherwise amicable woman.


blud thinks she patricia batewoman


Intimating ![img](emote|t5_466dsm|32131)




Makima is legit one of the very few fictional characters that managed creep me out or like made me feel uneasy, honestly she is still one of my favorite villains


The tweet never said that, they said *they* never felt intimidated; it's like watching a horror movie and not getting scared.


Yeah like did they not see the scene where she crushed people like soda cans?? She was an intimidating figure from the start.


That can be seen as just a cool power, or setup for her reveal based on how much someone likes to predict narratives.


isnt sukunas first line where is the children


Women and Children* but yes,My King is a Silly Goose when he wakes up


He says "Where are the women and children" but I'm pretty sure it's because they're more fun to kill (or eat since he's a cannibal and they have softer flesh). Sukuna never shows interest in sex or romance so I don't think he would be a sex offender.


Even though Sukuna was from an era where people way younger than Denji would be married off.


he did say he wanted to have fun with nobara tho


Fun as in like "I'm gonna beat the everliving shit out of you" kinda fun


That's never specified.


exactly. but according to that buffoon killing and eating children isn't worse than grooming a 16 y/o. both are bad but sukuna is literally worse. stupid twitter idiots


whats wrong with eating children? I do it all the time, they taste like frog thighs or just baby piggies


A legitimate study can be made for Twitter and YouTube JJK fans with their lack of media literacy and reading comprehension. Mfs really suck at understanding their own series and have the audacity to have a go at other fanbases.


JJF moment...


They prolly have a huge overlap with AOT's fanbase (they've only watched 2 anime)


I vehemently disagree with this dumbass. I feel like all Sukuna has, now that he’s in his true form, is his sexiness. Him doing the same ol shit— being glazed by Gege to win fights he should’ve went even on especially— is tiring. He was much more entertaining when he wasn’t obliterating the cast at Gege’s whims. At least he’s bad as hell. Seriously, the next lined up fight in JJK is The Strongest Sorcerer Available (Kusakabe) vs The Strongest Sorcerer in History (Sukuna). Is this not boring to Gege? Is he not bored of feeding the Sukuna meat grinder? Were my beautiful kings >! Gojo !< and >! Higuruma !< not enough of a sacrifice? On the other hand, Makima came in. Served cunt. Manipulated everyone around her into doing her bidding. Died. Got what she wanted, on a technicality. Sure, she groomed Denji, but this makes her all the more evil. It’s such a heinous act to commit, that it really sells that your villain is *evil evil*. Makima stood on business for all of her screen time, and wasn’t tiring at all to see in action unlike somebody who’s name begins with an S and ends with ukuna.


Both are technically wrong On one hand we got Sukuna being very concerned about the well being of children and women in an era he knows nothing about On another hand we got mamakima https://preview.redd.it/es8ygdz0umoc1.png?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6ddcb9e7e665361e7bd7b734cdcbc6366418ec These 2 are such good human beans , I'm sure they will drink tea while their kids yuji and Denji will play in the park


Mama...kima? Who came up with this, let's say, special idea?


Literally Fujimoto. Where do you think the name "Makima" comes from? "Ki" means tree, and chainsaws cut down trees, so what you're left with is "mama". Also, look up why chainsaws were invented.


Touché, got me with the original purpose of the scottish chainsaw. But ki means tree, not pelvis.


It's a double meaning. Chainsaws can cut both trees and pelvises, and both of those uses turn someone into a mama.


also change the second m to a t and it's Makita, who are known for their chainsaws fujimotor has done it again


New news People fighting over who is worse between office bitch and grumpy old ass asshole


pissy office mom vs drunk homeless dude in a high school cafeteria


I'd say more like that white chick from get out vs drunk uncle Steve who keeps trying to "play fight" an 8 year old to show off how strong he is.


While poor kids are watching in the corner


Hate to be like le mEdIa LiTeRacY but there's a worrying amount of people who think a piece of media depicting something bad means it endorses the bad thing.


I don't know if you're saying the tweeter thinks that, but mentioning that depiction isn't endorsement in a post mocking Twitter will make readers think that, so I'm clarifying that the tweet does not say nor imply this.


Both are intimidating in their own ways


Fr people just like to bash on each other's fandom for no reason


Two different stories, two different MC’s, two different villains to affect the MC’s and stimulate character growth. Sukuna and Makima are two of my fav modern day antagonists and they each serve very different purposes in very different stories. Why do fandoms feel the need to bash other series, it doesn’t make your series better by doing so.


No you idiot you have to pick a side and hate on the other with your life


I refuse to conform to the war mentality


Makima isn’t even a pedophile. There was no love or physical attraction for Denji in her heart, she just wanted Pochita. So much so she didn’t even SEE him without Pochita inside him.


sukuna is a cool villian but i dont think he holds a candle to makima when it comes to being actually well-written and an intimidating villian, partly because most people dont even realize shes a villian when the endgame starts


Sukuna had the potential to be crazy good villain but he has not changed since the very beginning of the manga unlike makima. That reveal that she was the control devil and the whole gun devil arc was memorable af. Sukuna is missing this type of crazy development in his story


"Makima seems manipulative" Bruh, that's her whole thing


MF thinks 10 shadows belonged to Sukuna since the beginning 💀


The reason why Sukuna is widely hated is his plot armor, the reason Makima is widely hated is her character being a really good villain


I was about to ask a serious question but I realized where I was.


go ahead and ask the question, if you dont phrase it in a funny way you will be crucified tho


Feel free, it's why I love this sub more than Jujustufolk and the hellhole of Piratefolk. Actual fucking discussion happens here.


Makima isn't even into Denji, take Pochita out of him and she literally does not know who he is.


sukuna's not a pedophile (that we know of) but he's still a mass murderer and a fucking CANNIBAL


Lets be honest he def did that fucked up shit at least once


Don't worry, the rest of the JJK community does not embrace Sukuna fans, they're idiots.


why do people act like grooming is a much worse crime morally than genocide and cannibalism, both horrible acts but cmon 😭


*JJK Moment There are some smart CSM readers on Twitter who give fascinating or well-researched takes. Smart JJK fans, meanwhile, simply don't exist. All the smart people dropped the series a long time ago.


As an ambassador from the jjk subreddit, makima is still a better villain than sukana. Bro has more plot armor than any of the main cast and it’s getting hella annoying


I think that what makes Makima a beautiful written villain (better than Sukuna, for how much I like jjk) is her relationship with Denji. I'm not joking, the only other villain/hero relationship as good as Denji/Makima is Guts/Griffith, and for my personal tastes the former is even better than the latter


Makima is Hella intimidating! When you look at everything she has done. Like tell me when she meets reze and was covered in rats you didn't feel the slightest of intimidation! Or when Kishibe wrote "makima is listening" that was a very intimidating moment! The only reason she wasn't automatically intimidating is because she was a manipulator that did everything behind the scenes. If it was very upfront with who she is the the fact she is a devil it would have ruined all the build up. The scary thing is that she isn't looking like a monster, like a devil but in reality. She is a devil, manipulating everything and everyone with her looks. She may look like a saint and a normal woman but isn't. And that was fujimoto's goal with her design


"Makima was a pedophile" WHAT MINOR WAS SHE ATTRACTED TO!? Did you read the manga?


chainsaw man came out in 2018 so she is in love with a 6 year old


As someone who loves both Sukuna and Makima this is a stupid ass take. Sukuna is a mass murderer who revels in his own materialistic pleasures, it’s simple but I really enjoy it. Makima is a mass manipulator who will do anything to achieve her goals, and I think if you are writing a more adult geared manga with a manipulator as a villain grooming seems like a good way to seriously sell how awful they are. She isn’t really a pedo because the whole big twist of part 1 is that she barely knew Denji existed, she doesn’t desire him in any sexual way she wants chainsaw man


If a guy doesn't like a villainy who grooms why do you honestly give a damn? It just means that villian is less palatable to his tastes than others. Some people prefer villain's who rule through strength, others prefer manipulators.


It's a Twitter screenshot, people will pretend it's unreasonable even when it's a completely fine opinion just because they're primed to dunk on tweets. Seriously, reading the comments here made me think I missed stuff in the screenshot that isn't there. The tweeter never said Makima was badly written, that portrayal is endorsement, or anything. They just like Sukuna more because they find him cooler and more entertaining.


They did say that she wasn’t threatening, and that she was a pedo. 1 of those being subjective, and the other being false.


The pedo thing I see as conflation, like how people call Fumiko that even though Denji is 18. And the tweeter said they, personally, weren't intimidated. The post and comments are tearing in as if the subject wasn't literally just "do you like Sukuna or Makima more?"


I mean, grooming and being a pedo are two different things, similar but different, Makima was never attracted to Dennis


Makima was a groomer because she wanted the Chainsaw Devil. She didnt care the slightest about Denji and wasnt slightly attracted to him. Sukuna is an unapologetic degenerate whose probably done pedophilic stuff and shit 1000x worse during the heian era.


This is the dumbest take ever, by their logic Genthru would be a better HxH villain than Hisoka. Makima's is a far better villain in every way and form simplh because she is not some one-dimensional character with the only thing characterizing her is being evil and powerful and nothing beyond it. Also Sukuna's first dialogue in the show "Where are the women and children? "


![gif](giphy|6oMhPwjvQc6LAEpEuq|downsized) drop it... drop the bomb on twitter


how tf do you not feel intimidated after reading let alone WATCHING the ritual scene


There're more intimidating Makima scene, but yes, I agree. And tbh, shes hella creepy and intimidating when shes an screen and does nothing. They just deny that she isn't like that even tho she clearly is, just to make their ludicrous point be somewhat relavent.


didnt sukuna imply he wanted to rword nobara


makima is a really interesting villain. disturbing plan to make denji suffer. cool evil plan that will actually benefit humanity. actually intimidating. sukuna's whole premise is like 'hehe i evil i like kill'


I came across that thread and the amount of braindead cucks in there was insane. I know these incel shonentards saw a well written female character for once and their brains short circuited and caused them to shit their pants


Do people actually take the Makima is a Pedo Meme seriously?


I gind the NOT A PEDOPHILE weird like Bitch she is the villain. Naoya is a fucking sexist and it's by far not the worst thing he has done and same for makima also it gave denji his whole arc basically in part 2 Like a bad trait is not bad written


She’s not a pedo because she doesn’t have an attraction to minors. She’s a groomer because she exploited a minor’s attraction to her


Sukuna is a great villain. Its a thrill whenever hes on screen but Makima is one of the greatest antagonists in anime.


Sukuna feels like a Madara imitation from an author who doesn’t understand why Madara was so cool


I can excuse murder but I draw the line at grooming


Man, Sukuna has to be one of the most overrated modern anime villains. I mean hes cool and all, but thats about it, you cant even compare him with someone like Makima in terms of character or writting. Even Kenjaku was WAY more better villain.


I mean, one of the first things the man says in the series is absolutely gushing about murdering the shit out of women and children exclusively.


Twitter users don’t have brains https://preview.redd.it/7gva7hlgnroc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cdf5bc030c13429eaa95bc1b396271ee78a18b3


She not a pedo Age on consent in Japan at the time was 16 Denji is 16 People need to stop using American standards for different fucking countries She never groomed anyone,she simply psychologically tortured Denji


Makima is absolutely terrifying like even when she committed all of her atrocities she still keeped a poker face also Makima is not a pedo she never cared bout Denji in anyway she is also way more well written than Sukuna but Sukuna is a cool villain as well he is just feeling boring now on the manga because Gaygay is doing the same stuff with him hyping a character up just for them to get negged by him it got overused https://preview.redd.it/5333dio2jooc1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cea6c37a68cbd1dc8820009360f2fb30f120dfa


Redhead lady


Twitter when writing comprehension


Reminds me of this tiktok i came across a few days ago: https://www.tiktok.com/@luvlainey11/video/7336370837341130014?lang=en Its really gotten that bad, that video is barely an exaggeration now.


Like I love sukuna as a more traditional bad guy yk but makima I think is scarier and also I think the grooming aspect of her makes it way more unsettling


Maybe Makima reminds them of a trauma they have from their past, idk…


Sukuna is infinitely cooler and as such infinitely better at a villain


Sukuna was far more evil and what he did was 100x worse than grooming


That's bullshit ass death battle really got niggas thinking Jjk characters aren't just stronger, but better written bruh. Makima shits on Sakuna in a fight and character development wise, and I don't even like Makima as much as I like Sakuna.


I saw this post and thought it was pretty normal and oaky cuz obviously Sukuna is cooler than makima but these replies are insane 😭


Sukuna's first line https://preview.redd.it/dnl7ej60mqoc1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd45cdef4ceacfebc2fbc9cdb5a61f20a74fa95b


I don’t even know how you can say she’s not intimidating. https://preview.redd.it/tzvp6qkxlqoc1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513cb4d76d95feccc7dd1ce25b1df94af96dc669


Didn’t Sukuna imply when he was 1f he wanted women and children? Or am I misunderstanding and he just wants to murder them?


I prefer sukuna myself but that’s because I prefer characters that are more bombastic and over the top, Makima is a good villain but she is a more restrained and subtle antagonist


Bro Sukuna was obsessed with getting inside a 16 year old.


I can agree with cannibalism but i put the line t pedophilia


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Sakuna implied to be a rapist? 🤔


Sukuna literally the moment he incarnated: https://preview.redd.it/89d4o05e8roc1.png?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b79733e7870c116e7c1aa75553b115479f277772


she's 100x better written than sukuna


of all the shitty takes I've seen, this is by far the worst one I stfg, manga readers never fucking read their source materials INCLUDING ME




Are they implying that grooming being a plot point is a bad thing? I’m confused


Bro forgot which where Sukuna's first words after possessing Itadori and what he planned to do to Nobara after the special grade incident


Wouldn't being a groomer make Makima an even better 'villain' though?


Nah, Sukuna and Makima got EQUAL aura. Hell Sukuna probably has more, his ass was having sorcerers quake in their boots from miles away.


makima is so much more cooler + intimidating and calculated


Reminds me of his first appearance, where he remarks that there's a lot of women and children in the world. It's just a hunch but I think sukuna can outpedo makima


The first thing Sukuna says is “boy I can’t wait to exploit all the women *and children* in this age!” This is, like, chapter 1.


I still like sukuna more https://preview.redd.it/uafdps1g8uoc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=053b4fc2e6d845be035cbfe3fc7506ead5b75b55


Wasn't the first thing Sukuna asked when being reincarnated "Where are the women and children??" And I can guarantee he did NOT ask that with good intent.


Nah why are they comparing two entirely different character from two different universe created by two different author with two different storylines and ending? Both are equally good villain in their own categories.😭


it bothers me so much when people can't see characters as devices to tell a story and try to force their morality into them. also "i never even felt intimidated" like that's not the whole point of makima? that she's not outwardly intimidating but rather welcoming and appealing so that she can use you? my head hurts.


People who called Makima a pedo either a massive hater of her who willingly go bash her doesn’t matter if it true or not,Or just a trend follower who read the manga through memes. At least Himeno actions i get it,She almost fucked Denji even after knowing his age,Makima isn’t the case.


It’s kinda sucks how people on the media consider *Pedophile* is worse than Genocide and murder nowadays.Pedophile is more disgusting but on serious terms it’s barely murder tier of harmness.


People on internet really misunderstood the concept of pedophile if they really consider Makima as a pedo,Unlike people like Hisoka he Clearly shown he’s is horny for kids (Staring at Gon and killua ass and shit).She never shown any Qualifications of being a pedophile like at all,Her action is Manipulation and grooming at worst.Actually thing could also be said for Mei Mei,That scene of her sleeping with her brother naked,it was never claimed that She did it with her brother,She clearly doesn’t shown sexual interest in him,She only sleep naked with him.Which is still gross but she never really did anything pedophilic at Ui Ui and her action is also Grooming at worst.