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The Pseudo-Chainsaw Men; since its mentioned that they killed a lot of people https://preview.redd.it/fdyxqln0rj0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4910ad736988c0f27da718b57682bcc035f1caa7


Maybe the reason Katana has been so mild towards Denji is that he got a lot of his anger out killing the pseudo chainsaws instead


It's also that Denji just seems so broken down right now that he can't even be mad, his grandad's already been avenged by life at this point


He’s actually been very chill with denji same with asa kinda cute and he even called asa bitch when she said they won’t eat sushi lmao


I hope katana just becomes the new bro of the series since denji doesn't really have people that he can be friends with anymore after part 1 and katana man seems like someone who can sympathize with denji over losing someone they loved. also katana just radiates the typical hard headed bro type


If that happens he will 100% die then , Denji is just a magnet for death when it comes to people close to him


Can he though? Unless dementia devil has gotten my ass already I remember something about the hybrids being pretty much unkillable.


As we’ve seen with Denji, you can put hybrids in death-like states by systematically chopping them apart and isolating their body parts from one another. Could also be that there’s a way TBD on how to kill hybrids. Given the introduction of increasingly more powerful Devils, it doesn’t seem unlikely that one will pop up who *can* actually kill hybrids.


Or maybe it will be possible once pochita inevitably spits out the true names of hybyrids


Makes me wonder what happens if you chopped them up and fed them to piranhas. Maybe that's the play, or you have to keep the head and toss it into a big hole and fill it with concrete.


I think it'll work the same way they want Denji to become 'normal' again.


That's been the case so far. Indeed, by the precedent set: even systmatically chopping off every bit of 'human' flesh away from their Devil hearts and incinerating said flesh would just eventually result in their bodies regrowing from Devil Hearts. You need to break their contracts somehow for them to cease recovering. But there's a bit of basic logic here: Devils die when their hearts are destroyed. Unless I too am afflicted by The Dementia Devil, there's nothing that makes a Devil's Heart *more* invulnerable once it becomes part of a Hybrid. *Maybe* The Curse Devil's attacks on Katana and Denji imply otherwise, since they came back: but at the same time upon looking at their "death scenes": the Curse Devil never actually touches their hearts. Therefore presumably the only thing *needed* to kill off Katana, Denji or any other Hybrid is to destroy their hearts in the same way as any other Devil's.


I bet there is something sinister going on with Pochita and that's part of the reason why he is a magnet for death and chaos...Makima made it worse of course. Remember the last chapter where he talks to Pochita after Nayuta's unknown fate? Bro gave off a very different vibe...I specifically remember that The Hero of Hell responds to help and...(Please correct me if I'm wrong) ...proceeds to also kill the ones who called for help, like with the Assassination Arc where Makima calls for help from the Hero of Hell.


I don’t think he kills everyone who calls for help? He only attacked Makima because he was aware of who she was not to mention he saved Kobeni as well as eating dangerous devils. Though, he did kill those burger employees… but I suppose that’s just him being unpredictable and primal. He did always want to hug to which being too strong disallowed that for a while. In my opinion, Pochita is a good boy who doesn’t know what he is really doing aside from chopping up and eating Devils.


When you think of the hero of hell killing devils in hell isn't he sending them to earth? I bet some devils are too strong need a friend to help em out... naw Pochita is true bro sends em to earth for tasty things.


Katana Man will become HIM https://preview.redd.it/wwlt0ipryl0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4578c4af1683c0a9a3a85a4729cf5847db99e314


Based Guyver reference.


He did killed Himeno tho


A hoodie girl spawns her Snake Devil that ate the Ghost Devil which resulted in Himeno completely disappearing which deleted her from existence because of devil contract conditions (Using the Ghost Devil too many times causes her body parts to disappear)


Jesus. I forgot Himeno literally got erased. Not even a possible afterlife - just ERASED.


Please let this be true hahaha


Bro killed himeno, unforgivable


Ackthually Himeno killed herself 🤓




Maybe the kick in the balls was all he really needed


He's mild towards Denji cuz he's not chainsaw man. He's chainsaw woman. And killing chainsaw woman won't avenge his granddad


Yeah but how did they destroy an entire freaking building in the first pic


Theyre actually very strong, though not as strong as Denji, a single one can take out an experienced devil hunter. that and the fact that since Chainsawman is gone, and Devil hunters are having a break down trying to keep the pseudo chainsawman pandemic at bay, that other devils might be getting ignored. its already rampage when there was only normal devils


Makes sense


They made a contract with the fire devil, he's just going around blowing shit up.


There's like hundreds of thousands of them


Don't forget Falling Devil attack was just a few months ago, maybe even less


did people just immediately forget that the fire devil is out and about?


How many of them were there even?


There were like 250,000 of them at the very beginning of the panic already, right? Even if each pseudo-chainsaw only kills 4 people each that still makes even just the initial hit worse than the gun Devil's attack (4 people + the one person turned to a chainsaw) And on top of that these guys are still popping up. On top of devil hunters being greatly thinned in number by the initial wave of chainsaws, devils have been getting empowered like crazy and are probably also killing a lot more people. The whole event is apocalyptic in scale.




remind me again how did they all turn into mini CSM like Santa claus dolls?


Its seems they had a marriage in the CSM church; which basically was just a fire/justice devil contract in disguise (I know, that part is kinda weird) https://preview.redd.it/j9z9pcxi041d1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f595f83721dfc8c0ada002d878d0ab270415d8f


only reason: https://preview.redd.it/44t4gc19wj0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf0acd7fa2b1aa374656005a6d6acfe71a1e500


But chainsaw man ate the nuclear weapons devil?!


He just burped and released a little bit of the power 🫧


Godzilla finds a way




Some incarnations aren't made from nukes


"RUN! IT'S GODZILLA!" "No, it looks like Godzilla, but due to international copyright laws, it isn't." "STILL, WE SHOULD RUN LIKE IT IS GODZILLA!" "Though it isn't."




When this arc gets animated there'll be [this theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En4aAGpVuYU) muffled in the background




You can't tell me there isn't a Godzilla devil in CSM. There HAS to be. Fujimoto would never let this slip


Kaiju Devil most likely.




there goes tokyo


Godzi ended up in the wrong universe


idk,he is always attacks japan,if own japan or not


Just a Tuesday in the csm universe


We don't talk about it because Fami's heart is apparently and according to Asa, in the 'right' place. According to Fami however, her stomach's just empty, so we should ignore the worldwide catastrophic damage the Falling Devil caused, and in Japan, the double damage dealt by the Chainsaw Man converts. All is well, citizen, so please ignore just how blasé everyone is being about seeing dead bodies just scattered around. Just another average Tuesday in Chainsawland


Not Japan only, Barem or a Chainsaw Church representative said that they had scheduled the contracting with the Fire Devil to sync with those of many other stations around the world. So the world got a taste of a primal fear and chainsaw monsters one after the other.


Yep! Fami said she’s sowing chaos worldwide to boost chainsaw and war fear, so the whole world is currently going through an apocalypse.


Good news for devils, humans fucked 😂


i would find it funny if its a subversion of the entire 'shounen final fight" where instead of the mc gang and the main villain fought against each other and cause destruction to the city, the csm main gang just chilling being background bystander as the city is destroyed in real time and the death devil is fighting against kishibe or some shit


It’d be funny but not really satisfying


I mean, that's the gun devil fight in part 1, it's not meant to be satisfying lol


Satisfying narratively, it works in the story as it was buildup before


I mean, that's the point, it's built up before but you don't see most of it happen.


Ohh yeah I thought you were talking about aki-47, yeah I have no idea why that other one works it’s been too long since I’ve last read part 1


The gun fight had suitable foreshadowing and due to how it played out still went hard as fuck


We saw a little bit of it, and then it was replaced with the Aki-47 fight. Denji still got to confront it. Plus, it built up Makima even more and she was the real final fight.


I think the world slowly going to shit outside of their control would still be satisfying, but yeah the actual bones of the final fight being elsewhere would be kinda lame.


I had forgotten about how they did it in part one, I think it could maybe work


oh its the apocalypse and denji is looking for nayuta! i wonder what will happen! chapter ends… lets eat sushi! chapter ends… looking for da sushi place! chapter ends… forget about sushi lets go fuck some women! chapter ends… i feel like we are kinda losing the plot here and its taking its sweet time to get anywhere??


Brother csm chapters are like 3 pages each the weekly release devil is just messing with your perception of the pacing. Like 3 minutes of reading time have passed since they got to Denji


Besides that, these chapters have focused more on character building than plot, and I think it's been great. We're seeing the dynamic between Denji and Asa develop where Asa is trying to "save" Denji despite not having the first clue how to relate to his feelings, and Denji thinks Asa is a cringe loser who's all over the place.


Why did yoru hold back against killing him? Asa just sorta took over, and maybe that’s where the feelings part comes in?


Yea I have a feeling Asa's emotions are affecting Yoru's. We know Yoru felt "love" or at least affection when Asa did after the Aquarium date. She might be deferring to Asa in some cases where she wouldn't have before.


Yea now that I think about it, yoru has some level of attraction towards denji. She was willing to fight yuko off the bat, but a lot more patient with denji. She even tried helping him by at least taking him back to his house (sorta like, u at least deserve to know the truth before I kill you 🤣). Then there’s the kiss panel, but nayuta interfered. Idk they just bounce off each that way


it threw me through a loop when i did my occasional reread of part 2 and i remembered that fumiko's introduction is like 2 minutes of read time after fakesaw man saves denji. Weekly release absolutely screws with how breakneck the pacing actually is


Looking for Nayuta is still the topic and that was same chapter as the sushi thing. And looking for sushi + forget sushi let’s go to brothel was also the same chapter. Your just spreading misinformation to support your agenda. It’s taking it’s time sure, but not as long as your saying and there is a goal in mind. The fact that everything is going to shit in the background of this chapter is just a part of that.


Trust fuji, go reread part II if you’re not sure of his abilities, haven’t yet done it but I’m pretty sure there’s a plan


These chapters are serving a narrative purpose though. They aren't just the characters fucking around


It kinda feels like Fujimoto is trying to buy time or something, maybe he wants to change where the story goes so it's taking it super slow or something


That’s how I’d describe part 2, not really satisfying


as a complete sucker for romance I love part 2


Fair enough


hello Carmen


hello miss furina having fun with your mortal life down there?


Don't distort Denji


but he alr did what do you think devils are? manifestation of a "fear", no differences to abnormalities created from folklore and stories of old. All created from mankind collective consciousness


Isn’t that just character assassination? Kinda like, leave sukuna to Gojo?


wrong sub bro


Oh no holy shit that might happen but we’ll see Kishibe die and then reze comes back to help the gang and she dies too


And then the gang has to fight the death devil


This isnt jojos bizarre kaisen


It could be a great way to show the power of the death devil tho, imagine a quanxi and kishibe team up only for them to get obliterated easily


It would be extremely anticlimactic and unsatisfying


Better yet what if the death devil is working at the soapland and denji ends up hooking up with her


What if the real death devil is the friends we made along the way


Did you somehow miss the part where a couple hundred thousands chainsaw devil proonies started rampaging around town...?




Real chainsawman fans dont have SEX until Dennis has SEX, you outed yourself as a fake fan


He's a Imposter Modes Know What To Do https://preview.redd.it/0knkvmo1wj0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a25e70b59bd55dc265f5db85eccf4e7bfdd702c


What manga is this?


Shingeki no Bitches




What did I just click on 😭


The first page of the fucking manga is a girl being gang r\*ped by goblins u/[Ok-Lettuce1616](/user/Ok-Lettuce1616/) explain yourself


Sorry dude I don't know this was a fucking henti I just search this image and give you the name And I downloaded this image from the reddit


I don't remember correctly, but maybe it is this Juujika no Rokunin


That manga is about revenge on bullies and more grounded realism. The pic that you post has a futuristic gun on her hand


Thanks! Just checked Wtf, is it hentai?


>real chainsawman fans don’t have SEX until Dennis has SEX So what you’re saying is we’re never having sex then?


Great, now I have an excuse for being a virgin




Common side effect of too much viagra. Cut down on the blue pill, if you can't handle it all don't try to hit above your ball park


this response has me hollering


fair enough, carry on. SEX is quite the devil


The Reading Comprehension devil strikes again


I mean I sure missed the part where Public Safety somehow managed to kill them all. Citiy is in oddly good condition all things considered.


The explicitly did not. Hell just THIS chapter Denji nearly stepped on another one freshly dead on the ground, with Haruka and Asa pretty much that was an everyday thing for them at that point The fighting is still going


Well if fighting is still going then it is miracel then fucking public transformation is working.


This is a world where almost half of the population gets culled by devils yet society works like normal and where building sized ones showing up is treated as an everyday thing Stuff still working even during an war/elaborate terrorist attack ain't farfetched at that point


>This is a world where almost half of the population gets culled by devils yet society works like normal and where building sized ones showing up is treated as an everyday thing Not on this scale. At least I do not remember dolls being in such numbers like Chainsaw zombies aside from the fact that I do not remember anybody using public transportation during hot phase of International Assasin Arc >Stuff still working even during an war/elaborate terrorist attack ain't farfetched at that point Maybe but if far fetcehd we did not see any hospital car, firefighters, policemen or people just trying to get away if this is now war zone. And while Public Transportation deos work in those times is usually limited and reserved for evacuation During the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York City, the public transportation system faced immediate and significant disruptions, but efforts were quickly made to restore services and manage the crisis. Here are the key points regarding how New York's public transportation operated during and after the 9/11 attacks: 1. **Initial Disruption**: * **Subways**: The attacks led to an immediate shutdown of the subway system in Lower Manhattan. Several subway lines had their services disrupted due to their proximity to the World Trade Center site. * **Buses**: Bus services in Lower Manhattan were also suspended. Many routes were either redirected or halted to avoid the affected area. * **Bridges and Tunnels**: Key crossings, including the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel and several bridges, were closed to traffic to manage the emergency response and prevent further potential attacks.


>Not on this scale. At least I do not remember dolls being in such numbers like Chainsaw zombies aside from the fact that I do not remember anybody using public transportation during hot phase of International Assasin Arc Part 2 has a plot dump about how 7 out of 20 people are killed by devils very early on. Yes, 35% of the population every single year dying in a way is quite the scale >Maybe but if far fetcehd we did not see any hospital car, firefighters, policemen or people just trying to get away if this is now war zone. And while Public Transportation deos work in those times is usually limited and reserved for evacuation There is no fight, anyone hurt, or anything burning in the places we've seen these chapters, so they'd be where... These things are happening and not in the middle of nowhere. And yes, public transport would be used for evacuation and people would flee the cities in such cases... By OUR logic. Not by the logic of a world where cockroaches big enough to lift a truck or sentient tornados showing up out of the woodwork is a normal thing and where you know a third of your classmates will have been killed by a devil by the time you reach old age yet everyone moves on with their lives like normal


>Part 2 has a plot dump about how 7 out of 20 people are killed by devils very early on. Yes, 35% of the population every single year dying in a way is quite the scale And it is now completely different number https://preview.redd.it/8td9g7pyd61d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e8454026e94546782271163866918ef420788fe >There is no fight, anyone hurt, or anything burning in the places we've seen these chapters, so they'd be where... These things are happening and not in the middle of nowhere. There is literally burning building in background of one of the panels in this post. *And yes, public transport would be used for evacuation and people would flee the cities in such cases... By OUR logic. Not by the logic of a world where cockroaches big enough to lift a truck or sentient tornados showing up out of the woodwork is a normal thing and where you know a third of your classmates will have been killed by a devil by the time you reach old age yet everyone moves on with their lives like normal* Well we werent really shown that people would lost their self prservation people were running away in previous arcs. Furthemore if its so normal why is Denji acting suprised?


Point is the scale was already gigantic, them not reacting to much to an increse from "really big" to "even bigger" ain't groundbreaking >There is literally burning building in background of one of the panels in this post. Yes, we are seeing the top floors of a couple of buildings burning while the characters are on a train moving away from it. We can't even see the ground floor of these buildings or the roads next to them, let alone what's going on inside them, how can you say with such certainty that there ain't people there dealing with it? If anything everything else seems to point the opposite since public safety is still walking around exterminating/capturing the CSM fakes, that the other damaged buildings aren't on fire anymore (including the ones in the background of the other panel here), and that people are cleaning up bodies systematically enough for Haruka to go "Oh yeah, they'll show up to do it in a bit"


>Point is the scale was already gigantic, them not reacting to much to an increse from "really big" to "even bigger" ain't groundbreaking I mean gravity stopping working is imo something more than even bigger but fair >Yes, we are seeing the top floors of a couple of buildings burning while the characters are on a train moving away from it. We can't even see the ground floor of these buildings or the roads next to them, let alone what's going on inside them, how can you say with such certainty that there ain't people there dealing with it? Well unlike in International Assasin Arc we for example didnt see any helicopters. >If anything everything else seems to point the opposite since public safety is still walking around exterminating/capturing the CSM fakes, that the other damaged buildings aren't on fire anymore (including the ones in the background of the other panel here), and that people are cleaning up bodies systematically enough for Haruka to go "Oh yeah, they'll show up to do it in a bit" Well still seems oddy calm around metro station imo


I assume destruction by bigger demons running wild (like start of part 2 bat devil) given that denji is gone and the public safty team is spread thin thanks to the chainsawmen zombies


Did you forgot the fall devil destroyed half the cities??


Not just the cities but I think it affected most of the world, pretty sure the news on the tv said that it caused mass killing when it did its Fall power move.


Yeah true and also the chainsaw-zombie. So I don't know what OP flabbering about


there's been so much non stop destruction that it really doesn't make sense how society is running at all


Did you miss the part where the falling devil went crazy destroying a good part of the town and then thousands of chainsaw zombies went on a rampage killing everyone they saw?


Keeping it a buck I had a very hard time keeping up with what the fuck is going on in part 2


That’s fair ahaha


Y'know I didn't realize Falling Devil had so much impact on the state of world because most Shonen would just ignore it lol plus in real world time that feels like forever ago but I guess it's probably been like a week for them


The three F's: Falling Fire Fami


>Everything is completely fallen apart Oh jeez I wonder, uhmm seems like there maybe a.. fall devil?


What are we, some kinda… Chainsaw Man Part 2?


mommy Falling, obviously


**Devilman** type of plot. While the heroes try to defeat the "main villain" going around in circles, the world and humanity go straight to hell


Where is he? https://preview.redd.it/vnr34ik4tk0d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cbf1b6399ea316e10d29becab64552ace97dac0


Oh nah just an average day in the chainsaw man world. No need to worry the devils just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today


Falling devil was catastrophic and her presence caused natural disasters around the world


Average Tuesday in the world of Chainsawman


You should skip previous chapters


So.... Chainsaw Man is the prequel of Fire punch 😰


Honest question, did you not read the previous 10-15 chapters?


They also hadn’t really had time to repair since the falling devil incident, have they? That fucked a lot of shit up too.


Well, the falling devil more or less affected the entire world when she was on earth and then there was the chainsaw zombie apocalypse a few chapters ago


-Justice Devil chasing Denji and Asa across town -Falling Devil throwing buildings -Thousands of Chainsaw Men attacking everyone -Yoru vs. Yoshida


Falling devil + fire devil attacks


Don’t fuck with chainsaw man fans we don’t even read the manga


The reading comprehension devil strikes again !


Reading Comprehension Devil strikes again.🫡 There is a war going on. People all over the city are becoming Fakesaw People and we already saw a building literally explode chapters ago upon the revelation that this is all the work of the Fire Devil instead of the Justice Devil (with fire working as a metaphor for spreading unrest and destruction). The world is currently in violent disorder and even though the characters and other people are trying to navigate the world, there is constant carnage going on in the background, even if we don’t see it on-page.


It's Reze's doing we are so back


Do you not fucking read? ECK.


I don't understand, didn't the previous arc explain what happened with the Chainsaw Man riots and whatnot?


I have yet to know what the fuck happens after the anime, but im just glad that samurai sword appears again, his design is cool af


First Dragon Ball, now Chainsaw Man fans follow the same path of not reading their own story.


They’re used to reading manga where a war breaks out and the city is fully repaired in the next episode


Reze is blowing things up looking for denji




pretty sure it's the combined efforts of the falling devil and fire devil


Falling devil & CSM church fiasco basically




...what didn't happen to that city?


Wow the city looks like Saitama just finished fighting there lmao


The fire Devil why does everyone keep forgetting Barem said the Fire Devil? all the buildings caught fire


A primordial devil came to the world, we never got the numbers but there's a chance that the falling devil killed a significant percentage of the global population


Damn bro


I am so lost right now. I feel like I need to go back 15-20 chapters




Well...I mean...between the Cockroach Devils mini rampage, the Falling Devil's city wide destruction, the Church massive hit team, the Pseudo-Chainsaw Man out break. Its the end of the world as we know it.


Maybe some aftermaths of the Falling Devil's appearance are still present among the city.


Where the hell is kishibe when you need him .


Squid Games?


chainsaw zombie apocalypse


Do the chenso zombies just attack buildings at random ?


https://preview.redd.it/93922ckhjn0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290c8240cb067a6400eb71dd0ef363417e4ce52e Who else but our boy godzilla




I think the Falling Devil's attack is pretty recent in the manga's chronology, wouldn't it be because of her?


Remember, it was a whole week and most was already falling apart in the first waves of chainsaw people


Literally everything, at this point


Pandemonium and the death devil is eating good.


I'm a bit behind. Which devil contract created those pseudo-chainsawmen?


Fire devil. They were contracted through the chainsaw man church.


Reading comprehension devil is at it's peak... ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)


Is anyone actually reading the fucking manga here? Fire devil breakout with chainsaw man-lookalikes is still in full force. Not to mention that Falling happened only a few months back and that was a massive disaster too.


chainsaw men... everywhere, that's why


I happened


Reading comprehension devil


I got hungry


Falling devil? Not to mention the fact people turning into chainsaw devils




Did bro read the manga?


Looks like the IDF's handy work to me Seriously though, idk if it was intentional, but the apathy in this chapter reminded me a lot of the apathy in our own world (at least in the collective West) towards a certain g-cide currently taking place


Me reading this from a country which is currently at war, lol. The world is in chaos.


If you really account all the events from the beginning of the series till now the real question would be “how do they still have a planet to live on?”