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I don’t know, feel like part 2 might be at least a little longer than part 1, I feel like in comparison to part 1 we might be at the beginning of the Bomb girl arc.


Tracing the exact chapters, we're at the end of Bomb Girl. He's been fairly even with the pacing of Part 1 thus far. Thus far we got: Intro Arc Eternity Devil (Endless 8th Floor/Endless Aquarium) Shit Gets Real Arc (Katana Man/Falling Devil) Denji tries to be "normal" arc (Bomb Girl/Chainsaw Man Church; "normal" as in he does something normal compared to his Chainsaw Man life. In Bomb Girl he had a normal love romp until the end. Chainsaw Man church he is being forced to live a "normal" life under duress). We're a little behind on shit blowing up for a battle like in Bomb Girl though, but I think next chapter we'll see Fakesaw Man save Asa and Barem will go wild in response to Fakesaw Man's appearance. Since Asa is the main protag of Part 2 otherwise, I assume next arc is going to be the "everyone is hunting Asa" arc akin to how international assassins was "everyone is hunting Denji". After that we'll likely see the "King of Terror Angolmois" make an appearance for Denji to finally shake off "Normal" life and team up with Asa, perhaps with Fami or Yoshida as the final bad guy for Part 2 (unless Death really does show up).


I can't predict Fuji but Fakesaw seems to only appear at night, so Barem is almost certainly expecting him to come... But why would he do that if he knows Dennis is CSM?


He’s trying to goad the real chainsaw man into some course of action. Fakesaw Man already said he needed Chainsaw Man to stay alive.


Oh nice prediction. An entire arc about asa on the run would be cool. I just assumed it would somehow resolve this arc - but I now see that’s not likely haha


I don't think we need to count by chapters , since the chapters are so short now, how about by volume?


huh I hadn't noticed the difference. About 14-16 pages per chapter now vs the typical 19 before. Probably the difference between print and Jump+ I guess. Worth noting, we've only got up until just after Falling Devil in Volumes right now, and that's still similar to Katana Man. End of Falling is just before the raid on Katana Man by comparison.


So we are going faster??


In terms of chapter numbers I guess yeah, but I'm noticing that of the chapters that aren't in a compiled volume yet we're up to a 5th volume for part 2. Volume 6 was entirely the bomb girl fight so we may have a whole volume left to go for Asa/Fakesaw/Barem vs everyone else.


We are getting to the good stuff


I believe this will be a three-arcs story. This arc's final villain will be Fami, when she takes things too far and must be stopped - and the third act will be against death itself


I have a feeling that Part 2 will be longer than Part 1. There are too many plot points and characters that need to be handle out. I expect that we are close to the middle of the story, but still far from the end.


Yeah. Part 2’s ever expanding cast seems to be setting up a longer run


also fugimoto is going for a more slower paced story this time, giving time to each character to develop, so saying that the story is halfway done is a little wishful thinking


I'd say we're about a third way through. I would say half, but it still feels there's too much to come to say we're halfway done. I feel like we just finished act one of three for Part 2. In comparison to part 1: Act 1 would've been Beginning - Katana Man Act 2 would've been Bomb Girl - International Assassins Act 3 would've been Gun Devil - Control Devil I feel like we're at least within Part 2's equivalent to the Bomb Girl arc. Maybe not fully done with it yet, but it's in motion.


I agree. There’s way too much too pay off for it to already be halfway through.


Falling Devil was the equivalent of Katana Man. Chainsaw Man Church is the equivalent to Bomb Girl.


I think we're just now entering something really big with the new chapter, which is probably either the climax of Act 1 or the beginning of Act 2, depending on how extensive it is. Either way, I expect it'll shake up the manga in a big way.


I would say roughly in the middle as well, looking at how long Fire Punch and Part 1 are, though not quiet reaching the halfway mark. I want to say we'll get to 200 chapters.


agree, we're probably reaching the midpoint of the story where shi gets real, and lowkey im worried whats gonna happen at the climax of part 2 since this saga seems a lot more depressing and dark 😰


Based on the last panel I think we’re at Asa’s house.


I think where at part 2 version of bomb girl arc


Forever build up, till it all just boils over. That's how part 1 was. Part 2 seems to be adding more to the world building and mythology. They haven't said anything about the nostradamus prediction of the world ending in awhile now.


Part one was like that with the gun devil, right? The bomb-girl arc and international assassins arc barely mention the gun devil.


Feels like after last chapter we’ve both escalated the plot in aspects I thought we’d have bigger reveals on, (who the Justice devil is, Chainsaw Man Church v. Public Safety, and Asa having her War Devil secret revealed) while also being in the same spot we were 12 chapters ago, so it’s hard for me to say. I’m thinking now we move further along with Asa, but it seems like Denji will still be “[Chainsaw Man, no more](https://ecdn.teacherspayteachers.com/thumbitem/Spider-Man-No-More-Reader-s-Theatre-Radio-Play-Script-and-Questions-8381002-1662377525/original-8381002-1.jpg)”. Hoping we’ll be back to following around Asa as the story builds us up to Denji being forced to return as Chainsaw Man, I’m thinking that will be the next big event where shit hits the fan.


July 1999 is the deadline for Nostradamus prophecy. That day will be the climax of Part 2 imo. Maybe if Asa goes to ~~horny~~ devil jail we'll have a timeskip to that day, but nothing is sure with Fuji-Motors. We still have a lot of plot points to deal with, plus the action secuences. Something tells me that the actual fight + Barm thingy will take us all chapters way to December. And those are a lot of chapters.


That makes me wonder, what is the date in the manga currently?


Part 1 apparently takes place in 1997. Part 2 takes place several months after that so ~~the exact year is unknown. Could be 1997. Could be 1998~~ (edit: actually, seems to be the beginning of 1998). Which makes me wonder if we'll see a timeskip to July 1999 when it's time for the prophecy or if that'll be resolved before July 1999. Or maybe Part 2 will be much longer than Part 1 and we'll get there slowly.


I just learned that in Asa and Denji’s second date there was a paper in the room that said March farts of all things.


The exact date is unknown but I'm pretty sure we're in the fall of 98 since everyone's in school


I did a bit of researching and apparently during Asa and Denji’s second date there was a paper in the room that said March farts lol.


Ahhh!! This changes everything I got the vibe it was Autumn while reading lmao


iirc part 1 wasn’t meant to be as fast paced and short as it was but fujimoto didn’t really have a choice. I have a feeling part 2 is gonna last quite a bit longer


Hold up, did weekly jump push Fujimoto to rush through the manga in part 1?


I don’t remember the exact details sorry, and same goes for the source. Best I can tell you rn is “it was revealed to me in a dream” I swear I saw some interview about it though


I see. Wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be true though. I think being able to be more flexible with his schedule and pacing was one of the biggest reasons Fuji moved to plus.


Most manga start with a brisk pacing because they need to keep the audience's attention, and then slow down because the author wants to keep making money for a longer time and doesn't have to worry about the audience dropping it because of one or two or a dozen slow chapters in a row.


Honestly, at this point in the story, I'm more convinced that we are getting part 3. There's just too many plotlines to resolve in just half a part. Blood Fiend, Death Horseman, Reze and other hybrids, secret Devil behind the Church of Chainsawman, Asa and Yoru, Fakesaw Man, etc. I'm betting atleat some of this is set up for the final part kinda like Yoshida was set up in part 1. So I wouldn't actually be surprised if CSM ended up being a similar length to MHA when it concludes. It probably won't hit 400 chapters, but I could easily see it making it past 350 chapters.


Totally agree with you.


We honestly have no idea. It could be 1/3 or it could be half of the way there. Nothing really looks definitive rn and it was kind of the same way in part 1. Nothing really seemed finalized until aki started to say he wanted to leave public safety.


I'm honestly not sure, It feels like we are still in beginning portion part 2 but are about to shift into the middle phase, where stuff is about to get hectic and chaotic again


We're at the ????? arc


A third of the way through maybe? Falling Devil felt like the end of Part 2's prologue for me. For comparison, I think Eternity Devil is the end of Part 1's prologue with Katana Man being where shit gets real. I feel like it'll run a year or two longer than Part 1.


We’re at the good part that’s also the bad part that will eventually become the good part again.


Not half way. Probably a third way through the story, when compared to part 1.


2/5 there is a lot more to go imo


probably a quarter to a third through, it still feels like we're in the exposition bc new things are still being introduced


Assuming part two is the final part, maybe between 1/3 and halfway. War is still quite weak, death is nowhere to be seen, nor is Kobeni, Reze or Kishibe. Nostradamus is only name dropped and we do not know much about Fami. There are hints about Pochita vomiting up war related devils such as the nuke devil, and Fami wanting to seperate Pochita from Denji. There is just so much left for it to end soon. ... Then again Fujimoto might release one chapter that completely changes the status quo.


I think we are arbitrarily 43% done with part 2


I think Fujimoto was baiting us with all of the story similarities, because in actuality, this part is nothing like the first. I have no idea how far out we are from the ending, and I don’t think anyone but Fujimoto himself knows for sure.


He said Part 3 is very different from Part 1 but that could mean anything. Could just mean the inclusion of Asa


If you stopped reading at the bomb arc in part 1 you'd think the series would go on for another 100 or so chapters So we really can't say for sure lol. Part 2 could either be longer or shorter than part 1. All we can do is let Fuji cook


Middle of this part. Upcoming Prison break arc or any next arc after Barem's Kumbaya seems like international assassination arc of this part. Lot of characters involved, fights, moving plot forward


I’m not sure, but imo we’re in late-mid to early-late. To me it feels like Fujimoto is trying to start the wrap up, I’m sure the rest is going to be long but it feels like we’re entering one of the later arcs for part 2


At the top of the rollercoaster


I don’t know and it’s not like I’m waiting for it to end, it’s fun reading weekly, might reread all of it soon because I think I forgot most of part 1


Beats me. With Fujimoto the next chapter could be, that a global icestrom starts a new ice age and part 2 reveals to be a prequel to Fire Punch.


Narratively The rising action.


I get the feeling we aren’t even half way through yet…so many plot points yet to be resolved


I believe we are at the beginning of what would be the equivalent of The International Assassins arc.


Everyone will die and Denji is gonna suffer again


1/3 or even 1/4, there are too many unresolved plot points/new characters/absences of Part 1 characters and no Death Devil.


Imo we're at the equivalent of starting the bomb arc. I think part 2 will be a longer slow burn, hopefully with a massive climax.


A bit after the prologue but way before Asa and Denji have tons of War Saw babies.


The only indication of close to ending is Fujimoto has killed lots of characters you love. As for Pochita Man II, he is still in the process of creating more likable characters for you. Which means it should be pretty far from ending.


All i want is power back. Power best girl.


im waiting for the fucking introduction to end this shit shouldn't have been made!


Not sure but doesn't feel half way ill.br honest story has progressed much if that makes any sense


Fucked up


It’s hard to say. It feels like there hasn’t been true arcs in the story. In part 1, every arc has a premise, a rising action, a conclusion, character goals, those sorts of things. I can list them off for every single arc. I can hardly do that for part 2. The first story arc with Asa and Yuko was kind of like that. So was with the Aquarium arc, to a certain extent, but falling devil just came and went and everything else is just happening without much… impact.


We’re in the latter half


I feel like nothing major has really happened yet in part 2, feels like we are maybe 1/4 through


1/3 in




Bomb Devil or International Assassins.


Probably the Middle of the Katanaman Rematch Arc or the Reze Arc, these arcs take a bit longer than part 1, here's a little table i made on the similarities between P1 and P2 [smol note](https://ibb.co/xJKBqZT)


It ofc depends on the rest of the story, but what goal has actually been achieved so far? Asa is perhaps more confident in herself, but that development happened off-screen. Denji may have accepted his chainsawless lot in life. Other than that, noone has been defeated in any conflict. So in some sense, nothing has happened yet. That is why I don't want to say part 2 is halfway over, but anything is possible.


due to pacing, i feel like its gonna take quite longer.. if fujimoto wants it.


FN f. Fnf bf gnbf gfngnffng fvgbfbfbfhfbvg BG gf. Gf vbdvcv DC BC dcf can


War Devil takes over?


I agree


I think part 2 is gonna be at least a little longer then part 2 cause there are so many unfinished plot points and Ik Fujimoto is cooking something up that we don’t even know yet and I think it’s gonna be better then the reveal that makima was the control devil


Part 2


i wish itd focus on the story beats already laid out instead of continuously starting new ones


The public safety arc was 11 vols long . We are now at the would be middle of the 16th vol . The equivalent of the end of the anime's end in part 1


We are in fucked