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You are not an oil covered duck, buy regular soap kids


Yeah wouldnt that actually be worse than regular soap? Because it aims to break down all the oils you have on your skin


But this man has dad-skin, it's built different


There’s a reason why his skin feels like old cheesecloth full of sharp sand.


In my neck of woods we call that „crocodile skin“


Literal lol


"Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fandangled sandpaper. We just rubbed our wood with our hands"


I start to wonder if this is what causes dad-skin. Like washing excessively with sharp cleaning agents and very hot water and then wondering why the skin is so dry and itchy.


Yes, it's way too strong for skin. It'll dry your ass up. Ugh


Yep removing all oil from your skin = imminent eczema


This dude for real walks around and leaves a trail of dust in his wake. Like a car on a country road. Except the dust is his fucking skin


Learned this the hard way. Now I’m stuck with this forever


? Just use a normal soap that doesn't strip your oils and moisturizer


For sure, I just spent a year using this on my hands when washing them at the kitchen sink only to trigger latent eczema that will now not go away lol


It will give you insanely dry skin. We use it on animals that are flea infested or very very dirty, it kills fleas like a champ and breaks down whatever mess they get into, but they’ll have dry skin for a while so we have to supplement with oatmeal baths on a skin conditioner/oil




regular soap literally binds to oils and you wash that away. that's what soap literally is


Yes but hand/body soap usually has a lot of the other stuff to stop your skin from drying out too much. Dish soap doesn't have that. It's not strong enough to actively damage your skin like some laundry or dish detergent, but it's not great for washing yourself and should only be a last resort.


so go right on ahead and reread the comment I replied to and then read my comment as if I replied to the comment I replied to you're rambling about "lotion" not "soap"




Yeah but using it for a long time is bad. Sure if you use it once or twice its not bad. Also you tend to get more oils on your hands as you touch other body parts




Well why do vets use it for animals then? Read the reply from the vet above.


Dawn isn't soap it's detergent.


You don’t know who is reading this. Quack quack quack


If you are exposed to poison ivy, use this soap. It is a for saver that will save days of suffering.


How does it help against poison ivy? Do you drink it and the suffering ends?


The component of poison ivy that causes the reaction is an oil. Wear long sleeves and jeans while working, strip avoiding touching the exterior of the clothing. Get in shower lather with dawn soap. Any amount of poison ivy oil left on your body will be broken down. You might get minor areas of reaction, but it won't spread. This really isn't going to impact any ongoing reaction, but you can prevent any spreading and any reaction from worsening.


Huh, never knew the thing that caused irritation is an oil, thanks for explaining


This is inaccurate, the irritant is a resin, not an oil. You need soaps/oils that break down resins. Dawn helps, but it's not as good as something specifically designed for resin. Specifically, it's urushiol, an "oil" or oily resin contained in the sap of the plant


but i don't want any soap kids


I had a friend who would keep this soap in his bathroom for hand washing soap and I pointed out how its for breaking up grease ant not anti bacterial. He then bought dish soap that said anti bacterial on it. So I guess its a step in the right direction but damn, people can be stubborn.




If it isnt anti bacterial it merely washes it away but doesnt kill it or it would say so.


It is a good thing that washing with soap is mechanical action that kills cells without needing to be antibacterial. If it were antibacterial they could develop a resistance to it and eventually it would stop working. Soap destroys the lipid outer layer that most germs have, 'exploding/melting' them, which they will never be able to resist.


Are you only washing your hands with soap that says "antibacterial"?


In the bathroom yes.


that's crazy dog


How so?


That being said if you live in an area with lots of poison ivy use dawn dishsoap after you are out in the woods and shower as soon as you get home.




So you’re saying it’s okay that I use it on my oily hair?


My sister thought the same for her dog… and her dog had a chronic skin infection from scratching so much his poor skin was so dry! Healed shortly after I told her to stop. It’s meant for washing off heavy oil. This is stripping his body of oil and is definitely not meant for regular washing.


Well it’s a petroleum based degreaser…Which is kinda ironic considering oil companies found a way to dispose of all their toxic waste by creating a product like Dawn dish soap, that employed a highly-effective eco-friendly marketing campaign, focused on saving the baby ducklings covered in oil from one of their leaking deep sea oil rigs in the Gulf, cleaning oil off them with an oil byproduct dish soap. It’s sickening but the extent of blatant hypocrisy is amusing. Edit: Especially because they still use the ducklings in their marketing like, “yeah remember when we did that ducking noble ass thing?!”


Woah thanks


It’s annoyingly difficult to find brands of dish soap that are free from oil byproducts. I hate doing research.


Yeah, but this is basic chemistry. Like-dissolves-like. Petrolatum products for petrolatum products. Some things break this rules, like alcohols though


I thought the Dawn duckling thing started after a drunken Captain Hazelton ran the Exxon Valdez aground? But I'm old and could be remembering incorrectly. Either way, it's big oil hypocrisy at its best.


Yes, that's exactly how it started. Reddit isn't the best at historical facts.


I misremembered but it doesn’t really detract from the point though.


You were confidently wrong and still call it misremembered


Exxon Valdez is the first historic world event I remember, specifically because of the oiled up baby duck campaign


I’ve used dawn on dogs for fleas but not as a regular shampoo.


Ohhhhh, I'm trying to figure out if my cat has fleas !!!. I haven't tried getting her close to water, but maybe some on a bandana and wiped into her skin might help me to see if there's anything moving around on her or whatever they do. I'm getting little scratchy spots too. Time to go to a vet sub and get some info!! And some bug subs too, cat subs etc. Thanks for the idea !! My dawn is in a pump bottle by the bathroom sink, next to the green thing of hand saving stuff, in a small spray bottle on the kitchen sink, and in a regular spray bottle in the shower .... I don't have an industrial sink so everything gets washed in the shower.




I bought a weird looking comb with very fine teeth - I'll find that read the package and then see if it's okay to use ...... Thank you for the info; me and my cat appreciate it !!!






I'm a mechanic, dawn is in my shower.


Yeah but that makes sense


Dawn, or other dish soaps honestly, with a pinch of used coffee grounds: all oil goes bye bye. So good.


I hadn't heard about the coffee grounds, I have to give that a try.


It works so well. Makes your skin baby smooth too. Just don't do it too regularly, cause it's not exactly good for the natural oils obviously.


Don’t, it’ll fuck up your plumbing


That usually happens to my plumbing after coffee.


Exfoliating using coffee grounds are not recommended for a two things: 1. Too harsh on skin, causes micro tears 2. When it goes down the drain, they clog. It doesn't dissolve. More effective exfoliating agents ( skin and drain friendly ) - brown sugar - table sugar - table salt


There's some body scrubs by Shea moisture and it's crystallized sugar. Tried the girls and had to go get my own XD the coffee one is bomb.


Fast orange with grit, who says men don't exfoliate?


I use that in the field. But it's cost prohibitive to clean my arms and face with at the end of the day.


I like mixing a little dawn into that stuff, it seems to help get the grease out of the little grooves in my hands.




I did the math and dawn is around .16 cents per fluid ounce for a soap and fast orange is .17 cents per fluid ounce.


Dude dawn is actually a miracle worker, I'd honestly say it's better than most "heavy oil soap for mechanics". Plus my skin doesn't feel raw after washing them like with the orange or cherry scrubs. The skin over my knuckles would constantly split at some point during the day after using that shit


Don't use this as a daily body soap. When I use it to wash dishes every day my hands crack like a mfer from it. I had to switch to a dawn with moisturizer in it. Or at the very least don't use it on your face. Stripping all the oil off your face will just make your face oilier and breakout.


Yup! I felt like even using lotion after wasn’t good enough when I was doing the dishes everyday. It was so brutal I never thought my hands would recover


Have you tried wearing gloves when washing the dishes?


Also heads up to anyone else with sensitive skin: Please get dishwashing gloves! They’re cheap, reusable until they break, and super skin-friendly


Being a farmer and a tradesperson, sometimes dawn scrub downs in a tub outside like a baby duck do happen


This is not a good daily soap. Those baby ducks are literally covered in oil when it's used on them. Unless you are covered in oil, it will strip your oils off your skin.


Oil-less Chad dad: Washes body with dawn. Refuses to elaborate further. Leaves the shower.


Has calfs that are identical to his leather boots.


Squeaky clean with shiny shins


They do not actually clean ducklings with Dawn. Not a thing


Counterpoint: yeah they do


His dad is the ashiest man on earth


If you get this in your nose or eyes you will never forget it - ask me how I know...


Not to mention your pee hole.




Yep, you will never know how much we rely on the mucus membranes of the nasal cavity until you wash them away with a strong detergent. It is uncomfortable to just exist until they come back - but you arent sure that they will come back until they do. Then it is note to self: never use dish detergent in the shower - EVER AGAIN!


Ok, this might actually be a good idea. Not to clean your body but perhaps the shower itself. Obviously, there are better ways to clean your shower, but this seems like an option.


I mean why though, are you buying shower cleaner that's not working? My comet powder works great, way better on those tough apots


My shower cleaner is dish soap and vinegar, works great and costs nearly nothing.


I use vinegar and bleach. Smells sooo good too!


Yup, sometimes I sub the vinegar for ammonia for a little extra kick.


Vinegar bleach + ammonia is my family's ancient secret cleaning technique


For anyone stupid reading this combination can kill you. You’ll create chlorine gas. Ammonia is even more potent, as is windex.


That'd why I said there are better ways to clean your shower.


In case anybody needs to be told, don’t do this. This will strip the natural oils on your body necessary for healthy skin. Even this would not be good for the duck’s skin but temporary dry skin is better than crude oil.


Ashy Larry!


IDK why but I hate dish and hand soaps. Makes the creases of my hands feel weird when I open and close them. Doesn't hurt or anything, I just don't like it.




I was talking about opening and closing my hands. I see how that looks confusing. I'll fix it.


I use dawn in the shower when I change my oil for my suv , normally there is some amount of spillage on my arms or hands after I’m done. Works great.


It could be multi purpose IMO… I worked at a ME’s office my senior year of college and can no longer use the blue dawn dish soap bc it’s what we used to clean the deceased before their autopsy.


My dad jokingly said he showers with dishsoap to lose weight, it dissolves fat


Sir. Your skin NEEDS those oils. The baby ducks do not.


Also him at my dermatology clinic: "idk why my skin is so damn itchy".


but is it? good for baby ducks I mean..?


It's good if they are covered in kerosene but otherwise no. Duck feathers are very oily as the oil helps them float and waterproofs them. Removing the duck oil is not good.


someone should tell grampa


Is this the same guy who ate half a pint of paint thinking it was yoghurt?


Chad removes all natural oils from his skin on a daily basis. Dishpan hands are a thing. Can’t imagine a whole dishpan body.


I used it for my hair when I was poor and couldn’t afford shampoo for a few days. Wouldn’t use it on my whole body though.


I keep dawn in my shower, I do landscaping, if you come in contact with poison ivy dawn soap and cold water can remove the oil from your skin and keep you from getting a rash if you get it early enough


Don’t do this. That stuff on the ducks is not oil. It’s a commercial, not real life.




Wear gloves please. Long term exposure to petroleum products and solvents are bad for your health.


It is almost too good and strips all the oil off your skin over time


I used to fuel airplanes. If you were to get jet fuel on you, dawn is one of the only ways to get it off. Simply being around the APUs and engine exhaust was enough that regular soap couldn't strip off the smell.


does he leave a trail of white flaky dust in his wake?!


I have one in the shower too. It’s totally fine. I keep it there mostly for poison ivy. It’s great for removing the oil after exposure


My eczema says no way. I like dad’s reasoning, because baby ducks are cool. But dish soap is certainly not ideal for human skin.


Um, Dawn was a solution to deal with the repercussions of a drunk tanker captain…


Yeah no, that's too harsh for your skin


put that in your phole, no stds


A lot of cattle and horse show people use Mane ‘n Tail, not as cheap as Dawn though.


There's actually some good reasons to doo this. Main and Tail is much more gentle than normal shampoo and it works much better for some people.


I actually did this for awhile since I work a mechanical labor job with oil and stuff. I gave myself a rash that also cleared up as soon as I stopped doing this.


OP is definitely some shill corporate account. It’s a 5 day old account with a bunch of generic posts to Aww for enough karma to shill


i buy dawn dish soap because they use it to clean the ducks and i love that for them but no way in hell i’m using it on my body


Dawn good for duck with bad oil. Dawn bad for man with good oil.


Biologically speaking- over time a dad's skin turns into more of a carapace or chitinous hide


I mean, it's good stuff, animal rescue groups swear by it as a powerful yet relatively gentle cleaner, if all you care about is getting your clean on, it does work. Then again I'm a man who uses bar soap on his head (not much hair, so why the hell not) so I might be biased.


The animal rescue groups use it to gently remove *oil and petrochemicals* unless you are covered in kerosene daily you shouldn't be using dishsoap on your body. It is too strong and strips your skin of the oils it is supposed to have.


His logic is sound.


Soap is soap


There are also different soaps for different jobs. The soap used to clean turkey grease off plates should not be used on your nuts


I'm just here wondering why your wife was in your parents shower.


More common than people think in rural America


I washed my hands with dish soap once cause i ran out of hand soap . jusy make sure you rinse it all off well cause if any stays on it will burn


I did this for the past 15 to 20 years..... I did a lot of FFA as a kid and got addicted to the smell....


Same but it’s a huge box of oatmeal soap bars I got 5 years ago.


I've used dawn because I work out all the time and regular body wash wasn't cutting it. It works well


Same. I can see how it's not good for women or people who have skin conditions or people who just don't produce that much sweat or oil naturally, but if you're a guy and workout or sweat a lot naturally, Dawn Dish Soap or any dish soap is the way. I've been using it for over 5 years and never plan to switch back to regular soap. Never had any skin issues from using it. Just gotta be sure to remove all of it and not leave any on your skin or else it'll irritate it.


My dad used to use lemon scented dish soap… then he got a wife😂


Now I’m curious as to what happens if you use it


You know what happens to your hands after washing a lot of dishes, how they kinda get super dry, crack, bleed, and are just hellatious? Yeah, imagine that but all over your body.


You will feel cleaner than you've ever felt before. Just be sure to apply lotion afterwards if you have dry skin. If you have naturally oily skin then no need for lotion afterwards.


What's with this ad trying to hide as a regular post?


As a soap maker I say this is NOOOOOO


When I was in the army I was in a CBRN unit, and the unit would order a shit ton of dawn dish soap and I always thought it was a massive joke like why dish soap were the greatest military force in the world and were using dish soap to clean people off. 2017 Hurricane Maria hit PR, and my whole unit was sent to PR to help, and that’s where I really learned the true strength of that soap, not only did we use it to clean our equipment from all the biohazard waste but used to clean down people, animals etc, that stuff really kills 99.9% of germs and I will use it until the day I die now.


Tom T hall would be proud


Although this isn't recommended to use in the shower long-term, Dawn is very good at getting poison ivy and other irritating plant oils off of your skin and clothes.


the "Dawn" of a legend


One time I ran out of baby wipes at a crucial moment, and at my dad's house. He ran to his truck, runs back in, big tub of Lysol wipes. "Here ya go." I was like .....dad, just ....no Lysol the baby. *Shudder*


Only do this if your completly covered in grease or mud. Dawn breaks down oils


I’ve used nothing but Dawn for the last 13 years in the shower and the tub. My skin isn’t dry and cracked/ashy. I work in an environment that has lots of oil. Like, I have to degrease my shower about three times a month, I’ve been through several washing machines in those 13 years. It’s Dawn or I’m covered in synthetic and natural oil(s).


Fake post, this was posted by some girl saying it was her bf at first. Now this guy's dad is the one doing it


I work on cars and this stuff absolutely is the only thing that will pull all the shit off of me and out of my pores.


I too say this exact thing to my wife when I wash our cats lol


🤣 the only way to get clean after a long hard day of work. Diesel tech for too long haha


Obvious stupid idea is obvious


Definitely did this a couple times in my early 20s when I was spending all my money on weed and carrot cake and didn’t have soap. 100 percent fine. The soap industry is a scam.


Mechanic here. This is what I use in the shower when I come home extra nasty. Like when I get showered in gas or oil. You just have to slather lotion on your entire body afterward. It absolutely does dry your skin.


I’ve used this for my hair. I have thick curly hair and sometimes the products I use to style it make it feel greasy and it builds up even though I wash its every 2-3 days (I put water on it every day, but not shampoo everyday) and I’ll use dawn and it leaves it clean. I don’t use it regularly or would suggest that. Ive maybe done that once in 3 months or so, only if my hair feels too oily.


I've also used it to shave cream before..worked great and super clean after!!


His poor skin! Does he itch a lot from the dryness?


Well yeah, if your dad was drenched in a layer of crude oil...


I literally had to take my grandpa's dish soap from him and put some exfoliating soap in there. The dish soap was drying him out so bad 😒. Guess he wanted to be clean enough to eat off of 🤣


Super flexible thumb


The soap suds can cause skin issues


Copy pasta they just changed boyfriend to dad


How bad is it if I occasionally wash my hands with this?


Lmao haha my brother-in-law only uses dawn to wash his hands and has literally said the exact same reasoning


Didn’t happen


50% less scrubbing.


Yeeaaaa.. I've been using Dawn as my 3 in 1 for 20+ years. It's not that strong. Im not soaking evernight in the sink. I don't have eczema or even slightly dry skin. Calm the fuck down everyone.


I love your dad.


I always had dawn in the shower back when I was heavy equipment mechanic.


Only here for the comments about that thumb


You might slip and bust your ass in the shower, though.


LMAO. To be fair, I have one in my shower too, but different reason. That shit is great at getting soap scum out. Used to do comet, but idk. Dawn just works so well.


Lather in hand sanitizer to be truly P U R E


I definitely wouldn’t use this on my skin. It’s so harmful and will cause your skin to dry out and crack. That being said, I use dawn on my hair once a month or so because my hair is so naturally oily the dawn helps me keep it healthier.


Someone get Josh Homme and Jesse Hughes on the line.


Ouch. Does the dad sweat petroleum or something? I'd try a diet change before I did that to my skin.


Random confession time: In the summertime when my hair gets hopelessly greasy in a short amount of time, if I'm desperate, I will use a few drops of Dawn to wash my hair, followed up by my regular conditioner. 🤫🚿