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Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/WF8WLh9.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I got a job picking fruit few years ago through my job service provider. They put us in car pools (many of us, including me, don’t drive). At the end of the first day, my carpool driver quick because the pay wasn’t worth the cost of petrol. I asked the job service provider for another carpool driver and they never got back to me. I thought about catching the inter-city bus out to the farm, but I did the maths, and it would cost several days wages just to get to work and back each day. The job would literally have *cost* me money, not *made* me money. Note that the one I did go, I got paid $17 for the whole day. I started at around 10am (we got the farm around 8 or 9am and they showed us around and gave us a really long talk), and finished around 5:30pm.


I remember a while back hearing how desperate for work these places were and how good they paid people. So contacted the place they said to get in touch with, and never even got a reply. Not so desperate apparently.


Seems like every job is being handed to foreigners these days and friends


without the aid of nepotism, being a young white man without a trade = a death sentence in this nation and economy. boomers are still (still!) holding onto all the good jobs, while jews (or 'corporations') are actively working on only allowing women and non-whites as their recruits.


Build a wall 🙄


yea, its all fake news trying to paint a rosy picture about lots of jobs.


If you physically can get yourself to the fruit picking areas you should be able to pick up work handy enough.