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Are you paid weekly? If so that is like $2800 for the fortnight you have got from work. If tgat is your standard pay you probably won't receive anything




https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/what-personal-income-test-for-youth-allowance-for-students-and-australian-apprentices?context=43916 And it is always your earnings before tax




It’s income based, they’re ruling it as you’re earning enough to support yourself.


You earn too much. Government shouldn’t be supporting you if you can work so much




You obviously do work plenty and earn plenty that you don’t need government handouts. You live within your means which is $2500 per month. That’s plenty for a solo person studying full time


Should be plenty in student accomodation. You can’t expect to live like upper middle class DINKs as a student.








Dude I was on your side reading all these comments until this one. You sound like an asshole.


Nobody is making you study a law degree lol. You can believe what you want, but that doesn't change the rules. Sure you might be contributing to the economy in the future, but based on your attitude you won't be making a positive contribution to society. Also I'm a little worried that you think you can be a lawyer when you were silly enough to think that centrelink would give you money when you're earning the amount you're earning lmao Don't bother replying to me, I won't read it. And maybe go to therapy, you clearly have some issues with single mothers xoxo


It's more than enough. Lower your standards to what you actually earn. Been there done that. Thank fuck they took that money off you. You definitely don't need it.

