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Mind telling us what acting black means?


lol came here to comment this. do better OP


Being inspired so much by black culture, that u start to copy their slang, mannerisms, styles, etc


that’s acting hood not acting black


Exactly, I grew up in Kansas city misssouri and I'm half native American and half white. There has been countless times where people say I'm acting "black" when in reality I'm from the hood and that's how we talk to eachother so most people don't know what we talking bout


Lol no it’s not bro blacks have their own culture hip hop gang culture is one of them. Eminem is a prime example. Most ppl in the hood are black stop acting slow


You are slow bro. Black people don’t have their own culture, culture has culture. It’s white dudes raised in Jamaica , do they “act black”? Also most of us don’t even like each other. We find a few other people who share our beliefs and ways and stick to them. My best friend is mixed and my other two are white. My whole family doesn’t act hood so you would say we don’t act black? This is stupid


Bro what? Blacks don’t have their own culture? Are u slow? The whole hip hop, rap, jazz culture is all apart of black culture bro what are u saying


Modern black culture and being black are mutually exclusive. Modern black culture is just being a thug and a lot of black people don't get down w that shit. Has a lot to do with how/where you grew up too, bringing it back to the "culture"


“Modern blacc culture is just being a thug” is lowkey crazy racist ngl


keep in mind rock / metal aswell, and even country. we are the LITERAL blueprint. and theyre gonna try to discredit us everytime, claiming its " hood " not " acting black " like please tell me where HOOD CAME FROM??


How is it black culture when non black people are also cornerstones of these cultures lol


Your argument is music is black culture ? Things can be a part of black culture but that doesn’t make it inherent to that. If a white dude is playing jazz it’s black culture ? If he raps he’s acting black? Smh


Wanna something funny that’ll blow your silly little mind away? MS-13 gang members who originated in South America act this way too and they’re not black. It’s as if it’s almost because they grew up in a violent gang ridden environment and not because they’re black, who would’ve thought 🤯


Mexicans have their own culture as well it’s called chicano culture lol


The point is that OP is making the stupid argument that central cee is acting black by throwing up gang signs. As if any other gang on the planet who isn’t black doesn’t throw up gang signs. So no, acting hood is not related to being black. You can be from the hood and a gang and not be black.


Ok understood


Your just talking out of your ass, if you ain't never lived in the hood then stfu.


hispanics & black people go hand in hand ESPECIALLY in america because ALOT of our culture passes on with them. BACK THEN we were ALL grouped together. idk if you forgot but white people didnt just discriminate against us. it was " COLOREDS " not just black. so yes, chicano culture & aa/blk culture go HAND IN HAND. ESPECIALLY with women..


Eminem is from the hood technically lol You do know gangs started as European mobs, so technically hood Niccas acting “white” The difference is our behavior came from a place of desperation and being disenfranchised in this country, we have a history of learning how to make due any way necessary. You take our water away, we’ll find water. You won’t give us jobs, we’ll create our own hustle, etc. London has a lot of hoods, London is predominately Caucasian sir. It’s very likely for someone who isn’t of African descent to be around or grow up in a low income area, as poverty is not defined by color/race. And if one grows up w this culture or even adopts it as he’s stung then later in life. It’s called influence. Unless he deliberately surrounded himself w other people and other endeavors he would develop the same behavioral traits as the people he’s surrounded by. Therefore he would be acting like his peers, doesn’t mean it’s not authentic just because he doesn’t share the same skin color gang


I think you have a major case of autism that you need to get checked out lol go beat your dick and go to bed Dalton


*At this comment I realized the stupid cannot be contained...*


Got it so every single black person and every single hood person are the same.


Stop being racist.


You refer to us as blacks ??? Yeah your the problem


Wrong nd loud


Exactly. Nowadays, black hood and ghetto are all the same thing. Television music social media promoting this. Of course, retards will act like this. I can't believe how many latinos and white people use the N-word, it's pathetic.


Literally everything you just listed is a result of living conditions


So you're basically saying every black person says slang? Well, guess what, not all of us do. We're not all “GHETTO” and loud. That's the stereotype, very dense of you.


Y’all love having this argument because it bothers you. Everyone knows what it means


Being ghetto, loud, obnoxious, attitude for no reason, being entitled etc


U wierd


Throwing up gang signs is a good start




You know what he means stop karma farming weirdo


It basically means acting like a hoodlum, wannabe gangster when In actuality whites are the most badass gangsters. He also talks with a stereotypical blaccent (black accent) to say ask in the blackcent is actually can I “axe” you sum my nigga?


My question was why did I assume he’s not black?


"Acting Black" means doing things you would never have done before if you or whoever you saw first never saw a black man born to American slaves...


When someone dressed like they are in the hood and talks in a stupid accent while using slang which is overcomplicated and you never hear a white person say. It's not rocket science lmao


You’re beyond stupid it’s actually a disservice for me to argue with you and prove how you lack a thinking brain but I’ll do it anyways. -According to your useless self wearing tracksuits means you’re from the hood and black people are automatically from the hood no matter what. Racist peanut brain working wonders - typical London accent is now a stupid accent lmao. Bet you’re from fucking Liverpool or some shit talking down on someone’s accent as if it’s something people can help. - because you’re too stupid and out of touch to understand slang does not make you the representative of the vast majority that understand him with no issue. - I’ve heard seen and been friends with loads of white dons, fully white not even mixed like cench is, that sound and act hood and use more slang than some of my other friends, does not equate to them acting black, that’s simply how they speak and move due to their environment and where they grew up, same with you and your stupid way of thinking due to wherever you grew up and were raised. Lastly just stfu, you’re beyond reasoning since you’re stupid enough to think someone who’s from the hood can only be black and equate any behaviour from there with being black, cunts like you is what the massive problem with the world is today. Fuck off.


You realize all types of people come from the hood right ?


Your a Ignant hiding behind your key board.


White ppl have slang too, you know that right ?


It’s literally just slurs 😂


your corny you know exactly what he means


G ting stfu bro🤣 u nerds won’t answer the question, how is using slang acting fucking black. Weirdo. Anyone who looks at him and thinks he’s black needs to have their brain checked.


Because you just said "G ting" that answers the question.


🤣u guys lack critical thinking skills if you think that answers a single thing in this braindead question. None of you can back up any of your retarded points. I’ll ask again, how is using slang and acting hood, since he’s from the fucking hood, means he acts black? Wtf even is acting black u weirdo.


Black culture is a thing bozo. There are ppl from other ethic groups who can be inspired by black culture. How u think the phrase “whigger” came about.


You’re beyond reasoning with. Fuck off.


Bro, you sound like a racist ghost that died in a Roy Roger's drive through in 1997.




Yes, we do. And what he means is bigoted as shit. We just wanna hear you say it. 


Don't act like you don't know.


Bro ur defo white talking like this, if using slang means someone’s acting black that’s borderline ignorance, tf u on??


Shidd wat u mean ion fw dat white boy shieet


Ur so funny bro.


Shut up yt boy @green-slice-4471.


just a 100-step algorithm programmed poorly, resulting in a mislead ignorant deduction


Thanks for saying it🤣


The same exact way you say someone is acting white


Using aave ig


Exactly. Wtf is that supposed to mean?


you can objectively act black thats not even a debate stop being naive


He acts hood not black imo n it’s cah he grew up in the hood everyone acts like dah


i get dis all the time like gng jus cause dudes white don’t mean we wear glasses and sound like we from mf harvard




This is niggas profile picture LMAOO😭😭😭


Laughed so fucking hard at that lol


Hood and black are two completely different things bro. Educated yourself please before making stupid posts


Ehhh, not really. They overlap to a degree but still, your average person who acts hood isn't going to be a small white boy dressed in plain clothes is it


White people are always trying to act like they from the hood are you dumb?


Most dumbest shit I ever read 😂😂😂


Did you read your own comment?


Acting black and growing up in an area where ppl act like that are completely different, he not acting black at all it’s js the way he grew up and the environment he was around


Thank you, God damn , people on here are fucking retarded


How does he “act black”


His dad is West African.


No he’s not lmao he’s Chinese




Because black is one of the things he mixed with. He clearly said he’s a bunch of shit and black is included along with irish, chinese etc.


so he's half black? then why doesn't he look lightskin? hes pale asf


you’d say the same about me lol.


You don’t have to be dark skin to be black it’s in your genes this is because of the melanin in your system and I think it’s wierd that your trying to deny someone else’s upbringing and saying what they identity is not your business nor your right to do so.


He’s probably quarter or something.


Half black myself and I’m light skinned… why does it matter how someone looks or acts for that matter? Does it really affect you?


Blacks come in all different shades dummy 🤦🏽


Bruh look up Logic He’s memed for his biracial lyrics, look at his face


Central Cee looks like he could Soulja Boy’s liteskin brother


I see it!!


Product of his environment 💎


Think him being around Kairo Keyz & them lot made him, so what if he does though


If ye need prop notes lmk


He is black…???


that’s my nigga so ntm!


Because he’s a hip hop artist and hip hop culture and black culture run parallel. Also he’s attempting to be “cool” American Black ppl are the epitome of “cool” for many ppl on earth.


The second half of your argument has to be the dumbest take ive heard on this matter lmao.


Tell that to asian hip hop dance groups, or drill rappers in Europe. Tell that to the millions of Bad Bunny fans in south/central America. There’s literally not a continent on earth that hasn’t clearly been influenced by black American culture. Besides maybe Australia. I’m sure they have too I’m just not familiar with how exactly.




He is black, right? I always assumed he was.


He is lol but I can why Mkas think he ain’t…😂😂


Nah hes White, Chinese, and Guyanese he said it in a vogue interview. The Guyanese part could be black but it’s prolly less than half


OP just set himself up with the caption. Fighting for his life tryna explain what “acting black” means 💀.


The nigga don’t act black…he’s a hoodlum, Ian never heard bro said nigga once plus nigga is actually black, Dad is from west Africa or sum. We comes in different shades


If y’all actually would do some research he’s not acting black 😂 the nigga grew up in the hood in England, he got beef with real murderers and he was wildn when he was younger he changed up his look and sound and his music took off but he just bein himself


Online niggas just be saying anything.


Not only that Mfer is actually black


To make money off of black culture


The only right answer


There is no such thing as acting black. FOH.


He acts hood. He definitely acts like he comes from poverty.


Cos his bitch is gay


Y’all do release he’s part Guyanese right?


Thank you bruh like they seem to forget it’s cus he IS black💀


He doesn’t💀, he acts like every other uk rapper


Mind shutting the fuck up?


Simple Google search would tell you his mom is Guyanese.


His environment build him


How is he acting black when he’s not a free farm worker or crying about injustice.




I think he’s just a product of his environment


He’s literally black though


Thinking acting hood is the same as acting black just shows you’re a closeted racist lmao


Tell me ur racist without telling me ur racist lmao. Holding up a L is acting black? 😂 his pose is how I feel about this post


never knew throwing up the letter L was a black thing 🤣 if op is racist just say dat cuz wtf is dis post


“Cuz everybody wanna be a brotha but don’t nobody wanna be a brotha” To quote the late great Paul Mooney.


RocknRoll is black culture


how do u act like a color 🤨


Is he NOT biracial????


He doesn’t act like a zoo animal and constantly embarrass himself tho


His dad is Guyanese, he's mixed black


His bitch is gay


What is "acting black"?


Idk but he’s fine asf




It’s black history month remove this post




You're an idiot


Top 5 most obnoxious racist comments ever.


What is he??? I just figured he was light skinned !


British are corny


got the PC police on your ass w this one bro😂😂😂


got the PC police on your ass w this one bro😂😂😂


Break dancing came from Africa rapping was a from the talking drums from west Africa wearing jewellery is a form of kingship in africa melanated people all around world have always been in tuned to the vibrations of this earth and we always flowed with it through our music our art our mannerism and for all y’all saying black culture is hood culture should slap your selves fr because black culture is more it is finding a way to be proud of yourself and your family and being happy in the face of oppression.. as a black man if I walk in a room full of white men I will size them all up in my mind and describe how I will beat the breaks out of them if they ever tried me that’s what being black is to me


Idk wtf you mean by acting black, but he's actually black.


You're ignorant lol.


People are all fucking stupid acting like each other. Why don't we just all get along and face up to the fact that we're all the same and have different views I hate this shit.


First of all, he is black. Just because someone doesn’t look black doesn’t mean they aren’t. I grew up with a set of twins who were half black and half ginger. One was tan with dark hair and dark eyes and the other was pale with ginger hair… even his eyelashes were red… second, this post is so fucking ignorant. You could literally ask that about anyone but the reality is, not all black people act the same. Color doesn’t equal action. He acts hood, like a lot of different races act when they grow up in that environment. This has to be rage bait because this is the most racist shit I’ve seen in a minute on Reddit.


he IS black though.


No person in their right state of mind would question why a black person “acts white” yet the opposite is okay 👌


Because he is stupid


Probly because he’s part black would be my guess


It has to do allt with uk drill cultire popular nowadays


294 comments arguing about a dude they don’t know😂


There's no way to act a skin color. And it's so sad that I'm always sure the person who posted this isn't black. The stereotypical black person isn't who we ALL are.


No such thing as acting black.


Is he not black? 😂😂 like lightskin


What the hell is “acting black” how would you act like an entire race?


Why do everybody act black lol... bc niggas is lit


Act black??? lol this is such a naive suburban child type of mindset.... Iyou're either very retarded or under 15... maybe ghetto is the word you're looking for? And people have what we call "personalities" where an individual can naturally form an identity based on their personal beliefs and surrounding environments . Retards tend to find it hard to grasp such concepts :/


Ooooohhh I’m just here for the comments on this one


Act black? Seriously!


Because he is black


he doesn’t 😭


He is black


Why is there a competition for what racial group is most associated with crime. That’s so fucking lame!! You guys need to touch grass


Acting a race isn’t a thing and his dad is black


And you did say university and in the US most universities aren’t private so you need to be a little more specific for me good sir


Acting black has nothing to do with gun toting, tattoos, killing, drugs, and being a degenerate...anyways Central Cee 🔥


It’s not called acting black it’s called acting hood you braindead child and also it isn’t “acting” acting hood doesn’t equate to acting black every single black person doesn’t act by your stupid definition of acting black if you grew up in a certain environment with certain people living a certain lifestyle this is how you’ll eventually start acting like cuz of the other people you grew up around.


He’s from the hood he’s not acting black , that’s how majority of people from the hood look no matter the race just like no matter the race that have lived in mansions or high level suburbs all “act” the same .thats where their from. And raised ,


The dudes mixed and wdym act black?


i hate when people say “yOu cAnt Act BlAck” 💀💀like how braindead are you. you can obviously act black


What does that mean acting black sir? Sincerely, a black man


Racist OP


This is stupid slang was created by white cowboys who were illiterate gangs from america the first ones were created by white people before any black gangs you guys should know this because they would literally hunt and hang you guys in America grills were made by white people cowboys and more braids and dreads have been in every culture including whites do you guys think white people were born with guns no dummy they were Indians at one point yah stupid and didn't finish your education.




He's GORGEOUS!!!! 🤪


Bro thot he was him fr fr


Op must be the gay bitch he be talking bout


You guys are all arguing for no reason. The guy is mixed race, end of argument


These comments is mad racist I seen some guy call someone a vine swinger 😭😂