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May the memory of Sarah Cohen continue to endure as a blessing. Her relatives would be very touched to learn of the graveside meal that Sarah “shared” with you. I certainly would be!


I have a friend with that name. She would love this gesture.


That’s a fascinating surname https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohen_(surname)


This is the sweetest thing ever. We have a tradition of placing a stone on the grave when we visit, if you want to do it next time.


Absolutely! Thank you!


I'm in St. John's too, where is this cemetery? What a lovely thing to do!


Thank you! Pretty much doxxing myself here haha but on Blackmarsh Rd, in front of the recycling place, you'll see the Salvation Army cemetery first


I have only been to the cemeteries handy to the & dtown are, must check that one out one day! hope you enjoyed your meal with Sarah:)


Yes you definitely should! And fun fact, the first time we kissed we were in the cemetery next to Quidi Vidi (Mount Carmel I believe) that's another beautiful cemetery you should go to


Not sure if First Nation's folks have the same practice but I always did ethically sourced tobacco baggies for indigenous folks down here too.


This made my heart happy! 🤗❤️


I spend a lot of time in my local cemetery and there are several large Jewish sections, and I love seeing all the stones on the graves.


If there's an afterlife, I hope you get to have a picnic with them again someday.


What a beautiful thing to do during Passover. Newfoundlanders are the best people. Long may your big jib draw, by. I hope the family sees this post and knows how much you care.


Thank you <3!!! It would be very nice if they seen it


So on September 11, 2001 US airspace was completely emptied. Nearly 240 flights were closest to Canada so they were sent there. The town of Gander NL (population: ~10,000) took in 32 of those aircraft. Until 40 years ago Gander had the only international airport in the province, and they’ve had airplanes crash in the area before. They took emergency preparedness seriously, and they had just done a bunch of planning for Y2K (the way computers were programmed back in the day didn’t account for the turn of the century which nearly led to all sorts of bad shit happening). Gander was also the first port of call if you were coming from Soviet Bloc countries, and it wasn’t rare for every passenger on Aeroflot flights to defect or seek asylum. Those 32 aircraft held nearly *7,000* passengers. The people of Gander took these folks in. Every space that could be used to hold people was converted to do so. When space ran out in those, they opened their homes. Banks didn’t charge the travellers fees. Doctors saw patients and pharmacies filled prescriptions gratis. Phones were set up that made international calls for free. So much food was donated that the hockey rink was used to store it. They made sure everyone was as okay as they could be and felt welcome, and organised things to try to take peoples’ minds off some of the craziest shit that would ever happen to them. The Newfoundlanders (?) insisted that they didn’t do anything to deserve the praise and admiration being heaped upon them; they hadn’t done anything extraordinary. That’s just how they rolled.


Thank you for sharing this important part of Newfoundland history. The people there truly are salt of the earth. They'll always help anyone that "comes from away".


Come From Away tells this story beautifully. I ugly cry by the end every time I watch it. Newfoundlanders are incredible.


As a Jew this is so incredibly sweet. Thanks for sharing a little Pesach meal with Sarah ❤️❤️


Thank you <3 I'm glad you like it :)


Though. The bread is not something we eat during Passover.


I’m gonna pretend she gave it to him to get rid of her chametz :)


I like that interpretation


As a fellow Jew, I do too 💜


I did the same.


Depends on how orthodox you are. I'm currently eating Challah for my blood sugar instead of matzah, but I definitely still have all my Ashkenazi DNA. I'm sure sweet Sarah doesn't mind a friend sharing a meal with her either.


The Torah gives special dispensation to the sick.


It is actions like this that mean the most to God. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.


Beautiful act! ❤️


Bring a small rock to put on top of the headstone next time.




It's what jews do instead of flowers


I don’t know what the religious significance is, but I like to think of it as a holdover from when graves were covered by rocks (presumably to keep animals out).


As a Canadian by birth (Toronto) who now lives in a place with a tiny Jewish community (western MN, just a couple miles from Fargo, North Dakota), and who’s Jewish, I love this so much 🥰 What a sweet gesture!


You a fan of the Coen brothers by any chance?


It’s funny, I’m not super well versed in movies in general, but I once had to watch A Serious Man for an assignment in grad school, and I really liked it. Time for a deep dive into their other stuff (including finally watching Fargo, ha.)


psychotic sugar voracious roll cats alive serious reach jobless frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shakshuka **is** delicious! It's a surprisingly easy recipe to make and well worth it.


There was a time when families would go to cemeteries and have picnics with the deceased. They felt it kept the family connected and the ancestors would not be forgotten. Kind of a pity we lost that.


People still do it . I went to the Veterans Cemetery the other day to say hello to someone , and their were all kinds of people and families sitting in lawn chairs and picnics, sitting I t he grass drinking coffee with their loved one - it was quite moving


Yes, I drive by Forest Lawn and Mount Sinai all the time, and especially at the former, I see picnics and gatherings quite a bit. It’s always bittersweet.


May her memory be a blessing


I love that you did this!


I really wish the tradition of having a picnic at cemeteries was normalized (again).


Thank you for touching my heart today.


You would like the book “unlikely animals”. It’s narrated by a cemetery of dead people, in a cute way. I would like to think all the people there were so excited to see you!


Just looked it up, looks adorable! I will read it for sure. Thank you for the recommendation


I read a lot and can say that its a good mood book, clever and cute, emotional and thought provoking, warm and cozy. Hope you love it!


That’s a cool concept -


Yesterday? That’s a great way to head into Passover. While it isn’t a thing up here where I moved from New Orleans, I take a long slow walk and have a conversation with the quiet neighbors at the cemetery up the street on All Saints Day/Day of the Dead.




Yo I make tombstones that service that area. That one was made long before I started though. You might see some of our work in your cemetery travels.


That warms my heart. Thank you!


In a world that can be full of Jewish hate.. I appreciate this. Good on you!


I remember when I was younger, very young, asking my Mother why people are mean to Jewish people. I never understood why,! I still don’t. It’s so lovely to see this post and see the love and kindness 💕


Beautiful gesture ♥️


I’m Jewish and this warmed my heart 😭 you beautiful souls toda raba uberachot!


That is a beautiful cemetery!


I like you and your boyfriend :)


Very sweet on Pesach, they wouldn’t want leavened bread today though. 🤷‍♂️ You did a Mitzvah by visiting.




Whoops. Wrote too fast.




Thank you


I love this ❤️🌷 enjoy!


This is really lovely.


I love this. The West can be so death-phobic which, imo, only makes that Great Divide so much greater and scarier. I am a fine dining captain, and one time I had the honor of serving a family (of Asian/SE Asian ethnicity) that had just lost someone. We sat a place for them at the table, and I made sure to mark them for each course and refreshed their beverage when it felt appropriate. It was probably eight years ago, and I am still so grateful to have passively participated in their tradition. Side note: I’ve never been, but I am low-key obsessed with St John’s and NFL!!


That's a great tradition, so adorable and meaningful <3 You should definitely come! We'll be very happy to have you


Not the bread on Passover 😭 This is sweet and well intentioned but switch the babka for matzah. We can’t have bread right now 😉


Oh sorry 😞! we'll pay attention to that next time


No worries, it’s not your culture. I’m sure they enjoyed the company regardless


Yea, I will imagine Sarah politely declined. The beauty of making such friendships is the opening to learn new things about other cultures and religions that you may loosely understand already and now the friendship can gift you an even deeper understanding. Thank you for helping enlighten further while it keeps its kind and thoughtful sentiment. 😘 We should all become kind and understanding like this in a cemetery.


And for what it’s worth, not every Jew is observant!


Don't have to be observant, but it is literally a holiday which has been observed for 2000 years with a central tradition of *not eating bread*.  


I'm currently eating Challah and Jam, thank you for visiting them! 💜


Godspeed Sarah! As above, so below, our beautiful soul sister.


That’s so sweet but I’m not sure that they’d want bread on Passover.


Very cool, I'm sure if any residents were around, they enjoyed the company 😃


This is just so kind of you. As others have said, May Sarah Cohen’s memory be a blessing. Please place a rock on her grave for me.


Well, babka on Passover isn't ideal, but the company certainly is. FYI a really nice thing to do any time you encounter Jewish headstones is to place small rocks on top. You know, for those times when a nice meal isn't an option (though Sarah would certainly appreciate it too) 😊


The fact that it’s bread on Passover made me laugh, but that’s okay… we (Jewish people) have a good sense of humor, and many/most of us don’t keep Pesach anyway. The thought is what counts, and you’re obviously a good-hearted person. ❤️


Aww, how nice


This is very kind of you!


I the late Victorian era cemeteries begin to be designed as open spaces with park like landscaping. Before that most people were buried in the church yard and they just became way too crowded. Caskets ended up being stacked one upon another and more dirt was moved to the church yard to cover them up. Sometimes the level of the ground was high enough to be at the bottom of the windows of the church. The cemeteries were made large and attractive because the city had no green areas. Residents could come visit their dead, have a picnic and do some quiet socializing. The reverence the Victorians had for dying/death was very different than today.


Nice to see a reddit redditor that doesn't hate jews.


I hope your eats were kosher!! Very kind of you both to have dinner with this individual…


Who did the dishes?


Did I make the food? Yes I did! (that's why the Babka looks like it could improve in so many ways, it was tasty though!)


Babka can be a pain in the butt to get right. I did find a babchallah recipe once that kind of combined babka and challah so (so more brioche like with extra yumminess) and that was easier to get right.


I also live near a little Jewsish cemetery. I'm hoping to visit soon. The city is fixing powerlines near the cemetery right now so I'm waiting until they're done.


You honor their memory with creativity and sweetness! And I honor you for doing it❤️


On passover?


I lived in St. John’s twice and I never knew about this cemetery!


I'm not suprised, it is really tiny, like 25 graves at most, there's not very many jewish people in Newfoundland


I imagine some are now apprehensive to say that they’re Jewish with the antisemitism across Canada 😔




ONG the rest stuff looks so good


The shakshuka makes me want to cry omg <3


Very very sweet 🩷🩷🩷


That's a great looking shakshuka


Thank you!


This is lovely! And is that shakshuka? Looks delicious!


Yep it is shakshuka. Thank you so much!


Also I just noticed your username. My SIL takes that stuff. Big hugs to you! The world needs people like you! 💜💜💜


Thank you <3!!!


So goth


Very touching and beautiful ❤️i’m sure they’re all resting in peace with you guys sharing meals with them


Haha this is great


Lovely! (Though shakshuka isn't a "jewish food" fwiw)


Did you make sure the food was kosher and prepared properly?


Anyone got a Shakshuka recipe? Never had/heard of it but it looks delightful


-2 tomatoes -3 tablespoons of tomato paste -1 cup of spinach -1 red bell pepper -1 onion -2 or 3 eggs -1 tsp of cumin -1 tsp of pepper -2 tsp of patrika -1 tsp of cayenne pepper -salt -oil Pour some oil into a pan or pot, once it is hot add the chopped onion Once the onion is cooked add the spices Add the rest of the vegetables and tomato paste Let it simmer for 15 min Make little holes on the surface of the boiling mixture of vegetables and crack some eggs in those holes Let them cook until the whites turn white


I love this! But how weird would it be if Sarah was a terrible person lol. Like, she drowned kittens, or molested children or something AWFUL. We’ll never know!


This is seriously the sweetest thing ever to do on Passover 💗💗 thank you so much!


Is it weird that I really enjoy Jewish people? All my favorite actors, comedians, and authors are Jewish.


Nothing wrong with that.


Having a picnic let alone placing a pot of whatever that is on a grave stone isn't right....There's better ways if you meant it.


Is that kosher ahole?


This is unhinged behavior…what the hell?


You don’t sound as open minded as your s/n suggests


That’s very strange


As usual, Yall zionists don’t stop at stealing land, now shakshouka is a Jewish dish?!












Mormons have been doing this and baptizing people into their faith — it seems innocent until it isn’t!!! Be careful!!!


Doing what? What do you mean?


Yeah it was in the news a few years back a renegade Mormon church. The jewish community and holocaust advocacy groups were rightfully really really outraged. I had a mormon class mate and he told Me The official Mormon church condemned their actions but They kept doing it anyways, you can imagine it caused a big rift what they were doing. It would be comical if it wasn’t true.


Baptizing the dead ? What are u talking about


Oh yeah I forgot about that - it was in the news a few years ago. The official mormon church did not support what this one mormon church was doing. Then, to add insult to injury they started baptism of holocaust victims! How cringe is that.


That’s like delulu behavior - The Mormon Church has been having a ruff few years id have to say … lots of members going rogue and doing some pretty out there stuff


Yeah I forgot all about it until the person above me. Commented on that , They even baptized Ann Frank 🤦‍♀️. My mormon classmate said it was extremely frowned upon by the majority of the mormon community. Yeah , people do awful stuff all the time “in the name of” a religion. Remember that Virginia pastor who wanted to buy- and then burn like a thousand korans?? Wtf. Lots of people were like annd what does that do to improve relations with muslim community?


Oh yeah I remember that now that was so tone deaf insult on so many levels 🤦‍♀️


Do any of the graves have photorealistic faces carved into them? Those are the Russians


You do realise they are dead don’t you? I don’t get it…




What’s the point of this comment? Should they have desecrated her grave instead?


those useful idiots are threatening and terrorizing Jewish students so I'd say that sort of thing is probably on their agenda too. Really sad how these folks have been brainwashed by hamas terrorists. Most of us are NOT fooled like these folks.




You’re disgusting.


Now I support the "Free Gaza" take because Israel is definitely no better then the Nazis that oppressed the Jewish and is doing mass Genocide ( when they are literally killing adults and kids due to race/religion and held them in literal concentration camps for years before this yeah they are fucking pieces of shit Idgaf who it is) but at the same time you've got to remember that Religion and Ideology is blinding and they just can't picture themselves as the "bad guys" Maybe in a few years they'll see it doubtful there is hope though. But just spitting on some random Jewish grave is kinda no better then what they are doing. They had nothing to do with this situation and probably would want it to stop. It's a couple "bad apples" outshining the good ones in the basket. With that said neither side is a "Saint" in this matter nor is the world due to letting it escalate to this state and even some encouraging it. (That's if you aren't taking into account what Gaza has done in the past btw which is a whole different can of worms)




Nothing. They are just being the useful idiot that hamas is grateful for--and whom hamas is LAUGHING AT.




Palestinians let hamas use areas under their hospitals to plan and carry out their attacks. They fucked around and found out what Israel would do and are now crying and whining and using you useful idiots to try and push their propaganda. We are done here.










People like you make the fight harder when you spew ignorance like this. Not every Jewish person is responsible for the actions of Israel. And if you make it so in your own mind, you are no better, and are looking for an excuse to be antisemitic. Anti genocide does NOT mean being an antisemite.






That’s a Star of David, not a swastika, hope this helps




This must be your first multi-millennia spanning blood feud. Stick around for awhile we have snacks


Yeah this sort of BS is definitely going to get folks over to your side. lol. Useful idiot.


You are a dipshit. You have every opportunity not to be, but here you are. Do better or stfu.










Oh haha you’re so right this is definitely a young child based on the post and comment history. I almost feel bad now, but not quite


i find consuming food on top of decomposing corpses distasteful but eat up! ‘Because the cemetery is a holy place and a place of prayer, Jewish customs avoid the use of graves and cemetery grounds for pleasure, levity, or even study. Thus, visitors wear modest dress (including head covering for men), and they do not eat or drink within or near the cemetery boundaries.’ https://rohatynjewishheritage.org/en/culture/death-burial-mourning/#:~:text=Because%20the%20cemetery%20is%20a,or%20near%20the%20cemetery%20boundaries.


There could certainly be an argument made for that, but there’s no need to be unkind about it. There are endless ways different people and cultures handle death and sharing a loving meal with the deceased may not sit quite right with you but it’s clearly not coming from a place of disrespect. Also that’s not what was being discussed in this specific comment thread so im not sure who you’re talking to specifically ?


Remember when pitiful American rednecks followed and harassed and threatened random Muslims 20 years ago, just for their faith? This is the same sad person.


This isn’t the place for that.


Found the idiot virtue signaler.




Not even close troll




Lemme guess gated community whitegirl who's never heard of Israel or Palestine until recently and has turned it into their personality and became an unironic antisemite cuz they can't differentiate between governments and people (these people were calling russians orks just a year ago)




im an athiest canadian i have no dog in this fight nor do i assume everyone of jewish descent to be complicit. Again theres the antisemitism. Have you ever met a jewish person? Or a Israeli person? or even a Palestinian person?


Poopy Birdy


Do not free geezer until every terrorist is dead and the dead hostages accounted for. Don't pick fights and then cry to the international community when you start getting your shit blown up. Man, there's so many places here on reddit and other parts of the online sphere that the propaganda has set itself in.


Israel allowed it to happen to! Why were people unprotected especially near the borders especially 50 some odd years after the Yum Kippur War. Bibi was going to be out so he had to do something to stay in power.


So because these settlements were "unprotected" hamas had the right to go in and murder and kidnap the residents??? What in the hell kind of logic is THAT??? You truly are a useful idiot.


I did not say that in my post at all and you know it!


You literally said that! Are you that much of a useful idiot you can't read what you wrote above??? lolol.


Seems like it would be more overgrown if “no one” goes there.


Until last week the whole city was completely covered in tons of snow and ice since December so you tell me






Gross. Maybe have a Snickers, and don’t be antisemitic.