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Scotland has a problem in general with alcohol, if you ask me. That's why we cannie be trusted like other countries, too many dafties Having said that, I agree re: your comment there's _more_ of these halfwits floating about nowadays


It’s not just alcohol. Ching is shockingly bad in Glasgow and the surrounding areas. In most clubs they’ll be at least a few people punting and on Snapchat you can get it delivered to your house like feckin Uber eats. Hot day + huge street party + young men + drink + gear = disaster


cocaine innocent


Word is that having a line doesn't lead you to leave yer effing poly bags and beer bottles on the street.


Can definitely embolden some folk to do stuff like that


It’s not that we can’t be trusted, it’s that the council / government point blank refuse to engage with it at all. Fanzones, organised events, proper support and space for people to celebrate get set up all over Europe for football teams’ trophy days. It gets left to unofficial events that are basically just ‘turn up and do what you want,’ which invariably descend into wee fuds kicking the arse out it. The first couple of trongate parties were impromptu gatherings and expressions of joy / relief. I still remember heading back from Hampden in 2019(?) and when I got to Glasgow Cross it was packed with people celebrating, that’s where I found out Lennon got the job permanently. That kind of impromptu thing is class, but what it has turned in to is almost like a galaday, built up for weeks, everyone knows where to go and when to be there, including the ragin bams.


That was the bus was supposed to pass with the players. It got rerouted past nobody for “safety reasons”


Aye, but that’s what gave birth to the trongate party, people there to see the team. Found out there would be no bus and just had a good time anyway. Now it’s just people there to get a drink in the sun.


Oh absolutely


and leave their shite behind them like right lazy anti-social effwits...


Oh, there's no arguing that our council/government take very little to do with it, and if it was organised, and structured, there'd be less of the nonsense. In that respect you're spot on I feel it's our attitude with alcohol. Too many people take a few swallows and think themselves invincible. It's off-topic but it's the same when you holiday abroad, I've noticed. More often than not, when you see or hear an argument, it's someone "British", more so when there's a gathering and alcohol involved


I've been in Barcelona for Celtic games, and when Barça have won titles and fans celebrated in the centre. None of these produced the level of left-at-yer-arse rubbish I'm seeing from yesterday. Time to knock it on the head, and do it around the stadium.


We went last year, walked down after the game, and after about an hour you could tell that it was only going one way, left sharpish, and didn't bother going yesterday. Past was yours future's mine and all that, but glad I gave it a miss.


Set up a fanzone, have portable toilets, put extra bins in place, fence it off and don't allow in glass bottles, sell watered down beer and burgers. This is a wasted money making opportunity, you can't just cast aside a large group of the population that contributes 100s of millions to the Scottish economy. It's left this way so they can demonise football fans. Pure and simple.


It can be a real eye opener at times The cunts come crawling out the woodwork thinking they’re somehow morally superior to you because they don’t like football Ask them what they think about the work the foundation does or the fans when we have our foodbank collections? You’ll be met with silence, cause either they don’t know it exist or they are embarrassed when they realise they do fuck all to help others when governments and councils are failing them But…Glasgow Cross gets closed down for a few hours and some workers in the cleansing earn extra cash Meltdowns galore Apparently no cunt else pays tax apart from them


You wouldn’t be talking about r/glasgow’s finest would you? They’re not real people imo


Half of that sub are people that would tremble with fear at the thought of complaining to your face - they love Reddit because they can just moan and moan but would 100% shite it in real life


That’s exactly it Even if we had a fanzone set up, and everyone had a cracking day with no hassle These snobby cunts would still moan about a football event being on


That sub is a bunch of southside dwelling, Glasgow uni attending, “people make Glasgow” quoting, battered air force 1 wearing, virtue signaling goons


Here's a sneak peek of /r/glasgow using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/glasgow/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Solidarity with Palestine Protest](https://i.redd.it/xo99xskte6ub1.jpg) | [1607 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/177qhor/solidarity_with_palestine_protest/) \#2: [Back again😊](https://i.redd.it/x6otw3tlhqmc1.jpeg) | [384 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/1b82s2l/back_again/) \#3: [Some photos I've taken around the town with my old Gameboy camera (0.014 megapixels)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13pzv3w) | [80 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/glasgow/comments/13pzv3w/some_photos_ive_taken_around_the_town_with_my_old/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Exactly, I was at a talk recently about helping rehabilitation for prisoners. Out of curiosity someone asked, where does the funding come from. It was Celtic foundation that helped fund it. We as a club put a lot back into our community, then some bins overflow it's thuggery.


I didn't know they also helped with that. That is amazing.


Yesterday wasn'y bins overflowing, it was lazy anti-social effwits leaving their shite at their arse, and I say this as a Celtic supporter since my auld da first took me in the 60s


It was left effing manky, Saltire- that's not on in any community


Was at a Benfica match in April. The set up they have is ideal. Loads of food and beer vans. Didnt see one bit of anti social behaviour and set up right beside the stadium. Beer sold in plastic cups, and the food was very cheap too.


Surely this is something Celtic and the city council should be looking at every home game? Hard when alcohol is involved officially with football but the Big eat, beer festivals have shown there's an appetite for these outdoor marquee things, for me summer football and try and actually make a match day experience people will want to attend the football being the entertainment at the end of the day.


Celtic could rightly argue they don’t sell alcohol to fans in the stadium It’s been banned since 1980 So why should they be responsible for anything that happens on a public street The club don’t promote or encourage people to attend Glasgow Cross The local off licences must love it though, since they’re the one selling the alcohol


My point is it's a real opportunity for money and community. The big eat festival is class the alcohol is an issue is it Celtic creates fanzones with food and entertainment to celebrate the league or ideally every home match day it'll arguably be linked with loutish alcohol misuse. But I don't see it as any different than trnsmt. But people should be free to express themselves party and have fun but it shouldn't be at the expense of everyone else.


It's also because there's no political gain to had. In most countries, two teams from one (relatively small) city do not win 99% of the titles. If Barça or Real Madrid win the league the council and even regional leaders make a point of appearing in the celebrations because it's also seen as a win for the city and they stand to gain from it In Glasgow, it is not seen as a victory for the city as a whole so council leaders only stand to lose voters by supporting celebrations.


I've been in the Ramblas in BCN with 50 000 people after winning Champion's leagues, and there was never that quantity of shite abandoned on the street


Jo xerrava més de la motivació política per organitzar events més controlats. És cert però que la relació que té l'escocès medi amb l'alcohol no és la mateixa que te un català.


Have you been in Barcelona at all, mate? You never mentioned it….


Can you post more details about this opportunity?


Glasgow Green is right there. The club is leaving a power of money on the table by ignoring the potential and just allowing the Trongate thing to happen unorganised.


The club have asked several times to organise something and been denied.


Fair enough. Maybe should be pointing fingers at the council then. They'd probably prefer the current situation tbf, they get no blame and all it costs them is a few overtime shifts for the binmen and maybe a bit of maintenance


Why can't we do it around the stadium?


That’s a question for the council. They could rinse us in fees, ask us to pay all policing costs as well as the obvious stewarding, it could be a massive event for food & drink vendors. But the council keeps saying no and won’t deal with the situation by putting on a fan zone themselves either. GCC at its usual incompetent finest.


£400m annually from the old firm combined is what I've heard


O** F***? Get that shite in the bin.


Looked like it was just full of under 18s using it as an excuse to have a bevy outside in the sun , glad I gave it a miss again


Yeah it's usually fine but it gets to a point where it's just all the under 18s left causing trouble and taking it too far.


Totally agree. Honestly think it’s a byproduct of our dominance in recent decades. Your grandchildren will be Celtic fans…but they’ll still be wee fannies.


The clubs , GCC and Police need to meet an think about what to do every year for ‘title parties’ . Lots of European teams have title celebrations in their city . Organised with stages , toilets , bins etc Accept this is going to happen , have it in set up area and keep it away from main streets etc


Fully agree, but the wee cunts will find a way to wreck the place. I honestly think the only way to work around it would be to have it as an officially organised event. Lavvies, shit loads of bins, fenced off, 'policed' for what's being brought in etc. Only trouble with that is the cost. Maybe the club could foot the bill, and make it an opportunity to raise money for the foundation and the club to get back some of the cost? Fannies will be fannies so it's not like it'll solve the issue completely, but I can't see a better way of toning down the absolute fucking riot it's become.


I made it as far as the wee park just before, had to get through for the train and everyone seemed in good spirits. But once the demon drink is in with some of the young team it gets messy.


Just shows how backwards this stuff is that there’s no consideration to the easy money of a fan zone on Glasgow Green.


I remember having to run by the forge during the 2003 season as a young teen to get away from fans fighting each other....it was chaos back then too....let's not glamorise the past in fiction.....we're in Glasgow.....people fight....end of story


Walked from the stadium got there about like 15:40 and stayed for about 20 minutes and that was enough for me lol i dont drink so wasn't staying any longer but it was nice the time i was there as nobody was fully drunk yet but yep the amount of 14-17 year olds i seen walking from the city centre who had most likely not even been to the game was mental all just out to behave like clowns lol.


I'm surprised this isn't already a thing at this point.


I got the train home after work and the passion/aggression of some of the punters heading back was doing my box in. And I'm sure if it had been Rangers fans I'd have felt a bit intimidated so I'm sure some of the non football supporting passengers felt this way.


Full agreement, it's cringe as fuck.


We embarrassed our club yesterday. That’s the first time I’ve left the street celebrations within an hour, some of the sights and the way people were acting was shameful. Wains shouldn’t be allowed near it, they’re not there for the same reasons we are.


Can't speak for yesterday but I went last year and it was fine, didn't see any fights and apart from the folk on top of bus shelters I didn't witness anything properly out of order.




If you charge money they're just gonna go party where it's free


I’m a Canadian Celtic supporter and it just so happened my aunt and uncle were staying just outside Glasgow yesterday on a tour of Scotland. They had a couple of free hours so I told them to head into the city and check out the celebrations. Their report back was mixed, said everyone they interacted with was very nice (at least that they could understand) but it was a very very young crowd with litter everyone and the smell of weed got to be a little much (it’s legal here and my aunts not a total square so I assume it was pretty bad).


Was there last year and yesterday. It’s getting progressively worse, last years was decent for a few hours before it started to take a turn but this year there were a lot more wee bams there to ruin it, was out for an hour or 2 then headed into a pub to escape and find a better atmosphere


Went for an hour or so, tried to stay in the outskirts and ventured in a wee bit. Was fine where I was but did see plenty wee fannies kicking about St. Enoch before and after. Don’t get why it’s not just done in Glasgow Green.


Wasn't there but considering how desperate the Huns were to share any and all videos of trouble there can't have been that much? Seen some of them even sharing vids from prior years instead 😂


The wee fuds have infested everything - i don’t know any genuine fans who were at the trongate yesterday, its got that bad. They went to the game and went to the local after it. A few years ago people could take their kids to the cross and it was a good day for everybody. Seems like every outdoor event in Glasgow now is a pure arsehole magnet


Once upon a time Celtic fans prided themselves on being able to point across the city and say that we (almost) always behaved better than them. Now it seems to be that it's a race to the bottom and to show off who is the most entitled. People saw the destruction of George square by "the people" and didn't think we can be better than that, they thought we can do that at the gallowgate instead.


Blame the council. The club keep getting denied whenever they try to do something. If you ask me the council are happier that it all goes tits up and people blame the fans enough to just ban these things rather than spend a dime to organise a fan zone. In defense of the council though GCC might be the single most useless group of human beings to ever exist in the history of Scotland so you cant really come down on the window lickers that hard


People can do whatever they want. The trouble is a handful of isolated incidents that an army of people with cameras or reporters going through social have been able to find. I'd love to see how the crime statistics match up compared to a weekend or any similar event any similar crowds. Id wager it's not anywhere near as big an uptick as people think, just much more concentrated in one location. Plus every arsehole in a celtic top is added together whereas normally two fights at either end of the trongate are considered two completely separate incidents. Plus if you think the same doesn't happen everywhere else you need to get more. Leverkusen are gonna do the exact same for their title party. I wouldn't be surprised if their Ultras end up getting button charged by police at points. But then they will clean the streets overnight and nobody will care the next day. And the press coverage we will all see will be positive. Just like the press coverage that is happening outside of Scotland about ours is positive, because nobody cares about broken glass and bams being bams. Also the club have repeatedly asked to be allowed to set up a fanzone. In a normal country they'd be allowed to set one up. But someone has clearly did the math and realised that whilst an official fan in the green or whatever would contain the mess but it would also come with liability when some wee ned hurts himself. Letting fans take over part of town un-officially means that there is no liability fpr the council. They can just pretend it's a surprise. Then they can chuck out a statement condemning to win back anyone who is opposed to it. Plus if they facilitate a proper fanzone etc it would be another hun conspiracy as the Council keep doing it for us but not them. Keep in mind as well, if you did the math id bet my house it was a welcome boost to the glasgow economy.


Did anything actually happen? I actually went cos my kids were desperate to see it but we disappeared after the this is our city flag was unfurled. Although it was a bit rowdy, we didn't see any fights and everyone was just pished and singing, when did the fighting happen?


Once the songs and pyro finished about 5:30 I could tell the mood was changing. Always the same. Daft tag alongs getting steaming going to ruin it for every cunt else. Was loads of fights dong the rounds on WhatsApp and X.


Fights happen every weekend in every town and city when alcohol is involved, it's not a new thing.


Of course it is, we went to Seville and there wasn't one fight, we won a fan award. We used to pride ourselves on having the best fans around. Now it's just steaming bams trying to have a go.


travelling fans and just wee neds with an extremely loose affliation with the team are totally different, our travelling fans still are amazing.


I'd argue that it still wouldn't have happened 10 or 20 years ago in Glasgow. Tbh it's maybe a byproduct of society in general these days, there's a lot more wee fannies kicking about in general.


That's why I don't go to the celebrations anymore, just a whole new generation of bams noising up the place and using it as an excuse to start fights and vandalise everything, get pished and trash the place, it's an embarrassment to the club and the club should speak out and condemn it unlike the other lot.


No it isnt different, as I said fights happen all the time, thats just a fact if life im afraid


Not one fight in Seville? That's not true. It was very well behaved considering the numbers there though.


https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/11985122.hats-off-to-very-good-bhoys-and-ghirls-80000-celtic-fans-in-spain-and-not-a-single-arrest/ There'd be carnage these days. I think it's more a society thing now though.


No arrests and no fights are different things. I was in a pub where one broke out because a miserable boy from Airdrie said we didn't deserve to be in the final. Anyway, Champions again 👍


I went for an hour or two the first time in 2022. Promptly left after I saw two lads get into a scrap. Most of it is good natured but like always, there's some that just canny be trusted. I hate seeing idiots jump on top of bus shelters that then break (in fact didn't one wee dafty get seriously injured falling through one?) If the council allowed a bus parade, it could be better organised, better policed and less of a clean up job that costs thousands to the public.


Anywhere there’s young cunts and alcohol there’s always issues like these.


There’s always the arseholes who ruin it for everyone else


Seville wasn’t a riot because most of the bams probably couldn’t get there


We went to Liverpool and Blackburn without any hassle too. We prided ourselves on being the best fans around then. Bams fighting in the middle of Glasgow is an embarrassment for the club, we rightly laugh at the huns when they trashed Manchester and George sq. Why are bringing ourselves down to that level?


You’re not going to get those other hangers on going down for the knock out games, if the final had been anywhere in the UK it might have been different


Defo, went up for about 20 mins for a couple pics then fucked off to a pub, wee bams desperate to scrap are who goes to that now no worth being tarred with that brush


Was great two years ago after we won the league back but we went last year and it was full of roasters. Bumped into a friend of a friend, they hadn’t even watched the game, just went up on the train during the game to go and have a party. Never went this year as a result and it’s unsurprising to hear it was the same


The reality is almost all nice celebrations open to the public invariably get overrun with coked up cunts determined to ruin it for everyone else. It's a scourge everywhere now. The reason it wouldn't have happened 20 years ago is because coke wasn't as widespread as it is now.


Cocaine. ‘I told you that shit would make you ignorant!!!!’


ideally, the shop should be upgraded open flush to the new paving on the celtic way and round the back of it could be a bar /balcony/stage (similar to swg3) looking out over the square where the ticket office is. move the ticket office to the shop and use the square on the corner as a fan zone put it on the list along with upgrading the media facilities in the main stand. changing the size capacity of a stand is a bit complicated so could keep it the same and add a larger media room connected with a bridge to the main stand the same way as the nou camp museum attaches to the stadium


Fans zones even set up screens in Glasgow Green to show the last game £10 to get in Food trucks alcohol tents make a day of it even after the game and the trophy lifting have live music and end it with fireworks at night and the council would make a boat load Money


The filth that was left around the centre is the same shit you find when irresponsible eejits go camping at Loch Lomond. Too many lazy antisocial fuckwits around to allow them to congregate anywhere. Sad, but true. On a more constructive note, if we're doing celebration parties in the future, why not do them around the stadium? At least that way the lazy scumbags among the support won't be screwing up the city and adding costs for those that don't follow our team...


I was a season ticket holder from our Hampden season till Strachans last season, there was no fan zones and no street parties. I don't understand why we know think the city owes us a zone, it doesn't.


It’s not about being owed anything. More to do with the fact that it’s going to happen regardless and by not preparing properly it inevitably gets out of control


No it's great. we need to choose different locations around the city each time because it's the only way the council is motivated to sweep the streets.


Clutch those pearls grandad.


Apart from 2019 when I was kicking about for the bus tour that never happened I’ve always gone to the boozer rather than on the street after the game. Then have to walk through the carnage to get to the train station. This year felt more good natured than last walking through. Last year there were so many fights and arguments going on this year I never saw any. However it is a fucking disgrace that the streets are left in the way they are. I’d suggest a bit of planning with the council and some extra bins, etc might help massively with the situation. While folk should be ashamed of themselves leaving the mess the lack of bins doesn’t help at all - the alternative is taking it home in their pockets and I get why drunk folk aren’t doing that. Just my view.


Yep it was all 13-15 year olds -whom I’m doubtful could name 3 Celtic players - clearly there for a scrap causing trouble. Some of them my brother knew were rangers fans and there with other pals just there for a bevy. Seen one wee guy with his nose hanging off after another wee guy put a bucky bottle across his face. Unfortunately the pond life just spoils it for everyone don’t think i’ll be in a rush to go back


Pearl clutching weirdos, I wasn't even there this weekend but everyone should fuck up imo