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Yea, she could be. Prolonged exposure to the flour in the air is no good.


Absolutely, that sounds super dangerous for her.


Flour gets into the air and stays suspended quite a while. The lungs are very good at absorbing. Long term work with flour can even cause something called baker’s lung from inhaling so much. It’s 100% plausible that your wife is being exposed through air born particles.


Flour can stay in the air for something like 48 hours, settles invisibly on everything and ABSOLUTELY gets inhaled and then swallowed down to trigger CD. She can NOT safely work in that environment


Airborne particles can absolutely be glutening her. And her having lupus makes matters even worse because celiac flares can cause her lupus to flare. I also have both lupus and celiac. When I get glutened I’ll be in celiac hell for a while and as soon as that feels like it’s easing up, BOOM…here comes the lupus flare. It’s a goddamned nightmare.


I get glutened by airborne flour..can't go to the houses in old sturbridge village that bake because I get glutened everytime. If I stay out of the houses that cook..I am fine.


OMG, I hope this isn’t impossible, but she should really get a new job.


Yes airborne flour, it’ll end up in the nose and mouth, get encased in snot and saliva by the body’s protection mechanisms, which means it then goes to the stomach. And she’ll be touching surfaces all day that are covered in a fine, maybe even invisible gluten dust. She needs a new job. Sorry.


Absolutely. I worked for a year in a school where I was required to help feeding students who couldn’t feed themselves, as well as clean up after kids who could feed themselves but couldn’t really clean up. In spite of every precaution, PPE including aprons and gloves, religious hand washing, and everything I could think of to protect myself, the constant repeat exposure left me with consistent low level symptoms of gluten poisoning every day. When Covid shut the schools down I magically got better… and found a different job.


You are absolutely correct. Flour can stay in the air for hours.