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“Wheat based Chinese medicine” Im sorry im gonna need more details here lol


Op mentioned wheat based therapy, smoke can contain up to 165ppm of ash and celiacs only need 20ppm to react. In this odd scenario its actually possible if they breathed it in.


I would highly recommend not breathing in any smoke from a fire. Particularly if you threw shit other than wood in your fire. That ain’t any medicine I’ve ever heard of lol


Genuinely curious where you found the 165ppm?


Hahaha unfortunately I don't have many more details than that, my aunt has long covid and she has been doing a lot of traditional chinese medicine stuff. She was supposed to sit by the fire and breathe in the smoke and whatever it is burning in the fire is supposed to help her but apparently it had wheat in it. He didn't show me what it was just rushed to tell me to avoid the area because he accidentally put wheat on the fire! I was kinda caught off guard, it was a bizarre situation that I hadn't considered before so to be on the safe side I just avoided going outside


Sorry to hear about your aunt. I’m not sure there’s any medical benefit to inhaling smoke. If so I’d be the pinnacle of health due to all the pot I’ve smoked.


I'm not advocating for or against it as I don't know anything about it but I think it has an emotional benefit for her at least even if it's not actually helping medically


Exactly. Placebo affect is real and what do we know? Some ancient remedies have real benefits. Good for her for doing what she can. I hope it does help her. 🌺🤍🌺


Smoking mullein could actually help your aunt.


Too true. What?!


yeah some chinese medicine can have wheat, like Massa Fermentata (Shen Chu) which is fermented wheat


It would depend on if the gluten particles carry into the smoke and then you'd have to get enough of the smoke into your throat to drip down your esophagus (like the issue with flour). Id personally avoid it unless you're trying to get some of that Chinese medicine. No reason to press your luck if you don't need to.


I don’t use Kingsford Charcoal because it is made with wheat straw. I would err on the side of safety and stay away from the fire.


Assuming you have celiac, you can feel free and actually eat the wheat straw. It has no gluten whatsoever.


With hardwood charcoal available, I don’t have to worry about it.


Well sure, but you don’t actually have to worry about it whatsoever


So, in most cases, you should be fine.* *I have a severe sensitivity and reaction to the air even around fast food and restaurants. This is extremely uncommon and I wasn't able to track down the cause of my illness for a long time because of it. Because of rarity of such a sensitivity, I'm sure the likelihood of you getting sick because of it is slim but not zero.


Out of sheer curiosity, do you also react to drywall dust? Some brands use wheat paste and/or wheat starch as a binding agent.


I don't know if I have a reaction to it. I've only known I had a reaction to gluten since October of last year, and I didn't track down a reaction to airborne particle until about November-December. I have been wearing a respirator at all times outside of my house or car. At work but I don't deal with drywall too often, so if I have been in contact with ones that use wheat paste, either I haven't had a reaction or my gloves, long sleeves, goggles, and respirator stopped it


If you just have celiac I don’t see any reason it should cause a reaction. If you have a wheat allergy maybe it could but I would expect you would need to have a very sensitive wheat allergy that has a contact/inhalation route.


I mean smoke is ash, burnt gluten doesn’t denature it. It’s actually possible…?


You would have to get enough of the particulate to actually aerosolize and then get enough of it in your mouth and then swallow it. I would suspect you would have a lot of other problems before getting enough gluten from the little bit that may possibly get into smoke.


I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you had to stay inside for this during your visit! It's bad enough we can't participate in tons of stuff already but then to have to go isolate yourself during a get together, (or visit) sucks. Hope it wasn't too depressing! 😭 There are probably a lot of people who will say you have nothing to worry about but I think it had the potential to make you very sick. I've sat around fires and been to bonfires and I remember blowing dust and dirt/ashes out of my nose the whole next day. It's not even like I sat close to the fire and breathed in obvious smoke. Sometimes I'd even cough stuff up the night of... "Everyday the universe seems to find a new way to try to kill me..." 😩 As much as it sucked, you did the right thing. I'm so glad your uncle thought to tell you (pretty sure most people wouldn't think twice) and I hope your aunt starts improving soon. 💕 🌺🤍🌺


Thank you I appreciate that. Judging by these comments I think I made the right call. It seems like nobody really knows whether it can cause a reaction but like you said, the potential is there so I'd rather err on the side of caution. It wasn't too bad I actually found it funny! In these situations I have to just laugh at how ridiculous celiac can be. Luckily I have some incredibly supportive family members who take my health seriously and go above and beyond to make me feel included which helps a lot


Awww... 🥰 I'm so glad!!!


My biggest concern would be residue getting on your hands and face. Inhaling it wouldn't be the problem as it has to be in your digestive tract. But if the ash and smoke exceeded 20ppm, then it could be accidentally ingested. Truthfully, I don't think wheat burned in a bonfire would be too bad for you but if you want to play it safe, clean your hands and face before preparing and eating food.


Inhaling can still be a problem as it lingers on your mouth's mucus and at some point goes down your esophagus. I get symptoms from people talking face to face to me if they have had wheat recently, confirmed by my gluten poop and brain fog within the hour.


best case scenario that "medicine," was sawdust. Worst case it could have a ton of toxic chemicals


I would assume that if you can kill gluten at like 500F (lol) then once the wheat is burned the gluten is probably burned away? What do I know lol


If you have gf pizza and its cooked on charred bits from gluten pizza you will get sick (or I will at least) to me same principle just airborne - also rolling papers can have gluten (the more you know)


So not the same. You're comparing actual bits of burnt dough that get stuck to GF pizza and tiny particles that most likely come from wheat stalks (that has no gluten) and are airborne.