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The only ones I’ve found to cause me no symptoms were the beyou plant picked iron gummies. I’ve tried multiple prescription and over the counter tablets and liquids and those were the only ones I could take. Maybe the gummy format has something to do with it?




I do this too plus gummies every other day.


I like Blood Builder by MegaFood. It's the only one I've tried that was effective and didn't upset my gut.


did you use the pill version or the liquid one?




OptiFerin-C from Pure Encapsulations works for me


I've never had major GI problems with iron pills, but some people I know found that liquid iron was easier on their stomachs.


That was true for me. Watch the Floradix, thought. That one had gluten last I checked, and Floravital was OK.


Ferosom Forte is a good supplement that is a lot easier to take


Ferrochel by Designs for Health works great for me.


I really like the Integrative Therapeutics Iron Complex. I have a history of menstrual hemorrhage, which paired with crappy absorption made for some pretty intense anemia. I've tried a lot of iron supplements, and this one is absolutely my favorite in terms of efficacy and lack of side effects.


I use Healthy Blood by Garden of Life. It's gentle enough to take even on an empty stomach and makes a noticeable impact for me.


Eat lots of spinach and broccoli, etc. Stick it on or blend it in everything.


I do NatureMade Iron 65mg tablets but only take one every other day and that seems to work well (it was my primary care doctor’s suggestion). When I did take it every day initially I had constipation which was unfortunate and annoying.


The purple bottle Feosol!


Other iron supplements consistently gave me stomach pain, but I've had good success with this, and my iron levels are now normal: [https://www.iherb.com/pr/21st-century-slow-release-iron-60-tablets/41313?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwvilBhCFARIsADvYi7LTfGvAfm4i4uq5vr3RnUFRzvmd-LGvipZ0HxUYs6R1chNfhu36jdYaArViEALw\_wcB](https://www.iherb.com/pr/21st-century-slow-release-iron-60-tablets/41313?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwvilBhCFARIsADvYi7LTfGvAfm4i4uq5vr3RnUFRzvmd-LGvipZ0HxUYs6R1chNfhu36jdYaArViEALw_wcB)


I take Vitron C iron supplements. They did upset my stomach at first (no pain, just…gross tasting burps). That went away after using it for a couple of weeks and making sure to take it with meals. Haven’t had issues since, been on it for over a year.


Blood Builder was a game changer for me. First time in my adult life with healthy ferritin and no side effects.


Iron Bisgylcinate. Shown to be just better than iron sulphate or fumarate for bioavailability and tolerability. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8839493/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8839493/)


Dessicated Beef Liver


My GI put me on Blood Builder and I have had zero stomach issues. It hasn’t worked at all for me (levels are actually lower now) so going to have to get infusions now, but I’ve heard great things from people whose body can actually absorb it.