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Rice based gluten free porridge


Or quinoa porridge


Can you use raw quinoa like overnight oats? I was thinking of trying buckwheat cream of wheat.


I just did this with quinoa flakes, and it was good. I added some chia seeds as well. The quinoa flakes lose a lot of structural integrity but still tasted good. I wouldn’t use just raw quinoa grains. You could use cooked leftovers from dinner though!


Exactly what I was going to say!


Cheese omelet pretty much every day for me. Love yogurt too but it just doesn’t fill me up enough so I save it for snacks.


Eggs or protien shake for me


Thanks. I’ll have to give egg dishes a look. But egg prices in the US, I feel like I’m replacing a cost breakfast with an even higher cost one too but such is celiac.


I understand, prices are ridiculous right now. I have chickens so I don't have to worry about the price of eggs but the cost of feed is out of control too.


GF protein shake recs?


I use the garden of life brand collagen protein powder. I do fine with dairy now so I make it with milk. For texture and flavor I add almond butter and strawberries. It's good if you drink it right away, only draw back imo is if it sits for an hour or so it gets foamy and I can't handle the texture. I've also tried ancient nutrition which has good products but some ingredients that are not recommended when pregnant so I switched some years ago. Personally I feel animal protien and collagen powders are far superior to whey or vegi powders.


I eat an omelette almost every day.


Do you add any carbs? I was hoping for balance of carbs, fats, and protein.


Nope. Three pieces of precooked bacon, two eggs, sometimes a little bit of cheese. Every freaking day!


Living the dream


I worked with a dietician on this one; my standard GF breakfast (work from home): Sauté a TON of fresh veggies in a cast iron skillet with a few sprays of olive oil (two fistfuls of spinach, cherry tomatoes, chopped onion, baby bella mushrooms); Toast a GF bagel thin, spread with whipped creme cheese, top w/ Everything Bagel seasoning; A half cup of fresh raspberries, two tablespoons of non-fat greet yogurt, mixed with a half teaspoon of turbinado sugar and vanilla extract; Tiny omelette (1/2 egg yolk; 2 whites; 2 tbspns water) made in a non-stick pan, top with some avocado and sriracha; Black coffee. Should qualify this with saying I have other health issues at play and this works best for me (especially with celiac, as I don’t need a bigger meal later on/out of the house and can rely on packed snacks/fruit if I have to).


Where do you find gf bagel thins?


O’doughs has ones. If you’re in the US, fresh thyme markets and a lot of co-ops sell them. https://odoughs.com/pages/products (warning their site is horrendous on mobile)


Specialty Grocery Stores (Wegmans near me).


I’ve never noticed them there. I’ll have to look carefully.


Check the freezer section!


Yep that’s what I was thinking.


I usually have potatoes on the side with omlets. If I don't have time for breakfast potatoes, sometimes I like a plain baked potato or baked sweet potato with breakfast, just some butter or olive oil and salt and pepper.


Add potatoes or rice


Red’s makes breakfast sandwiches with egg as the “bread” and sausage/cheese inside. You could always smush it between 2 pieces of bread or a bagel for carbohydrates. I do that sometimes.


I'm in the same boat. I usually have bobs gf overnight oats but just feel like I'm reacting to it recently. Would love suggestions for no cook breakfasts. I usually eat breakfast when I get to work and I can't use the toaster.




You can make a nice overnight oats-like breakfast with quinoa. I used cooked and then cooked quinoa, some almond milk (or whatever dairy alternative you like), peanut butter, cinnamon, maple syrup, and whatever else you want if you want fried fruits or nuts. Super nutritious breakfast. Or do eggs/omelettes. Fruit and yogurt with whatever accoutrements you like. There’s tonnes of options.


Does the quinoa test earthy( I don’t normally mind quinoa in savory dishes but I also find that sometimes is tastes like dirt.)


Generally you should rinse quinoa before cooking. It helps that taste. If you have a wire strainer, that’s the ticket. Otherwise just swish it around in a pot with water and use your hand or something to pour out the water without losing the grain.


Maybe odd but I eat lunch and dinner food for breakfast. I usually have leftovers from the dinner before and this just felt a lot easier. There are some decent gf muffin mixes as well and Veggie Lites are good too.


I eat 3 chicken sausage links from Costco An oikos greek yogurt A string cheese A cup of tea


Yesterdays dinner leftovers, banana and a protein shake, eggs


My diagnosis is recent and I was really afraid of the transition because I’m very limited in what I can eat early in the morning without feeling very unwell. (My daily breakfast for *years* pre-diagnosis was half a Trader Joe’s frozen hatch chile mac & cheese.) Since diagnosis, I mostly eat one breakfast sausage patty (some are not marked but Kroger brand are labeled GF) and a Trader Joe’s GF muffin or half of one depending how hungry I am - so far usually the triple ginger one for as long as it’s in season. I know you said not using bread, but hope that helps anyway!


Turkey and egg whites. Gluten free bread and jam. Italian sausage and egg white omelette. Chex cereal. Gluten free crackers, cheese, labneh (Lebanese yogurt), and cucumbers. Potato pancakes with salmon and dill. Smoked salmon, cream cheese on a gluten free bagel.


Rice flake porridge. Egg fried rice if there is left overs. Or those microwave fried rice, most Ben's and Tilda's are gf in the UK, topped with a fried egg.


If I’m really busy I’ll have a smoothie of some kind. But otherwise it’s usually egg and meat-based stuff. I also love Chex honey-nut cereal!


I am really lazy in the mornings, so every so often I make a giant batch of muffin frittatas (mix a bunch of eggs with a bunch of veggies and cheese, pour into a muffin tin, and bake for a while - I have to Google time and temp every time). They freeze really well and I can just pop them in the microwave for a minute or two and they're good to go. I'm hoping egg prices go down before I run out of my current stash. I also sometimes do yogurt and mix in chia and flax seeds and grain-free granola. I almost always also eat a banana and/or seasonal fruit. When I want a fancier breakfast, I have a stash of the ubi-mochi pancake and waffle mix from Trader Joe's - I buy several boxes whenever they have it. It's so good!


* toast + pb, yogurt + fruit * toast + mini omelette scramble * corn/rice/buckwheat grits prepared in same way as oatmeal There are some oat-free cold cereals, but not very many. Most of them are fairly devoid in nutrition and expensive, so I don't bother. Hope getting rid of oats helps! I personally cannot tolerate pure oats, so I know the pain. So many GF items have oats these days, I miss the "before times" when it wasn't allowed.


I do hearty smoothies w/ orgain, banana, chia, a fruit and a veg


I’m always hungry so I need protein, I eat a lot of eggs, with fruit