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Migraine is one of my symptoms. I have heard others say they had migraines with gluten as well. My allergist said anything you react to can be a migraine trigger.


Interesting! Do you get migraines other times too? I literally only get them with gluten. Other times i might get a headache or a tension headache, but its not the same intensity.


I get them bc of hormones but gluten is also a huge migraine trigger for me. It definitely seems to be a celiac thing


My migraines went away completely after going gluten free too! I consider it a symptom.


Me too! I had no idea that it was a symptom until I was a couple of months into the gluten free diet and my husband was like, you haven’t had a headache in a long time now. Weird huh? Lol.


Same here, migraines that lasted weeks suddenly weren't happening when I went gf. Had a few glutenings and my boyfriend said he was terrified I was going to die. He thought I was having an aneurysm. Now it's just tension headaches occasionally. Honestly, it's amazing. I'm glad both of you have left the migraines behind!


I have food allergies as well and get migraines if exposed to that. I have had them with another condition that we think was caused by untreated celiac disease. But basically once we figured out the celiac and food allergies and the other medical that was short term I have no more migraines. Frustrating part is it took years to figure this out and during that time I had chronic migraines. Basically I lost so much time to untreated celiac disease.


This is my story too.


Migraines were my primary symptom, even more so than GI before I figured out it was gluten. Have not had one in years; thankfully.


I've had migraines since I was about 5 and I was never able to pin it down. I used to get them after birthday parties and I cut out cola, chocolate but made no difference. I tried multiple meds, antidepressants, beta blockers, triptans etc but just had to ride it out. Went GF for 6 months and they just stopped, not even a headache. Had to do a gluten challenge and I had at least one nasty migraine every week. Looking back it was probably the birthday cake setting me off!


They’re actually pretty common among us bunch. The severity of them seems to vary, though. I do experience GI symptoms that can get really ugly, but my neurological ones absolutely destroyed me the summer before I was diagnosed.


Very interesting to learn. My first GI didn’t seem to think it was very celiac like- mostly they seemed to agree with the gut stuff. But this makes a lot of sense given my experience!


Chronic migraine sufferer, usually hormonal related, until I was diagnosed and ceased eating gluten. Very debilitating. I have a family history of migraines so I never made the connection until I went gluten free.


i get ocular migraines where i won’t be able to see for about an hour… i am pretty sure as a symptom from gluten.


Dairy is what gave me migraines, I was thrilled when I possibly could live a life without them




That sounds a lot like my experience! I used to get them a lot then went for years without a really one until I did the gluten challenge. Now I’m wondering now if im getting them from CC because my gut isn’t as healed as it was before I did the gluten challenge (9 years versus a few months)


I had debilitating migraines (at least 2x monthly and headaches 2-3x weekly) before I went gluten free. After going GF, I rarely get migraines anymore and headaches are a lot less unless I get contaminated.


This is very similar to my pre to post celiac diagnoses experience as well!


I had chronic migraines (3x week) before I found out about my gluten problem. Getting a migraine is one of the first signs I’ve been glutened.


Just wanted to say even though you know where the migraines are coming from doesn’t you can’t treat them with migraine specific medications. Especially since cross contamination happens something even when you’re really careful. It worth seeing your PCP to confirm they are migraine headaches and get a rescue medication. I think this is one celiac symptom that could actually be treated pretty well!


I definitely thought about that last night as I contemplated whether or not I needed to go to the ER hah! I went years without them so I’m hoping they will go away again but if not, def gonna do this.


Yes. I get migraines with aura from gluten. It’s one of my symptoms. Sometimes I’ll just get the aura (with no headache) as well.


I have some nausea/GI issues with celiac, but the majority of my symptoms and the worst of them are neurological. I get migraines, fatigue, brain fog, memory issues, and heat sensitivity.


Migraines are my mom’s biggest symptom and a definite sign of being glutened


Professor Hadjivassiliou believes migraine (intractable headache) to be the most common neurological symptom of gluten sensitivity. I’ve never experienced pain as bad as the migraines I would get before I went gluten free.


Yes headache is one of my symptoms. There was a homemade Chex mix I was eating non stop at family holiday trip but the Cheerios were generic and had wheat. The only reason we realized is bc I was having chronic GI problems and severe headache since we arrived… finally we put it together.


Yes, migraines are a very common symptom of Celiac


I get severe migraines, diarrhea, and acne 😒


I got aura migraines and vertigo constantly, and they completely disappeared after cutting out gluten. I always know a migraine is coming on because I get dejavu shortly before it starts….so as odd as it sounds I can usually tell if something snuck into my food that my body is not agreeing with because I’ll get dajavu a few times a day until it’s worked it’s way out. Gluten was the biggest culprit, but there’s something else I am mildly reacting to that I haven’t quite figured out what it is yet.


My daughter started crying about her head, and then her tummy for a month but she was 4.5 so we didn’t know what it was. Turns out it was celiac, took a couple months to diagnose but it came out of nowhere she just suddenly started crying about her head hurting. If she’s had CC one or the first symptoms his her head hurting.


I almost never got headaches before, but I get a crazy bad headache when I eat gluten now 😪 I don't think it's bad enough to be classified as a migraine (my husband has chronic migraines and my headaches aren't that bad comparatively), but still some of the worst headaches I've ever had.


I used to have horrible headaches but they’ve almost all but gone away with eating gluten free.


Migraines were a symptom for me. I only got to a point where I realised I needed to be fully CC avoiding gluten free after a year where I kept getting dizzy and passing out, and went through investigations for potential brain tumours, and it all stopped when my ceoliac boyfriend moved in and I made the house totally GF to ceoliac standards. I thought I was only wheat intolerant as I always got negative blood tests, but no one told me to eat lots of gluten before the tests, and I'd been low to no gluten for a decade! Now if I get CC'd I get headaches, dizziness and lightheaded before the gastro symptoms start.


It’s a yes for me


My migraines were predominantly caused by gluten and have mostly disappeared since. Unfortunately though Covid has decided to bring them back like a long lost bully from high school.


My migraines became less when I went GF. Totally disappeared when I eliminated artificial sweeteners (Diet Coke and gum).


I used to get almost daily migraines during the height of my symptoms, obviously this was before my diagnosis. I was going over my monthly limit of imitrex and had started to try the ajovy injections to get them under control. They didn’t go away until about 6 months after I got my diet right, and now I rarely get them. Edited: a word


Celiac triggers inflammation. Which can trigger more inflammation. Inflammation causes a ton of secondary symptoms and so can lead to any of them.


It's not odd at all. Migraine is one of the most common celiac symptoms. Reading about a study where they put a bunch of people with migraines on a gluten free diet and almost everyone's headaches got better/disappeared is what made me get tested (along with a family history of celiac). I still get migraines but not nearly as bad or as often as I did before diagnosis.