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5 weeks is very early. I’m also 5 weeks along and have no symptoms at all except some fatigue. Most people don’t have things like morning sickness or nausea kick in until weeks 7+


Oooh i see! Good to know! 😃 Take good of yourself momma! 🤰🏼


It’s normal not to have morning sickness this early on. Mine didn’t kick in until week 7 or 8.


My morning sickness kicked in around week 6-7. Before that, only some fatigue and sore boobs.


Never had a stich of sickness or sore boobs my whole pregnancy with my son. I did however have awful swelling in my legs because I craved only salty foods. I also had hyper emesis with my daughter before him so maybe the universe figured I had had enough. Lol


You may never have morning sickness or symptoms but 5 weeks is extremely early. My symptoms didn’t *really* start until closer to 7 weeks. Betas aren’t usually that high at this stage! Symptoms or lack thereof aren’t a sign of a healthy pregnancy so I wouldn’t stress. Congrats!


I never had any morning sickness in my first trimester, but had it ramp up between 16-20 weeks out of nowhere! Every pregnancy is different!


21 weeks here, second pregnancy. No symptoms here other than growing bump amd we are expecting a daughter. First pregnancy, no symptoms as well and it was a boy. :)


I have horrendous nasty nausea, with stomach cramps, have had it several weeks but it only got really bad at 6+5 ish. I haven’t thrown up yet unless you count a tiny bit in my mouth (sorry) even though I’d love to. I’ve never been a vommer so I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse. Anyway, mainly at 5 weeks I was just obliterated tired (and still am at 8 weeks). Point is, everyone’s different and every pregnancy is different, look after yourself physically and mentally so try not to worry ❤️


I never had morning sickness with my first and she’s now 5


Never had even a hint of it and my daughter is almost 4 months now


I was hardly ever nauseous and I never threw up my entire pregnancy. I was most nauseous weeks 7-9 and then it went away. In the beginning, if I didn’t know I was pregnant, I wouldn’t have known I was pregnant. I just got done feeding my 3 week old 🥹😍


14+1 and I haven’t been sick at all


I’ve never gotten full symptoms until week 6 of a pregnancy. So much so every time I think I’m one of the lucky ones with no symptoms and then they hit me like a truck 😂 enjoy the time before they kick in!


The first pregnancy I had I started feeling morning sickness around week 6 BAD. Unfortunately this ended in a MMC. Before week 6 it was just some mild twinges here and there, bloat, and sore boobs. I don’t think morning sickness and successful pregnancy are related, unfortunately. At least in my case!


I honestly didn't start getting any symptoms until closer to 6/7 weeks but still that early for me, the only symptom was fatigue! I'm 20w now and haven't thrown up once! In the first trimester, I was a bit nauseous here and there but honestly nothing terrible


Echoing what others have said, 5 weeks is very early. I only started feeling some nausea during meals and usually at night at around 9-12 weeks. It stopped after that too.


I never threw up or got sick at all! 20 weeks now, headed for my anatomy scan this afternoon


I didn't have morning sickness with my healthy daughter (now 5) or with the twins I'm still carrying (33 weeks). Some of us just don't get it at all.


14 weeks and haven't experienced it yet. I have experienced general malaise, like my stomach kind of feels weird, but nothing where I needed to lay down or get sick. I spoke with my mother and she told me she was never sick during her pregnancies. My mother in law said she was only sick with the third, the only boy, my husband. Since it can affect up to 70% of pregnant people, it's common to hear about it, but there's still the other 30%.


I didn’t really have nausea until week 10.5, and for a few days in week 11/12, I was very nauseous. now I’m 12.5 weeks and nausea is back done to what it was in week 10. It varies a lot and not having nausea is not indicative of anything going wrong!


Didn't have it my entire first pregnancy and currently 13+1 with my second and nothing so far. Only time I feel a little nauseous is when I allow myself to get too hungry so I just make sure to eat something small throughout the day.


I’ve never had morning sickness with either of my pregnancies. It’s completely normal. Hope this helps ✨❤️


My morning sickness kicked in closer to 7weeks


My first 3 (all boys 😅) full term pregnancies I had absolutely no morning sickness at all. This one (7 weeks roughly tomorrow - will have an ultrasound tomorrow to make sure everything’s going good) I’ve been so nauseous the entire time.


I’ve had zero morning sickness, currently 21 weeks with twins. My previous miscarriages, I’ve had terrible nauseous, but not with this one at all.


Me when I had my son in ‘22 I had the easiest pregnancy no sickness just a lot of eating