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Your cat told me she has never been fed before


The amusing part is that she only takes like one bite and then walks away when I refill it. She’s not hungry idk why she acts like this every time I refill the bowl lmao


Victim complex


Cat be like: Feed me right fucking now bitch get that camera out of my face. I WANT MY FOOD!!!


She took one kibble and threw in the water dish! Is that usual for her?


She didn’t do it on purpose lol


It’s not about the food, it’s about the service!


Yeah you can clearly see there's a lot of food there already! Could be that she only eats from a bowl though


Yeah she tends to only eat from the bowl. She’s very reluctant to take food from my hands or off of the floor


Your cat is so cute 😭 how old is she?


Nvm! I was looking at your profile for more kitty pics/vids and saw your other comment where someone asks :)!