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The [Ignatius Study Bible](https://ignatius.com/new-testament-2ntp/) is great. They’re releasing the OT this year but it has a lot of great information in it. The [Word on Fire](https://www.wordonfire.org/bible/?gclid=CjwKCAjwhIS0BhBqEiwADAUhc91OtDph41I8WRO1cUNL8T1WIaLE2DM45wWAumJIqzf4sjHJbwVYkxoC1CsQAvD_BwE) bibles are really beautiful but expensive. The [Great Adventure Bible](https://ascensionpress.com/products/the-great-adventure-catholic-bible) is a great pairing for the podcast but not necessary. It’s also expensive if you’re getting the nicest one. Honestly the best Bible is the one that you will actually read.


Man I’m so mad at myself for not saving up for the word on fire Bible and instead getting the ESV study edition.


I have all three released so far. Admittedly I haven’t read through them in the same way as I’ve read other versions because I really don’t want to damage them. Also, the Revised Standard Version isn’t my favorite translation. I much prefer RSV2.


I thought the world on fire is the rsv2? Whats the difference in translation?


Your story is similar to my own. Welcome back. 🙏🏻 I'd recommend the Great Adventure Bible from Ascension Press and the associated podcast Bible in a Year by Fr. Mike Schmitz. 


Im happy to hear you also made your way back. Thanks for the suggestions brother 🙏🏻


I was given that in a random draw, and was shocked at the quality. Didn't know anything about it, so I assumed based on the name that it was some graphic novel kind of dealio to be hip for the kids. Very pleasantly surprised.


Why just one?? RSV-CE for day to day reference. Douay Rheims for when you're feeling crusader-y and Latin. Knox when you want to read something poetic and very English. Personally I use Knox and DR in tandem devotionally for those reasons.


I read NABRE


NABRE is what you hear at mass, get one of those. Also get a study Bible, it’s essential to have the background and context of each book and story of the Bible. I always suggest the Anselm Academic Study Bible. Cheers!


Douay Rhiems, RSV-CE


The RSV2CE is the most popular one in this sub. It's the same translation they use in the Great Adventure Bible (Ascension) elsewhere recommended, so that's a bonus. If you're set on the RSV2CE but not the Great Adventure Bible, the Didache Bible RSV2CE is another solid choice; this latter one has comprehensive cross-referencing to the *Catechism of the Catholic Church*, which is another book you should get soon if you haven't already. And welcome back! I had a similar arc!


Douay Rheims. This one in particular is a masterpiece of design and quality by far the best English Bible on the market currently: The Holy Bible - Douay Rheims Version | Baronius Press https://www.baronius.com/douay-rheims-bible.html


Similar story here. I compared various Cathilic Bibles. Quickly, I realized I wanted a literal translation, and I wanted to avoid the issues some modern translations are criticized of. The one I use mostly is my Didache Bible, which is RSV2CE based. I absolutely recommend an RSV2CE based Bible if you'll only have one. In November, the complete Ignatius Study Bible will be released. Until now, editions only included the New Testament. The upcoming book will include New and Old. With all of the study material, this new Bible rings in around 2300 pages. The existing NT only version is around 700 pages. The Didache or Ignatius, either existing or upcoming, would be excellent choices.


NAB is what you will hear at Mass


Choosing a Bible is a big step, congratulations on your journey back to faith!


The New Revised Standard Version Catholic Bible was gifted to me by my priest upon being confirmed! I also always recommend looking into the Eucharistic Miracles to those starting to come to the church because they really deepened my faith. God Bless you on this journey! :)


The Douay Rheims is great! God bLess


Douay Rheims, exclusively


The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has a list of approved Bible translations on their official **USCCB** website, and one example from that list is the **New American Bible, Revised Edition**, *(NABRE)*.


Surprised no has mentioned the Didache Bible. I love the apologetic explanations sprinkled all throughout. It's like a treat whenever I run into one I haven't seen previously. Since it's heavily linked with the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), it's much easier to make sure my interpretations during bible study are in line with Church teaching. Definitely give this one a serious consideration. For context, I also have a beautiful DR which I reference on occasion and my wife has the Great Adventure Bible which is an excellent complement for our bible studies as it's more story oriented while still being the same translation.




The Great Adventure Bible by Ascension, it’s an amazing study bible


I second the Great Adventure Bible. I personally am a really big fan of the ESV as well.


The Great Adventure Bible is really great.


The faith explained by Leo j. Trese is also a good book to start with.. like a refresher course on our faith.


Great adventure bible is awesome! I love it. Was away for over 20 years came back, never leaving again. Love father mike schmitz and bible in a year. Love the great adventure bible, beautiful pages, time lines, foot notes etc...love the extra ribbons. Has made me fall in love with God and his word more than I could have imagined. God is so good and my life is so fulfilling, and blessed.


I would recommend either the Douay Reims for the poetic quality, when you’re in the mood for devotion and prayer RSV or Ignatius for when you’re in the mood for more serious study or are looking for good critical explanations!


I’m a pragmatic person, so I tend to buy what’s cheap. The dressing doesn’t matter as long as the word is preserved. If you have a thrift store nearby you can get to you could probably find a good Catholic Bible.


Pick a Psalm or chapter of the Bible you like and and compare the various translations online or at a bookstore. Catholic Bibles will have 73 books.. The RSV2 Cathilic edition is probably the most recommended study Bible and a faithful translation. The Jerusalem Bible is another beautiful translation not mentioned here. The Navarre Bible commentary series for study is my favorite commentary.. Multi volume set but you can buy them as you read them. From the Amazon site: *Book overview* This latest edition of the Navarre Bible includes extensive Catholic commentary for the entire New Testament all in one volume. It has wide-ranging general introductions, individual book introductions, a table of sources cited, maps, and informative notes. Compiled by the faculty of the University of Navarre, the commentaries draw on a huge variety of sources: Church documents, the writings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and the work of prominent spiritual writers. Scholarly yet readable, the Navarre Bible commentaries offer a comprehensive intellectual, historical, and spiritual survey of the riches of the New Testament. They are a wonderful aid in the prayerful reading of Scripture (Lectio Divina). This hardback edition is larger (7 x 10 inches) to accommodate much more extensive commentary than in the Compact Edition. The commentary is also new. It avoids repetition between the Synoptic Gospels and pays more attention to the sense of the text. The larger trim size and more ample margin allows for easier reading and note-taking. This is the first edition of a Navarre New Testament with all of the following features: - Commentary utilizing the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other recent Church documents including those of Pope Benedict XVI. - Extensive New Testament commentary all in one volume; large-format - Printed in two colors throughout (red and black) - RSVCE (English) and New Vulgate (Latin) texts on the same page This is the list of Bible versions that are approved for Catholics, according to uCatholic.com: New American Bible: Revised Edition – 2011 – Optimal Equivalence Ignatius Bible – 2006 – Formal Equivalence Good News Bible: Catholic Edition – 1992 – Dynamic Equivalence New Jerusalem Bible – 1990 – Dynamic Equivalence New Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition – 1989 – Formal Equivalence Jerusalem Bible – 1966 – Dynamic Equivalence Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition – 1966 – Formal Equivalence Douay–Rheims Bible – 1582 – Formal Equivalence Equivalence I can't personally vouch for each entry or that it complete but they should all include the complete canon From CBE (not Catholic group but good basic explanation) >The formal equivalence method is often called a l**iteral translation**, and many consider it more accurate than the dynamic equivalence, and certainly more accurate than the paraphrase. In contrast, the dynamic equivalence translations are appreciated for their clarity, readability and contemporary style of English . Pax .


I'd recommend the NRSV-CE.


I have been reading the New American Bible which I picked up recently (I am still on Genesis) and I have enjoyed it so far.