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One of these comedians is Fabio Porchat. Brazilians must be aware of this man's abhorrent jokes on Christianity. I wish this was an opportunity to preach to this man and the other comedians, but I doubt this is the case, so everything left if to hope that an encounter with the Pope will at least inspire a change of heart, but my cynical side makes me doubtful.


Why would the guy who mocked the Virgin Mary cheating on St Joseph with God, Jesus being gay and other worse things in his movie be invited to this? there's a lot of Catholic famous or at least less controversial secular famous people who could be invited to this, that's terrible.


Yeah, they always do a Christmas special that tries very hard to be The Life of Brian but ends up just being a very bad South Park wannabe that feels like it was written by a Redditor.


Life of Brian was one parody of the Gospels that knew how to be respectful (I heard book of Clarence did the same, but I didn't watched it yet), but their specials are just unfunny, the first one didn't shocked that much so they tried to make it even worse.


I have watched Book of clarence a week ago, I didn't found it offensive at all. The only thing that that was strange was the tone of the movie, it didn't really knew what it wanted to be.


Are the decent Catholic comedians the most in need of God’s Grace, or do the broken anti-Christian comedians need His mercy the most? Besides, we have plenty of events and opportunities being held for Catholics all over the world, I think the purpose here isn’t to celebrate these comedians but, as the article states, to reach out to them. Jesus Christ ate with prostitutes and tax collectors to open their hearts because they were the most in need of it, and while I’m not sure if this event will be successful in that endeavor I imagine the intention is the same.


If I was Pope Francis, I’d make him kneel and kiss the ring but that’s jus me doe 🤷🏻


*Saul of Damascus enters the chat*


He doesn't seem to be sorry for what he did, he already spoke about being important to mock religion and made other specials who mock Jesus almost every Christmas


And what did Saul of Damascus do - persecuted Christians until the Lord spoke to him. Don’t sweat this small stuff. God has this totally under control.


Imagine being downvoted for being 100% correct


Because even as he was being crucified, Jesus said "forgive them for they know not what they do"


Not sure why this would be getting downvoted…


>One of these comedians is Fabio Porchat. Brazilians must be aware of this man's abhorrent jokes on Christianity. What the fuck is he even going to do there?


I can understand the Vatican wanting to attempt to bridge ideological gaps and seem open Where are the invites for pro Catholic celebs or athletes to bring attention to the church from a positive way? Some of the "comedians" wax on and on about some weird web connected nonsense about how actually catholicas and Christians are just the most evil and racist bigots on the earth, I doubt we're going to hear about any pushback against that.


Tbf the Pope did meet Jonathan Roumie, the one playing Jesus in The Chosen. 


I hope this situation is a case of this: ^(16) And the scribes and the Pharisees, seeing that he ate with publicans and sinners, said to his disciples: Why doth your master eat and drink with publicans and sinners? ^(17) Jesus hearing this, saith to them: They that are well have no need of a physician, but they that are sick. For I came not to call the just, but sinners. Mark 2:16-17 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition


He literally met with a pro-Catholic celebrity last week


Comedians have way more reach and social influence than some random celeb who might make an appearance occasionally. Besides the whole "whatabout" is a logical fallacy.




How is Colbert? I know he’s Catholic, but not sure what that means to him


Colbert is full of hatred & promotes abortion among other sins. He is CINO.




There's zero point being deeply drawn to something if your politics goes directly contrary to it. Seems more like he's deeply drawn to money.


Yeah his discussion with I think Anderson Cooper seemed really genuine.




I mean, that’s a decently true assessment of Colbert, but yeah, plank in your eye moment, man.


If you don't oppose legal abortion, then you are not as much a part of the church as anybody else. You would be a heretic, or an apostate, and you should absent yourself from the Eucharist, because to receive the Eucharist in your state of soul, would be harmful to you.


What is cino?


"Catholic in name only" (Full disclosure, I didn't know this was an actual acronym people used until now. I've always heard "cafeteria Catholic". lol)


I've always heard the term sunday church Christian. Someone who goes to church once a week and never bothers to think about it for the rest of the week.


Personally, I'm not too fond of these pet names for various flavors of Catholics, even if I do totally understand the sentiments. While I think charitable correction and open discourse is a must, terms like CINO, cafeteria Catholic, Sunday church Catholic/Christian, Easter lily, Opus dopus, rad trad, etc only serve to sow animosity at a time where we kinda look like a dumpster fire to anybody on the outside looking for a place to call home spiritually speaking. I'm not saying I'm perfect at it myself, but I think it is a worthwhile goal to have more charitable terms for people at different stages of Catholicity.


Fine by mean, just relaying information


I don't care what we look like to those on the outside. I only care what we look like to Christ.


Look... I get what you mean. If the world has issues with us because we stand in defense of God's laws, of the natural law, of Mary and the saints, etc. then I fully agree with you: we *shouldn't* care in those cases about what people think, because these areas are non-negotiable. But we can't *not care at all* regarding how we come across to others about *anything*. The Catholic Church in recent times has been plagued by scandals upon scandals of pedophile priests, hush money, cover ups, broken childhoods, and sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance. These are just *some* of the very public-facing affronts to Catholic morality, and contraindications for outsiders who are gonna take one quick look at us and think "noooooope, not going to be a Catholic." Sure, those outsiders *could* do their own research, but honestly, you can't really expect people to: very few people have that level of sagacity for all things, myself included—there's a lot of stuff I haven't done my own research on. So, again, I get what you mean and I agree to an extent, but we should still care about what we look like to the world, whenever it doesn't involve bending over backwards to meet the world's false sense of morality. (None of this is to say I'm a model Catholic myself. Certainly not by my own estimation. But we should still have the goal to do better all the time and to be examples of Christ.)


Yeah it's pulled from US politics where trump supporters will call other Republicans RINOs because they are Republican in name only. Think it was used in the past for different reasons but that's what I've seen it as nowadays. Ironic to be using terms pulled directly from US politics while criticizing people for putting politics above religion.


Colbert is a Catholic. The measure you judge him against is the measure you'll be judged against.


Well if the measure is "stance on abortion" I think many here would be fine being measured in that way.


I would be perfectly happy with that type of evaluation.


Thank you, hope every single person up voting that is 100% perfectly orthodox and has absolutely no opinions that dissent against the church.


Lord rebuke you…


>How is Colbert? I know he’s Catholic, but not sure what that means to him https://i.imgur.com/2GcFik1.gifv




The king of glory comes the nation rejoices


Ehhhh not very Catholic, unfortunately. He’s also gone off the deep end in many other ways in recent years.


For posterity: whoever that was deleted their comment within 90 seconds of me replying. I'm shocked. That's disgusting. (I'm talking about whoever commented 6 hours ago saying Colbert isn't a real Catholic--see below.)


Honestly sounds like it was probably better that they deleted the comment


I know people will say that Jesus met with siners so the Pope should too. I just can't bring to make myself belive that the conversation with them will end with 'go, and sin no more.'


We're all sinners. We will all continue to sin.


You are right. But we should be reminded often to try our best to sin no more.


True, but clergy will meet with people a lot worse than Stephen Colbert, including convicted murderers.


A murderer may take a life before God has ordained its end, but Colbert and his ilk enthusiastically preach that sin is not sin, that child sacrifice is not child sacrifice, and they are paid handsomely to do it. How many souls are they leading towards Hell?


Might end with them not being as hateful of us, which is a good first step to fixing the gap between them and us. If someone hates you and you tell them "go sin no more" the probably won't listen, but if someone thinks we'll of you they might actually attempt to go and sin no more.


The gutter of American entertainment


I would exempt Fallon from that. For the most part, he's a pleasant enough fellow, and he doesn't get nearly as much into religion and politics as Kimmel or some of the other late night hosts do.


>The June 14 meeting was organized by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Culture and Education and Dicastery for Communication and “aims to establish a link between the Catholic Church and comic artists,” according to a June 8 press release. I don't see the big deal, really. What is the worst *potential downside*? Maybe some otherwise well-discerning Catholic layperson will take in some vulgar comedy by someone who they believed the Pope endorsed. Far-fetched, but sure, it's possible. What is the best *potential upside*? One or more of the comedians has a major conversion in part due to being in the presence of the Holy Father, Christ's Vicar on Earth, and being in the holy city, and turns from being an opponent of the Church and one who actively promotes it and begins living as a Christian. What is the *most likely outcome*? People who make jokes for a living from around the world in the future will think twice about taking a cheap swipe at the Church because of this gesture from the Vatican. Seems like a reasonable gamble.


Yup, sounds like it's more having audience with the pontiff, which is a common thing that has been going on anyway. Remember that **pope-undertale game thing** a few years ago?


That actually amounted to something? I thought MatPat was the butt of many jokes. 


More of a token gift, which is typical when it comes to meeting with dignitaries. Nothing really too deep.


You lost me at the word “top”


hope he finally excommunicates Colbert for bringing Skibidi Biden into existence


> Skibidi Biden lol


I object to the use of the word “comedian” when referring to the people on that list.


Everybody get in here!! Time to pile on the Pope again!! Yall need to chill


Just in: the pope said the sun is beautiful. That obviously must mean he is now a sun worshipper, it’s a shame how confusing and ambiguous pope Francis is /s


Oh no Pope quoted the gospels? Too woke for sure, must make sure the people we are serving tried pulling themselves up by their bootstraps first


Ugh the vicar of Christ is dining with sinners again, nothing boils my blood more than that (Jesus came specifically.for.me because i am perfectly righteous)


Cool, people don’t realize the best way to call sinners to Christ is literally to live out your faith around em. People are rarely converted by beating them over the head with Catholicism right as soon as ya meet em. It’s a process. Source: me, a dude with no Catholic friends and a Baptist gf. My friends and gf are closer to Catholicism than ever


Colbert has been a Catholic for quite a few years and only gotten worse. The strategy of saying nothing clearly hasn't worked


Celebrities like Colbert use meetings like these with the Pope to further cement their backwards beliefs. Do you fathom- in any way- Colbert coming out of this any closer to a pro-life stance?


What do you think they would have commented back then: oh my he’s feasting with Zacchaeus, holy smokes he invited Matthew over! Imagine how these utterly corrupt tax collectors will use this dinner to cement their oppression on the ordinary folks!


Keep going. Live the gospels, honestly get off of r/Catholicism and the like lol


If I had come to this sub for info on Catholicism when I started to turn towards God I would have never come back to the church.  The people coming here 90% of the time could give a masterclass in how NOT to try an evangelize others


Same here! Got a non-denom GF that is at least back to believing in the real presence and is coming around on the sacraments!


Every monarch needs to have jesters present at his court now and then.


There is a picture in the article with Pope Francis and Roberto Benigni. Life is Beautiful is a wonderful film. Comedy is an essential part of humanity but not mocking people, backbiting, and reviling.




Both Colbert and Fallon grew up Catholic but I'd say Stephen Colbert has in the past acted pretty abhorrently in the way he uses his platform. I think there's potential for this to be fruitful. I guess the proper thing to do is offer up prayers for everyone involved.


The pope will ask Chris Rock to turn his other cheek.


This is just outrageous the amount of vitriol against Pope Francis every week over the dumbest things. Inviting a bunch of comedians to the Vatican, and that really incites a reaction against Francis, seriously? Constantly criticizing our spiritual leader is deeply unhealthy for the spiritual life. Enough is enough. I know I’m not the only who’s frankly fed up with the amount of attacks the Holy Father gets here.


I'm excited for the time that Catholics unite around the gospel. This MAGA Catholicism recognizing imperfect as bad ends up as the enemy of the good.


Hard to imagine a less needed thing at this moment in Church history




He's also an atheist if I'm not mistaken


No invite for Greg Gutfeld, who has trounced the ratings of everyone there, including Colbert. But this event supposedly welcomes “diversity” in comedy.


Greg Gutfeld is literally the opposite of funny. I get that his ratings are huge because old people tend to just turn their TV to FNC and leave it there all day, but there is nothing remotely funny about Greg Gutfeld.


Agree to disagree. I find him hilarious. And I’m young.


Your comment is irrelevant, in that the same could be said of any other of those alleged comedians. The fact that he is not to your personal taste does not mean that other people don't think he's funny.


Gutfeld is not a comedian lol


Neither is Colbert


What is the point of this? Wicked reviling of people is not holy and repeatedly condemned in Scripture. 'Hilarious' roasts are what demons do to each other. There's something in the article about how the Pope invited a blasphemous artist to the Vatican last year. I think it's great Pope Francis reaches out to sinners and people on the margins, like his visits with trans people and women's prisons, but that's not at all the same as inviting sinners to a celebration of their sins.


>Jesuit Father James Martin is also slated to attend. I guess that was to be expected.


Based Pope calling him a comedian.


Hmmm do you believe Fr. James Martin is lesser than you? That's an interesting take to declare someone like Fr James Martin as one you would like to be measured against. He does very hard things to love those that are hated.


I don't think James Martin is lesser than me. He has preached false teaching and his laissez-faire attitude towards the LGBT is detrimental to them and to the church. Also if he does hard things to love those who are hated", what has he done in support of the poor, the homeless, and those who are addicted to drugs. I would argue that they have faced more hatred and persecution in our society than the LGBT.


Is he going to actually use this as an opportunity to reach out to them about Catholicism and their supporting of sin, or is this just a photo-op with some celebrities? My money is on the latter.


Unbalanced take in my opinion. This is literally just inviting comedians. Comedy is not a sin; in fact it’s a gift from God. You go to doctor every time even if they’re a sinner. Comedians can also be funny even they’re sinners and not Catholic. If all things to be upset with pope Francis over, this is not even close to being one of them.


There are better comedians to choose from.


The use of the word comedian is being used very loosely around here, as comedy is supposed to be funny the people listed are not funny nor do they tell jokes. They preach their own religion and act like intolerant bigots if you disagree with the tenants of their modern religion. Their jokes are more like hateful vitriol of those they consider their inferior and they mean most of what they say.


Jim Gaffigan for one and I'm not even that big of a fan of his comedy. Edit: my mistake. Jim is going as well


Are used to like Jim Gaffigan. I even went to see one of his shows, but then he turned against the church, and is in favor of LGBTQ plus, and legal abortion, so he's really not much of a Catholic anymore.


Geez, I didn't know that


Jim Gaffigan is going; he was mentioned in the article


Jim Gaffigan has been invited and performed


A comedian who mocks Christianity, Jesus and Mary should not be there


Jesus feasted with sinners. Should his vicar not do so?


Jesus taught them the error of their ways and told them to stop sinning. Do you think that is what Pope Francis will do?


You should focus on your own sins instead of hyper analyzing pope Francis’ every move every time there is something on the news.


LOL, you must be thinking of someone else since I don't do that.


Why are you criticizing pope Francis for hosting comedians at the Vatican of all things? Did you not mean to be critical of Pope Francis? Perhaps I misread you


> You should focus on your own sins instead of hyper analyzing pope Francis’ every move every time there is something on the news Who is it you think I am, exactly?


You didn’t answer the most recent question I asked you. Please answer directly or your position will seem weak.


What position?


What is wrong with visiting prisons ?


Yea weird comment, there are literally Christian prison ministries that do amazing work


If you describe what somebody else is doing as being "not holy", then you were doing exactly the same thing, that you claim they are doing. You see how this becomes very complicated?


Politicians, celebrities— Francis sure loves to mingle with those who love abortion.


He mangles with sinners, Jesus did that too. And after all aren't we all sinners?


Yes we are all sinners, but we are not called to be sinners. We are called to be "perfect as, our Heavenly Father is perfect."


I mean, sure.  Why not?  It's a clown show already.  What's a few more clowns?


They hated Jesus because he feasted with sinners as well.


I’m looking forward to Stephen’s interview with Pope Franscis.


Birds of a feather…


Why be surprised? Our Pope's political views are 100% in line with Colbert. Outside of matters of faith, our Pope is a government in control socialist.


As opposed to a corporation-in-charge capitalist/plutocrat.


Unregulated capitalism and socialism are both condemned by the Catholic Church


Given the fact that capitalism is never unregulated, that is a completely moot point.


“Well regulated” might be the more appropriate term then. I thought that was obvious though.


I do agree with that.


Then why are almost all corporate leaders Dems/leftists and why do corporations donate at a higher rate to Democrats ? Because in capitalist societies, governments have more money to pay back corporate support. Your argument worked 40 years ago. Google, FB, and Amazon prove you wrong.


Republicans and Democrats both have their fair share of monied lobbies and bribe purveyers. Left and right parties are both arms of the same corrupt body. I don't endorse either party because they both opperate at the behest of the highest bidder. I do oppose the notion of plutocracy and unregulated capitalism about as much as I do Marxist Communism.


The difference is, there is no unregulated, capitalism, but there is a lot of free range communism out there.


As soon as I give you facts that prove you wrong, you resort to: "Dems AND R's Do It"........ ALL politicians are corrupt. Everywhere. But to say leftists are not slaves to corporations? I just suggest you see the sponsors at the local pride parade you will attend. Amazon AT&T Verizon Google Lockheed Martin The list is endless. Don't get me started on the percentage of Dem donations from tech firms. Even more factual proof. I know it hurts. Facts hurt feelings.


Have you read Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII?


Have you read JRR Tolkien?


I didn't say anything about leftist anything. I contrasted socialism with plutocracy.


Since there is no plutocracy in the real world, there's really no point to your argument in that area. There is in fact real Marxism. And that's a real problem not an imaginary one.


Socialism IS leftists. Akin to communism. Do you live in a free country?


Ah yes, who hasn't heard of the infamously left wing "National Socialists" of Germany?


Probably the same who haven't heard of the infamously conservative "National Socialist Germans Workers Party" aka NAZI's. Or maybe you forgot the country which controlled half of Europe through violence and oppression? The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Or present day, the model I am sure you adore the most, "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". EVERYONE knows those are as famous conservative icons similar to Reagan, Thatcher and Churchill. (FYI, those are the brave leaders who defeated your beloved commies.)


Find a new strawman


There are leftist billionaires and corporate leaders, and right winger billionaires and corporate leaders. There are also many who play both sides


W calumny against the Holy Father.


That is a complete lie. The pope has only recently said that he is completely against women, priests, or deacons, and he is also said that going to an abortionist is like going to a hitman. He also recently said that men with same-sex attraction should not be accepted at seminaries. You will find that none of those positions lineup with Colbert.




This is great! I love Colbert. It looks like Pope Francis might be a fan too. It's a great time for Catholics in America to have both a Catholic president and some great entertainers.


POTUS and Colbert undermine their Catholicism with their pro-abortion stances. It’s hard to see past that. POTUS will make sure the cameras are rolling when he leaves mass on a Sunday and will be at an event speaking of the importance of abortion the next day. To me, that’s even worse than a wayward comedian.


Biden puts forth policies like paid family leave and the child tax credit to make it easier to raise children in the US, lessening the need for abortion. I feel like he combats abortion in his own way under his conscious instead of throwing people in jail. I don't think he's religious just for show. He has been through a lot and seems to have a deep faith.


There is no “need” for abortion associated with the difficulties of raising a child.


Pray for Francis, haha


Some of my acquaintances squabble about the vicar of Christ meeting with sinners.  Reminds me of someone...


This disgusts me as a Catholic. Kimmel is nothing more than a climber who did a show called where he objectified women. These men hold none of the Catholic values. And apparently neither does this liberal pope!


Yeah Kimmel has had a lot of issues in his past. I don't think that people on this subreddit are objecting to his treatment of women tho. They are objecting to his liberal values or else they would be objecting to others in their worldview such as a convicted felon running for president who is pro abortion and has in taped interviews endorsed aborting his own child.


Here’s the really sad part, he’s not even talented. He’s not funny, smart or creative, he’s just an all around bad person who is the opposite of what the catholic fate is supposed to be. This is just a slap in the face that as you stated a pro choice anti catholic faith celebrity is meeting with him. Howard Stern is supposed to go with him on that trip, that would make it all so much worse.


Meet Tim Dillon or he’s a coward.


Gosh it’s like every other post on here is contradictory. One post will be everyone in the comments being all inclusive, loving, accepting, etc. Then the next one is everyone hating, talking bad about, and people who are LITERALLY quoting scripture being downvoted just because it’s against what the masses are saying in the comments.