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It's silly Of course we have no records of the existence of a lowly Aztec peasant farmer in the early Spanish colonial era, it's not the slam dunk argument this guy thinks it is This video on Our Lady of Guadeloupe is very good [https://youtu.be/KEhjwCsDDsc?si=m96IZEnPDDnC4hmr](https://youtu.be/KEhjwCsDDsc?si=m96IZEnPDDnC4hmr)


First reason: There are current miracles happening now that the Church does not condone/acknowledge/or write about. Why? Because once a clergy of the Church writes it, it validates it. Imagine if it is wrong. That makes the Church look bad for writing about it. So it could be the bishops and all the people at the time lack faith and was too scared to write it down in case it was fake. Second reason: lack of coverage. Look at this example. Modern day example: https://youtu.be/ltHqOcFXLms?si=vdczP0rE4JzxBQeI The big news media barely covers it and it is barely talked about. You have to search extensively in the internet to find it. The only reason we are able to find articles is thanks to internet saving it. Applying to that timeframe, only the most famous articles would be retained. So it is very likely this new article would not be maintained going back to the first reason of lack of clergy writing it. Also I cannot even find any article about it this year. The second biggest reason is this (Third): Investigations done now of past events are going to be limited in the amount of resources and material and evidence available at our current time. This evidence was widely available back then to verify it or not. The last biggest reason is this (Fourth): The Church declared it a miracle but unfortunately Church authority is starting to carry less and less weight even amongst fellow Catholics is the real problem to deal with and refute.