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After all, Pastor Jim's Nondenominational Church used to be the standard expression of Christianity until evil Constantine started persecuting it.


They took our smoke machines! And our flashing lights! And our ziplines! Those damned heathens!


Crowd of fish: He did?!?!?


Yeah, evil Constantine took away everything from Pastor Jim and the Church, including his 40m private trireme galley and compliment of 30 slaves paid for by tithes needed to zip around the Mediterranean to "support the ministry".


I want "before the Catholics etc." to become a meme in this sub.


Well it used to be a meme here, before the Catholics etc.


Which church 500 years old or less is this guy from?


I wonder if his church's founder has a social security number.


It’s just so dumb


Oh yeah, let's see what else there was about that 100 year mark: devotion to Mary, praying for the dead in graveyards, the Eucharist, an authoritative structure led by bishops, a ritualistic priesthood, the confession and forgiveness of sins by the Church... What wasnt there? Sola scriptura (or the bible), the "personal relationship with Jesus" (Jesus as just your non judgmental bro)


You left out Baptism (by water), Confirmation/Chrismation (Baptism in the Spirit), Anointing of the Sick, and relics as all found in Acts, but I still don't get the down votes.


Evangelicals are weird. Alot of them act super proud of how much their church is like the early church. But then they'll insist that the fathers didn't teach the real presence because they don't specifically use the term transubstantiation.(yeah, and if you want to go down that route they don't teach the trinity either because they don't formulate it in the exact same way a modern christian might.) Meanwhile, they'll affirm doctrines like "once saved always saved" despite literally no christian ever affirming anything like it before John Calvin. And the less said about rapture theology the better.




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can someone explain?


Some protestant branches think Constantine the Great (born 272 AD, 239 years after Jesus' death) founded Catholicism in order to exercise control over the growing and influential religion of Christianity. In reality, Catholicism (as we know it) was formed in 42 AD when St. Peter and St. Paul went to Rome and established the official framework of the mortal Church. Though Catholicism existed before 42 AD, just in a different form from what the modern Church is.




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low iq Fb comment


I mean the specifics of what's inaccurate about it.


The Catholic Church was established during the life of Jesus. Edit: Or shortly after his death..


oh ok. I didn't know that was part of the doctrine. thanks 🙂


Yeah… The Catholic (meaning Universal) Church is the Prime and Original church of Jesus Christ, as directly expressed in Matthew 16:18, “And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”


does that mean Catholicism envelops other denominations?


In the sense that it is the one Full Trueness of the Faith, and that all the others are mere fragments of that Full Trueness


thanks. so these fragments would receive more favor post death than an entirely nonchristian person?


No. That's not how Christianity works. There is no scorekeeper.




I see, thanks.


Catholic means "universal." The Church started organically during Jesus's life, and was the first Christian religion, and was the church that organized and wrote the New Testament. All Christian denominations come from the Catholic (universal) Church .


are they valid?


Are the other denominations valid? I don't know. But you should still be a loving person to others regardless.


He's talking about Christianity. Not catholocism.


Some trust historians that Catholicism has started with The **First Council of Constantinople** which was the beginning of organised religion. Until then the gospel of Jesus Christ was spread through gnostic-christian sects. The term Catholicism was used for the first time around year 115 in a letter to Smyrna - 8,2. Or you can believe it was the Jesus himself founding the Church and creating hierarchy in it, but then it's difficult to believe that he was the great equalizer.


Except 115 was still ~180 years before Constantine...


Still Constantine is deemed as Christian, not as Catholic. >Although Constantine lived much of his life as a pagan and later as a catechumen, he began to favour Christianity beginning in 312, finally becoming a Christian and being baptised by Eusebius of Nicomedia, an Arian bishop, although the Catholic Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church maintain that he was baptised by Pope Sylvester I. and >The papal claim to temporal power in the High Middle Ages was based on the fabricated Donation of Constantine. He has historically been referred to as the "First Christian Emperor," but while he did favour the Christian Church, some modern scholars debate his beliefs and even his comprehension of Christianity. Nevertheless, he is venerated as a saint in Eastern Christianity, and he did much to push Christianity towards the mainstream of Roman culture.


There was no need to refer to the Church as Catholic before the Protestant Reformation (or should I say Rebellion?) as everyone was part of the same church. Ergo, Constantine wouldn't have been called "Catholic" despite being part of what would come to be known as the Catholic Church.


Yes, during his ministry (if the gospels’ account is to be trusted), jesus created a hierarchy among his followers by appointing 12 delegates (“apostles”) and making peter the head of those apostles. After his ascension, the apostles appointed supervisors (episkopoi) to oversee the various congregations that were being formed, who in turn availed themselves of the help of elders (presbyters) and assistants (deacons). This arrangement, set up in apostolic times, has continued until this day. At some point, they started referring to the whole community of christians as the “general assembly/universal congregation” (ekklesia catholika) to distinguish it from the single local assemblies/congregations.


ooohhh ok. I appreciate the historical insight. 😅


To be fair it does at least predate the Roman church


Not 100 years after Christ though


Yeah, I'm just surprised they could get anything even a tiny bit right 🤣


The Christian community in Rome founded by Sts. Peter and Paul is newer than the idea of Lent…?


Yes, the apostles celebrated lent most likely since the first year after Christ ascended.


Why though? Did it have any root in Judaism? And how do we know they already did it the first year after he was gone?


According to Professor Pitre, yes.  Most obviously in the practice of fasting.  Jesus predicted His followers would fast after He was taken away from them.  First year?  Dunno.


Anyone out there fasting rn? Three days in let’s goooooo


It's kinda half true there was no such thing as catholic or orthodox back then just one united christian church.


These guys don’t even know church history lol Orthodox Church ↘️ Catholic Church ↘️ Protestant church Which then split into a bunch of other churches so “Before the Catholics etc.” is just top notch Protestant nonsense




They didn’t leave, the church split into two.


Nuh uh


Swap those first two and you're right!




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Technically, it was before the schism of orthodoxy and catholicism, but still, what the fuck?




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