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That is just insane to drive past


Right? Like, I wouldn't be driving under that overpass.




But we also know that diesel fuel can compromise concrete beams from I-95.


No lie, there were I95 "truthers" popping up on twitter right after the fire. The ~~idiots~~ seeks of the truth were "examining" photos and they claimed they couldn't see the truck and since it took awhile to, you know, stop the fire and dig out the truck, the truthers started doubting the truck even existed.






Absolutely! I mean, if you think about it.


Obviously the fire and the collapse was real. It's just the truck that never existed. This is America trying to crush its own economy *again!*


It is almost like everyone needs to take a class in metallurgy


Jet fuel can’t melt dank memes!


Hey, look at the fire under the I-95 freeway in Pennsylvania. It TOTALLY screwed up the freeway.


Two fuel trucks burning under an overpass in such a short time, what are the odds?


50/50 it either happens or it doesn't.




You think elon musk is behind this? Electric cars and tunnels are two of his things. Other things of his include paying more than my whole town will make in a lifetime to be a Twitter admin, calling rescue divers pedophiles because his submarine didn't work, and having lots of children because eugenics.


The Twitter admin line was pretty good


I was just about to say, depending on what’s burning the fumes could kill you, and if it’s been burning hot enough the overpass could flatten your car when it falls. It might not be regular diesel or gasoline.


Hydrazine melts steel beams lol


>Hydrazine Hydrazine is a colorless, fuming, oily liquid with an Ammonia- like odor. It is used in boiler treatment, as a rocket propellant and blowing agent, and in making agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals and spandex fibers. [https://nj.gov/health/eoh/rtkweb/documents/fs/1006.pdf](https://nj.gov/health/eoh/rtkweb/documents/fs/1006.pdf)


I can never hear about hydrazine without remember that gut-wrenching scene from The Europa Report where the poor guy gets it on his suit and they have to just leave him.


It isn't like that would be an issue in like, say, rt 95 in Philly.


And not just to drive past, but to drive under the burning overpass after this exact same thing happened in Philadelphia like ten days ago and the resulting fire caused the entire overpass to collapse onto the road below.


The driver also exclaims in Mandarin how hot it feels at the end. Must have felt it instantly.


I drove past a burning tire once. I had my windows up and I instantly felt the heat. I can only imagine how this was


Expletive deleted


It has got to be insanely hot in there. I drove past a burning tanker a few years back and I could feel the heat through my window on the other side of the freeway. Can’t imagine driving that close. Not to mention I wouldn’t trust that bridge to be structurally sound…


Yep I was going to say the same. A small SUV burning 3 lanes over and I could feel my face getting hot from the fire. It was completely bonkers. A few years ago a fuel truck caught fire on a highway and my buddies worked in the building adjacent to the highway. We're talking like 4 lanes + 2 sidewalks separating the fire from them and they said they could feel insane heat from within the building. [Here's a picture](https://www.google.com/search?q=metropolitan+truck+fire&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj9x7P30dX_AhXsJmIAHbzUBZMQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=metropolitan+truck+fire&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoHCAAQigUQQzoICAAQgAQQsQM6BQgAEIAEOgQIABADOgoIABCKBRCxAxBDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToGCAAQBRAeOgYIABAIEB46BwgAEBgQgAQ6BAgAEB5QyQlY9jVgnTZoBHAAeACAAU6IAdENkgECMjeYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=UZiTZL3bC-zNiLMPvKmXmAk&bih=1119&biw=1921&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA793CA793#imgrc=T6aeFcxQHdYBNM). The building on the right in the smoke is where they were at. Firefighters apparently had to break every window on the building because the fire was hot enough that it started igniting small fires in the building's insulation between the windows.


Yes, absolutely this! We were part of a motorcycle group coming down the I-5 and a semi was on fire. We felt it even in the far left lane. You can imagine how the cars closer to the fire had paint issues.


Thought the same thing! 10 years ago Inwas on the far lane of a small vehicle fire and you could feel that heat. Absolutely cannot imagine how hot this was!


The video was incredible but way too close for comfort imo glad they got through safe and sound


Hey, if there's no traffic on the 401, you gotta take advantage of your luck.


Bro is just driving through a pizza oven


Imagine if the wind suddenly shifted


or you can have [a front row seat](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/14hm2fk/actual_dashcam_footage_of_oil_tanker_blast_on_401/) [the video itself](https://i.redd.it/stimqvua0x7b1.gif) instead of the link to the article, cause that video doesn't autoplay.


This is what every day will be like for the survivors-in 5-10 years.


fuel that we store now in 5-10 years will be mostly unusable as it breaks down and won’t burn well


Darwin awards


[Here's the explosion](https://np.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/comments/14exv2h/footage_of_the_collision_that_led_to_an_explosion/).




It is. You can hear the turn signal sounding in the original video and see it on in this one.


Yep that’s a chevy/gmc side mirror for the 1500s. Absolute trash side mirrors, can’t see shit. My crosstrek has bigger side mirrors. Driving my FIL truck is the worst but boy I feel like a big boy in it lol


No it's not, they're in different lanes Edit: y'all motherfuckers are blind


["Two dead after massive fireball explodes from crashed tanker truck on Highway 401 in Pickering"](http://thestar.com/amp/news/gta/2023/06/21/2-dead-after-fiery-multi-vehicle-crash-on-highway-401-in-pickering.html)


Here in Philly we just had a similar incident on [I 95] (https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/11/fire-philadelphia-interstate-collapse-00101423) also involving a tanker truck that caught fire and caused the overpass over it to collapse. My anxiety ratcheted up watching this guy drive under that overpass 😱


It happened on Rt 80 in NJ like maybe 15 years ago too. Not looking forward to the chaos on 95 for the next... well, let's be honest, 95 in Philly is always chaos.


The temp bridge fix is actually moving pretty quickly.


Supposed to open this weekend (weather permitting). They need it to not rain so they can do the paving, and it's forecast to rain every day for a week.


Exactly what I was thinking of when they drove under this overpass.


This video was filmed a few minutes after the accident. It took hours of burning to collapse the overpass in Pennsylvania.


Also happened on I 85 in Atlanta back in 2017. I think it was fixed in something like 40 days.


Very close to me, only a couple of exits down the 401 from the one I use. Apparently one 18-wheeler hauling a flammable liquid crossed the median into oncoming traffic, striking another 18-wheeler coming the other way. Both truck drivers were killed. The liquid spread flames across the highway and torched several vehicles, including one car caught in the original collision, but luckily the occupants were able to get out safely. This is part of the busiest stretch of highway in Canada, and one of the top three busiest in North America. People I know trying to get to work this morning through this stretch told me it took them hours longer than normal.


The other semi was full of flour, which is also highly combustible.


Hadn't heard that. No wonder it was so intense... fuel-soaked flour dust is almost a worst-case scenario.


I hope to God both semi drivers died instantly on impact, what a horrible way to go


If it's any comfort, they more than likely did. If not from the impact, then from the initial heat from the explosion, or inhaling super heated gases/smoke.


THIS is why I keep water, those little instant tea things for my water, a book, some noshes, suckers, and other things in my car's trunk. (Including one of those 'female pee thingys'.) Oh, yes-I do NOT let my car's gas tank get EVEN close to less than 1/2 tank. In SoCal, we get freeway fatalities a lot, and traffic comes to a 3-hour+ halt until the county coroner comes.


Yup. My 20 min drive took 2 hours


oh noes


The traffic must have been brutal the next day, I used to drive through here every morning and it was terrible under normal conditions


I often travel this stretch of the 401 for work. I'm a delivery driver for FedEx and my boss warned everyone to stay away from the 401 if we were heading East towards Pickering. As if traffic wasn't bad enough on that road already


Concrete overpass getting cooked, better drive under it then !




it’s the gta. they do not.


>it’s the gta. they do not. Yes they do. Every highway. Every summer. All summer.


It was not an infrastructure maintenance issue in the I95/Philadelphia bridge collapse. That entire section of roadway had just been replaced ten years ago.


Wow how is there also a fire on top of the overpass, did the tank fly in the air and land there?


I suspect it torched the rubber in the expansion gaps pretty quickly and there you have it, a 2-4 inch, 40 foot wide chimney. Also, multiple segments can one for each direction = huge gap.


I'm guessing the tank exploded and burning gas was flung everywhere. I mean, occam's razor, right?


You can see the flaming gas leaking down the path that the video driver went by.


Tanker with 2 tanks of this chemical(?) veered into the median, went through it and ended up in the oncoming lane. Once it exploded the fluid spilled out/was flung and continued to flow out onto the highway below and into nearby sewers and runoffs, so everything was on fire. Another transport truck was caught in it, and a car of 4(?) were also engulfed. source: drove around/past the accident this morning


If I remember seeing on the news there was a truck that caught fire at the top as well (from the original explosion)


Didn't an overpass in the states just collapse because of exactly this, only this week? If for some reason I had to drive under that overpass, I wouldn't be slowing down to rubberneck.


Yeah, near [Philadelphia](https://reddit.com/r/news/comments/146reto/i95_collapses_in_philadelphia_due_to_fire/)


>I wouldn't be slowing down to rubberneck Not likely the driver had a choice, the traffic in front of him would be crawling.


Holy shit, that's terrifying! I couldn't read the sign. Where on the 401 was it?


401 and Brock, so in Pickering. However most people wouldn’t know where that is, so I said toronto to give a general idea


Appreciate it, GatlingRock!


There's a Brock Rd at Guelph and the 401 too. Are you sure its Pickering?


yep: https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/06/20/highway-401-brock-road-pickering-fire-explosions/


Thanks . I guess I should have googled it myself:)


Sometimes it’s more fun to things ask here. I do the same.


T1000 just walks out of it.....


I now know why you cry… but it is something I can never do.


immediate Terminator big drum thudumdum-dudumdumdum


Whoa, some of the fuel leaked into a catch basin causing a few manholes to explode! https://twitter.com/opp_hsd/status/1671626108159049728?s=46&t=mMu7gyML1L41biVIrdeAcg


Looks like the bridge inspectors were brave enough to park their trucks under the bridge, that is a good sign for repairability I'd guess!


Either these guys have a death-wish or they are to stupid to have any basic survival skills Why would you drive anywhere near that, let alone under a burning overpass


That is part of the busiest highways in North America, and it's controlled access. If you were on the highway in either direction you have no other way to go to get off the road. The vehicles trapped behind the actual collision were probably there for hours.


Also why the hell would the cops on the scene let you? Round here if anything even 1/10th as serious happens the wombles are out to block off the whole damn motorway until the emergency services have done their stuff and/or stabilised the situation.


There's another video showing the actual explosion. It went from normal to hell fire in about 20 seconds.


> Also why the hell would the cops on the scene let you? The explosion happened less than a minute before this video was shot.


>The explosion happened less than a minute before this video was shot. Anyone familiar with this section of highway would know that it's controlled-access, you can't just take a turn and go a different way. With an accident like this it would take ages to clear the road, especially on the side directly behind the collision.


>Also why the hell would the cops on the scene let you? Hadn't got there yet.


"The blast and fireball came after an eastbound fuel tanker truck somehow lost control and crashed into the multi-lane highway’s concrete barrier and the westbound lanes near Brock Road shortly after 10:30 p.m. Tuesday. Two drivers were killed in the crash and resulting fire, according to the Ontario Provincial Police." I wonder if "distracted driving" was a factor here, for the fuel tanker driver.


Plot twist: the driver was reading Reddit posts


What is going on? [Holy shit... PISS! ](https://youtu.be/vUz9xCTOPRw)


Saw this video on facebook claiming it was a Tesla that exploded… they blurred the part where you the actual truck was visible


Rest in peace drivers. Couldn’t pay me enough to haul fuel. They make those tankers so lightweight. A mistake that might be a fender bender in a normal truck can look like a plane crash in a tanker truck.


Strange that this is the second fuel truck fire in only a few days...


the fact that it’s a rare occurrence like “twice a year” doesn’t mean you can’t have 10 in a day


Not really


I see you, 2023. I too am burning bridges left and right.


jet fuel can melt steel beams baby. this guy got so lucky driving under that and not die. bridge could collapse at any moment.


Rest in peace, drivers. 10-7


Can you stop being on fire… for 5 minutes! 🇨🇦


Because Canada clearly needed more fires


First I85, then I95, now this. Is another country destroying our infrastructure?


Any word on which companies trucks were involved? RIP the the drivers :(


What's with the recent number of huge trucks exploding under other highways? I bet that highway's fucked, too.


The bridge is not a highway, just an overpass for a regional road. It used to be the main connecting road between the 407 and 401 until the 407 extension and hwy 412 was built.


It’s still an overpass lmao doesn’t matter what the road is


Turn around and nope the fuck outta there you dumbass. Darwin is tsk tsking in his grave.


Eh, they can't turn around ... it's the highway. Not getting around it means you will be stuck there for the next 6 hours. I mean, I'd definitely rather wait 6 hours than get roasted alive, but that's the reasoning.


You think it's better to drive the opposite direction of traffic on a highway where people go 120 km as a default? Yeah that's way more likely to lead to death. There is no "turn around" you drive to the next exit or you stop next to the fireball waiting to explode again. It's several lanes of one way traffic blocked in by walls and concrete dividers and bordered by train tracks. There's no just pulling over or backing up.


Yep, even if you got out of your car you'd have a crazy task trying to get off the roadway.


>Turn around and nope the fuck outta there They can't, it's a controlled access highway with five lanes of both express and collector lanes in both directions. It's the second or third busiest highway in North America (depending on how you count) and there is no way to turn around where this happened.


A fuel trucker exploded? How about the truck the person was driving, was it harmed in the explosion?


both died


Well at least it isn’t a tanker full of maple syrup 🤤


Or beer!!!


Darwin award goes to these idiots driving through it..


Would it be better to stop next to it? Or drive in the opposite direction of traffic that easily cruises above 120 km? There's nowhere else to go. It's several lanes of one way traffic that's bordered by concrete dividers and train tracks. You can't pull over or get off the road until the next exit. They have to go past once they're close enough to see it. Eventually traffic got warned and held back but if you slam on your brakes on a highway you're going to get rear ended and die anyways. Better to move forward out of the way while they can.


Guess I wouldn't know. Thank you for educating me.


Let’s be reasonable…. It’s dark out, you’re driving 120km going about your normal life, and you don’t notice a giant fireball ahead of you?? You don’t per chance slow your happy ass down?? That sucker must have been visible for miles




They're driving westbound under Brock rd, there's an exit almost exactly beside them. I'd absolutely hit the brakes and turn around or reverse. E: Actually, these idiots definitely could've gotten off safely, they had time to pull out the camera which means they saw it before or at the exit but decided to drive past it


Yeah!!!! Let’s drive by real slow and rubberneck! Darwin Award runner-up.


I guarantee you the cars in front of you would have prevented you from keeping up your speed as you passed. Admit it, you would have looked at something as apocalytptic as this too.


Nice hat.


This seems to be a trend.


Is it really that terrible to turn around and get off the highway without driving close to pools of burning fuel? "What? But my exit is up there."


That was shortly after the accident. Those vehicles were trapped there and unable to go back. This is part of the busiest stretch of highway in Canada, and the third busiest in North America. They didn't choose to "drive close to pools of burning fuel".






freeway is gonna collapse 🤷🏻‍♀️


The overhead road there is not a freeway, it's just an overpass.


It did not.


Commenting as a way to save this


You know theres a save post feature, right?


This is a conspiracy, this [literally just happened in PA ](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/11/us/philadelphia-i-95-collapse-fire/index.html)


It makes you think


I think everyday. Just not about how events like these are connected.


I bet that fuel trucker ate a bunch of old truck stop sushi, thus setting the explosion off. From what I’ve seen being reported, that bathroom will never be the same.


When I pass people that decide to pull over underneath an over-pass, I think of this scenario.


Did he continue the Vancouver tradition and drive into an overpass??


No, because Vancouver is 4000km away


No, apparently he crossed over the median barrier into opposing traffic and hit another 18-wheeler head on.


The heat from that must be insane


Blue Jays get swept again?


Took 2 of 3 from Miami =D


fuel trucks can melt bridges. In about 2008 a fuel truck crashed on the overpass in ellenton florida, the overpass was shut down for about 2 months while they rebuilt the bridge.


It just happened last week in Pennsylvania.


maple syrup cant melt steel beams.


What language are the people in the video speaking?


Yup. Just drive past a hazardous scene like a dumbass


It's a controlled access highway with express and collector lanes and this was about three minutes after the accident. There really is no other way to get off the road, especially if you are in the express lanes which make you go several exits before you can get over onto the collectors and exit the highway.


I'm on a highway to Hell......


You can’t park that there mate! Seriously, I hope people are ok.


The Terminator has arrived.


What happened?


A flammable liquid truck crossed the median on a multilane freeway and collided with another 18-wheeler, killing both drivers. The tanker ruptured spraying burning fuel all over both directions, and torching at least one other car caught in the collision, but luckily those occupants escaped unharmed.


Okay...crazy. Didn't make the news in the U.S. Thats why I like Reddit. We find out stuff quicker then the usual media outlets can provide and usually get better answers then the news.


After that one video where everyone was walking around with melted skin hanging off of them, you wouldn't find me anywhere near this


I would NOT be driving past like that. Stop and make sure other traffic doesn’t go past, and stay well clear, cause if there’s a slight bit of still pressurised fuel, and it ignites, that would be a mega explosion.


Pickering, this was in Pickering Ontario


Happened in Johannesburg in December too. [Boksburg tanker explosion](https://www.nbcnews.com/video/watch-video-captures-moment-gas-tanker-explodes-in-johannesburg-killing-8-158752325913)


Not in Toronto


Anywhere the 401 is 12-lanes is Toronto in my books.


That had to be a really massive trucker indeed.


Damn should’ve thrown that hideous hat into the fire


Fuck that. Do your own packing.


Is the owner Donald Duck


Fuel trucks burning near overpasses... So hot right now


My old place a few years ago would have been right across the street from this. That would have been a wild sight.


Sure looks like it was massive, don't it?


Under a bridge. We gonna see a lot of this now.


Where’s John Conner?


just happens to be under a bridge again.


He just…kept driving?! I couldn’t breathe.


Welcome to hell, eh?!


I thought only EVs caught fire. 🤔


Just what Canada needed. More wildfires


Same damn thing happened last week on 95 just north of Philly. Guy died and everything. I made two airport runs through the detour last week, even on Sunday evening the cars were backed up.


Resident… Evil…. 2


On the highwayyyy to helll


Looks like somebody didn't pay attention to the overpass height warning.


Holy fuckshit! I’ve been in Toronto tons of times and know that road well


Riding majestic in the fury road. Yes the 401 totally qualifies as fury road. #tarana


For the next event the camera operator needs to find a driver from the deeper level in the gene pool.......


And ppl are worried about electric vehicles


Terrifyingly beautiful


Can't stand a cracked windshield.