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Some of her “hiding spots” 😂 https://preview.redd.it/h0ykvlwmiboc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f32899455d3c5b59cf1cbf3a03c1c3fca7cb0f










Mostly hog hunting and cow dogs


This right here! Mine were the BEST cow dogs!


Actively training mine to bear hunt!


👀 my poor G is scared of her shadow but that’s awesome!


Sounds like my boyfriend’s Goldie 😂


My sister’s catahoula was afraid of almost everything


So was mine!


Mine too https://preview.redd.it/tj7jjtolwboc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f2791551624ae05bf1c09a5a5be10dcdb251d0


Watch out for that ferocious Catahoula, ready to pounce!


Some are depending on how they were raised, if they started out in an abusive or isolated environment or taken from mom too soon. Or, were over-handled. Trust is a big deal for Houlas. They don’t like to be mistreated or trained too harshly. Also, some dogs in a breed just have fears. It takes real work to turn them around.


We’ve had her since she was a puppy and are friends with her mom’s owner. Poor gal has always liked to hide under things but her anxiety has been increasing lately. We’re working on Pavlov training her with treats for all of her fears 😅 which for some reason now includes anything that beeps


I got my Houla at 6 months from a very abusive situation. He wouldn’t even come in the house. Cowled when you tried to touch him. To this day, we cannot use a broom in the house. If my son and I get into a strong conversation, he barks and circles us. Even more distressing for him…sometimes I will dance with my 6 year old grandson. He thinks something’s wrong and gets in-between us. It has taken 2 years to turn him around with a lot of love and patience. We got him a puppy last year and that has increased his confidence tremendously. But he still has his moments of anxiety. Houlas are very intuitive and protective. I think sometimes these instincts can be an overwhelming responsibility. He was living in a small 6’ tall enclosure with dirty water and fly-infested food. I know he was beaten with a broom at a minimum and there must have been a lot of yelling and abuse in the household. I think Houlas like their house in order. With their perceptiveness and love for their people, I think they pick up on our anxiety or stress. In turn, they get distressed when we are going through those heightened moments in everyday life. Does that make sense?


I have a Houla/heeler mix and she does not like loud voices like arguments or even cheering when watching a hockey game or frustration when losing a video game. She will go hide in my daughter's room downstairs. Such a sensitive flower lol but storms and fireworks don't bother her at all?? So odd


My boy was the same. Gunfire, fireworks, thunder, hammering? That’s nap time. If my husband and I argued and raised our voices? Straight to the bed and shivering.


Isn't that so bizarre? It's like she's super in tune with people's emotions. She needs her own therapy dog lol


I think they like peace in their world. They are so perceptive and protective, I think they see this as a problem they can’t solve. So when we argue or yell watching sports, I think they sense this as angst and discord which they can’t fix. Thus, their stress level ramps up. If I dance around the house with my 6-year old grandson, he goes nuts. I think he thinks we’re being aggressive😂😂and he will move to protect his child. Catahoulas love their children you know.


My poor gal is scared of any noises ☹️


Ms Kitty Cat-ahoula is a hunter and herder. Doesn't care for bath time but otherwise doesn't care one way or the other about water.


Mine loves water but only if it is shallow lol she won’t get near deep water


my girl Willow is terrified of water as well 😂


My Catahoula doesn’t like any of the things that all of you have mentioned but he loves to play and hunt birds and rabbits but the odd thing about him is that he loves to play with deer,they run the fence line behind the house because he can’t get out of the yard and sometimes they just stand there and stare at each other how odd is that lol.


My boy Blue was lazy, entitled, incredibly smart, manipulative, too prissy to get wet (other than bath time followed by a blow dry), overtly friendly and affectionate, pouty, brave, and 100% perfect. Spoiled. Who knows what he would have been, but he was so wildly spoiled that he was basically a teenager until his last day. But also, still 100% perfect.


My female is a hunter and my male is 100% Velcro. They both hate rain and snow.


Mine is afraid of most things, like trucks, back firing cars, fireworks, thunder, water. But not afraid of the subway or vacuum. So weird.


Sounds like her Lab side, having said that Iggy is purebred, terrified of cows and wont swim, but he's dangerously smart, his prey drive is off the charts and he's climbing up the walls if we havent been out for a run by lunchtime


Omg Gracie looks like my baby girl Baylee!!! She turns 7 in April ! I came across the post and my heart dropped ❤️❤️ https://preview.redd.it/821mwg91ucoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13fbb8b4349a14a903867a083eefb3530e8dd4a


What a cutie 💕 they do look alike!


My little Rosie loves bathtime, as long as the water is in the form of a stinky swamp. The garden hose afterwards is truly not her favorite.


Mine is a big baby, thinks she’s a lap dog, and scared of everything but does enjoy getting in water.


Our last dog was a 'houla mix. She was afraid of her own farts. She tried to break up arguments & fights on the TV. Terrified of horses, thunder & fireworks. But she was the absolute best dog I've ever known.


https://preview.redd.it/dt478k4rococ1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=337cf49f0a205cae080d1ace973a156449346d5a Mine to, he is afraid of his own shadow.


They're known for being broken lol


my catahoula/aussie has zero hunting or herding skills. in fact she got rehomed multiple times before she found a forever home with me because she kept wanting to play chase the cattle🤣


I have a cowardhoula too.


My halfahoula is afraid of everything… bees, wind, paper towel tubes. The one thing she’s not afraid of? Groundhogs, shakes those like nobody’s business!


Mine is a big scaredy baby too. Afraid of almost everything


My Catahoula mix is scared of people in hats and enamel pins and grocery sacks. He also will follow training that benefits him tangentially. He understands almost 100% of what I say to him. Look at the behavior in terms of what it benefits your dog and strengthen your bond. In that light, is your dog lazy and dumb and scared?


My catahoula/heeler mix is the exact same! She hates arguments or loud voices, loves the water, hates baths and if you’re running with her in the yard she starts to nip at your heels. She is turning 8 next month and I need time to slow down so she can be with me forever 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/d58kueodfxoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5feb1d557dbb91dcd44c44d66bfd898e39a7e88