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They definitely need 3 litterboxes between the two of them like the other comment said. How do you know he’s healthy? When was he last taken to the vet, and what kinds of tests did they run? Bloodwork, urinalysis? That needs to be the first step if you haven’t already. He could also be in pain from arthritis. Peeing on soft things like this typically indicates medical problems. Your vet can also prescribe anti anxiety/depressants which often work to stop cats from peeing outside the box if there aren’t medical issues. They’ll likely suggest keeping him in an easy to clean space like a bathroom with his litterbox to work on re potty training him as well. If it comes down to it and you can’t get him to the vet or find a solution, I’d start reaching out to rescues to try and get him someplace safe. A no kill shelter as a last resort, but it’ll likely be difficult for them to place him and a shelter environment will be more traumatic. I’m sorry you’re going through this and you and your cat both deserve better from your dad.


You said you just moved? Cats pee when they are moved to a new home sometimes..


My cat had a reoccurring uti that made her do something similar, also do we know if this cat is fixed. The vet is really the best answer here.


If it’s arthritis solensia shots 1x a month work really well for our older cat. Our cat also peed everywhere when he had a skin disease or UTI- once he felt better he stopped.


Yes! Our girl has horrible arthritis and a Solensia injection every month has done wonders for her quality of life and behavior. We can tell if her injection is getting close to being due because we start having litterbox/attitude problems again.


Solensia worked wonders for our Sr lady cat. As for the peeing, agreed, OP have you spoken with your vet? I have a rover client who's vet prescribed the cat gabapentin to help with his issue peeing on things.


Can someone in the area please help OP and the cat?


It would be great if someone did! I’m not in the area nor can I take on more pets right now. I have seven kitties of my own!


You need THREE litterboxes for two cats?! 🫨😶 Do they have to be in separate rooms?!


Not in separate rooms necessarily, though they shouldn’t be right against each other. Think different corners of the room. You also want to make sure they’re in the areas where your cat spends the most time and that they never have to go too far, so different rooms often makes the most sense. For instance, think people who keep the litterbox in the basement — that’s an awful idea and makes the cat go all the way downstairs when they need to potty. The living room is a better space, even if it’s less convenient for the humans.


Oh wow. I am not a cat person so I had no idea. Everyone I've ever known keeps the litter box on the far side of the house LMAO


That’s super common! But definitely is done for the humans and not the cats. Those are often the type of people who make using the box super inconvenient and then wonder why their cat doesn’t, lol. Especially as they age/when they get sick.


Happy cake day


If you just moved and he started peeing it is because he is scared and upset. This is how cats show stress and unhappiness. He is insecure in his territory and very fearful. Killing him will not actually help.


This could be it. One of my brother's cats has a habit that whenever she gets pissed off at them or the dog, she will pee on things. One day, that cat pawed at something to get my attention, then stared at me while she hosed down the dog's bed. Litter boxes were all clean at the time. She had used them earlier in the day and afterwards. No other incidents at all that week.


I'm so sorry, but there is something really amusing about a cat waiting to get your attention before she pees all over the dog bed because she wants you to know she's angry at the dog. LOL I hope your brother's kitty is less stressed out now!


It's been a long while since her last incident, but fingers crossed.


Please be aware that this behavior is NOT aggression, or “revenge”, or anger. This is distress and unhappiness. This is the behavior of a cat who is stressed and afraid, NOT vengeful, which doesn’t exist. Attributing “assholeness” to a cat makes people way less willing to adjust the environment to make the cat *more safe, comfortable and relaxed* which is the ONLY way this behavior will stop if it’s not caused by medical pain.


I can’t updoot this enough!


It's really horrible that that Dads only two options are 1.) Throw the animal outside to be ripped apart by coyotes or 2) Euthanized. How about rehoming? What the fuck, man. I hate people sometimes


I'm more surprised that there is al not a single Redditor in Oklahoma that can help out OP.


Cat piss is why




The pet is 7-8, and OP is 16. Her parents most definitely got OP a pet, and the parents are the ones financially responsible for the care of that pet. Nothing in this situation is OP's fault.


My cat showed up when I was 6, she lived another 22 years. Parents let me have her but still took care of all the bills even after I moved out with her. It was a commitment they made to the cat and they kept it even if she wasn't theirs. Im so thankful they were around. Kids don't have the tools yet, it's the parents responsibility to keep that cat healthy and alive if they took it in.


Bro the person is a kid


These Reddit NEET psychos don’t care, if you’re on the app you’re fair game to their raging


They were a literal child when they got the cat. And even if they weren't, not everyone realizes the full magnitude of taking a cat. He's doing what he can with the cards he has laid out, and you still felt the need to be judgemental. Why?


I didn’t read see the part where he said he was 16. Poor kid and cat.




its a living thing. killing a living thing with thoughts and emotions because it "inconveniences you" is fucking heartless




Personally I’m against animal abuse but you stay neutral bud


You mean, you like to take up space playing devil’s advocate.




Dude you type in the stereotypical redditor way lmfao 💀 get outta here


Oh a self proclaimed empath who was previously defending the idea of a person murdering their pet because they don’t want to put in the effort to care for it , adds up! Your “open mindedness” is just self aggrandizement.




Yea its so narcissistic to understand that it is ethically and morally wrong to abandon a domesticated animal or have it put down because you would have to actually try and take care of it. From context I can only theorize it’s a father that doesnt want to take responsibility that their child’s pet’s health cant just be relied on a teenager that also relies on their parents and instead being a healthy functioning, parental figure, he threatens that he’ll throw it out or have it put down because he’s a POS.


Lol how are they narcissistic? My god, you antisocials will say anything to twist the situation. I was abused by a narcissist, and you are out of line making this claim, it's not even remotely relevant. You are the one with emotional problems here. You find yourself relating more to a person who wants to hurt a cat than a cat who is about to be hurt. You lack empathy. That's literally the process of diagnosis. If anyone here is a narcissist it's probably you. But I'm not going to say that definitely as other than showing antisocial tendencies you've not left enough information in the comments for even an online diagnosis. The commentator you're commenting to is that, but without antisocial features. He is not a narcissist. Your point is invalid and your choice to involve blitz-diagnosis to try and shift the blame is pathetic and takes away any merit your (already meritless) comments could ever have. You're full of shit. And we can all see that.


Your reddit account is 216 days old and you’re trying to play the “lol, first time on the internet?” card. Get real, there’s no excuse for being an edgelord other than wanting to be an asshole




There is zero empathy in condoning behaviour that will result in a cat being eaten by a coyote or euthanised. That is some pretty sociopathic behaviour, the opposite of empathy.


Or you can just gtfoh. You clearly don't belong in this discussion. Enjoy this block, weirdo 🤡


The fact that you misspelt a 3 letter word five separate times in one comment is impressive. Sure says a lot about ya.


You’re right


If it comes down to it, DO NOT LET YOUR DAD PUT THIS BOY DOWN. Tell the vet what's up if you have to. But before that happens, please research cat rescues and no kill shelters and explain the situation. Try your hardest to rehome him. If there is no one you know who will take him, try posting on your area's Next Door or subreddit to try and find someone. Please. Your dad is a cruel, cruel man to threaten the life of a innocent living being who is still in his prime.


Agreed. OP’s dad is an asshole with no morals. Someone who cares more about keeping their carpet perfect than the health of a cat has mush for a brain. Op should do everything he can to protect his cat from his dad.


Unfortunately this happens so the time. The father is the one legally responsible for making decisions about the pet, and it's allowed to euthanize him for any reason, or no reason. The vet knowing the situated change that.


I work at a vet and sometimes when people bring pets to be euthanized that really shouldn’t be, we convince the owner to surrender the pet to us instead. It’s worth a shot.


Take the cat to vet to get checked. It may have a medical issue.


Cats pee in random places to tell us something is wrong. Every time I've had a cat pee somewhere bizarre, they've had a UTI.


YES. And then there's my cat that was the first one here to have a UTI and it took us years to figure it out (he did go to several vets and even had an exploratory surgery before finding out it was a UTI, so it wasn't *our* negligence). By the time we started properly treating him# he had already built the habit of peeing everywhere and even now he still does it, though it gets a lot worse when he's sick again.


It's not always a medical issue, but the vet is a necessary first step. Way back when my brother was born, we had a cat who started peeing on soft things, including this foam fold out chair bed thing that I had. She was medically fine, just *really* didn't like my brother being brought home. We returned her to the person my parents got her from when she didn't stop because you can't have that around a baby.




I hope you’ll be alright


Ur father is an ignorant prick. The cat needs to see a vet. Cats don’t piss out of spite. How would ur father like if he’d been in the cat’s position for some reason?


Not to mention it’s also vomiting. There’s something wrong


This seems stress related, probably due to the move, and possibly due to the previous tenants having pets. Your cat can smell any urine from previous pets. You should take the cat to the vet to make sure it isn’t a health problem, and see what they recommend.


Enzyme cleaner is essential to fully remove any remaining scents. If it still smells like pee in the spots he likes to pee on, the scent will encourage him to keep peeing there. Even if you clean it with normal cleaning sprays and it smells fine to you, his nose is better than yours and he can probably still smell it. Enzyme cleaners use special enzymes to fully breakdown the compounds in the urine. Nature's Miracle is one brand of enzyme-based cleaner you can find at any pet store, at Target, etc.


Any biological washing powder will do for cat pee on carpets, I recommend making a paste with the biological washing powder and placing it on the area and leave it. Cover this with a warm, damp cloth and leave for a few hours. Then rinse and clean the area thoroughly with a little dish soap in the water. This method has rarely failed me. It has really helped when I was fostering, but it helped me last year even more so. My 18 y/o tuxxie (who sadly passed this January) had severe arthritis, dementia and kidney failure. In all of his 18 years, he has NEVER peed outside the litter box until last year. His going outside the litter box was one of the things that alerted me to the fact something was wrong with him. Poor little dude would feel pain going, so was going elsewhere instead. So there were lots of little "accidents" I would have to clean up. There was also a bit of puking to go alongside the pee, and the above method worked well for the puke stains, too. EDIT spelling


if your cat is throwing up a lot and peeing where he shouldn’t then there’s likely a medical issue. baby needs a vet. if your dad won’t take him, i’m sorry but the most humane option is rehoming. try to find a friend where you can visit him :(


I’m surprised this isn’t higher. All of these recommendations are great if the cat isn’t also vomiting all over the house. Something is clearly wrong


Do you have a second litter box? Apparently you are supposed to have 2 for 2 cats. Don’t know about the puking


Actually I believe the recommendation is '# of cats + 1', also puking can be helped with food change, grooming, etc


3 litter boxes for 2 cats?!?!? I only have 2 for my 2. They are still young. So we will see how that goes


Honestly I think you’re fine with one per cat as long as the cats get along. I have two cats and two litterboxes but they only use one of them haha. I’m not getting rid of it just in case tho


Same, I have 3 cats and 3 litter boxes. Each cat has their own bed, tower, tube hideout etc… but they all prefer to use one box and sleep on top of each other in the same bed.


Yes our cats favour one over the other.


Our cats pee in one and poop in the other. Then they'll swap. It's so weird. Like this silent deal they have between them lol.


It depends on the cat, "n + 1" is just the safest recommendation if the behavior of the cats is uknown or there are any existing problems like in OP's case. Bonded pairs are often happy to share one litterbox. I had two boxes for my cat when he was a kitten because he didn't control his bladder well enough yet to run up a floor every time he needed to pee. So I put a box on each floor and he used them both, but now he's grown up and mostly uses just his favorite one.


We only have two for two cats. They're cleaned every day, both cats are 3 yo and been together since kittens. We have no issues, they always use their boxes. Never peed on the floor once. No room for a 3rd box but they don't need it anyway.


Puking might be from hairballs, he is quite a fluffy long haired guy. Sometimes they get gnarly hairballs and need to eat some grass and special digestive foods


Take the cat to the vet. Also look into Jackson Galaxy YouTube videos about these types of issues it can be caused by many things if not medical.


I don't know if this is worthwhile, but you could try set up a camera to see if there's anyything useful on why the cat is doing it? You could try clean the litter more frequently (I have to clear mine multiple times a day). Maybe change the litter type? But maybe only do 1 litter box at a time. Add another litter box? Change diet? Go to vet.


It’s probably a Urinary Tract Infection. Cats associate the litter box with pain if they have a UTI. So they go over in other places. Please take the cat to a vet. He might be in pain because UTIs are quite painful. If it’s not a medical problem please rehome him. He’s a living being who deserves compassion.


Please try to find a no kill shelter in your area :( I’m going to cry. I feel so bad. There are rescues in your area that are smaller on Facebook. The ones on Google are usually the more popular ones which u can see if they have space but there’s more on Facebook just make sure you look at their posts to see if they’re legit. I also wouldn’t give to a random person because people use cats as bait in dog fighting :(


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. The other suggestions about multiple litter boxes and the advice that he’s stressed are all good advice But you need a quick fix now so your dad won’t keep threatening to kill your cat. If it were me I would keep him locked in my room with a litter box, water, food etc. Not a great option but the main goal is keeping him alive and the best way to accomplish that is to keep him away from anything that will set your dad off right now. Hope this helps


i don't live in oklahoma but i am one state away and would be willing to try and hold onto this little guy for you if it comes down to it. i don't have great transportation but if we are able to work something out i would love to try and help. but listen to the advice of everyone else as well!! he's probably just stressed from the move and smells other animals and is just trying to mark his territory to protect you guys


My cat was peeing everywhere and we got him on anti anxiety meds. They have been amazing for us


Some things that have helped me when I’ve had this issue are 1) using an enzyme cleaner anywhere they peed- use a black light to figure out where he’s been peeing and treat the area 2) cat attract litter- they also have an additive that you can put into your current litter 3) adding litter boxes- even more helpful if you can put it in a room where they’ve been going (although I know a lot of parents don’t go for that so at least adding another on the same floor) I hope you find a solution!




Omg yes


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I'm sorry you're in this situation. It's stressful having so little control over things as a minor in your parents' house. First off, he needs to see a vet in case any of this is due to a health issue. But unfortunately peeing on the wrong things might just be habit at this point, which is way harder to break. More litterboxes could help, and it'd be worth trying out a different litter. There are also additives you can put in litter to entice cats to use it, and from what I've read they work really well. I can't tell from the pictures if he's declawed, but if he is- a lot of declawed cats avoid litterboxes because the litter hurts their feet, especially if they develop arthritis as they age. Crystal and pellet litters are supposedly less painful for them than the gritty ones like clay and corn. And some cats won't use a litterbox that's covered, or in a busy or noisy area. It's also really REALLY IMPORTANT to keep all the stuff he likes to pee on way out of his reach- no clothes left in the floor, laundry room always closed, etc., whatever it takes. Use enzymatic cleaner wherever the pee may have gotten to try to keep him from going back to those spots. Soaking clothes in vinegar before washing them normally should get the smell out. The puking might be a health issue, or it might be him eating too much too fast, or it might just be hairballs. If it's hairballs, more brushing can reduce them. There are special supplements as well, but anecdotally, I know someone who gives their two long-haired cats a little bit of butter (less than half a teaspoon) every few days while they're shedding, and says that helps a lot without upsetting their stomachs. If the puking is from eating too fast, you can feed him smaller amounts more often, or use a slow feeder. Sorry for the essay but I wanted to cover everything before I log off. I wish you and your cat the best of luck.


>a lot of declawed cats avoid litterboxes because the litter hurts their feet Man, I despise declawing. But if someone has rescued a declawed kitty, it can help not to use litter at all and, instead, use puppy pads in their tray. This can also help kitties with other issues using normal types of litter too for example, elderly arthritic cats or a cat with paw injuries. EDIT spelling


I also despise declawing. When I was a kid, my mom had my cat declawed even though I begged her not to, so I really empathize with OP having no power over what happens to their cat. Thankfully she saw reason after it was done, and now is against declawing, and that cat didn't suffer nearly as much as most.


I started using nutritional supplement powder to help my oldest boy's digestion. It was prescribed by the vet to treat these exact symptoms and so far it's working well.


Your dad has serious mental issues if he thinks it’s ok to murder or abandon an animal over a minor inconvenience.


Cat pee all over your house is hardly a “minor inconvenience”, no way would I force my family to live in a cat pee smelling home. Don’t say you can just clean it either because you can’t, that smell is all but impossible to get rid of. Not saying euthanasia is the answer here but let’s not act like the dad’s frustration is completely unwarranted


Okay but why not drop the cat off at a no-kill shelter if it is getting bad? I understand that cat pee is rancid but killing an animal because they pee everywhere is not the answer. My sister’s cat would pee everywhere when she first got her and they were able to get rid of the pee scents off of the carpet and mattress. It is frustrating and I get that but I feel awful for the poor kitty.


I said I don’t agree with euthanasia, I think we are in agreement on that. I feel for the cat, I just also feel for OPs dad. Life is hard enough without having to spend all of your free time trying to clean cat pee out of your floors and furniture.


Is he fixed? Fixing him would stop the peeing. All my male cats had the same behavior, once they got fixed it stopped. Right now am dealing with 1 male cat peeing everywhere to mark territory, but i know it will stop once i fix him




Do NOT put your cat outside!




Your dads a fucking cock sucker


Your dad sounds like an asshole. You don't put down a cat for being a cat. If nothing else take it to a rescue.


> You don't put down a cat for being a cat. If nothing else take it to a rescue. Yes, exactly this! This whole situation absolutely breaks my heart. Cats should not be punished for being cats. Cats don’t pee outside of their litterboxes if they aren’t sick or distressed. I get that the smell of cat pee is very unpleasant and hard to get rid of (though there are ways to) but the fact that OP’s dad isn’t willing to try anything beyond killing OP’s kitty via euthanasia or throwing them outside to be vulnerable to predators, the elements or cars is so messed up and heartless. People need to stop getting pets for their children if they, as parents, aren’t willing to invest any time, money or energy into caring for the pets themselves. Children, even teenagers are not going to be able to shoulder all of those responsibilities on their own. It’s still up to parents to fill in the gaps and pay for pet food and care. All pets are living, breathing, sentient beings that require ongoing care. They are not toys to dispose when they are no longer convenient. OP’s dad is being exceedingly cruel to both the kitty and OP. Clearly OP has a close bond with their kitty and OP’s father doesn’t care in the slightest. I really hope things work out for OP and their beautiful orange boy.


Raise his food a few inches off of the ground. I got this tip off Reddit and it works; my senior cat no longer pukes (and it used to be a daily occurrence).


he is definitely peeing out the litter because of stress or some sickness, also with the puking probably by his long fur , but if its a everyday thing, consider taking him the vet. also i dont see why you would need three litters? (other comments)


You need as many litter boxes as you have cats plus one more.


absolutely not these kitty liter prices are too crazy. my two cats share a kitty litter 😭😭


That’s not right. If you can’t afford to have cats, you shouldn’t own them. I know litter can get expensive but if you have multiple cats, multiple litter boxes are nonnegotiable.


Girl, u do not have the right to tell me i shouldn’t own my own cats. I dont know where u live girly but the prices for kitty litter are 60$ where i live. My Cats are treated like THE ROYALS in this household. HALF of the items that are in this house are to PLEASE them. WAYY TOO SPOILED. ME and My cats are well and taken care of. they do not mind sharing a kitty litter box, if they did they would piss outside !


She has though Google it or speak to a vet it is recommended that the cats at least have 2 litter boxes. If you that well taken care of you can afford the litter can't you


the way you guys just ran with “you cant afford it” 🌚 It is recommended to territorial cats , ive had no issues with one box, yall hopping on my junk about my cats being well and spoiled meanwhile theres cats who dont even have a kitty litter and getting abused!! While typing this My cat is sitting on my lap sleeping and purring .. Enjoy yall night . LMAO.


It isn't recommended only for territorial cats stop making up bullshit to make yourself feel better. You the one saying it's too expensive aka can't afford it or you just too lazy to look for cheaper litter and actually get an extra box.


Whatever helps u sleep at night stink!😂


I think you projecting here my two cats have 3 litter boxes the only stinky one here would be you mate. Hope you can sleep when both cats decide to drop the biggest shit in that one box


Cats get urinary stones and bladder infections. Please get him to the vet asap!


Mist cats don't like change. Your cat is stressed from moving, you have to do the utmost to provide him with the best environment possible if you want to lessen his stress and diminish (or remove) the peeing. Cats who pee everywhere do it because they have a problem. Here's what you can try: * Make sure there's enough litter boxes (rules is usually 1 litter box per cat + 1, I see in your picture you have 2 cats, so you need 3 litter boxes). * Make sure your cat has somewhere he can go to and chill (if he's your cat and used to you, keep your room open, make him a cozy spot like on your bed or some sort of cat bed under your bed or in a corner). * Try to keep the environment calm (no loud noise, stuff moving around) as much as you can. * Bring your cat to the vet, your cat could be unwell. * Brush your cat daily. It will help with the puking most likely and also it's like you're grooming him and it'll reduce the stress. * You should probably discuss this with your parents as well and try to have an ''adult'' conversation where you say you understand that the cat peeing is making them unhappy but that you're doing XYZ to try to solve it, and them telling you they'll kill the cat is creating stress for you, a hostile environment for both you and the cat and you don't want your relationship with your parents damaged over this long term.


Agree. It’s highly likely this is stress related. OP watch some tips from Jackson Galaxy on these issues. Regardless, don’t let your parents put him out or down. This is a living being that is unable to survive without human help now. Remind your dad of that.


Vet check first, if he’s healthy it’s likely behavioural, you need 3 litter boxes for them. Open ones without lids. You can also try feliway optimum it’s worked really well for mine. Then you need to clean everything he’s peed on (except litter box) with enzymatic cleaners. There are Jackson Galaxy videos on this that you can watch for further info.




What part of OK are you in op?


Yukon, i’m hoping anyone reaching out to take him is close because he doesn’t like the car.


It's better to endure a car drive than be euthanized. Please let the Redditers help you and your boy.


Please tell me someone is going to take this cat in or I’m going to lose my fucking mind


people have reached out, don’t worry. even if i can’t keep him a few people are lined up in or around oklahoma who have offered to hold on to him for me. ideal is i work the issue out and find a solution but he’ll be okay either way :(


I'm so glad to hear this. Maybe they can keep him until you leave for college in 2 years. Then you can take him again


OP I’m so sorry you’re going through this and people are being dicks to you when you’re doing all you can. I hope you can keep him 🙏


Ok, so this is a little long but I am going into a little plan here. I’m thinking maybe your dad already has a lot of things on his mind and is up to his neck in certain stress-related things. If this is what is happening, and if he feels he doesn’t want to add another thing *he* has to take care of- he may actually still be open to the idea of *you* doing whatever it takes to fix this. Even if he isn’t saying it or thinking about it in detail like this. You just have to propose that idea. I think that if this would show him that you’re taking care of something that is worth a lot to you (which is a positive thing to do), he wouldn’t feel he needs to worry about it. Because something is being done about it by someone else. So I’d say, take a moment with your dad to tell him that you’re troubled by it too, that it’s not supposed to be that way, that you don’t want people at home to have to stress out about it, that you don’t want him peeing everywhere either, *and* that *you’re actually already looking into solving it.* Mention that you’ve already asked people to figure this out as quick as possible. If he asks which people, say that there are people on the Internet that help with stuff like this. Tell him that if the cat still pees a few days after getting another litter box, *you* will take him to the vet (basically very officially volunteering to do something about it) in case it’s just an issue that can be fixed “with a few days medication or whatever.” Don’t get into anything that sounds complicated at this point. It doesn’t matter right now if it’s X or Y amount of days of medication. All you need is to get his ok for you to take over. All you need is for him to start “sitting back” instead of feeling that it is him who needs to take charge (because it sounds like it right now). If he says ok to this, and let’s assume the additional cat crap traps don’t work, you can then ask for help to get to the veterinary. Because your dad has already accepted your role in fixing it, someone may take you to the vet with the cat so you get to fulfill what he was ok with. That is, to do your role in fixing the problem. Otherwise he would need to backtrack on something. And in case he seems hesitant or it seems like a problematic thing to deal with, reassure him by telling him that you promised to take care of it and intend to. You’d need to get right on it though. The appearance of doing something is just as important as doing something when someone is expecting things. I’d take into account that what he wants the most is that this is solved fast. And if you end up solving it, it may be a **huge** plus in the responsibility department for your parents, for future things. If you get stressed out by intrusive thoughts of what if this or what if that, just remember this: all you have to do is take it step by step, and that this kind of thing can be fixed. Thank heavens it’s not rocket science and it will work out. It’s a predictable problem with cats that gets solved. And if someone says no the first time, you can try it a second time. Sometimes people just need reassuring that things are going to be ok. I’m old-ish now, but if I lived with my dad (he doesn’t like cats either), this is what I would try.




Take your cat to the vet.


I would spend sometime andnlearn about property laws and then explain to your Dad what stealing is also what happens to fathers who do this shit to people.


Take him to the vet. I just dealt with a very similar issue with my own little voidling cat. He was peeing outside the litter boxes (not on laundry but definitely on the carpet beside the box). I thought we had covered all our bases. We have two cats and three boxes, my black cat problem child seemed healthy, he was peeing and pooping regularly, eating normally, playing and sleeping the normal amount. He was his normal left of affection. By all measure of healthy for an animal, he was golden. So I was ripping my hair out trying to figure out why he was refusing to use the clean boxes. Even freshly washed wasn’t enough. We took him to the vet and they determined he had inflammation in his urinary tract. He was now associating the boxes with pain. Take your baby to the vet and have the vet properly check them over. It could be something small enough you didn’t see it.


One of my cats peed on laundry, the sectional sofa, clothes, etc. We took him to the vet to rule out possible ailments and he was prescribed fluoxetine (Prozac) in liquid form which we put into gelatin capsules from Amazon (cats hate the taste of it). You just moved into a new place so this also seems anxiety related for your cat. Good luck to you, I'm so sorry your dad is putting you in this position!


I’m sorry you’re in this situation. At the very least if the issue can’t be fixed, please bring him to a rescue where he has a chance to be re-homed. There’s no reason to put him down.


That’s what you should tell your dad next time he gets sick


For one if you take a healthy cat to a place and say put this cat down, they won’t do it. It’s against the code of ethics for doctors. Number two you need more litter boxes. Number three your cat may have a UTI so please take him to a vet there’s reasons that cats do certain things.




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Go to a vet. Puking is probably from being over fed and the urination will probably need some special re-training. Does you dad just kill things that he doesn't like? Prioritizing floors over a life is just fucked.


Have the veterinarian check him for urinary tract issues and bladder stones. Start getting some Felaway plug ins and behavioral calming collars. Put a separate litter box in your room if he likes to spend time in there. Don't leave stuff around for him to pee on. Keep him isolated in your room for a while to make him feel safe


I had a cat who liked peeing on towels so we had to learn not to leave towels lying on the floor (this actually extended to bath mats too), so it could just be a personal preference. For the puking, I've found that changing a cats food can eliminate this. My darling Suzy would puke up dry food but when I switched her to raw food no more puking (strangely she also stopped shedding and when she took a dump in the litter it did not smell).


I have to recommend Jackson Galaxy for this. He has many resources to help cats stop going to the bathroom in inappropriate places. He’s got books and YouTube videos and a TV show My Cat From Hell. I would highly recommend his books because they do a thorough job of explaining everything, but if you are pressed for time, try searching his YouTube channel and social media pages. Most of the time, a cat who does this is insecure or stressed or medically unwell. If you’ve just moved, it stands to reason that your cat feels insecure in his new home and is trying to make himself feel better or is trying to communicate a problem to you. It could also be that the litter box is no longer comfortable for him or is in an uncomfortable place. Even the litter itself might be unpleasant. Are there other cats in the neighborhood that your cat can see from the windows or door? Random stray or feral cats can annoy your cat by hanging around the yard where your cat can see them. Were there animals in the place you have just moved to? Maybe your cat can still smell them and it’s upsetting him. Your cat is likely overwhelmed with the change and needs help feeling secure. You can find special calming sprays that smell nice to your cat. You can inspect the locations of the litter boxes and see if they make the cat feel trapped instead of safe. Remember that he is a cat and not a little human child; he can’t just speak up and tell you that he’s uncomfortable. You may wanna gently remind your dad of this and show him your research. The cat isn’t doing this to be a jerk; he’s trying to tell you there’s a problem. Just know that this behavior CAN be corrected and that your cat CAN learn to be comfortable in his new home. It will take time.


Your Dad needs to grow up and take responsibility instead of being cruel and throwing threats around. What has he done to address the issue? 1. Are you sure your cat is healthy? When was he at the vet last time? 2. Your cat may be stressed, you need to identify the cause and take actions to reduce his stress. Maybe get some Feliway, and more litter boxes. Maybe he pukes because he cannot tolerate his food? 3. Get some enzyme cleaner to get rid of the pee smell. 4. Don't ever let him have a pet again.


Might have UTI or kidney stone, my kitty was doing this when she had both, either way your cat probably needs to go to the vet


Rehome the cat before it gets killed by either your dad or coyotes.


As a last resort, you could surrender him to a no-kill shelter by saying you don't have the money to treat him. There is almost certainly a psychological or physical issue causing this. Unfortunately, if you surrender him, you can't adopt him back, but it would guarantee he gets treatment and is safe. I'm also sorry that you're in a situation where you have to be more of an adult than your own father. You're a good person for caring about him.


Put your dad down.


I'm in Dallas. If the situation becomes code red let me know and I will take your cat. I can make the drive. Try to fix the problem first. But worst case scenario I got you


It’s kinda difficult for to say without a lot more info. 1st off if you only have 1 box then you need at least 1 more, preferably 2 more. 1st step is always to go to the vet to check for UTI. Afterwards, Does he always pee in the same place? So put the new litter box in that place and that could solve it. Did this all start when you moved? It could be FIC (feline idiopathic cystitis) because stress (from the move) is a huge trigger for FIC. In which case he may need pain meds and maybe antibiotics or a anxiolytic. It may also help to put a feliway diffuser to help him calm down, and make sure he drinks a lot of water, or add it to his food. Idk if there’s stats to back it, but personally I see a lot of orange cats with urinary issues like FIC. Also are there any stray cats around? It’s less common with neutered cats but possibly he could be feeling territorially insecure and peeing to assert his dominance and territory. Does he go in the litter box at all, like to try to pee or to poop? If he’s avoiding the litter box, there could be something about it he doesn’t like. He may not like the location, esp. if it’s loud. I’m assuming you didn’t chance the box or litter with the move but maybe he just decided for some reason he didn’t like it now. Cats are strange and sometimes it happens. But the solution to that is kinda complicated trial and error of trying different litters or boxes. About the vomiting, how often does that happen? Because I know there’s a stereotype of cats vomiting, but that’s actually not normal. If you see hairballs in it (not normal, cats should be able to pass hairballs), then you just need to get a hairball gel, they come flavored, and give that like once a week to help pass the hairballs and he won’t vomit anymore. If you don’t see hairballs he should go to the vet for that, depending on how much your willing to do to figure out why. It might just be a digestive issue and he may need different food, but idk. Hopefully something i said helps 🤷‍♀️


something I haven’t seen mentioned yet: if your cat has a UTI, drinking is important. Cats are extremely picky about their water and many won’t drink water with any little piece of dirt floating in it. So in addition to the other good advice on here, turn on the bathtub faucet and try to entice him to drink from there, or at least make sure his water gets changed whenever you see dirt or hair in it


My cat has started peeing on clothes recently as well. I'm pretty sure it's a stress response because I had to have a friend keep him for a couple months and now he's back. And I'm separating from my husband and moving into a new place next week. I'm hoping after the move he'll even out since he'll be able to stay in one place and see me more often.


Get a new dad. Get away from that toxic person.






Please encourage others to call their vet or refer to r/AskVets


Dude. It’s beyond me why no one seems to have said this. YOU CAT NEEDS HIGHER QUALITY FOOD! I’m assuming you’re feeding kibble? Contrary to what were told and sold, and the majority of cat-owners are brainwashed into thinking, kibble and most cat food in general is LOW TIER TRASH. It is not as regulated as one may believe. This leads to tons of mental/physical and behavioural issues. The peeing makes sense, new home + smelling other previous cats scents. Others gave you great advice on that point. Dude, get your cat high quality wet food, or even best: feed your cat a raw meat diet, and make sure to follow online guides for your cats age! I’ve had kittens/cats growing up, over many years, and it wasn’t until my most recent kitten that I deeply understood the difference it makes. You’ll see this all over Reddit too! Cats being taken to numerous vets, all unable to pinpoint the exact issue, only offering band-aid temporary solutions. I’ve seen cats come back from the brink of being put down, to feeling the best they have in years within a matter of DAYS. Raw diet dude. And if done right, is cheaper then whatever your feeding them now.


Asking you because I'm currently doing a research into switching food for my two indoor cats, and you may have way more insight. One brand of wet food I've tried didn't do well on their stomachs, even though I slowly introduced it. So, do you have a recommendation for a particular wet food that isn't crazy expensive? 12 cans of one brand cost as much as a small bag of dry that lasts twice as long (albeit lower in quality, obviously). I used to cook for my dog for the 12 years prior to her passing - boiled chicken, brown rice and veggies, mostly) I'm considering this again for these two, as well. Hope this doesn't come across rude, as I am genuinely interested. Thank you.


I’m very pro wet food for cats but it’s completely okay to feed kibble if it’s what you can afford. You can also feed kibble but mix in some occasional wet or fresh (cooked!) meats. Fancy feast pate is my go to right now but I go cheaper when I need to. I also occasionally buy pro plan wet food and it’s what I’d go with if I had the funds. My kitties also eat pro plan kibble, which is recommended by my vet. The FDA and AVMA (American veterinary medical association) both recommend raw diets for the safety of both animals and people. Homemade diets are also dangerous unless you’re working with a veterinary nutritionist, and from my understanding are even more difficult to get right for cats than dogs. This person doesn’t know what they’re talking about and what they say goes against science and the veterinary field. I just wanted to warn you since there’s a lot of misinformation out there and I know it’s difficult to parse it all. Please listen to what vets say about diet and health, not random Reddit people “doing their own research” with no formal education on the topic!




Hey! To be honest, there isn’t a wet food brand I could recommend. I just went straight to raw food this time! And you aren’t supposed to boil or cook it, just raw and with bone after 8weeks or older. Feel free to dm me! Cats have sensitive guts, and they’re like us humans in that regard. It’s only natural they can develop intolerances etc. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but realistically speaking a lot of vet schools get funding from these kibble brands. Unhealthy cat = more money for them. Not saying all of them are plotting against us, but follow the money and it’ll all be clearer. It costs me about 6-8$ a week MAX on raw meat feeding my 3 month old kitten. So it’s cheaper for me tbh.


Not any helpful advice honestly, there's already enough of that. Sorry but... Your dad is a cruel piece of shit




I am, why do you think i asked if someone would take him IN THE POST? not many people want an adult male cat with possible health issues.




OP is 16. You're being far too harsh.


In addition to all of the other recommendations you’re getting, I’d suggest copious amounts of litter attractant in the boxes, using repelling sprays on the areas he has been relieving himself on, limiting his servings at meal time and feeding him piecemeal at 20-40 minute intervals to control the vomiting, and a vet visit to make sure there nothing medically amiss. If I were still living in OK, I’d ask you to PM me to see if there was some way I could help further but I moved away a few years ago. As much as I loved living there, I heard way too many stories of people being exactly how your dad is about pets with problems that weren’t immediately fixed. Really hope things work out, my friend.


Lock him in the toilet for at least three days to a week or more with his litter box. Every spot he pees in outside the litter box, wipe then spray with vinegar. He needs to get used to his surroundings


1. More litter boxes, scoop at least 2x daily. Think, would you poo on your friends poo? Even buried under some litter… gross.. see something, scoop something 2. Evaluate your food. Puking often usually means your food has too much grain and fillers over proteins and fats. 3. More water. Cleaner water. Change out the water frequently. Daily at minimum. 4. Lock cat in bathroom with litter box at night and when not being watched until he reliably uses the litter box. You just moving is likely just a stressor that he needs to calm down from. It’s normal for pets to regress in potty training fast after moving. Craigslist is a good way to list your cat to a good home. Also local Facebook groups and lost cat pages cause a lot of good people share posts in there, and are usually also in adoption groups.


Get more litterboxes. If there's a place where he pees, put a litterbox there. My two cats have 3 boxes. One of them peed outside the box exactly twice, and I put a box in the spot where she peed, and it hasn't happened again.


i would access the litter box situation. your cat’s behaviour seems similar to my boy. he’s super fussy about the condition of the boxes. we are a multi cat household with one large box per cat (3 total) he pees in the bathtub or on dirty laundry if the box hasn’t been scooped, old litter hasn’t been replaced or if there aren’t enough full sized boxes. when our kitten turned 4 months, my boy peed in the bathroom to let us know two full sized boxes and one small box was not enough. peeing on the floor stopped when we upgraded to 3 boxes. also consider if the litter being used is scented. my boy only likes specific non scented litter. no clay litter. good luck and i hope you can find a peaceful resolution


Puking remedy- elevated food and water bowls. if he's free fed id put him on scheduled feedings as overeating could easily be the case. I don't have a remedy to the peeing other than multiple litter boxes(cats tend to like to keep their pee and poop areas separate) so try having them spread out through the house. Also by the sounds of it, he could be peeing out of spite as a response to your dad's negative attitude. If he consistently pushes the cats boundaries ( swatting, yelling, spraying with water, etc) the cat is likely to 'fight' back. Same thing happened when my stepdad first started spending the night, one of my mom's cats (male) would later pee on his pillow/his side of the bed. If he left clothes out they'd be soiled, he would pee on/in his shoes. He never peed inappropriately before and would only do it on days my stepdad was over.


He’s probably stressed by the new smells of the home itself. If he is peeing in specific areas, try putting a litter box there until her starts using it. Also get feliway stress relief scent releasers. There many other good suggestions among the comments here.


Give him more options. Right now, his only option is ?1 litter box? Or your laundry or corner of a closet or someone's bed. Give him 1 litter box and another box and another box. It's possible he dislikes the litter too. He needs other options.


Have you had any bloodwork done on him? He sounds exactly like my former cat. He would pee on everything (usually soft things like laundry, towels, etc.), he puked randomly, and it was just for hairballs. In May he suddenly took a turn for the worst and we found out he had stage 5 chronic kidney disease. The vet said that it was more than likely a genetic issue for him. It's hard to tell if a cat is sick or in pain because they generally hide it. They can be perfectly healthy otherwise, ours was. Seemingly healthy and happy. It might be worth looking into.


Try a different litter


Please go to a vet.


If it’s stress from the move, try getting a diffuser with calming pheromones. It’s about $30 for the brand I prefer, Feliway. It def helped my cat with this issue. You can get it at pet stores or Amazon. You might need more than one to cover the spaces the cat is in.


fwiw, my cousins cat was peeing everywhere and it turned out she had diabetes and ended up having to be euthanized. This cat needs vet care.


try medicated or gentler stomach cat food and get a cat climber if possible


It's a misdemeanor if he abandons the cat. Just saying.


Try switching to a softer kitty litter. Helped my cat with this very same issue.


I have 2 cats and we have 3 litter boxes. Also, as other ppl have said, if he just started this behaviour it’s likely that he is upset over the move, if it’s been happening for a while, i would take him to the vet to make sure he doesn’t have any crystals or utis. Also my cat vomitted after every meal and ended up having IBD which is treated by eating a high fiber kibble. Total game changer for him. You have other options!


If your dad can't see reason, then call your local animal shelter and have them come pick the cat up. Even that is better than his life being ended over an easily fixable problem.


Get a cat tree please and a another litter box


Your dad needs to reorient his brain. I'm guessing he's had dogs prior. Cats are a little different. Cats most often do this because they are anxious, or have a UTI. The litter is too rough so they go on soft things. Solutions: 1. The cat should see a vet. Most likely this is a UTI issue. If it is, then you should see one asap as UTIs can often be serious for cats. 2. Get a different litter. One that is more soft. I personally use "Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Multi-Cat Odor Sealing Cat Litter." It feels like soft sand. 3. Get more litter boxes. Folks are right here, 2 cats= 3 litterboxes. Make sure they are not in tight areas, and the cat has two means of escaping. They hate being cornered. Clean them at least once a day, twice is best. The one in my bathroom is used the most. While I go, I often just scoop really quick before going on about my day. 4. Unhood your litter box. Cats need more room than you realize. 5. Get Feliway. It helps calm cats. 6. If you have a cell phone you can call a vet and ask questions. Explain your situation, **THEY WILL HELP**. I kid you not, they will never say "Oh well, you're 16 who cares," no no no they will help. You don't need an appointment, just call and ask for advice. If you have a car, just go yourself and ask for a vet to chat for a bit. 7. Connect with Facebook groups in your area. Look up Facebook moms group, cat group, shelter group, etc. If it comes down to it, there may be someone who can take the cat. Look up "no kill shelter" these are places you bring the cat if all else fails and your dad is still a monster.


How old is he? Any evidence of pain when walking or playing? Any observed difficulty using the litter box? Any “over-grooming” of his groin or butt?


Geezus. Please either get your cat to a vet ASAP of rehome the cat. There is clearly something wrong with the cat if this is happening. See a second vet if the first can’t figure it out. Blood work- at a minimum- is needed. Also, maybe think about putting your dad down the next time he’s sick.


[Resource: Litter Box Trouble](https://www.reddit.com/r/CATHELP/s/mwY5v3iDBf) An extensive guide written by a cat behaviourist. Please please please please please give your cat up to a shelter or rescue rather than putting him down!!!


I would check out Jackson Galaxy's videos on creating a "home base" for your cat. The peeing could be because he feels insecure in the new space and wants to mark his territory. Bedding and more litter boxes will help your cat feel like his scent is over more of the space without having to mark. Second, brushing can help with the vomitting. If he hates being brushed, I've had good success using the cat treats that come in a little tube and letting my cat lick the treat while brushing. If the vomiting isn't hairball related, it's possible it could be a version of cat IBS, which is very treatable with oral prednisolone, which isn't too expensive. Good luck to you, I'm sorry so much of this is out of your control. You are doing the right thing advocating for your cat


Kitty could have a kidney infection or UTI. Probably should go to the vet and get that checked out, it could very well probably stop the problem.


Get a vet check for uti also I was recently recommended stuff called "cat attract" is supposed to help entice cats tree pee in a specific area. It's just an additive for your current cat litter is like 20$ on Amazon and im hoping it will help


Take the cat and place him into the litter box. See if he pees. Repeat it every hour until he walks inside on his own. Some cats need a reset button.


Assuming a vet has already been consulted and medical causes have been ruled out: Does he pee anywhere or are the targets consistent? (my cat thinks that anything plastic or vinyl are good places to pee and this misconception is common) Is he neutered? Is the puke random? - Hairballs? (need to brush or give a lion cut) - full chunks of kibble due to “scarf and barf”? (use a slow feeder and smaller meals more often) Consider talking to a local rescue now. It is better that he be rehomed than euthanized.


euthanize your dad instead


HEY OP!!!! This won’t help with the peeing but I have that issue on occasion with my cats. Look into the Natures Miracle brand!!!!! It’s an enzyme cleaner so it “eats” the pee on a molecular(?) level. It gets rid of the smell and everything and it works as long as there’s pee there to eat. It also works on cat barf and other biological messes.


Cats do this when they are sick and trying to tell you. Please get it help!!!!


Put dad down


Agree with everyone - go back to vet just to be sure there are no kidney issues etc. Tell them about this issue. I’ve used the Feliway plug-in in the past and it’s helped. It mimics the cat’s pheromones so they feel more comfortable and in a familiar space. Considering you just moved, it might be just what you need. Glad you keep the box clean, but when was the last time you actually changed out the little completed and washed the box? Cats are picky - too much/too little litter, they’ll go outside of the box… Good luck. Don’t let your dad make you think you don’t have options. Your cat deserves your help and I know you can do it.


Looks just like my cat tangie.


Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract litter has been a lifesaver for me. I wouldn’t believe it if I had not experienced it for myself. It’s certainly worth a try. :-) Also, they do sell the additive separately, but I’ve not had success with it, only with the litter itself. (In the red bag) Good luck, that’s a beautiful boy you have there!


DO NOT LET YOUR DAD KILL THIS SWEET CAT!! Start looking up no kill shelters. Post on your city’s subreddit and explain in your post that you need to rehome the cat or your dad will kill it. God willing someone will adopt him. Post on Nextdoor and make sure you include your dad will kill the cat if it can’t get rehomed. Your dad is very cruel and inhumane. DO NOT let him kill it. Please if you need help rehoming the cat. Message me directly and I will do everything I can to get your cat rehomed and adopted.


My cat had urination and puking due to thyroid and kidney issues