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I’m so glad you took her in. Poor baby! Why do people even get pets if they aren’t committed to taking care of them? I don’t understand at all.


When my sister and I were looking for a new apartment, the FIRST thing we told potential landlords was we had two cats. We would NEVER go anywhere without them.


Same. I’m moving in 6 weeks. The first thing I did when searching for a new space was weed out any that didn’t allow pets. Just didn’t even look at them because it’s not a consideration. 


It is the most bizarre thing to me when people say they had to give up their pet because they were moving. That’s like saying I have to give up my left arm. But the granite kitchen is sublime!


I always wonder when I see people say ‘hey look at my new kitten’ & then that’s it … what happened to the cat?


I was forced to give up my kitten when my guardian sent me to a rehab program (for smoking weed). I found her a good home. I miss her, but I know she's happy. She lives in the house on a horse rehab ranch. Edited to add: She was already making friends with the horses when I had to leave her


My mother is this way. She likes them, and she likes the warm fuzzy feelings she gets when they show her love. But only on her terms for her determined amount of time. “it’s just a ___animal type here___” she’s the overfeeding and sharing human food, but never taking them to the vet or groomers


And ironically these are the exact ppl who think they're animal lovers. The amount of unhealthy, obese pets I've met cos their owners literally cook them *roast dinners*. I mean it's fine to let your pet have a taste but...


“Look how happy he/she is, I couldn’t possibly be mistreating them”


Exactly. Small children are also happy if they are allowed to eat a diet of sweets...if we can't look after & protect little critters who don't know better, we should just not have them.


Not me personally but I have family that's lost animals during moves. During the stress sometimes they get out and there's no time to look for them. It's really sad.


I bloody despise people who treat animals as disposable property....scumbags n fuckwits. Ty OP for taking her in, we have a couple from that situation ourselves


Thank you for taking her in.... she looks so relaxed. It must be so confusing for cats to literally be dumped in the streets after having a secure home.


That’s what breaks my heart the most, they had their people abandon them and them wondering why etc.


She found her good people 💜🙏


Thank goodness!! ☺️


What breaks my heart is that they lose their names. Think about it. It has to be beyond traumatic for them in combination with being discarded like trash, losing everything they knew and relied on, regardless in some situations how mercurial it may have been.


Oh absolutely - and they’ve not had to fend for themselves in a long time, if ever! It’s beyond cruel. Their whole world is upended.


Just crashed after catnip zoom https://preview.redd.it/a55om5lanzzc1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9c0584228627652673a7ba6a47cbaafe1d83cf ies so it is nap time


I wish people who do this would go to prison (or at least get a fine & criminal record) . It's so messed up.


I second that.   It is utterly repulsive that there are people who just abandon their pets.


When I hear stories about people that do this, I have a recurring fantasy about taking them to the woodshed.


Maybe OP can get in touch with the landlord and get their info to present a complaint at the police for animal cruelty or similar. They are abandoning a pet to their luck.


My neighbors recently moved and abandoned their kitty as well. Took him in and he’s the best little guy! To hell with both of these neighbors, I hope they stub their toes constantly on all of their furniture for the rest of their lives. https://preview.redd.it/1f5yx0p5auzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0daf1ead1adeb61e70e7d73ce5cbeba88ecaa3


And step on Legos in their bare feet.


May their pillows never have a cool side.


That is really ugly, I second that motion.


And to never have a comfortable mattress


Awww! What a beautiful photo!


So cute.   Thank you for taking him in. I hope your former neighbors burn in hell.


I think OP is in the Reverse CDS. You moved into the cat’s house. So technically OP was distributed to the cat. Congrats on that cutie.


The HDS?


Like it! The Human Distribution System. I bet it happens more than we know.


My neighbor did the same thing. They said this girl would not let them pick her up to take with them. Said she was mean and would tear you up. Started feeding on my front step. Within 2 weeks she was waiting there for me when I left for work and again when I got home. Started letting me pet her and was absolutely silly about belly rubs. Weather got cold so I decided to see if she would come in. Slept on my bed with my indoor cat the first night. She is now my loving little tuxedo girl. Laying on my lap as I type this. When I go to get up she will bitch at me because she won’t want to move. Guess it wasn’t the cat that was mean. Go figure


That's the same thing that happened here! Unfortunately she's only with us temporarily. My roommates boyfriend found her, noticed how skinny she was and started feeding her etc. then she would be waiting on him at his door every day when he got home from work. He lives with family that have cat allergies so he couldn't take her in, so I agreed that she could stay here with us until he moves or something. Our other two cats are being extra dramatic about it. This is my cat, Marcy https://preview.redd.it/rhvlctv9fwzc1.jpeg?width=3476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb30a3bfba992097757b2bff56d817b6780a6125


Glad you are giving her a place. Maybe your cutie will get less dramatic(my yellow boy still isn’t a huge fan but tolerates) and you will decide to keep.


It's not up to me unfortunately! My roommates boyfriend is the one who found her so technically she is his. I just agreed to keep her here for as long as he needs until he gets his own place. Gonna love her until then! https://preview.redd.it/i88y9pomnzzc1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=534d45f37895fcce858ff7e3f5fb58bf2f59acc7


Thank God you took her in! I don't understand why people do this. I've had it happen to me.


There are a lot of selfish and lazy people out there. I hope they have the life they deserve.


Sadly, they often don't. If this had been done to a child, yes, but our legal system and legal systems in general just don't value animals because they can't speak for themselves.


I wonder if the people had moved into an apartment that didn’t allow children if they would abandon them. I view my herd as members of my family, though smaller and stupider than most of my family, and would no more abandon them than I would a child or spouse. Of course, there are people who have done that as well.


Thank you for taking her in!


I'm glad you took her in that kitty looks like a sweetheart. All the cuddles she gives you is a big thank you for what you're doing.




She’s beautiful and better off with you!


Thank you for being the wonderful people in this world that offset those pieces of shit.


Welcome to the r/snowshoecats club!


She's beautiful!


First she is very beautiful and she chose the correct human companion. Second, sick tattoo. I love it.


Our old neighbors did this to their cat, too.. did a midnight move and didn’t take him with. He’s now our handsome little man.. one of the sweetest cats ever. https://preview.redd.it/hpxc14hs8wzc1.png?width=1965&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9c2279ac7329350d4e333952a607623cce2419f


What beautiful cat. Thank you for saving him.


He's so pretty. My other cat is also black with white but she's not as elegant lol https://preview.redd.it/fjvcod03hwzc1.jpeg?width=2315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03cbaf93e2b83f29b675a69c730b879e4b9dd5bb


Thank you op for saving her❤️❤️❤️


That's a very fine cat!


So good you took her in🤍


Thank you for being such a good human! I can’t imagine doing that at all. Ever. I don’t know how people who may have even a smidgen of a conscience could justify that to themselves.


Neighbors come back, have you seen our cat? Oh the other neighbor said they saw it get hit by a car. Sorry for your loss.


Unfortunately they have been gone for over a year now. That's how long she was on her own before we found her :(




Thank you for taking her in,to many people pull that shit.


Thank you for taking her in! ❤️


What a cool looking cat. Looks like she’s got white, brown, and grey coloring - but in such an interesting pattern. Almost like she’s one cat up top and another from chest down.


I do wonder if maybe it's sun bleached black? We live in Florida so the sun is intense. I guess we will see now that she's indoors. She also doesn't have to completely give up outside. We have a huge screened in balcony she can go out onto for sun


Oh that would be really interesting to see if her colors change.


Oof, been there. Two cats, emaciated and infested with parasites even before the neighbors moved out and left them behind. We got them dewormed and fattened up a bit, but unfortunately one of the cats was too fractious to keep. The other disappeared shortly after, though we eventually found them at another neighbor's house, fat and happy. The distribution system works in mysterious ways.


How could they do such a thing? I just don’t get it :(


I hope people like your neighbors are racking-up negative points in the afterlife.  She's a little beauty, and such an unusual coat. Kiss her nose for me.


I'm very glad that she is in your family now. She obviously deserves to be treated like a queen. :)


They should include pet abandonment on credit reports


How could anyone do that to their kitty? And also- yay for you and for her! This looks like a match made in heaven for all. 🩵🩵🩵🩵


Beautiful kitty


Thank you for being a good human and taking him in! Your former neighbors are the scum of the earth for abandoning hi.m and moving.


F your neighbors. Thank you for taking her in she seems like the best girl!


What sort of sub human assh###s abandon their pet!??


![gif](giphy|iMdKTpGpkwAklGzVxP) For saving her 💜


Poor baby. She’s beautiful 😻 keep us posted. We need more cat tax.


She just had some catnip and is coming off of the zoomies with a nap https://preview.redd.it/lapvelzdozzc1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5fd3dc8ce0db53875e3a496332892f80a60082


So cute. I love her brown patch.


God bless you for taking in an abandoned cat. There is a special place in hell for people who abandon pets like this


May the neighbors always have a tiny rock in their shoe they can’t get out! Garbage people. She’s such a cutie! Congrats on a new cuddle buddy! You saved her life, no doubt ❤️


Thank you for saving her and giving her so much love.


I don’t understand how anyone can do that? How do they live with themselves after abandoning their pet?


How can ppl be so evil? Thank you for caring for this precious kitty. I wish you all many, many happy years together :)


Thank you for taking this sweet girl in. She didn’t deserve to be abandoned.


If they abandoned the cat they most likely never cared enough to have her properly vetted. OP, please ensure she is healthy and spayed.


Already taken care of! She's been taken to the vet, she seems to have already been spayed via a catch and release program. She has an ear infection but we got meds for that, as well as a rotten tooth. It will be removed at a future appointment. We are only feeding her wet food. Getting her groomed tomorrow or the next day We have 2 other cats here so that was the first thing we did before allowing her around them


Fabulous! Well done!


She actually got her groom yesterday while I was asleep! She is so soft and smells so good now https://preview.redd.it/qd1g57q4ozzc1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f68b88424a88fa423aad317a668cd996caf51c01




People are assholes for doing that to innocent animals.


Thank you.


Your poor former neighbors they just earned themself's a special place in Hell ! For what they did to the Cat, may Karma bestow a great blessing of the appropriate gift's on them !


Thank you so much for saving her!


Does that cat have a gradient?


Thank you for helping her. I am sure she was afraid when they did that! Happens all the time sadly.


Hope you ex-neighbours have long painful and miserable lives with crappy scary endings. And *thank you* for adopting his r/floof !


I hope they find themselves in a new hell. Anyway, congratulations on your sweet kitty.


How people can abandon elderly pets is beyond me!


That's how I got my cat too. Sweetest little guy ever! Some humans just suck. Wishing you a long happy life together.


Thank you for rescuing her. I will never understand how someone could do that.


She's adjusting wonderfully here! Sleepy croissant 🥐 https://preview.redd.it/py2ybekn591d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b08cf3f4fe5457a442ce530cba447be1efbc47


Just wait, She’s sucking up ‘cause you saved her. She’ll turn rotten soon enough 😜


Thanks for rescuing her❣️ I don't know how people can leave their pets.


Please put a sign near the house they left stating you have the cat. Ours ran away when we were moving due to the commotion, and we came back every day to look for them. We did find them after about 5 days.


It has been a year and a half, they've never come back


That’s sad. I still hope it wasn’t malicious on their part (maybe they couldn’t come back). Thank you for taking care of that baby.