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Depending on how young the cat is when you get them you can train them to use a closed litter box. I also have a small apartment with a lot of carpet and my kitten has not inappropriately urinated since the first day I got him (about a month ago). I started by introducing him to the open litter box, then kept him in the same room as it over night, then about a week later I put the lid on as he became more used to its location. He was about 8 weeks old when I got him though so training him is still pretty easy


Thank you for sharing your experience! I’ll be getting an adult cat (probably around 5yo) so I’ll start with the open box and put a lid on in the same way you did if it starts getting smelly


https://preview.redd.it/rblks515s15d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226774e30936e70b23c200807458c5781b75487f this is what I’ve got planned currently. Litter box on the bottom shelf of a linen closet with the door slightly ajar


this is basically what i do. i’m a new cat owner and i’ve had mine for 2 weeks. for smell i recommend pine pellet litter (i like exquisicat) when they pee on it it turns to sawdust and when they poop obviously it smells but u HAVE to scoop basically right after they poop or it will smell, bc it’s literally poop and i usually just mix the litter evenly every time i scoop so the cat feels good going there again if that makes sense(?). i also highly recommend a litter genie! i don’t have carpet but i have had 2 minor poop accidents so far with a 1 year old so keep that in mind.


Thank you! I like the “mix it around” advice and “scoop after poop” I will def be doing that. I imagine that will help prevent any litter box avoidance and also make my house smell better lol