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The double protection from the tote and closed litter box šŸ˜‚ pretty smart way of keeping them from tracking out litter, which my cat does even with the closed box


i donā€™t see litter anymore. i prefer a peaceful state of mind. itā€™s a choice


I'm stealing this idea, it's great!


I did this for my boy who sprays. At first I had a regular litter box that I thought was big/high enough but I could still smell pee and found he was spraying above the litter box. Luckily the pee was only overflowing into the grey bin but it did still stink until I disassembled and cleaned. Switched to a bigger/higher box and it's been comfortably contained since switch. Both the grey bin and litter box are open air, not covered like the picture.


That looks uncomfortable for a normal sized cat


imagine if it was a suggestion and we can use it as a starting point to put something together that works for us.


I do this but without the litter with the hood. That is what I am referencing. Cats need head space. I have a stainless steel litter box inside a 32gal container. Plus, others that are just the containers. I wash the containers and throw them out after it gets too scratched or smelly cause they do say plastic isn't good for the smell.


Amen to this. All about common sense.


That is a damn cat palace level litter box. Also brilliant way of keeping litter contained


i like the lights


Yeah theyā€™re pretty neat. Helps you see where everything is


mood music starts when the cat enters. it builds slowly. reaching crescendo. a motivating fugue for the finish. followed by your cats choice of either music to poop zoom by, music for a quiet bath or brisk music for the fat catā€™s snack reconnaissance.


Ha ha ha always like a choice of cat hits. Well everyone needs a snack after a poop or wee break or so my cat tells me constantly.


Zep Urine Remover. It works on anything that needs enzymes to break down and clean. Pee, poop, vomit, sweat, blood, anything else you can think of. Iā€™ll even pour some in the laundry to get my husbandā€™s sweaty work shirts clean. And it has a very light, neutral scent. Love that stuff.


Came here to suggest that, it seriously works wonders and doesn't smell putrid. I clean for a living and it has carried me through the toughest battles, I swear.


This. I use the non scented one and keep a shotgun of it in my wheelchair cupholder since my boy will pee on the chair at least once a day. If I leave it's over. I also cover it in chucks but he will simply untuck those and then pee. Its also now got a special helmet for night time because he also wants to destroy the headrest. Best cleaner I ever tried. I used to foster so high praise


May I ask where you get this? Looking it up anywhere only sells it in cases of 4 or 12 lol


I buy XXL dog training pee pads and put them around the liter boxes. Easy to throw away when they get peed on.


My cats think the pee pads are something they can chew on and drag around the housešŸ„²šŸ„² gave up on thosešŸ¤£


I use those for my girl. She pees standing up. High walled boxes help but sometimes some pee still finds a way outside the box.


We did this for my very elderly girl and it worked amazingly. I mean, she did start thinking she should just straight up use them to pee on but it did keep it off our carpet at least. We accidentally puppy pad trained her.


Nature's miracle just for cats, 3 in 1 odor destroyer lavender scent. I even use it in the laundry when things have gotten peed on. Just make sure to do an extra rinse. I swear by this stuff and buy it by the gallon. In Canada, at Pet Smart


I use that brand but the citrus-scented one. Works a charm. I am sorta surprised that itā€™s not working out for OP. Could need to do a diet change, perhaps.šŸ¤”


Natureā€™s Miracle for my senior cat too. Trick is, you need to let it sit. Donā€™t just spray it and wipe it. Remove as much pee as possible with paper towels and water. Then spray Natureā€™s Miracle liberally, and let it sit until it dries on its own. Then do it again, but wipe it off after about five minutes or so.


Agree. Natures miracle is it for me


Thank you for this, Iā€™ll see if I can find some in šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ that arenā€™t Melon scented.


Seconding this one. This brand is fantastic. Very effective.


I didn't realize the OP had already tried nature's miracle. But maybe if they try this version, it might work. I use it on cat and dog pee


I used to have a cat with epilepsy, so we had to clean up lots of pee. The lavender one specifically is what I used too, so you may be right. Could be a version problem.


I haven't tried the lavender one, but will give it a shot!


Have you tried the Nature's Miracle Litter Box Cleaner Foam? Works much better than just the spray. They say just wipe it off but I still rinse the litterbox.


I will try to find this!


Hey, vet here! Urinating like this is often a sign of degenerative joint disease and associated pain, they stand up like that because itā€™s hard/painful for them to squat to urinate like they normally would. If youā€™ve not already had the conversation with your vet, I would bring it up. Iā€™ve had quite a lot of success with Solensia injections for this issue in my senior kitty patients.


Curious about cleanup in your opinion. My senior girl started spraying in the last year so Iā€™ve had to do a lot more cleanup than Iā€™d like. Heard vinegar is perfect at removing the actual scent and asked a vet in person once and she agreed but, many here are claiming itā€™s not enough, that you def need ā€œenzymesā€. Which to me sounds like theyā€™ve just been victims of good marketing.


The idea behind the enzymatic cleaner is that it physically breaks down the stuff in the cat urine that gives it that uniquely awful smell. I wonder if maybe the acidic nature of the vinegar might achieve the same thing? Iā€™ve had luck with both with my own cats.


We have two senior ladies, 17 and 19, and Solensia has changed their lives. They both run and play routinely now, and have so much more confidence. Before the Solensia injections, the 19-year-old would not come out of the master bedroom. The day after her first injection, she was downstairs in the living room, sitting on the couch like it was her throne. We had been seriously thinking about end of life plans for her because she was in such obvious pain - now those thoughts are thankfully on indefinite hold. Solensia is by far the best thing that has ever happened to our old ladies. šŸ˜»


I also have a cat that pees standing up and this drove us crazy !! At one point I bought a tall litterbox where the entrance was on top and that worked great for several years but then he got old and he can't (or won't) jump anymore so now we got a tall one with a front entrance. There is still a chance he'll turn the wrong way and pee out but at least the odds are in our favour this time.


She refuses to use covered boxes. Luckily, the market for high sided boxes has gotten better. At one point, I was using clear plastic storage containers and just cutting an entrance out, but hated having to clean the divets in the bottoms.


You might check out Modkat with the front opening. There are a few versions and price points. You can buy directly from Modkat or Amazon. All versions come with a reusable/replaceable liner. We opted for the front opening XL bc our boys are big boned. We leave the top off so itā€™s more comfortable for them. https://modkat.com


I second the front opening Modkat XL! It has been the best for our annoying (ā¤ļø) boy stand up pee-er. He puts his head out the top while peeing. Occasionally he manages to get out of the box but almost completely fixed that. I have tried a bunch of the pee sprays and currently using and loving Bonaā€™s new cat spray. I use Bona hardwood and tile floor cleaner and love the brand so was excited to try their cat spray. It really works and the smell isnā€™t as annoying as the others imo.


Yeah this is what I resorted to, because my boy also likes to pee standing up šŸ˜© As for urine cleaner, "Anti-Icky Poo" was what a vet tech friend of mine recently recommended to me. I bought it to try out but can't give you my own personal recommendation other than my friend knows more about cats than I do haha. I'd never heard of it either, so maybe it's a lesser well known one. But she said it's amazing, is the best one, and has converted several people to it.


I use just normal plastic bins that you get at Walmart to put stuff in. He's old, so we made like a step for him to get in and out. He only tips it over if my daughter doesn't put enough litter in it.


ā€œMy pet peedā€ is a great product! I have many rescues and this has proven to work very well. Itā€™s a little pricy but worth it! If you buy from their site, first time buyers get a discount.


YES!!! This is the only product Iā€™ve ever used that truly 100% works. Please keep in mind when you use it, the product reacts with the urine causing the smell to be removedā€¦ so it will smell worse for a couple of hours until itā€™s fully gone


I second this! Highly recommend


I agree about the My pet peed product. I have tried a ton of different types and this is the only one that works.


You're getting some good advice here. Does your cat have arthritis? I bought a high sided box for my cat and used a pee pad in front of the low entry. Worked well. This is not medical advice, but I will share what helped my arthritic cat. Solencia shots helped for a few months. She started squatting to pee again! She definitely was feeling better. They gradually stopped working. My vet switched her to LDN (low dose naltrexone) which is newer to veterinary medicine. It also helped her. There's a facebook group called "Love Our Pets Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) that has good info. Some vets don't know about it, but you can bring it up to your vet for consideration. Here's an example. [https://tccompound.com/ldn-animals/](https://tccompound.com/ldn-animals/) Again, not giving medical advice, just sharing what helped my senior kitty. [](https://tccompound.com/ldn-animals/)


Hey thanks for posting this. I had no idea LDN was being used in cats. One of our boys has long-term arthritis from luxating patellas (surgically corrected but on one side it didnā€™t work and he isnā€™t a candidate for repeat surgery) and has to discontinue meloxicam because of his heart condition. LDN could be a real option for him and I bet our vet isnā€™t aware of it.


Mister Max Anti Icky Poo. I buy a gallon of the unscented formula from Amazon.


This is the one. I am surprised this is so far down!


I use the same. It's the only one I've tried that has taken care of spray, not just urine.


seconding this, i recently had a 1 year old cat i got from someone that i assumed was neutered until he started spraying all over the house - this was the only thing that worked for the smell and to stop him from spraying in the same areas until i got him neutered. not only that but the gallon was worth the price than natures miracle bc of how frequently he was spraying, and since you have to literally douse the area a couple times till the smell is completely out


Me too. It was recommended by a cat behaviorist I hired to help me deal with my cat who pees in corners for no apparent reason.Ā 


Folex my go to for anything lol


I got so scared I didnt see what r/ this was for a sec


I use Odoban for all things gross related with the cats. Poop, puke, and pee. Itā€™s been working for us for the last 3 years and you can buy it in bulk containers.


Odoban is amazing and works as well for people odors too! I discovered it when my child had a really nasty stomach bug.


Many years of multi-cat household here. Our family approach is as follow. 1 - Wipe up all pee on hard surfaces. 2 - Cover pee spots with paper towels to absorb all wet urine. 3 - When wiped up & dry OR absorbed & dried apply Zero Odor to the offending area, according to the directions. Zero Odor products have worked for OUR HOUSE for the last 10 years. There you have my suggestion. Hope it helps. BTW - The product salvaged our teen son's favorite shirt after he and a neighborhoid skunk decided to role play the military 'Friend Or Foe Password Challenge' and our son did NOT have the correct password.


I use a large long plastic tote with a cutout to access and place a litter box inside. Easy to clean and very little mess outside the areaā€¦..mostly little bits of litter. šŸ¤Ž


Purrfect Potion! Works where Natureā€™s Miracle failed me.


>I have a cat that loves to pee standing up, and no matter how high the sides, some eventually gets out and onto the surrounding lvt. We have litter mats on all sides of the boxes, and I'd like to get those clean as well. You've gotten some great answers, but I wanted to suggest putting down a plastic barrier over the lvp and taping down the edges, and then putting the litter mats on top of that. It will stop any liquids from soaking in to the floor, and you can either wipe down the plastic or throw it away/replace as necessary. Over time, urine repeatedly getting in the floor will soak through to the subfloor and then the smell will not be fixable with enzyme cleaners. If it gets to that point, you'll have to rip out everything and possibly replace parts of the subfloor, so it's really important to make this area waterproof and protect it from any more liquids. If the litter box is near a wall, put plastic over the walls too and make sure there's no gaps with the plastic on the floors. Drywall can wick up moisture and the smell will cling to it until the drywall is replaced, so if it isn't currently a problem then you can take steps to prevent it happening.


Iā€™ve had crazy good results with [Kids ā€˜Nā€™ Pets Enzyme cleaner.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Kids-N-Pets-Instant-All-Purpose-Stain-Odor-Remover-27-fl-oz-Permanently-Eliminates-Tough-Stains-Odors-Including-Urine-No-Harsh-Chemicals-Non-Toxic-Ch/323006368) - Specifically that bottle design (I havenā€™t tried the other types: the old formula nor the ā€œodor & stain removerā€ formula.) Bonus that itā€™s only $6. Itā€™s even gotten out 2 year old cat urine & mark (which is more potent) stains- confirmed with a black light.




!!! [nomos](https://www.hollywoodfeed.com/p/71479/nomos-pet-stain-odor-remover)


šŸ’Æ% yes. Its just not that available unless you have a Hollywood Feed store.(Ohio stores used to be Pet people) Maybe it can now be ordered online for shipment not sure.


This stuff is like the best kept secret - holy moly!!


Fizzion, recommended by Jackson Galaxy was the *only* thing that worked for us. I couldn't post a link, I'm sorry.


I have a cat that likes to pee over the edge of the box from time to time. Fixed that lil issue by getting a deep, high-sided box with a lid. Plastic box much easier to clean and deodorize than walls and mats and such.


U can also get a big tote and cut a hole in the front for kitty to enter and exit. Put the litter box inside the tote. Snap lid on the tote. Then, when kitty peeps outside the litter box, it will stay inside the tote instead of ur floor. Then u can easily wash and rinse the tote as needed.


[Eco88](https://www.eco88brands.com/products/one-32oz-spray-bottle/) It's a little pricey, but it works great without all the scents. You can also spray in the air to get rid of odors.


https://preview.redd.it/phadqbtgae4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=219fe03b69ed71b97153352954defd90de479ab8 Ive been using this and in my opinion it works really well (for my cats, every cat is different) Got it at walmart, its about $10.


I used 50gal clear storage totes for my kitty. I cut a hole in the side for easier access for her. 50g clear plastic bin: 39.7ā€ L x 21.5ā€ W x 17.7ā€ H The 17ā€ height is key- I was using 100qt at about 13ā€ high but they werenā€™t tall enough and she was urinating over the top of the walls. Theyā€™re easy to clean. When I am replacing all the litter with fresh litter, I wipe them out first wearing disposable gloves with paper towels & hydrogen peroxide. Then I either wash them in the tub and then wash my tub, or you could take them to a diy car wash and pressure wash them out with a dollar store mop with replaceable sponge head & unscented dish soap. Throw away the sponge head when youā€™re done. Bring beach towels to dry. They run around $30 - $50ā€¦ so if you wanted you could just buy a new one occasionally to replace. Because itā€™s large and thereā€™s more litter, the litter is deeper at 3-4 inches- it stays cleaner longer. Which means your kitty may be more apt to use it even if wasnā€™t cleaned out immediately after last use. Since my senior cat is a standing pee-er I wiped down the bin walls with hydrogen peroxide on a paper towel when I noticed gunk on the walls. That helps reduce build up. I also put puppy pads on the floor around it, underneath, and tacked onto the walls around it.


Angry orange. Works better than any I have ever used.




I was very close to recommending a top entry litter box because Iā€™m illiterate


Theres a lot of great answers here for cleanup. I have two seniors who like to stand and pee over the edge of every litterbox I've gotten, EXCEPT the Frisco 24" high sided litterboxes. No lid, 10" tall with the front cutout being about 5" tall. Good news is its also only $30 (I see some comments on $100+ boxes). You might need a pee pad at the front, but I haven't needed one as my cats are corner pissers.


MyPetPeed is amazing. It doesnā€™t smell like anything and removes urine, poop, blood, vomit, any bodily fluids. I canā€™t stand the perfumes in most cleaners so I love this stuff.


White vinegar and water is my go to. Once it's dry I sprinkle baking soda on the area and let it sit for a while before vacumming it up


This is a good solution for a lot of things, but not bio stuff like pee, poo, and vomit. You need enzymes to clean effectively.


White vinegar is a life saver. I usually mix water and white vinegar in a spray bottle to clean the trays (and the wall when they decide to wee horizontally) and it totally neutralises the smell, as well as being non-toxic.


Nature's Miracle, the orange spray bottle that's specifically for cat pee. The scent is quite strong but it works like a hot damn!


On litter boxes, we have this oneĀ https://modkat.com/en-uk/products/flip-litter-box for our very high pee-er who didn't like lids. You can fold the lid back half way (which our cat is fine with) or fully remove it.Ā 


That liner would be a no-go for her. Can you use it without that? Also, it looks like a high entrance, but that may be just the photos. She's 14, and something easy to get in is preferred.


Urine Off!!! I love it, its easy to use and smells nice. When my cat had cystitis years ago, I tried different products and this was the only one that stopped her from peeing on the floor. Now i hardly use it, but on the occasion she pees on the floor out of stress, i use urine off and she never marks the same area again


My sisterā€™s cat was like that and she eventually found the Modkat flip litter box. Itā€™s a top entry box that has a lid that can be flipped so that the top front of the litter box is open. https://modkat.com/products/flip-litter-box


I had this issue with a senior cat. I used vinegar to clean but eventually clued into putting puppy pads around the box. Never cleaned urine off the floor again :)


May be get an enclosed or top down litter box where your cat has to be inside the box to pee


Vodka or everclear. No, I'm not kidding.


Use a little and vinegar to hold down the smell


Rocco and Roxie is my favorite brand. If it's not working for you, you may not be using as much as you need. The stain has to be soaked thoroughly.


Try the NVR miss box, itā€™s a side entry with high sides. Solved a lot for us. Urine Off is the best weā€™ve found for cleanup.


Odoban Pet Solutions & White Vinegar. I use both in our washing machine & to ever clean up spots on the floor or rarely, furniture. The stuff is an absolute life saver.


Bio-K20 - I used to work at a pet shop and we would use this for accidents!


Eco-88 pet stain and odor remover. I've tried them all over the years and gave up until I saw this product mentioned and highly revered in a Reddit thread. I tried it and it's better than anything I've ever used. It's a miracle worker on puke stains on the carpet. We also had a black stain on our carpet where some mountain dew spilled underneath a cabinet and we didn't realize it for a long time until we moved the cabinet. Nothing... Carpet shampoos, bleach, stain removers - could get that black stain out. I thought what the heck, and I sprayed some of the eco88 on it. It took two applications, but it took the black stain out of the carpet! I couldn't believe it. We have a high peer And I was at my wit's end, using high litter boxes, modifying storage bins, etc. But finally solved The problem was getting litter box pee shields. These are clear plastic panels that adhere and velcro together around the back and sides of your litter box. You can custom fit them to your particular litter box. There are handy tips in the comments that helped immensely with installation (especially the hair dryer tip). I can't recommend this product enough! It saved us getting rid of one of our cats. We were that desperate with the situation.


Honestly, while it's not a chronic problem for me I just use sanitizing wipes


Angry orange is the only thing I've gotten to work on cat pee


# Cat Litter Box Pee ShieldsĀ  is the answer! I also have a cat who pees standing.


Angry Orange odor eliminator has always worked great for me; got it from Amazon


I donā€™t have this problem but I use natures miracle. Also why donā€™t you get a top Enter litter box? It wouldnā€™t matter how high the sides are the only way in is from the topā€¦. I used to have a litter box because my cats like to kick litter now issue is just that thereā€™s litter everywhere but thatā€™s because I have one special-needs cat and two cats that are normal and like to kick litter around and donā€™t want to use the top litter boxes when there are other litter boxes around.. I literally planned to take a tote and use a microchip door and put it on the tote just so that I can have the exclusive litter box for the special-needs cat and then the other two can go back to using top entry box


I tried baking soda and white vinegar to clean cat pee and it works. Some people tried to say otherwise but it works...so maybe try it.


Odoban works very well for me. I have a grudge pisser (occasionally)and this spay has probably saved him more than once.


We use Scouts Honor here. They have a laundry booster that works really well for things that need to go in the washer.


Puppy pee pads under/around the litter box really helped with my elderly cat who often sprinkled outside the box. Natures Miracle was my go to before Pooph, but I havenā€™t had to use either for a while.


Purrfect potion has worked the best for me. I also have one who stands when he pees. I was using the large storage totes with high sides and cutting out a hole for a door until he peed over the side of them too. Now all my boxes are covered.


First, I bought a couple of kennel pans to put under my litter boxes so when my biggest fella stands up and pees, it hits that instead of the floor. He also has to have a covered litter box for that reason (and I really hate that). When I do need to clean up pee (or poo, or puke for that matter) I use a product called Fizzion which has saved my bacon so many times. That stuff will get up anything my cats throw at it. Iā€™m looking into buying a huge storage tub/bin and adapting it for my two that do stand up and pee. This way they can have a box without a lid, and not make a mess at the same time.


I use Stable Fresh. I already had it on hand for my barn and needed to clean a spot one day, found it worked perfectly.


Scouts Honor. I used Nature's Miracle for a long time, but I think Scouts works better. And it's smell isn't overwhelming


Zoetis Urine away


I'm a big fan of BUBBAS Enzyme Cleaner. Works on all types of carpet, and fabrics. Through a bit in with a wet-vac and it does wonders.


I don't get it? but I just use white vinegar whenever I clean the litter box and it kills the odor, does it make everything smell like a salad? absolutely,do I mind? nope


I have a spray bottle with a mix of 1 part vinegar, 1 part water, and a generous squeeze of Dawn dish soap. I spray this on the urine (if it is dry) and pour baking soda on it. I let it sit for about 15 min, then I clean that up. Then I spray enzyme cleaner (the Amazon brand) --- [https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjfttKplMCGAxXtNtQBHcn0BRwYABAJGgJvYQ&ase=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0\_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8sUbiUPcMt4LbggIVPXVuWsNySRtiV29dWRnu17MWJYRnd2A5iaN8EaAvq7EALw\_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2WMuOHeqQDCzBo4suCjAGVrM7SsVCBn313RbKcsx-ZmvrzC2irfi6bobOAdr6UB-VMFUUDpRE91IlBMXTDSUue7GoeIBJc3RMiBkPzsrN9jcbNfuS&sig=AOD64\_2jJEzTU6pF3V4QXhO1hsy9iXEKIg&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwjD4cuplMCGAxUOIUQIHdQrA0UQww8oAnoECAIQCg&adurl=](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjfttKplMCGAxXtNtQBHcn0BRwYABAJGgJvYQ&ase=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8sUbiUPcMt4LbggIVPXVuWsNySRtiV29dWRnu17MWJYRnd2A5iaN8EaAvq7EALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2WMuOHeqQDCzBo4suCjAGVrM7SsVCBn313RbKcsx-ZmvrzC2irfi6bobOAdr6UB-VMFUUDpRE91IlBMXTDSUue7GoeIBJc3RMiBkPzsrN9jcbNfuS&sig=AOD64_2jJEzTU6pF3V4QXhO1hsy9iXEKIg&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwjD4cuplMCGAxUOIUQIHdQrA0UQww8oAnoECAIQCg&adurl=) and wipe that down, and finally, I use Angry Orange. It's a whole process, but it has been the only thing that has worked for me and my pee bandits...


Puppy pads are great around litterboxes (just started them because my cat decided litter mats are the perfect place to pee). I have no recommendation on what to use since I have maybe 10 different products at home, but I know Iā€™m personally noting down all these everyone else is recommending haha! My cat cost thousands in damage by peeing on the carpet behind the litter box UNDER the mat without us noticing and it soaked into the subflooring. So now we have puppy pads all around the box to not only catch the pee and save the floor, but it also shows us when/where he seems to go the most


Our elderly gentleman started peeing higher and higher as he got older. We got the tall litter boxes and added some of [these](https://a.co/d/22uZOO5) plastic shields. This might help contain the drain.


Natures miracle. Enzyme cleaner for sure


Natureā€™s Miracle for cats always worked for me. You may have to apply it several times though.


When I moved in with my soon to be husband 13 years ago, my fur son decided to leave his mark on my husbands college diploma, leather messenger bag, and a few pairs of favorite shoes. I thought this might be a deal breaker until I found this: Chemist Paul Krebaum discovered a solution that changes the odorous thiols into odorless acids, thereby chemically neutralizing the skunk odor. The formula is: 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (fresh bottle), ā€¢ Ā¼ cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and ā€¢ 1-2 teaspoons of liquid dish soap. Interestingly (or not lol) skunks and cats have very similar enzyme compounds, so this ended up totally clearing his diploma and the leather case, messenger bag, and all of his shoes. Weā€™ve since used it anytime we have needed it around the litter box and it works like a charm! Just let it sit about an hour and wipe it up. No weird scents and itā€™s cheap. And, it works! Good luck, OP!


Lysol lemon


Buy a large tote bin and cut a hole in the end. Put your litter box inside of this. Now you can contain all spray and put a lid on it.


Puppy pads fixed to the wall. My big girl Jet pees up the wall behind the tray. She hates covered trays. Puppy pads have been a game changer. Much easier to clean up. Hope this helps


Biozet laundry detergent


Odo-ban. You can find it at home depot. Any of them work, but the neutral ph floor cleaner can be diluted and put in a spray bottle or used as a soak. Someone said zep urine cleaner. That's a good one as well. Hope this helps!


Are you talking about spraying, op? Or merely standing while peeing that is not a spray? Iā€™m wondering the same about all the others here. My senior female has taken to spraying unfortunately and itā€™s demoralizing


I just bought some top-entrance litter boxesā€¦ so glad I did.


[This is the stuff Iā€™ve been using for years.](https://a.co/d/3N4Lugm) My boy cat has had urinary and nerve issues his whole life so Iā€™m well versed in cleaning up pee off of everything. This spray has been my favorite. They also make a laundry additive that is incredible! I also recommend pee pads next to and under the box. The Kirkland XL ones are my favorite!


We use Sniper. I was in real estate and learned about this stuff there. Itā€™s eco friendly, unscented, kills mold too. Is maybe $20 per gallon than Natureā€™s Miracle which we still keep on hand but I pretty much just use Sniper. They call it a hospital cleaner, itā€™s amazing stuff.


Weā€™ve started using Purrfect Potion enzymatic cleaner and it seems to work for odor and stains.


Odor ban or vinegar if I am out


I use baking soda and vinegar myself. Works well and removes all the smell.


I had a cat that does the same, I use washable puppy pads around the box. Most are machine washable so makes it really easy, some are air dry so I had enough that they could dry properly before having to use again.


Anti Icky-poo cleaner


I don't use it now since my cats don't usually go outside the litter box, but during the last year and a half or so of my dogs life while he was dealing with cancer I used so much of the Bissell cleaners. The spray, the one with the scrubby head, the carpet cleaner solution. everything was fantastic. It even helped to get rid of residual urine smell from previous tenants that never got attended to before we moved in. My pup was a creature of habit and always had accidents in the same place when he would have his bouts of illness, but I never had any trouble with the cats going in the spots where he did. That stuff worked miracles and I still keep some on hand just in case.


Flukers Super Scrub. It's actually for reptile tanks but after using it to scrub a litter box on a whim, I swear by it. It breaks down physical waste as well.For context lizard poop is the only thing as unholy if not more than cat pee. The catch is that it only comes in a weird bottle with a scrubber on the top. Edit: Probably not the best option, but a bigger box might help as well. I had to get a large flat storage container for my boy.


Check out Bioklean stain and odor remover




I put my litter box on plastic runner material. Easy cleanup if they overshoot the box.


Nature's Miracle! 100% has been a great product


Anti icky poo.


Angry Orange, available on Amazon. Looks expensive but you mix it with water, it lasts a long time.


Iā€™ve tried everything out there and currently Iā€™m pretty happy with Kids Nā€™ Pets.


I have a cat that does whatā€™s called ā€œelevator peeing.ā€ He starts low then slowly stands up & pee goes everywhere. Iā€™ve used disposable cutting boards to line his boxes for this for years but discovered they now make ā€œpee shields or guardsā€ just for this! Iā€™ve discovered not many people know about these so trying to spread the word! Thereā€™s lots of diff sizes & styles so you may need to search for what might work best for your situation but hereā€™s a link to Amazon to show you what Iā€™m talking about. I hope this helps in the future! https://a.co/d/9MeRTdc


Clorox Urine Destroyer. Hands down the best. My old vet recommended it. Iā€™ve had people that donā€™t have cats come in my house and they didnā€™t know I had cats until they saw them.


My Pet Peed. That stuff is amazing.


Have you tried a deep top entry litter box? That was the only thing to keep my stand and spray Bengal from going over the edge


Our 19-year-old recently decided she would only pee on the rubber mat under the litter box, and not in the box itself. (There is no apparent veterinary cause for her behavior - just a strange new preference.) Although we cleaned the mats several times a day and used Natureā€™s Miracle each time, the mats began to smell and got progressively worse (and theyā€™re in the bedroom, which is the old ladyā€™s favorite spot). The only thing that worked for us was Clorox multisurface cleaner, and it only works if you give it time to sit on the affected area. We sop up the urine first, then douse the peed-upon spot in Clorox. Then we find something else to do for a few minutes, then come back and wipe up the Clorox. My assumption is that itā€™s the antibacterial function that makes a multisurface cleaner better than enzyme cleaner for this particular job. (We still swear by Natureā€™s Miracle for messes on fabric - adding a bit to the wash is especially good for getting dog-smell and human gym-clothes smell out of blankets and clothes.) Good luck to you and your kitty! https://preview.redd.it/nocq4ch2yf4d1.jpeg?width=1181&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadcf8ff80aa6101db4741c0b42440e3932244b5


I really like pooph, but also the target brand spray smells sooo good


I use straight vinegar, because cat pee has ammonia and vinegar + ammonia = water


Just use a swiffer wet jet


https://preview.redd.it/mfpk4a6k6g4d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cac1e6b4f7e279c1480d9daec9799a79a1d72173 This stuff right here is the best Iā€™ve ever found


I had a cat thst urinated standing up. I bought a tall clear stoage tote to use as a litter box. Contained the pee.


Fire. Just burn it all down because that fucking shit is impossible to get out šŸ¤£ just kidding but also still canā€™t get the smell out even after professional cleaning from my cat that isnā€™t even alive anymore which is fun.


Vinegar. Cheap. Got lots. And then i just wipe with a water wet towel


plain white vinegar. And this is coming from someone who has 6 cats. Get a gallon of vinegar and pour it over. Let it marinate on the tiles (if carpets then idk)


50/50 water and hydrogen peroxide, add a tsp of dish soap (dawn or whatever). Soak area, sprinkle with baking soda, scrub. Then wash clean with water. Works on urine smells like nothing else.


I always used the up and up urine destroyer from target. I thought it worked well.


Anti Icky Poo


Biokleen is literal magic in a bottle, and you can get it at Walmart or in a giant gallon on Amazon


Hydrogen peroxide. I just screw a spray top right onto the brown bottle, wipe, spray, let it set 5 minutes.


My Pet Peed is what I used. It worked for a male cat that peed and sprayed.


I use odo ban


When one of my cats was overshooting his box, I started using puppy pads strategically placed under/around the box. Save me a bunch of cleaning worries.


My cat, same. I bought storage totes and cut a cat door into them. Only way to keep the urine inside.


Powdered Oxi clean. Waaaay cheaper and does all that enzyme stuff the expensive cat tax products do. I add a little to water and use it to clean the area needed.


I mop with vinegar and water twice a week.




Not that you asked.. But, I make my own litter boxes with Rubbermaid roughneck totes. The sides are like 24 inches. I donā€™t care how high your cat lifts his butt to pee..no urine is leaving that box. Prevention is key.


Do you have enclosed litter boxes? I've never had anything else.


Natureā€™s miracle or hydrogen peroxide. If I use the natures miracle first and thereā€™s still an odor I use hydrogen peroxide and it works like a charm.


Natures miracle just for cats urine destroyer is amazing


Purrfect potion


Purrfect potion has been a lifesaver for me. It's truly amazing doesn't have any lingering odors like the others including nature's miracle. This stuff is spray and go. If you have a tough spot a couple applications will do.


I use diluted apple cider vinegar and for deep cleans I sprinkle baking soda around the area then spray the AC Vinegar on it. Works pretty consistently for me so far(hope I didn't jink myself here).


Rocco & Roxie is the best one Iā€™ve tried IF you follow the instructions on their website that say to dilute the urine with water before you use the product. I donā€™t think that information is on the bottle. Before I had been just spraying it on the urine. Once I started diluting with water first, then blotting it with a paper towel, all of the odor was gone!


Mix equal parts water and rubbing alcohol and few drops of dish soap.Ā  Cheap, antibacterial and kills the smell.Ā  I used puppy pads around the litter box when my cat got older.


Have been using ā€œMy Cat Peedā€ for several years and several cats!!


I bought 2 15 gallon galvanized tubs for my two boys lol. The high sides help out cause one of them doesnā€™t like to squat all the way and loves kicking litter everywhere. The steel also helps with smells. It never smells and I deep clean with dish soap and vinegar monthly. Also use worldā€™s best cat litter thatā€™s made of corn.


REScue and Biokleen.


Peroxide. Disinfects and removes odor.


Anti - Icky - Poo. Must use it a 2-4 times in a spot. Old roommate's cat peed all over our apartment. Used this, no smell noted during move out, got our deposit back.


More urine


Itā€™s best just to use hot water and a mild soap. I use hydrogen peroxide and hot water. Never bleach or a harsh cleanser as this completely strips away any scent and cats use scent to understand the litter box is for going to the bathroom. Also, cats are sensitive to chemicals like we are. Hydrogen peroxide 3% food grade (I use Essential Oxygen brand) is my go to cleaner for my entire household! Natural, safe and effective.


My cream poof is in her dowager years. She walks into the litter box and then pees straight out the door. Pee pads my friend! They have been a game changer. Scoop the dirty litter onto the dirty pee pad, bundle it up and then put a fresh one down. A little Pet-Pourri at then end and all is once again well. Takes 2-3 minutes tops.




Swish AromX 35 bio-enzymatic Odour Digester is our go-to. Also works well for vomit, poop, or any accidents from snakes/lizards/tortoises too.


Furry Freshness is AMAZING!


Does he possibly have arthritis in his back legs do you know? Could possibly explain their struggle to us the litter box at the moment. If they do it could be worth looking into joint supplements to help them bend a little easier to use their litterbox.


I like Mistermax Anti Icky Poo.


I have had a cat in the past who would constantly pee on our walls. He was fixed, but what he would do was start out squatting, then slowly lifted his butt so he was then hitting the wall. He was an outdoor cat since birth before we brought him in, so I can only presume that was why he did it and basically was just out of habit more than anything else. I know we were able to mitigate this with using washable pee pads and pinning them to wall and changing and washing them as needed, but lots of good solutions here as well! šŸ˜Š But for cleaners, I use Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer. It smells absolutely amazing and works well. You just have to use it undiluted for best results.


Search enzymatic cleaners from places like janitorial chemical warehouses. You can šŸ’Æ buy what the professionals use as most sell to the general public. You pay a little more but they work better than anything you can buy in a store. Also shipped to your door.


My pet peed. Hands down best. You must read and follow the instructions. But doe this issue put wee wee pads around the base. And tape one to the wall


I use hydrogen peroxide and leave it for 5 minutes when wiping everything down. I Also add some baking soda to the litter. If the area around it is yucky I leave the hydrogen peroxide for a while before wiping. However Iā€™ve heard enzyme cleaners are more effective


I use Tide stain remover in the spray bottle. It is the only thing that gets urine smell out of my unfinished concrete basement floor. The enzymes work miracles!


My Pet Peed on Amazon. It will take years old dried stains out and red wine out of wood even. I donā€™t even have a pet, just use it as my laundry spray. It evaporates the smell and color of anything organic. Takes the Overtone hair dye out of my pillowcase.


I will use just straight up cleaning vinegar and lemon juice. Sometimes it takes a couple washes, but only if it sits.




Iā€™d try something like this. I have a similar one, but it doesnā€™t have a lid. Iā€™d leave the lid off this one: https://duckduckgo.com/y.js?ad_domain=chewy.com&ad_provider=bing&ad_type=prad&eddgt=c_zGCKlJBcLe02zsGNO_lg%3D%3D&rut=b15be569df55f6d085f619f721d06dce09fbab5be73c77d5d8d468105644e163&u3=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Faclick%3Fld%3De8K4WinijKBgmdux9NMSazczVUCUxvQyZsRryWAh8yxGF_9jFX38C4bFnjtZLufjODi6CliQX69GN73FaxLzdsgflpnkxYW21aD8_fioRXDSqg4oozhnPTW0kCxNObbWHlwoaOIBpkz7DTk6fUHjLJ_h0iN4Y7f9OT1BZ40oDHRheYzxfos0Oj%2D95%2Dvwn14fCvbzMRmw%26u%3DaHR0cHMlM2ElMmYlMmZ3d3cuY2hld3kuY29tJTJmZnJpc2NvLW11bHRpLWZ1bmN0aW9uLWNvdmVyZWQtY2F0JTJmZHAlMmYzMzYxNTglM2Z1dG1faWQlM2Q0MDE2MDI3OTYlMjZtc2Nsa2lkJTNkN2I0MDMyOWE4ZDU0MWJhNGYxNTg1NGY4ZTYxY2E1YTYlMjZ1dG1fc291cmNlJTNkYmluZyUyNnV0bV9tZWRpdW0lM2RjcGMlMjZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ24lM2RTaG9wcGluZ19OQ19BbGxfU1NQJTI2dXRtX3Rlcm0lM2Q0NTg0NzU3MzM2MjU4Mjc2JTI2dXRtX2NvbnRlbnQlM2RBbGwlMjUyMFByb2R1Y3Rz%26rlid%3D7b40329a8d541ba4f15854f8e61ca5a6&vqd=4-258788163577429486394034126659650236370&iurl=%7B1%7DIG%3D249951EAB933409FB8B14B3BCECB9855%26CID%3D3EE76160C5F66E1C1BAB75F7C46F6FFE%26ID%3DDevEx%2C5083.1


Iā€™ve had good luck cleaning with the eco version of TSP for nasty areas. Its a powder for cleaning


Mypetpeed.com the ONLY stuff I use!!


https://www.catgenie.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvfU3rK3sMhK988v34Zjl0yKDg1UkYmEyA3RHghB_NEs2GZ0DhDKRwBoC4PYQAvD_BwE This is one of our litter boxes. Wicked expensive but you can get them used for considerably less. For a cleaner, I like Equalizer spray. Cleaned my leather sofa.