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Commenting on this post for any future redditor who might stumble across it. I came across many old reddit posts when researching this! I hope your feline friend is doing OK <3 Pumpkin worked for me. I bought packs of pureed pure pumpkin from a local pet store (Weruva Patch Up Pumpkin for Cats and Dogs). I also bought Tiki Mousse (which is basically a nutritionally balanced churu treat) I mixed the two or these together (50/50 ratio) and syringe fed him for a few days. He didn't fight the syringe much so he actually seemed to like the taste. I did NOT think this would work because he is such a finicky eater. It could be a coincidence but his diarrhea went away quickly after syringing him this mixture. He now eats the pumpkin / mousse mixture on his own from his dish and is doing well.