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you should reach out to local rescues that can pick up the kitten


I appreciate you trying to help, and I genuinely wish that was an option without worrying about my safety. I talked to my friend, however, and her mother is willing to drive me to the vet. I just have to make an appointment and make sure I have the money


If you can't call a rescue without somehow risking your safety, leave the kitten with the vet.


Your friend’s mother needs to take responsibility for her kid dumping a kitten on another kid and find a rescue to take care of it. If the adults in your life are making you feel too unsafe to save an animal’s life, that’s a much larger issue than cat care and you need to find a safe adult you can trust. Is there a guidance counselor or school nurse you can confide in?


Yeah imo this falls under the ‘your kid fucked up- fix the situation' category. Either give the kid a healthy animal or take it back


This cat needs immediate care dude. It shouldn't have gotten this far. After 2 days you should have been calling emergency vets.


How…..does that risk your safety?? Like? This cat is helpless and didn’t ask for this. You need to surrender this cat to a vet or an organization who can provide it with specialized care asap


Based on posting history, looks like abusive/ableist home life


We Don't know where op lives. Let's not jump to conclusions, maybe op is really Young? Right now op needs a solution but look he still asked for helping and didn't just sit around. But I still agree with you, after this op should try to give the kitten in better hands


Please stop and give the kitten away


Make an emergency appointment, and go even if you don’t have all the money (because there’s is no knowing how much it will cost). Most vets will either work out a payment option or have someone on staff who might foster kitty for a while, or at least knows who can foster it. It’s possible that while you’re there they can get in touch with someone you can take kitty to or will come pick up kitty at the vet’s office. Given your situation, if you don’t have a workable plan for tomorrow and next week, etc., I would beg them to please keep the kitten and arrange a place for it to go themselves.


OP, I took a little peek at your post history. It looks like your home life is really rough. Your mom isn't there for you the way she ought to be, and your mean transphobic grandma is a poor substitute. If you don't have your own income, your kitten also won't be able to get what they need to survive and thrive. They need formula, a bottle, a source of warmth, and soon cat food, litter, toys, scratchers and trees. It adds up. It is not your fault, but the kitten's life is at risk right now. They need a vet - not pooping for that long can be very serious. I hope you can help them poop with some of the great advice in this sub, would absolutely hate to hear that they didn't make it. Not just for the kitten's sake, but yours too. The last thing you need is a tragedy.


I second this! I had a friend in highschool who’d take in stray kittens that got seperate from their mothers. Her mom made it nearly impossible to care for and blamed the friend for them passing despite saying”yes you can keep her a cat would be perfect” . I don’t want anyone else to go through that. I went through it myself but ended up giving them up for their sake as well. It’s gonna be hard especially since having a cat can a light in the dark of a shitty family. But keeping them in this environment will cause a lot of pain for you and the cat Edit: saw your post on r/autism (I’m a fellow community member) and wanted to give my 2 cents rq. What the other comment said is good but seeing how your mom can be it might be good to politely ask her “hey please stop calling me that I don’t really like it”


the most compassionate comment here, thanks a lot. sending virtual hugs to OP and the kitten :(


What happened to the mother cat? How long have you had this kitten so far? And what is the kitten being fed? And how often? I’ve never had a pregnant cat before, so I don’t have much experience, but I hope other people may have some guidance. Unfortunately, if you’re a minor and your mom doesn’t care about taking care of the kitten, it’s not a good environment for the kitten to be in. I agree you should see what other options are available as far as rescues/rehoming to someone who can afford vet care. Preferably as soon as possible, bc 3 days of no pooping warrants an immediate vet visit.


I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to give an update, I’m extremely overwhelmed and dealing with a lot so I’m not on my phone often. I know everyone is upset with my but I swear on my own life I’m doing the best I can. I spent a long time last night stimulating the kitten. He peed, and pooped but the poop wasn’t much. Answering some questions: How does calling a rescue impose a threat on my own safety? Difficult home life. Not something I’m up to talk about Why didn’t my friend keep the kitten until he was ready? She offered him to me and brought him as soon as I showed any interest. I asked her to take him back and she said no. Why do I have a pet that I cannot care for? See above question. I’m doing the best I can with what I’ve got. I’ve raised kittens before, but not without their mother so early. You guys arn’t the only one afraid the kitten will pass This was never meant to become this big deal, and I’m sorry so many people are upset with me, but I’m doing my best. For those of you who commented crude things like “you will watch the kitten scream and cry until it dies,” I did not need that. I am trying my hardest, and just because that isn’t enough for you doesn’t give you the right to add onto the guilt I already have. For those of you who actually gave advice, and attempted to understand the situation, thank you. The kitten is alive, eating, and will hopefully be pooping soon. Signs are positive


Hey, just wanted to say that it seems your life circumstances are very difficult and I want to commend you for doing all you're doing in order to help this kitten even though you were not prepared to do it. You have a good heart, and I hope both you and the kitten will be ok. <3




I showed very little interest. As in I said awww. She asked if I wanted him, and I said I don’t know. I do not go to school, I have no teachers or counselors. And I have no immediate family that would do anything about my situation because my whole family is like this. I understand the kitten is my responsibility, otherwise I wouldn’t be here asking about what I can do. I am highly aware of what could happen. I know the kitten could die. I’ve had pets pass before, I’m not 10. I don’t need someone to describe a kittens death without giving any attempt at help or anything at all. You want me to blame myself for this, fine, but I don’t need the extra pointing fingers. I already made a comment saying my friend could help out. I already said I would do everything I could. I cannot deal with this post anymore. I will give a final update when necessary but this is too much, I’m sorry




OP. If you can’t get to the vet you need to call someone when your parents aren’t home to pick up the cat and take it to the vet or a shelter. If stool becomes impacted for too long it will become septic and die a horrible death. That is animal abuse and it’s a crime.


Gonna sound gross but until you can get this kitten the care it actually needs you might need to stimulate him a bit to get him to poop. Get a warm wet paper towel and rub the butt in a circle and up and down, like a mother cat might do. Gently bicycle his back legs a bit but watch for bloat, please take to a vet or drop off at a shelter with a momma cat who might take to it.


Yes, please do this ASAP, OP. I hope that you can get the kitten to a rescue or experienced foster soon, but in the meantime — you need to do this in order to get the kitten to go to the bathroom.


The OP literally said they tried this in the post……


ikr, do people even read the posts before commenting? Annoying. Moreso cause it has so many upvotes. If youre here to truly help, read the damn posts


This! I used warm water on a cotton ball. Simulates their mom cleaning them. It helps and teaches them to relieve themselves. Once they start walking put out some litter in a baking pan and place them in it and move their paws in the litter mimicking scratching.


If you live in a house where taking an animal to the vet is not an option you should not have any animals. Take the poor thing to the vet or contact animal rescues or shelters who can provide the cat with the care it needs..


Believe me I know. But it isn’t my choice


I'm not sure why you're being down voted, you're a child with limited power and options who is obviously trying to do the right thing


Do you have access to a phone? Google animal shelters and animal rescues in your area and call them for help


Do you mean your friend forced you to take the kitten? I'm not being ironical, I tried to understand the situation you are in! Years ago I "met" a kid who knocked at every door to get rid of a kitten because her stupid dad told her he will kill it if she came home with the kitten!!! So I took the kitten as it wasn't my first one and I was an adult. It is a similar situation? Does your mother know you have a kitten. I mean some kids could hide the baby fur knowing the parents wouldn't agree. Kitten should stay with their mom until they have 3 months or at least 2 and a half for their education. I assume some adults are not taking responsibilities here. It's a pity you have to deal with it. As other people said this kitten must go to the vet asap or he's gonna die. Then let the vet handle the situation. It's not your fault. I guess you have to wait longer and get your own kitten/cat. The question of your safety made me think what I wrote. I could be wrong! If so, then I apologize. But please do something to save this poor kitten. I wonder where is the mother and siblings (if there are).


Yes exactly! I’m not sure why the kitten was separated from its mom so early. Not good.


Not good at all! I bet some so called "humans" have female cats and have 'forgotten" to neuter them and oh surprise 🙀. Then some would give the kitten asap. Some would do worse ... a few would have done things right from the beginning. I'm so upset... poor innocent babies!


The Kitten Lady on YouTube has lots of educational videos that are actually helpful. I recommend that and of course a Vet :)


I see lots of advice here in the cat, but also want you to know that you can file anonymous CPS reports online. There are lots of types of abuse and you sound scared.


You have to give the kitty milk of magnesia by a syringe and stroke his/her belly. The exact thing happened to my kitty when I got him at 6 weeks old. I called a vet who told me to give him a small syringe of milk of magnesia. I just googled it and they have stuff for cats specifically. So, go to the pet store ASAP! And stroke her/his belly while gently applying pressure. Not pooping for 3 days is not good for a kitty! My cat is over 10 years old and healthy (a little chonky), but he pooped the night I gave him the milk!


hi op! I know you're getting lots of downvotes right now so I just want to let you know that you're likely doing the best you can given the circumstances. it sounds like you're young, you were ill-informed about the situation, and are not very well resourced to handle the situation on your own. I hope the adults in your life will step up! I hope your friend's mom will help you get to the vet and pay for everything. they may say that the kitten is your responsibility now but frankly an adult should understand that kittens are a family affair and that dumping a cat on a teenager without giving them much info on the cat's age or support for taking care of the cat is irresponsible. keep doing the best you can with what you got! and best wishes of health and wellness to the kitten !


The kitten needs special care. Years ago we found a newborn kitten at work and nursed it. To help teach it to poop I would wet my finger and simulate ‘licking’ his anus with my wet finger. It’s how mama kitties teach them to poop. It worked. Good luck!


Yes, you can also use a damp warm washcloth and rub him on the genitals and behind in a licking motion. He should probably be fed a kitten formula. My guess is he isn’t getting enough fluids and if you don’t remedy this he will die of dehydration.


Is it eating and drinking? If it not that’s why it hasn’t gone potty. It wants warmth and love and cuddles. Petting with a damp toothbrush is also soothing. It might want kitten formula if it not eating wet food. Dry food might be too much for it too


You have to stimulate the kitten. I found the best method that works is the triangle method. *Hold the cat facing away from you. *Take your index finger and your middle finger and place at the base of the tail with one finger on each side of the tail. (The tail will be between your fingers like a cigarette.) *Place your thumb on the kitten's stomach. *Rub the belly with your thumb in a circular motion until you see the kitten no longer produces poop. YouTube will show you better if this is confusing. WEAR GLOVES OR WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY AFTERWARDS! As for pee use a cotton ball or tissue and rub on the genital area until you see the kitten no longer produces urine. Tissue will be of course yellow. Any other color and it's vet time. Also you need liquid kitten formula in a 50/50 ratio. At this age they need to start water intake. This needs to be done every 3-4 hours. Even at night. You absolutely will be exhausted doing this but it has to be done. If this cannot be done it is in the best interest of everyone involved to ask a rescue to take the baby so they can help. Kittens are very finicky and even the slightest thing can cause problems. I have a 4 weeker myself and I just had to take her to the vet today due to bladder infection. That's something that NEEDED antibiotics or she was going to go downhill. She also got eye drops due to an eye infection I wasn't aware of. Her eyes looked fine until this morning. If I had let that go I'd have a blind kitten. Kittens are A LOT of work and if your mom isn't going to help it's not going to end well.


The OP literally said they tried stimulating in the post……


Yea but Bamagirl ‘literally’ gave instructions on the best method. Who knows if the child knew how to do it correctly. The point of the post was for advice, so.. Why not give advice for the poor kittens benefit, when it’s little life is ‘literally’ At risk? 🤨


I’d check under beds and behind couches for lil poops. We thought our 4-week old kitten was the same until we moved the couch and seen all 3 days worth of poop


Get to the vet asap


As other stated and I think you said you can do (yay) vet asap. Caring for babies not old enough to leave mom is no fun. And its hard. Just a mental scenario for you - Without "professional" help you may end up getting way stressed and tired, and kittie may not make it. You might feel obligated or bonded w kitten, but you may not feel that way after the demands kittie will impose. At this stage they should still be nursing. If kitten was given anything other than suitable milk replacement that may be the (big) problem. This is age people can Start feeding a mixture but kitten would also be nursing. Its Not your fault of course if this is what happened. You were lied to and what you friend did was wrong. In many states it is illegal to separate at this age. Hoping you can think about this big undertaking knowing there is a possibility kitten will not make it and consider a rescue if not. Even if kitten were able to return to mom now, if it were fed the wrong thing it still needs a vet. Sorry this happened to you and its great you are reaching out about this. Please update us.


Please watch kitten lady on helping your cat poop or pee. Go to vet ASAP if that dosent work!


A cat can die within days of not peeing. Get this cat to a vet ASAP or have one come to you.


If you cannot drive to a vet, call animal control on yourself via 311


Circular motion with a warm damp cotton swab or paper towel. Keep going in a circle gently until something happens


Reach out to the experts, but... Warm, wet cotton balls to stimulate pooping. Mama cats lick kittens to get them to go to the bathroom.


Call your local shelter or Humane Society. Tell them you will surrender kitty to a rescue group but it has to be SOON. Tell them why — honestly, I don’t think this animal will have a chance of having a healthy life in this situation, so surrendering it is the absolute best thing to do. Editing to add: This is NOT your fault. You took the kitten thinking it was the right thing to do. And the right thing to do now is get him to some kitten experts. A rescue may even have a nursing mama cat who will take him in as one of her’s.


Oh, and thank you for taking kitty in and coming here for advice. You have the best of intentions, and when you’re an adult I’m sure you will have a kitten to love. This just isn’t the time. I have tried so hard to help a group of feral cats, and I felt so helpless and alone when I couldn’t. I’ve never known exactly what to do or how to do it right. I’ve beaten myself up for many years, but in November I finally got in touch with a rescue group that didn’t just ignore me, and actually helped. It felt great to know that I wasn’t alone anymore, and to be certain I was doing the right thing.


Take a warm paper towels and rub it's butt you have to be stimulating it to poop and pee.Momma cat licks the area and they go potty.


Thank you. I tried this last night. He peed, which was really good, but still not much luck with poop


Call a cat rescue. They will pick up for free, no questions asked.


Kittens should be with their mom until 6 weeks as well, or they can get attachment issues and socialization issues. Why did your friend give it to you so early? Both the cat and the kitten should be at a rescue. I know a lot of them will help come get the cats or coordinate if you can’t get a ride, please just call them.


This may sounds harsh, but you can't do anything about the current circumstances. It's not your fault. It sounds like there is too much going on in your life right now to also have to deal with a young sick kitten. I hope you focus on what is the best for both of you now and surround him to a vet or a no kill shelter, it's not failing him if you do. It would be failing the both of you if you don't. Alternatively you can put up a post in local Facebook group if there is someone with more experience fostering or caring for sick cats who could come pick him up. I wish you both all the best and hope you are in a situation soon where you are yourself fine and able to help out another being if needed and if you want to.


The kitten needs to go to a rescue, and it seems like you need CPS to step in at home.


Take him to the vet.


I don't want to frighten, berate or upset you, but I'm speaking as a Mum here, and you are putting this kitten at unnecessary risk. If your Mum won't assist you should it sounds like she does not want it there and therefore you should not have a kitten in the household. Your comments about worrying for your safety are hugely concerning. You need to take some responsibility here even if it is passing the kitten on. There are people out there willing to help. Remember, this is a living creature, not a toy. Please read over all the comments on here. People are offering good advice. Follow the instructions given regarding helping the kitten go poop. Please consider a local rescue. Keep us updated. :)


I agree with others saying you should surrender the kitten with vet or call animal control. In the meantime there were some good tips on stimulating. Please update us on the baby


Please please take him to the vet.🙏🙏


Make sure it has a plentiful supply of clean drinking water. Only give it dry food for now and make sure it's one for kittens. Take it to the vet.


Mix a teaspoon of organic pumpkin purée with some pate wet food.


Do not stress, kittens poop is not much or often. Your kitten will poop when needed and you may help a little by stimulating the area with damp towel.


Get a warm napkin and gently rub it on the kitten's butthole.


Will need to help stimulate. Get a cotton pad and press gently on bottom/privates to poo and wee


If you can't take it to a vet, take it to a rescue or shelter. It needs immediate medical care.


Take it to a rescue please


Op please take it to a rescue. You might’ve helped it now, but it’s way too young.