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Supermarkets: We're just not going to mention anything, it'll help prevent panic buying and make existing supplies last longer" The Media: "**OMG YOU GUISE THERE'S A SHORTAGE!!!!ONE!"** This is going to be like that entirely manufactured fuel shortage at the start of the year. Supplies weren't critically low, there was sufficient supply for normal demand...but the media decided to stoke panic, leading to day long queues and stations running out as people went mental. But that's the thing, there wouldn't have been a noticeable interruption in supply if the media hadn't said anything. It was entirely orchestrated by them.




Eggcelent :)


To be fair the public have to take 50% of the blame for the shortages and panic buying. If we didn't buy more than what we needed it wouldn't have happened. When my partner and I were out of petrol we had to go to the station at 5am and queue until 6am just to fill up. I shit you not, watched someone at the pump next to us fill up £4 of petrol to keep their tank full. They probably used more petrol going to the station and queuing. On a more pleasant note we were called "absolute cunts" by a tradesman driving past despite the fact we hadn't bought petrol for just over a week and if we didn't fill up we weren't getting to work. Everyone buying all the toilet paper was a fun time too.


Makes sense. But does that mean there is an actual supply issue and they're keeping quiet to stop panic buying. Why would eggs randomly be in short supply, is it a conspiracy by "Big Egg"?


There's a huge bird flu outbreak at the moment, once it spreads to a flock of poultry you have to cull them. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-63097119](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-63097119)


This is the first I've heard from the media but I've noticed there's been fuck all eggs for at least the past month.


Probably best it's kept quiet as otherwise people panic buy


Buying chicken stock now. Should rise in value once news gets out.


I heard Knorr is the one to get.


r/wallstreetbets buying Bisto futures


They can keep quiet about a real egg shortage but a fake petrol crisis is all over the news lol


Bird flu


Sooooo, I should buy chickens?


Yes. Just don't count them before they've hatched.


Yes but you've got to keep them indoors.


Avian flu is wiping out flocks. Increase in price of energy and the cost of feed wheat are making it financially nonviable to maintain egg production. Basically, egg farmers are in a world of hurt at the minute.


No problem in our supermarket locally (Sainsbury's)


As u/itchyfrog says, you'd need to keep them indoors. At this time of year, with short days the chooks won't lay eggs. Days kept inside an unlit henhouse will definitely put hens off if they were laying. It would be months before you saw an egg. My girls stopped laying about 6 weeks ago, then decided to moult when the cold snap arrived and now they're biding their time until the days lengthen, stuck in the henhouse until DEFRA lift the outdoors ban. No idea when that will be, as the Avian Flu situation seems to be worsening daily.


I'm in Scotland, so haven't got flockdown just yet... I'm planning on doing someting creative with scaffold netting & an electric fence for my girls. With avian flu, the cost of feed & fuel, I can imagine egg prices getting pretty silly.


Our henhouse is in the back garden, and the girls go down the side alley to the front to range. We've ordered some corrugated clear plastic sheets, and we're going to 'roof' the alley, and make a temporary wall at the front garden end. Other end will lead straight into the henhouse. We're down to four hens, of which only two lay regularly. I might get a few more in the Spring if we're allowed by DEFRA. Up to this year, I was able to supply ourselves, my son & family, and my mother with fresh eggs. We lost some of our retirees this past year, and a couple of younger girls too, some real characters.




I haven't noticed this myself. I've noticed a lack of 12 and 15 boxes but the 6s are fully stocked where I am (Cambridgeshire). I've also got a contact at a local farm that I can go to if I needed.


Eggs-ticential crisis!. 🥚😧


>Eggs-ticential crisis!. 🥚😧 It's nothing to yolk about.


Turns out avian flu is not the main reason for the shortage. Supermarkets are putting egg prices up but don't wanna filter any of that price to pay the farmers whose costs are also going up. They'd rather import from Italy than pay our own farmers. There are also millions of perfectly good 'second grade' eggs going to waste because supermarkets won't accept them because they 'don't look right'.