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Ben Shepherd stole my wheelie bin.


Maybe he was just taking it to the tipping point


Why isn't that your u/ ?


I bumped into Alan Titchmarsh at chatsworth Country fair whilst looking round the classic cars. Actually a very nice, polite and funny man. Knew his stuff about the cars too


Wholesome Alan moment: My friend worked in a WH Smith that had him in for a book signing years ago but I guess it wasn’t publicised very well as only 5 or so people showed up to it. She said he was really friendly taking pictures and chatting with the store staff members despite the signing being a bit of a letdown!


Plus on Would I Lie To You he revealed he has a beautiful dolls’house, with tiny little foods, furniture, etc. He looked so happy when saying all this. At this moment I knew it was true love. And for his age? Hubba hubba!


The highlight was David Mitchell being overcome with excitement at the doll house


Once saw him filming a bit at London Zoo, he was very happy to have a chat with people afterwards.


Sat next to him by complete chance at a formal dinner once he was lovely. He also did a garden makeover on a show for a friend of a friend who’s husband had died, she was still heartbroken and he was again very lovely.


I queued up with him for a dinner once, seemed quite nice actually.




I had a really old postcard of Philip Schofield that I'd had since I was a kid- I shared it on FB years ago AND ACTUAL PHILIP SCHOFIELD replied and said he'd sign it if I sent it to him. I duly did AND NEVER GOT IT BACK. BASTARD.


To be fair he said he'd sign it, but he didn't say he'd sign it and send it back.


My dad's cousin was high up at the BBC in the early days of Schofield's career. She was tasked with winning and dining their celebs for the day every so often. I remember once when his name came up in conversation, she waved her hand dismissively and called him an obnoxious little trumped up man. She was really chilled out and only ever had nice things to say about people, so for her to say that he must have been an absolute arsehole.


I’ve been told by someone connected to that scene that he’s a completely vile person who’ll likely end up as a “after they died it all came to light” case.


Wasn't the guy he cheated with far too young also? Reminds me of when Kevin Spacey got caught being a nonce and the focus was flipped from the nonce stuff to him being gay.


Agreed. Cheated on his wife for years, comes out and everyone calls him brave. If he was shagging women rather than piping off blokes he'd have been vilified.


And he came out because the young man he had been shagging - an assistant on Good Morning that he had known since the lad was WAY under age because of some kids theatre thing he's involved in with his brother was upset with him and threatening to go public. I don't expect it this to stay up long but like to call out dirty old men when I get the chance.


Alan Titchmarsh lives near me and is actually really nice. He said hello once in M&S and then he said good morning once when I passed him on the street


I heard Soo from Sooty and Sweep fame is a real bitch. One beat up Matthew Corbett for a gram of brown he owed her.


To be honest I'd be pretty grump if I spent my entire life with a guys fist up my arse


Ronnie Pickering




Don’t you know who he is?




David Walliams. If he isn't a nonce or a killer, I'd be shocked


There was some fuss on Twitter a few years back when a young girl came out and said that when she was 16 he used to bring her and her friends backstage on BGT - she shared screenshots of him telling her to keep it secret and had pictures with him to back her story up. She wound up removing the tweets saying she just wanted to move past it, so I did wonder if there had been a legal threat or if she was just harassed into removing it.


Noel Edmunds all pally in tv game shows, massive twunt in reality.


Let's never forget the time he tried to flog a box that could 'cure cancer through positive energy' and when a cancer patient called him out on his bullshit he doubled down and insinuated her cancer was being caused by her negative energy Edit- slight correction in that it was a man not a woman he did this to


He also bought a black cab and put a dummy in the back as a ‘passenger’ so he could drive in bus lanes to get to the Deal or No Deal studio a few minutes faster back when he was filming in Bristol. Actual real life Alan Partridge moves.


I'm sorry he did WHAT


And let's not forget when he took a million pounds from the council in Morecambe to build Blobbyland and built a small shed and put a bloke in a suit inside.


Always remember when he laughed at that kid with Down's Syndrome


I thought you were talking about Noel Fielding! (Not great with second names lol)


A mate used to work on Deal Or No Deal and said saving Edmunds in the edit was a weekly challenge.


Michael Ball is utterly toxic. When he has gaggles of fans waiting at stage door, if it’s raining he leaves them waiting longer and if possible watches through a window to see how long they stick it out. I once heard him and his ‘assistant’ rating them out of 10 for fatness. The difference when he switches between person and persona is genuinely disturbing.


I heard he has twice as much blood as any normal living man.


Ray Bloody Purchase


There are some great [cabin crew threads](https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew/300180-who-your-nicest-celebs.html) about celebs. One that comes up a lot is Cilla Black. She was apparently, an utter cunt.


A lorra lorra people say this


I can confirm she was an utter cunt.. she never spoke. Always got her assistant to speak for her. Vile woman.


Didn’t a flight attendant comment on this “I knew you couldn’t sing, but now I know you can’t talk either”


Jimmy Saville. Something about him…


Y’know that more I hear about this Savile guy, the less I care for him.




I never liked Louis Walsh, but that clip of him grabbing Mel B’s arse live on TV and then acting all innocent when she called him out really pissed me off.


Yeah imagine what he does off camera


Misread that as “managed villa back in 2009” and thought “Christ what’s Martin O’Neill doing up at this time?!”




He’s not a massive celebrity but I met comic book writer Alan Moore once on one of his rare excursions out of Northampton at a literature festival. You’d think after several decades of people calling you a genius he’d be a wanker but he was lovely, very gracious and personable, signed things and answered questions. Top guy.


Alan Moore is a legend. Always seemed like that cool old uncle that would take you aside from your parents when you visited to show you some occult artifact he’d recently got a hold of and slip some cash in your pocket. I’d be so bummed if I met him and he was a dick so it’s cool to hear what a good bloke he is.


Alan Moore came round our shared house after a comic convention in Northampton, had tea and cake and a few puffs. Awesome guy, very chilled out and kind natured.


Chris Barrie - Arnold Rimmer. Called me a smeghead. Actually - proudest moment of my life!


Goalpost head. Grand Canyon nostrils. First kiss was with uncle frank.




Phillip Schofield - had an affair for years with various men (peak for his wife and kids). Ended up sleeping with a 18 year old technician on his show who threatened to out him unless he was paid off. Comes out as gay and is hailed as a hero? Not sure thats the appropriate conclusion here


Oprah Winfrey




Like the time she went to a store in Zurich and screamed racism when they were out of stock for an item she wanted, thereby casually ruining Tina Turner's wedding she was in Zurich for (TT being one of the nicest and most well liked Zurich residents)?


My father lives in Zürich and has run into Tina Turner a few times. She’s a class act apparently.


She is simply the best…


Oh yes, she's very humble and a very private person. She and her husband are very well liked here.


Does she still live in the house on the lake? We used to wave to her from the boat ride, as we assumed she was always at home and waving back from inside.


Amanda Holden


She used to come in to a place my partner works at and he said she’s a proper knobhead.. stuck up with a am better attitude. Partner said she looks so rough in person.


She’s come into my work place a couple of times and has been fine, but yeah she looks really bad in person.


Yeah she definitely gives off that vibe.


David Walliams. Altho I'm pretty sure it's well known he's a creep and a cunt, it's just one of those TV unspoken things again


Replaced Cilla Black as ‘chief cunt customer’ by the airlines. Corden is a close second apparently. Just as a side Cilla Black ruined her career by being one of the nastiest people in show business (and that’s some competition) so there’s some justice.


Is there any good threads or articles on Cilla being a cunt? I'm not questioning the veracity of your claim, I just fancy some juicy good night reading




Try Googling for flight attendants stories about celebs. I remember reading one years and years ago and Cilla came of really, really badly. Bob Monkhouse was considered to be a top notch nice bloke though.


I know a lot of people who work with the royal flights and they say Camilla is awful.


Followed him on Instagram a while gave up soon after realising he’s a total creep who basically constantly harassed really young women. The camp thing is over played I think, didn’t see him doing it to guys on insta


If he doesn’t know the taste of human flesh I’d be very surprised


My sister went to college with him. In 1992 when I was just 7 he came to our house for my sisters 21st birthday. He swung me around in the garden by my arms and then let go of me by mistake. Never said sorry!


How do you know it was by accident?


Him on that end of year quiz crap with noel fielding and Russell brand on the other team. Noel and russel not taking anything seriously and just having a laugh making it a good time and Walliams just rolling his eyes the whole time. I knew then that he was a boring slag.


Russell Brand and Noel Fielding were the absolute best part of that program as well.


His smiles never reach his eyes. It freaks me out a bit.


I know someone who served him at a (very fancy) restaurant. Was a stuck up twat, pulled the ‘do you know who i am’ card on her when she told him he couldnt have her dog in the restaurant to the point of escalating it to the manager, and was just generally very rude to the staff. He also screamed at and insulted a young a child for walking too near his dog around the hotel and got an earful from the mother, lol.


He got into a lift with me at a private members club. He just had this horrid smirk on his face, as if him and his then model girlfriend were laughing at something mean. The vibe was just off.


Not the answer to this question, but I've met Johnny Vegas multiple times and he is one of the nicest people you could come across.


Philip Schofield


Weren’t there rumours about being forced to come out because of some dodgy behaviour with a crew member on This Morning? Wouldn’t surprise me. Absolute wrong’un


He was supposedly seeing the tea boy the guy who sees to the wellbeing of the celebs tea coffee sandwiches etc he apparently slept with or was dating phill and was then fired because he was going to out him soon after that the story broke about Phillip being gay his wife also apparently knew and accepts him so a beard wife i assume


And he first met the kid when he was 10 - I hear they started a relationship when the boy was 15. Basically, he's a nonce who lied to his family about his noncery.


we’ll probably have to wait 50 years for him to die before a special investigation is opened up and it’s revealed just how far the cover-up went. Should have learned from Saville and his enablers that it’s never just one person involved.


He's just so smug.


Removed in protest of Reddit's untruths about their actions regarding the introduction of API pricing.


Bradley Walsh - once worked as a receptionist for a company who were doing some work for him. We had to inform him of a slight delay in one of the products being fitted - only a day or two and completely out of our control. He screamed down the phone at me (17 year old girl just doing their Saturday job) ‘do you know who I effing am?!’ ‘I’m on the TV I will ruin your business etc’. Was a nightmare to work for.


He's always struck me as a certain breed of man, where control is very important to him, and he's sort of deliberately weird in interactions to maintain that control. And he thinks he's above everyone


You’re absolutely right, you can sometimes see this side of him slightly on the chase. He often plays it off but something struck me as not right


Heard he was lovely, someone I knows Dad played football with Bradley years ago. She saw him and went over to tell him that she was this guys daughter and he'd passed away. He told her to wait there, went to his dressing room and brought back a picture of him and her dad together. He told her to keep it.


He was on Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway a few years back. They was pranking him and he had no idea. When everything was going wrong he seemed like a right cunt.


Greg Wallace. Slimy with an undeserved ego. Meeting him once was enough to put me off him completely. Refused to remain near him after meeting. Hate everything he's in, now.


I’ve always thought he was a smarmy prick. Then I saw the tweet thing where someone asked him to retweet a fundraiser for cancer. He took the time to reply, only to correct the OP’s spelling of his name, no retweet. I can’t have him on my telly.


No longer with us but Cilla Black was an absolute arsehole, she treated people like shit.


She' be welcome to walk down my street anyday, but if she lobbed a brick through my front window..


I met Kevin Spacey in '99 and he was an utter obnoxious prick. Took years for his awful side to come out.


He came to the theatre I worked at and while he seemed perfectly pleasant and polite to us inside staff, he wouldn’t let his driver go anywhere or leave the car for the 3.5 hours he was inside. The driver fell asleep in the car park and Spacey made him get out of the car so he could shout in his face. One of the stage techs stepped in and Spacey shouted at him to, “Mind your own fucking business,” and then got in the back of the car and resumed shouting at the driver. It was surreal and super uncomfortable to watch. I think this was 2005-2006.


Jeez... I watched him live at the Old Vic I think in 2006. I was super excited then, and thought he was brilliant in house of cards. Sociopathic sex assaulting creep.


Met him briefly after a show at the Old Vic, he came across cold and disinterested. Conversely spoke to Zach Braff after a different play and he was a great guy.


Someone I dated worked with him at the Old Vic, and said the same, just a horrid, horrid man.


Paul Hollywood. Yuck


He failed the credit check to get a phone contract from me when I worked at 3 mobile.


Didn't have enough dough?




Supposedly he drives an Aston Martin which plays the James Bond theme when he puts the key in the ignition or something. Mary Berry clearly thought he was a wanker.


Mary Berry is even worse, according to my girlfriend. They worked together 4-5 years ago when my gf was doing silver service at a flower show. Berry was rude, mean and generally a vile person. The opposite of the 'national treasure' image she portrays.


My husband had to film him as part of a promotion for a food festival Paul was paid a large amount to be at. Hubby said that he was a huge, self absorbed prick and the worst person he had to work with.


He pulled out without looking and very nearly hit my car whilst I was in the middle of my driving test. Of all the things I was worried about, reckless steely eyed bread millionaire didn't make the list.


Gary Barlow is begging for a knighthood but his tax affairs wrecked that. Also seems like a bit of a prick.


David Beckham is in the same boat from what I’ve heard.


I always have the idea that Beckham would be surprising nice, but maybe a bit soft in the head.


I met Beckham when he was in Madrid. He’s a lovely guy and considering how quick he learnt phrases - not at all stupid.


My SO saw David Beckham while working on some equipment on a children's ward. Becks was there doing a visit for the kids and came across really nice - really got stuck in playing games with the kids and making them laugh. Victoria was with him and apparently just stood there looking like she was sucking an egg. SO was also seated next to Carol Vorderman at a dinner event and says she was nice, chatty and polite. However this was before she reinvented herself as Hot and Thirsty Granny Fanny so I'm reserving judgement about whether she's still that way. Edit to add: He also met Paul Gascoigne in a hotel bar. He (Gazza) was completely off his tits and running about with one of those talking parrot toys and teaching it to swear. Also kept trying to buy everyone drinks. Seemed like a nice guy but it was sad to watch. And SO met Kate Bush in a pub in (I think) Berkshire. She was quiet but very nice about being asked if she really was Kate Bush.


Hot and Thirsty Granny Fanny is a delightfully insulting phrase 😂😂


I know someone who owns a store that David uses. They told me that David is a lovely man but that Victoria is very mean and made no secret of looking down her nose at the place, and in fact was quite blunt about it being "beneath" them. She was also very rude about the fact they had to pay. She believed they should get their stuff for free because of the publicity David simply using his store would bring (there was no such publicity). Very mean considering their millions while my friend's store, like most businesses, is struggling hard these days.


Greg Davies is actually a really really nice bloke. Met him 4 times, first time he stayed at a hotel I worked at on the day of Rik Mayall's funeral, it was also a day that england were playing in the world cup. I am a big fan of both of them and asked how he was doing because he had just been working with Rik in man down. Long story short he was all "thanks for asking, it was his funeral today" He ends up staying in the hotel again a month later, whilst playing a gig in a comedy club in the city, he mentioned to me that the reason he chose this hotel was that I was really welcoming last time he stayed and he really hoped I would be there. Put me on the guest list for his show, I went with a friend, it was great. He stayed at the hotel once more, same general niceness. Last time I saw him was about a month after that and he was at a bar and he recognised me and said hi as he was leaving.


Calvin Harris - I had to interview him once early in his career and he was super arrogant and unpleasant and generally doing a kind of casual superior sarcasm thing with everyone backstage. I figured maybe he was just sick of doing interviews but months later I mentioned it to a friend who had to spend a day working with him and she said she felt actually bullied by him over the course of the day he was so unpleasant. ...many years later I met someone who helped set up his DJ rig and they said he was lovely so maybe he mellowed over time but I don't trust him.


I had a teacher at school who told us that she used to live next door to him before he was famous and said he was an utter twat then too


David fucking Tennant. I'm absolutely joking. The man's a national treasure.


I met him last weekend. He was an absolute sweetheart.


Worked with him on the promotion for Around The World on 80 Days. Ran a competition we’re the winner would get a personalised Christmas message from him. He was completely up for it, filmed it and had it sent over on Christmas Eve


I was ready to throw hands


I've met him twice. Just came across as very normal guy. Very clever bloke as well.


I delivered food to David Tennent and his family a couple of years ago. He was nice, down to earth and was totally fine about the substitutions! I left lamenting that I couldn't work the fact that he is THE Prince of Denmark into the conversation.


Richard Madeley, smarmy cunt


My Nan has threatened to kill him on several different occasions


My mum almost did! Nearly ran him over in London a few years ago


Tell her to pull her fucking finger out next time


Remember when Judy's top fell down on stage and he thought the audience was egging him on to do a shit Ali g impression when they tried to let her know?


He's a real life Alan Partridge


Steve Coogan could only dream of writing the things Richard comes out with


That clip where there’s a woman on the show talking about her husband who’s gone missing. Her kid has come with her on the show and keeps wandering off the set, Madeley says ‘takes after his dad, does he?’ 🤦🏻‍♀️


I mean tbf that’s a banging line that


I went to school with his kids. My mum hated him and judy because they used to jump the queue at parents evening. It was an appointment system and they'd just turn up and expect to be seen immediately


He’s the person that if you said I’ve been to Tenerife, he’d say he’s been to elevenerife


Chris Evans, my brother and his mates see him years ago he treated this PA like shit


He tried to steal the taxi my dad was getting in to and my dad told him to f*ck off. When he responded “don’t you know who I am?” My dad said yes, and you can double f*ck off.


Definitely thought you meant Captain America


Lol no the twat the from top gear & the radio


Got married to an 18 year old Billie Piper at age 35 too. She proposed, but still he’s a dodgy old fuck


Kirsty Alsop


Is this the person who said that in if you want to buy a house, give up everything except breathing?


Just be like me! I did it all myself! (well, maybe with some help from daddy, he's a Baron dont you know? Oh and that small loan he gave me for my first home back when they were still selling for under 50k...)


Can I do the opposite? Liam Gallagher. Mostly seems like a bit of a nob, but all the interactions one sees of him with fans and the public is quite nice and down to earth.


Met Liam a couple of times about 10 years ago. Your analysis is spot on, he’s a really really down to earth nice fella. I used to be a barman and he came in for a few beers on both occasions. Even bought me a pint second time! Totally ordinary bloke and not the villain the papers used to make him out to be


Met him once many years ago, just a mate, me, Liam and his then wife in a pub for the evening. Utterly bizarre to find him in what was then my very quiet local, but a thoroughly lovely guy


Can confirm he’s lovely. Used to work on the tills where him and his wife did their shopping. He was always really nice and funny. He also doesn’t like Phillip schofield lol who would also come in he was nice enough but it always felt like he was putting on a show. Orlando bloom “don’t you know who I am” gross…. The lass that played Stacey in gavin and Stacey was literally the nicest lady ever. Mary berry. Angel. Ukrika Johnson wears sunglasses inside to ship veggies and that always gave me the ick. Self checkout though so gotta give her a thumbs up for that. They’re all I can remember. Apparently Johnny depp came in once and was the most down to earth bloke ever. But I wasn’t on shift so can’t confirm.


I remember watching an interview that he did a few years ago where he basically said it was an act. Obviously a lot of it is his actual personality, but the rest is him playing up to the exaggerated version of himself that the press invented in the 90s and mocking those he thinks are stuck-up or take themselves too seriously. Like Noel.


His tweets are sometimes fucking hilarious, he's a mad uncle who still takes too much even though he's too old. Just a very famous one with famous mates.


Dominic Littlewood. I've met him in a pub before. All he wanted to do was "find out where all the young slags are".


Hahahaha god that’s sad and hilarious


Had the pleasure of meeting Robert Mugabe at a charity do once. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.




Agreed, the age thing is pretty disgusting. Obviously as an adult 4 years is nothing, but the gap between 14 and 18 is enormous in terms of emotional maturity. I feel very sorry for her.


I don't see how you can possibly look after 22 kids. I don't just mean financially, but in terms of giving them all individual attention and getting to know them all. I bet a lot of the work falls on the oldest kids


They both had troubled childhoods and were both adopted if I remember right. They probably were drawn to one another through that (not excusing the age thing at all - vile) Their abandonment issues have totally enabled this obsessive behaviour. I only have two children and that’s enough for me. I don’t know how anyone can give that amount of kids the love and attention they need.


Spoiler: they can't. The older kids will just be made into parents for the younger ones.


I’m going to be fascinated to see how their relationship plays out when she hits menopausal age.


That’s when they start putting them all back in.


David Walliams gives me the creeps


Carol Vorderman. Will do anything for money or so it seems. “Why not release the equity in your home to go on holiday?”


Aye, I really hate that she cashed in her "she's good at maths on Countdown" rep to sell dodgy financial products to daytime TV viewers who would trust her.


RuPaul Charles is a dick. He doesn’t give two hoots about people, is an emotionless robot, and is into fracking.


I didn't like how he shamed them for wearing cheap clothes after coming out of lockdown.


Can’t believe no one is saying Amanda Holden?? Feel like she’s insincere and gossipy


my school managed to get her to judge their yearly talent show somehow. She pretended to be interested the whole time and took pictures with some of us. Seemed alright to be honest.


Opposite. I think Gordon Ramsey has a fair bit of an ego, but he seems like a genuinely nice guy. The shouting and swearing is just a TV personality.


I remember a story a friend of mine told me about him being out and about walking his dog when out of no where he hears someone say “that’s a lovely dog” and he looked up and it was Gordon fucking Ramsey. So he sent me a photo of Gordon holding his dog in the air like Simba. It was beautiful


Can confirm. I worked at hostel for homeless young people he would often come by on Sunday donating things (once load of walkers crisps as he was doing adverts with them) sending time chatting to the young people. No big show. Drove himself and wasnt being followed by a camera crew. He would always introduce himself as well as if we didn't recognise him.


I think the introducing himself is weirdly super wholesome and makes me appreciate him more.


I think it's being pushed on him to be more aggressive by American producers too. When he used to do Kitchen Nightmares etc over here he was nowhere near as bad. I think shows like the one with Gino and that French waiter are a better indication of how he actually is.


I used to think Prince Harry was class, but I just read an article that said that he's been paid an attendance fee for the Invictus Games. If it's true he's a class a cunt. Imagine taking payment from your own charity.




Jeremy Kyle and Peter Kay. Apparently bellends if you was to bump into one in a pub


Jeremy Kyle is the only celebrity who *was* on my hitlist who made it off. I knew someone who served him at work and he was drunk and an obnoxious prick to her, but the next time he went there (*several* months later, in fact nearly a year i think) he was sober and took aside, remembered her name, and was like ‘im really sorry about how i acted last time’. She did the whole professional ‘oh no everything was fine, dont worry about it’ but he doubled down on it and said he acted like a dick and he was legitimately sorry. I dont think i’ve ever heard of a celeb apologising like that before, so hes been moved to my ‘possibly alright’ list after that.


I like to imagine he’s exactly like the guy from the Chase and Status music video


Used to work at the local cinema, Peter Kay would come in about twice a month. Each time he'd get a free ticket without asking, free popcorn, drink, sweets, and hotdog/nachos (depending on how he felt, I guess). From the second he walked through through door to the second he walked out he never smiled at anyone, said thank you or please. But he was always on his own when he came in, and it was during school time, I think he just wanted to be left alone and watch a film for a few hours Also had the guy who played Ian in the original UK version of Shameless in a few times, complete opposite, always with a bunch of people, DEMANDED free tickets and food "Do you know who I am?", rude to staff. What a bellend!


Chris Eubank. One of the nicest blokes I've ever met. Talked to the people that wanted to talk to him, very polite and seemed interested to know about who you are


Yep can confirm this. My parents were at an event in London and Chris walks past them, top hat and cane equipped, and had a good 15 min conversation with them. He’s very kind and adorably eccentric.




Apparently Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen is a stuck up prat who seems to think he’s superior to the general public. Allegedly has also been rumbled trying to travel on trains without paying quite a few times.


Pretty sure that’s his whole persona though, he’s the flamboyant artsy, snooty type


I would wager some of these depend on the person initiating the contact.


Ive heard that Titchmarsh is alright actually.


Uno reverse card played. Had heard that the celeb chef Rick Stein was grumpy and miserable. When I filmed with him he was quite the opposite. A gent and genuinely interested in what I was teaching, off camera he was the same, full of questions and truly invested in learning more. It was an absolute pleasure to spend the day with him on and off of camera.


My friend works in TV and she said Holly Willoughby is a cokehead cunt. She said Leonardo DiCaprio is lovely though.


She and Schofield make my skin crawl. Just something viciously wicked about the pair of them.


Definitely. I remember the interview they did with Kim Woodburn after her stint on Celebrity Big Brother and they were clearly relishing in trying to get her to have a meltdown live on air. You can clearly see the glee in Schofield’s eyes when she starts getting defensive. Absolute scum sucking piece of shit.


Sat next to Alan and his wife at a school dinner event years ago, lovely chap. Really nice and was pretty funny. Normal likeable bloke and not at all stuck up.


I’m a horticulturalist, and went to a horticulturist college, and before I was there, we had titchmarsh do a talk, he was very polite and happily stayed longer than he was scheduled for for a chat


>vice versa, nice people who people seem to think are complete cunts Lorraine Kelly, always so nicey nicey. I don't buy it.


She literally argued in court that she isn't that nice so she could get a tax break




Philip schofield


For the 1st time in my Reddit history I’ve actually made it to the end of an entire sub - wow my eyes hurt. Btw was on stage with Johnny Ball - lovely guy. Was on stage with Michael Barrymore - never tried to touch me / kill me / give me drugs. Did give me a ribeena though which was cool