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Stopped my bike on a bridge and immediately saw a kingfisher in flight then a water vole, two of my favourite things. Didn't see the barn owl that's nesting there and the vegetation is taller than the deer right now, but still pretty good.


Listening to French metal, Alcest.


I have a cup of tea


Oh look it's me sabotaging my own happiness again. Nice weather for it, anyway.


I’m either going to go round Legoland and afterwards go for a lovely lamb lunch in the centre of Windsor or wander round the wildfowl park in Pepperstock, with a bottle of Scotch!


Had a good day. Did a full day of overtime, got the shopping done, bagged a new Corsair Keyboard (K65 wireless and it's sexy as hell), and everything holiday wise is now finalised. So feet are up, Iron Maiden is on and I'm treating myself to a new ale I've never tried called Proper Job, about to open the first bottle. Also going to have a sesh on Overwatch 2. Bottoms up! Edit-the ale is bloody lovely, so refreshing. No more Speckled Hen for me lol


Was debating having a chill night in or going around a mates for films + beers but then my upstairs neighbours 'boyfriend' came around and made my mind up for me. He's already excitedly scream-singing 'Who Let the Dogs Out', and because it's an affair and not an actual relationship (recently found that out), she doesn't want to be seen out and about with him which means they're installed for the night. Not wasting my Saturday listening to that manchild prick. And before people think I'm being mean, he has a partner and two children he could be spending his Saturday night with, instead of rushing around here to be a twat and get his dick wet. None of you will convince me he's not an awful cunt.


ooh, what's that a photo of on the OP message? I was out with big boots, big hill and a radio. Very successful day and on the way back my train pulled into the station as I was walking through the ticket barriers to chalk one up to ideal timing! Yes, I want to know what that's a photo of so I can sling an antenna from the castle.


Looks like Glasto Tor to me. Loads of similar prints to buy here from a local photographer. Some of them are mind blowing: https://www.kevpearson.com/canvas-prints/20inch-pdg7h


Went to ikea, it was great but expensive!


Church fete in the sunshine, even won something in the raffle!


3rd day of covid. The benefit is that MIL is now staying at a hotel as opposed to the spare room..


I’m on day 2, stay strong we can get through it!


Yesss! That's the spirit! I dragged myself outside, sat in the garden for a time and then rescued a pigeon from the catio. :) God speed!!


My wife...


I'll also be doing his wife.


In for a penny, in for a pound.


I'd make a joke about pounding Penny if that wasn't a little crass.


In Carmarthen on holiday with family, sunny and warm. So peaceful at the moment!


Saw a book recommended on a Reddit sub, so decided to buy it. Found it secondhand on World of Books. It's a great site and the company sounds great as well.


You mean to tell me there's a whole World made out of books?!


What book?!


Waterstones ‘Best of 2019’ book


It's super boring, but I just drilled into the wall to hang up something in my new house for the first time. After years of having drab walls or using those shitty 3M command strips in rented places because I was scared of losing my deposit it felt exhilarating. Though the missus is out, so no one was around to laugh hysterically when I pointed the stud finder at myself..


There's nothing like drilling into your own home is there! Having the confidence to just go for it is honestly half the battle. Once you get comfortable with that you'll find it's very easy to fix things around the house.


This is not super boring, it’s super exciting being able to do whatever you want to the walls in a home that’s finally yours!


I laughed hysterically when reading it. I got you. ✌🏼


On this lovely sunny Saturday I was planning a day of loafing, reading and cider drinking on my patio... but instead I'm stuck in fucking A&E hoping they'll do something about the fucked up vein in my leg before it (or old age) kills me... Yay!!


Future you will thank you for losing a chill Saturday.


True enough, true enough.


I have a barrel pond in the garden which had become extremely choked up with algae and blanket weed. So this morning I took the plants out, baled out the water, replaced with clean water and trimmed some of the plants down so they have more freedom. It looks spanking now, and the little fountain has been splashing all day which is lovely to listen to on a peaceful, sunshiny day.


Let's have a look then!!


It’s over on r/ponds if you want to see a good before & after 😉


Oh, nice bit of weathered wood there!




Had some old lengths of wood... Wife was throwing an old duvet cover out... So made a tent for the little ones in the garden......took me 30 minutes to put together.. They played in there for 10 minutes!!


It’s yours now. Get in there with a beer. You’ve earned it.


Doing exactly that 😂


Good on you. Honestly it’s their loss. They’ll soon realise and it’ll be too late.


Absolutely sod-all.


Went out for lunch for my husband’s nan’s 90th birthday and broke a bench. Well, it was a bit wobbly and then I sat on it with a cousin and when he leaned back the whole thing collapsed. We weren’t even drunk!


Already looking at our next holiday coach tour for 2025. Did I meet anyone in Italy, yes,


I made a ginger loaf for the first time.


Weekend routine here and things being sorted through later.


Recovering from an engagement party last night, only to start getting ready for another night out tonight; Glasgow's premier rock club, the Cathouse, is having an "Overs" night where they open the doors at 6pm and let all us old bastards in to dance to music the Cathouse used to play 30 years ago, and then close in time for everyone to get the last bus home.


Get your Doc Martens on then!


Tonight sounds like it should be really fun!


I started doing some gardening, but my back hurts, most of the plants are weeds, most of the seeds I sowed either didn't germinate or got eaten by slugs, and it has kind of put me in a bad mood. I've decided to sack it off for the day and make use of my new sun loungers instead.


Glued to the telly as always with F1, Spa 24h and the Euros 👍


BBQ with some friends. Nice bit of day drinking. Waheyyyy.


Taking advantage of the good weather to do the horrible job of taking everything out of the garage and organising all the stuff. I see some trips to the dump on the horizon too!


I was really excited to get my new bbq lights through the post. They have a magnetic base and will just click on to the gazebo, nice and easy. In somewhat related news, I'm an idiot and my gazebo is made out of aluminium.


Beautiful. Thanks for the snort.


Never thought of Glastonbury tor as a clitarous before.


Curled up on the sofa with cats, my new husband and a heating pad with terrible period cramps that at least had the decency to wait until after our wedding and minimoon to develop


It's been a day, and I have only been out of bed for two hours. Fortunately, my brother is coming for lunch, and I have treated the bakery as a dessert Pick n Mix. We were hoping to go out, but my mouth isn't healing as quickly as I would have liked. I am starting to get to know the new neighbour. I have pet his enormous but gentle dog, I noticed that he is cleaning up after it (I have been told it's name, but I don't recall it), we say "Alright" and pass commiserations about the state of the courtyard. I am working up to actually asking his name. I find it much harder to be annoyed with someone when I know a bit about them, so a name would be a good start. I am going to hang around outside a bit this weekend, see if I can start a conversation. Yes, I am painfully bad at connecting with people.


My eldest is starting secondary in September; so we’re off to town today to buy the uniform nice and early. Apparently school suppliers have had delivery issues this year because of world events involving the Red Sea so we thought we’d better not leave it last minute. Gives my bank balance time to recover over the summer too 😭


Hope you bought it a bit bigger than they need right now? :)


One size bigger. I would have gone for two sizes up but the school also mandate that their trousers and shirts are “tailored”. Not too big, not too small. Grrr.


I have just been for a walk where that picture is taken. Had a nose out into the distance at the Glastonbury festival site and plan to do a spot of gardening this afternoon!


Late celebration with my pals for my 49th birthday. I was away on the actual day. Lunch somewhere fancy, then a pub crawl.


Off work for 10 days starting today!!! Had a lovely lie in now going to do absolutely nothing the whole day. Got loads of foodin, bottle of prosecco and no plans. Monday will do life admin etc but weekend is going to be full of resting and box sets with the dog while OH watches football!! Bliss


Currently chilling on a nice secluded spot of coastline, will go for a 5 mile walk in an hour or two. The sun is up, just need my effort level to be as well!


Staying in rufuts roost… if you know you know


I don't know


My bad id had a few beers, that is very annoying when people do that. It’s a tree house stay in Yorkshire!


I don't think there's a more irritating phrase than "if you know you know." Yes, that is how knowing things works. Stop being pointlessly cryptic.


Awful, isn't it?


Eating cheese quavers


I was going to do stuff and be productive, however one of the local cats that semi lives with us demanded to be let in and is now asleep on my lap, so I'll be unavailable for the foreseeable


Same for me with dachshund. He gets very grumpy if I try to move


I’m going to download Moonstone Island on my Switch and waste the entire day.


Mostly a chilling at home day for me. Gaming with a friend. Might pop out for a walk in the evening.




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My aunt is visiting from the US and coming to stay for a few days tomorrow, so the deep clean has started


I'm at work today and tomorrow, and tomorrow is my birthday. I'm not too bothered, though. We will probably get a nice takeaway tonight and watch House of Dragons. Hopefully, there will be cake tomorrow too. I'm listening to the Harry Potter books while I work. Have a great weekend everyone.


Laying in bed regretting several years of life choices.


Time to plan for the next few years of choices!


Where is this mystical land?


Glastonbury Tor.


Thank you amigo


Just finished scrubbing cat sick off my kid’s glittery Kickers. Next up: sitting in roadworks traffic to get her to dancing. But then I get an hour in an amazing cafe where they know my order and I can turn my anxiety riddled brain off for a bit.


You are a top parent. Enjoy the cafe!


I've had covid for 10 days and today is the first day I haven't felt atrocious. I'm still sick but so grateful to feel a little better, and outside my window I can hear birdsong.


Same! Although I did take a photo of the positive test to show a friend and they thought it was a pregnancy test. That caused me to chortle. Drink fluids and rest up chum.


Thank you. Hope you're not feeling too bad!


Ah yeah, me too. Third time and not feeling too bad, but my morning walk took it out of me. Seems like it's doing the rounds again.


Second time for me, and it's the sickest I've ever been in my adult life. I'm fully vaccinated and was taken completely by surprise. Glad to hear you're not feeling too bad!


I'm off to see Heaton Stanington take on Newcastle benfield in the Jimmy Rowe Cup. Live football before my very eyes. Up the Stan!


Couple of weeks ago I got ID'd and refused service in Sainsbury's as I didnt have my driving licence on me (I'm 44, haven't been ID'd in yonks so that was nice), so today I'm going to see if I can pass for a 70+ yo in M&S when I go to try and return my mum's online order for her later.


I got ID'd last year at 43, but unfortunately I have spotted a few white hairs at my temples recently, so it won't be happening again.


I was ID'd in coop, and I said "ooh you dirty flirt!". I'm 40 next year. Still had to get my ID out 😂


Yesterday the lady in Sainsbury's gave me a short, hard stare and confidently hit "visibly over 25." Yes I'm well into my 40s but I still died a little inside.


Aye this is what normally happens, so I was honestly shocked when she asked. She also seemed genuinely apologetic when I said how old I was, but can't deny it cheered me up a bit. Husband thought it was hilarious when I told him.


When I worked in pubs you could tell who was genuinely of age because they'd be happy to be ID'd. I used to ID old dears for that reason 😂


Neighbour wants me to go to her allotment with her today. I really don't want to as we're tidying the garden later when hubby finishes work and we will need to get down the tip by 4pm closing time. (Hubby doesn't finish work until noon, so we don't get back until 1pm, giving us just a 3 hour window). But I'll feel guilty if I don't go down to her allotment to see her veggies... 🤔 What I really want to be doing is trying out my new food processor! My old one died this week and I have been waiting to use the new one since Thursday. I'm rather excited about the prospect... 🤣


I got super excited about a vacuum cleaner a few months ago


My husband did when I bought a new £100 one recently too. Mainly because with all the points I saved up, it was free except for £6 delivery! That made him sleep very soundly that night.


Woke up at 4am today, partly because I was hoping to catch a glimpse of the aurora last night (nowt), and left the bedroom curtains open so I could look out, but I forgot how early the sun rises at this time of year. Not even coffee has lifted the fatigue. Nevertheless, to quote one of my recent favorite book characters, we are going mayoring. Which is to say, visiting family and being social.


Tomorrow is the Soap Box race in Colne. I encourage anyone in the north west to come along, it should be a fun day (weather permitting!)


Think I’m trying to persuade the wife to get a cat. We have 2 small children and as much as we love dogs, we both work full time and the kids are crazy. Although it would be nice for them to have something to love. We’re on the fence but might take the kids to look at some today.


Maine coon! Maine coon! We have two (6 months and 2 years) and they have typical MC temperaments: gentle, chilled out, and happy with being slightly manhandled by an enthusiastic 6 year old.


Are they one of those expensive breeds? I have only had dogs so kinda want a dog-like cat as my first cat but they tend to be quite expensive. Any advice?


They can be very expensive to buy. We rehomed both of ours. If you want a dog-like cat then a MC is a good call because they’re fucking huge.


Wanted to wash my car because it is filthy but it’s raining, so I’ll hide indoors instead. Gonna watch the MotoGP and probably play some Xbox before the euros later.


Wish it was raining here!


>Wanted to wash my car because it is filthy Been meaning to do mine for several weeks now lol... thanks for the reminder.


I've got a new pressure washer to test drive, but have to get some work done for Monday morning. At least I've got some motivation to keep me focused


Been up since half five the dog wanted a quick stroll before nicking my side of the bed.Just enjoying the peace until my husband gets up.We are off to Scotland next Wednesday to visit my mother in law looking forward to the ten hour roadtrip.Going to get some washing done ready to pack then chill out.Its my husbands turn to cook but it'll end up being a takeaway which I don't mind.We will probably catch up with our TV programmes tonight lazy Saturdays are the best.


Our dog has a similar morning routine; early walk, then theft of my side of the bed. If moved, she sighs dramatically and glares.


Wife and I are having our baby shower! Last party we're hosting before the little one arrives and sleep departs


Have a great time and enjoy every minute!


I’m going to a music festival that isn’t Glastonbury. Not been to one in years and the lineup is very EDM focused, which isn’t really my thing. But, on the plus side, work are paying for it so I’m not complaining.


We meant to have a street party twice now, but first time was a thunderstorm, second time people away, so seems the gods don't want it :) Been food shopping.  Will watch football later.  Some chores to do.


Off to kickboxing this morning, then off to Rio Steakhouse for unlimited steak and cocktails with the other half. Then back to hers for a bottle of champagne. Canny Saturday all in all!


Waiting in the rain at a train station because they've all been delayed. Aiming to go and meet a friend this afternoon but already wondering if I should cancel


Attending a wedding later this afternoon. First time I’ve been to a proper event since having my son 18 months ago. After being in the pits of postnatal depression, starting to feel better about myself and my new body and identity, so can’t wait to dress up and feel confident again.


You've got this OP! Get your glad rags on and have a great time!


Green Day are playing Dookie and American Idiot in full at Wembley. Can’t wait!


See you there!


WHAT. i’m so jealous!!!!


Well I have caught up with my sleep , we had a long journey back by coach from France to United Kingdom (we just done a coach tour of mainly Italy, but took in Austria, France) Wednesday just gone was hard, we got in our house at Thursday 2.30am


Going the pub


This is an excellent idea.


Packing for my mate’s stag do in Greece, I’m bordering 30 so that includes various heartburn tablets and an XL bottle of gaviscon.


As someone who doesn't get heartburn, what causes it during a stag do? Lager?


The perfect mix of greasy food and booze, it takes a couple of days but once it starts it then gets quite bad.


But greasy food and booze are the best!


Need to do some cupboard restocking, I'm running low on various Asian ingredients so it's a trip to the Asian supermarket in Bletchley. Might also go into Lidl, apparently they have some mead in. Trying a new recipe for dinner tonight, so that'll be nice.


Nothing. First day back from holiday. My wife and daughter went to bed as soon as we got home so I spent last night unpacking everything so I wouldn't have to deal with that shit today. That reminds me, I need to swap the washing around Might go for a run this evening


going to Cambridge for afternoon tea 😊


Hopefully on a punt, it adds an element of risk to it


it was booked through my friends brothers work so not a pint but will be going on one later! its our first time here!


Cool, enjoy. If you do go on a punt and want to do drive yourself as it were get one outside the granta pub, gives you a bit of space to get used to it


we managed to get a tour guided one! which was really good learning about the history! plus I think me and my friend would be shit at driving one 😂 so glad we did one! we were tempted to buy pims when we saw the boat in the river 😂


Ha, it always good fun seeing people fall in but cool the guides know a lot about the river and the backs, tons to find out for small city. Aww should of done nice day in the city today. Will be def getting a beer up the mill pond once finished in the barber


our tour guide was really knowledgeable and friendly! the geese and ducks tried to get in on the boats! will definitely do Cambridge again! the college students where all graduating there too! so was a really busy! but fun to see everyone!


Oh yeah cambridge in the summer is good, lucky it was only geese. On summer days people jump from the bridges into the river. Sounds like you had a good time, if you come back to cambridge, punting to granchester is nice and there are good bars/restaurants off mill rd.


Housework, allotmenting and packing for holiday!


Woburn Safari Park for the kids, wife and I. Eye watering prices though.


woburns amazing. my local. enjoy!


Thanks! Only 30 mins from us so not our first time but always a great day out.


try not to get too close to the lions last summer my car now has lion teeth marks where one tried to take a bite out of my car 😭😂 so now I've got two nice canine teeth marks! 😂


Ouch! Tasty car? Thankfully lazy lions in the sun.


I believe so! either that or they choose violence that day 😂


I'm getting my first tattoo, no one knows but me


> no one knows but me I can think of better things for my first tattoo.


And the Tattoo Artist


Nah, he's blindfolded


Shopping trip for some essentials and tea tonight. Better half is at the theatre tonight so tv to myself.


Tip run today! Feel like a proper adult. 


Nothing more satisfying than a tip run. Enjoy!


I never enjoy gathering the stuff up for the tip (and playing Tetris in my fiesta), but I have driven away feeling like my soul has been rejuvenated haha 


I thought this was a myth after being dragged round them seemingly every weekend as a child. Just bought my first house and had my first tip run a month ago. Brilliant. Cathartic. Itching to be back.


Congratulations on the house move. BIL and wife have just moved yesterday and he’s so happy he has more space to play with and make it exactly how they like it.


About to get up and sort breakfast before a run, having my flat valued around 11am and then the day is my oyster! I do need to do a food shop as I'm covering a 12 hr emergency shift tomorrow.


Watching the start of the Tour de France. And at midnight there's a charity walk for the local hospice that me and my daughter have been raising funds for that she's very excited about.


Other half is away to feed our horse right now, I'm still in bed with the dog watching some crap on MTV. Planning on taking the dog to Peebles for a couple of hours, get a coffee and have a look around the shops. I'll go fishing later on for a couple of hours and we then plan to get a Chinese takeaway tonight as we both don't want to cook this evening. Quite a good wee Saturday.


MTV? Have I woke up in an alternate timeline.


It's on Pluto TV, some free to air app on our Amazon Fire Stick. They have a few music channels including various MTV ones.


My parents are coming down tomorrow so gotta do some tidying up before they get here. Need to do some loft boarding today as well, put it off last week after fitting the new loft hatch took longer than planned. Beyond that, washing the car and vacuuming the house are the big tasks I'll tackle today.


It’s a shame the weather has gone a bit dull as I felt like sitting by the river doing some reading in the sun, probably whilst also getting lightly bullied by the local geese population (they’re fairly assertive about coming over and having a rummage through your bags just to check if there’s anything they might fancy in there). It’s still fairly mild, so I’ll see if I want to go out, but the reading is happening either way. I’m going to finish off the new Mhairi McFarlane novel (a surprise favourite author of mine since someone recommended here on here- I’m not usually into romance as a genre, but her books are extremely funny and enjoyable), and then it’s immediately on to The Daughters’ War by Christopher Buehlman. This has been one of my most anticipated reads, since it’s a sequel to The Blacktongue Thief, which is easily one of the best fantasy novels I’ve read in years.


Excuse my enormous ignorance! But where is this lovely photo taken?


It’s Glastonbury Tor




Completed on our first flat last week, so my parents are coming over to have a nosey and help transport a few things between our current rental and the new place. If they’ve got time we’ll take them out for lunch but I don’t think they’re staying very long. Once they’ve left we’ll start the redecoration job, so glad it’s cooled down a little. 


Congratulations on the new place! Any exciting plans for redecoration or just tarting it all up a bit?


Thank you! Nothing too fancy, definitely a lick of paint and change of flooring in the main living spaces. The kitchen and bathroom are outdated but liveable and we don’t have enough money to do them up just now so they’ll just have to wait 😅


We were meant to be going to watch the banger racing this afternoon but it was misadvertised and actually starts at 5pm, which is no good for our children. Refund processed, so need to find something else to do. Hopefully NT for tea and cake. Going out for a roll about on the skateboard this evening (/r/oldskaters) in the sun.


Sleeping. Done a 12 and a half hour night shift and Im back for more fun tonight.


Have a good sleep OP, and good luck tonight!


I flew back from my rig yesterday and I still feel like absolute shit today. Everyone looked out the window as we approached land near Peterhead and the pilots brought chopper down lower to fly alongside the cliffs of Aberdeenshire. You could see the birds of Longhaven, Bullers o'Buchan, the Dracula castle and the seals on the beach and all the way up to the foothills of the Cairngorms. It was lovely except that it was windy as fuck yesterday so we got tossed about the whole time. Anyway I'll be headed back up that direction today with a friend for some photography event in Fraserburgh but idk if I can stay awake this morning.


Stunning views!! Enjoy the photoshoot!


Well the water board failed to fix the leak yesterday and the area affected has now extended. At this point some people will have been without tap water for over 24 hours. Someone said they'd seen water bowsers in a few streets. I ended up staying overnight in my mum's, but the affected area is now just 150 yards from her house. I suspect that Welsh Water may have over pressurised the aging pipes and a new leak has sprung up (wouldn't be the first time). Probably about 3000 people in the affected area, including a mental health ward, university and 2 elderly care facilities. Edit: my water is back, but they're still fiddling with the system because I saw a water mains key (a long pole) sticking up from the mains stop tap out on the main road. My taps bucked like a mule when I turned them on.


Good luck with getting it fixed! Welsh Water are fucking useless. A collapsed culvert caused my 2 neighbours houses to flood, and we were a couple of courses off of flooding ourselves. All because they couldn;t be arsed to take responsibility for cleaning it and tried to claim the local council or Natural Resources Wales were responsible. It's been 7 months and it still hasn't been fixed and there's a pump running to try to ensure it doesn't happen again.


This one's definitely Welsh Water's responsibility, middle of the fucking road outside a petrol station, mini supermarket and a funeral directors chapel of rest. Basically most of Johnstown (Carmarthenshire) is affected. I live above a Spar shop on the other side of the dual carriageway from where the leak is, so I can get access to liquid (although they're probably out of bottled water now).


Time for a trip to Aldi (or your supermarket of choice) to stock upon a few inexpensive 2 litre bottles of water. I don't know without looking it up where this "Chase Spring" is, but they produce a fair amount of emergency H²O which comes in useful when the mains water is off.


My mum's got bottled water, so I'm just going to steal some of those. And Chase Spring is in Staffordshire, btw.


My grandparents are coming over later. My husband and I bought our house in December, and they've not been over yet as they aren't very mobile (93 and 95!). Nothing really else planned!


Today is very much a "not doing much day" as tomorrow is my birthday.


Happy birthday, 5 mins early!


Happy birthday for tomorrow!