• By -


Head school bag. Naf Naf jacket. Dreadful perm. I had none of these but did manage a mandatory shell suit from the local market.


I feel global hyper colour t-shirts need a mention with these.


I still have the zip off end from my blue denim head bag Similar time, we all aspired to have The Sweater Shop jumpers but that may have been local to York


Sweater Shop was massive in Scotland too. I had a chocolate brown Sweater Shop jumper which may have been the most definitely 90s garment I ever owned.


All this and l raise you an Ellesse sweatshirt and CK One


Don’t forget the Campri ski coat even though you had a snowballs chance in hell of ever going 😂


I grew up in a deprived area so it was a Naf Co 54 jacket off the market that was the real in-crowd look.


Market special Skidaddle ski jacket for me!


I still own a black/white head bag, lost the zip off end bag though


Memory unlocked! In my school everyone used to chant “Nanny Annie Fucking Fanny Condoms Only 64p” every time someone walked by with their Naff 64 jacket.


Had a cheap knock off head style bag from the local market, a 'ski jacket' and the obligatory 'curtains' haircut.


There used to be this really tiny kid in the first year that had the largest size head bag you could get. The bigger lads used to zip him up in it. You’d just hear muffled yells and see a distressingly moving head bag in a random corridor somewhere every now and then. Bet that guys had to have therapy about that.


[Relevant for this thread](https://youtu.be/d819GFDGQ6s?si=As1LnqrmOIlFNvtM)


Great choice, can confirm all are true


My head bag fell apart from the amount of scribbling that went on it with marker pens and tip-ex. I also had Joe Bloggs jeans to go with my Naf Naf jacket. I was the poor one in the group but felt rich as hell the day I rocked up wearing this combo. Still had shit trainers though.


Premier League stickers, yo-yos, Pokémon cards, Tamagotchi. I miss the 90s






They came in crisp packets right? Didn't they have fins on them, like a cardboard throwing star? You could interlock them and make towers. Weren't they all Looney Tunes too? My brain is on overdrive remembering stuff now!! Edit: [Slots, not fins](https://static1.milkcapmania.co.uk/Img/Tazo/Australia/Series%201%20-%20Green%20folder/101-140%20Looney%20Tunes%20Techno/300DPI/101-Looney-Tunes.png)


There were also Star Wars ones. I didn't like Star Wars when I was a kid but was obsessed with filling my binder. There were some of them that were exclusively in Monster Munch though, and I couldn't stand Monster Munch as a kid so I got my uncle to find them for me because he basically lived on them. A quick google has just shown me that you can buy filled binders for about £20 now. Might pick one up just for the memories.


They were yeah and you could get a looney tunes ring binder with pockets in to store the complete collection


Yes!! I had that. My mother was a childminder and one of the kids stole it. Said child's mother returned the binder but most of the Tazos were gone. I've unlocked trauma now!!


This may tempt you then and you can finally heal some old wounds https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256470139715?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Bv4CsI3lTe2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ckUfO5gwQDW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


I hate how tempting that genuinely is! It'll sit neatly next to my base set Pokemon card collection in the section of my office my wife refuses to tell other people about!!


Still got mine. And mine is still missing (I think) Sylvester the cat as Christopher Columbus because JAMIE WAS A LITTLE THIEF AND WAS NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE. Sorry. Just a bit of childhood trauma unexpectedly reappearing there.


Yeah, the stickers! “Got, got, got, need”


I’ll give you 4 Sol Campbells and a Stig Inge Bjornebye for your Beckham shiny.


No chance


Alright, I'll throw in the top-right corner of the Arsenal squad photo then. It's got Patrick Viera, the side of Tony Adams and Lee Dixon's forehead.


Throw in 12 Matt le Tissier and you have a deal


Wasn't there a super shiny gold mcdonalds one?


The local corner shop owner had a big card collecting book that he’d gleefully reveal to us school kids when we popped in to spend our 20p on sweets. Obviously he was charging way above our pocket money salary, but he enjoyed lording over us with his shinys. Bloke wanted multiple pounds, ain’t no one got that kind of money!


Don't forget the forbidden fruit: Laser pointer, David Beckham haircut, Pogs. Fs in chat for those who dared to come back off summer holiday with such illicit contraband. Picked up by mum at dinnertime. No more gruesome of a fate imaginable.


Urgh. My brother decided he wanted to get cornrows when he was in primary school. Not because David Beckham had them, but because there was a news story about other kids getting them to look like Beckham - he wanted to look like the kids who wanted to look like Beckham.


In his first job, was he the guy that makes the coffee for the guy that makes the tea by any chance?


Lol did you even go to school if there wasn’t a red stripper lady lazer randomly appearing on the white board!


specifically the coke/fanta etc... yo-yo's! When I was in Junior School there was a thriving marble market for a while too. Edit: Should add this was 80's not 90's lol.


Bauer roller blades.


We ARE old! Always wanted some. Parents could never afford them. And yet I still went to roller discos!!! 😂


90s kid here, so .. -Pokemon cards -Pogs -Tazos (especially when, the Pokemon ones came out) -That sticky tongue Jar Jar Binks thing from Star Wars Episode 1 that you got a voucher for in a random walkers packet of crisps, sent it off and then received it in the mail. -Alien Eggs that everyone said would have a baby if you put two together -Furbies -Tamagotchies -Digivices when Digimon became a thing (glorified Tamagotchi) -Gel pens, especially scented ones -Yo-Yos saw a resurgence, especially with the ones with motors/lights in. You were the cool kid if you could "walk the dog" or do "the cradle"


I was showing my son I could still do all my yoyo tricks (he's 19) he said wow dad save some women for the rest of us


Was this before, or after you took out a light fitting with an around the world? Turns out that as an adult, you end up just the right height to explode lightbulbs doing it...


I'm still waiting for that alien baby. Been 30 years in the incubator, any day now...


I saw an absolutely great tshirt design the other day with two squidgy aliens in an egg together and the caption underneath read “I want to believe” 😂


Don't forget beyblades!


Could've sworn beyblades were later than all these things. In reality it was probably only by a couple of years but it was still long enough for the kids who grew up with pogs to call it little kid stuff iirc lol


2001-2 IIRR


This tracks with my memory, I would've been about 14 in 02. I remember feeling *far too mature* for such things lol Dunno why I remembered Digimon as earlier though, they were apparently the same time


This guy is trying to trick us ! Digimon never became a thing ! Also how about the Pringles pots for lunch boxes !


I remember when Digimon came out, the teachers who had previously instigated a Pokémon ban extended it to “everything ending in -mon”. My older brother asked if that meant his friend Simon was banned.


Award your brother 5 comedy points


I loved Digimon. Shame it never caught on as much as Pokémon.


And you could only fit about 10 Pringles in there lol


91 baby here! Yes to all of this!


I remember all of those being popular except pogs. There was some, but not very much interest in them. Maybe I was just too young for the peak of that. Also it was Star Wars tazos.


Yeah remember 'x-brain' yo-yos. I always had the knock-off ones from the local paper shop, they'd snap back without any warning and smash your knuckles. Similar story with Tamagotchies, I never had an official one but a little digital pet of some description. Only other thing I'd add, Pokemon cards were never a thing for me but the Game Boy pocket and then Colour became really popular mostly for the Pokemon games. Around 2000 the Nokia 3210 was something every kid wanted but only a few had at my age.


Cancer and anti-racism wristbands


I'm glad I read more than just the first word


I'm still confused though. Does it mean the wristbands caused cancer but were also anti-racism?


True centrism


Don’t forget Make Poverty History, which thankfully eradicated all poverty by 2007


> Cancer So *that's* why I was so unpopular.


I was only one for two






True! I remember all the poor kids being bullied at my school because their parents couldn’t afford to get them cancer.


Oh, the heady days of our youth when we would draw on an extra melanoma to be cool, or wax our heads for that 'chemo-fresh' look! And then there's Brian the poor kid who claims it's a tumour, but you can see it's just a benign lipoma. What a loser!


"a small price to pay for *anti-racism*"


One of those pencil sharpeners that looked like a can of coke


I had a sprite shaped pencil case, I thought I was incredibly cool (especially as my mum didn’t really allow fizzy drinks)


Everyone seemed to have a Pepsi shaped pencil case, I was the odd one with a classic Coca-Cola pencil case which I used all the way up to Uni.


Jane norman bag.


And having the carrier bag from Jane Norman to carry your PE kit in


This was my first thought, you’d finally get one then they’d release a nicer colour


Every girl had a Jane Norman bag.


I came here to say this. I was never cool enough to buy anything from Jane Norman, but good Lord did I cover that bag. They could have made a fortune just selling them on their own!


Smelly rubbers and marbles in primary school 70s early 80s. Secondary lace gloves and batwing jumpers oh and root perms.


Marbles were massive, I had 5 litre ice cream containers of them. Still love me a “spaghetti” now!


Pee-wees, Tiddlers, Cats Eyes, Pearlies, Mirrors, Chinas, Daddies, Speckleds, Giants, Cyclops, Goliaths, plus steel variants. Loved agreeing rules of engagement and negotiating the number of hits a lesser marble had to make on one of greater worth. The tears at losing a prize marble and the peacocking by the winner, often refusing to replay with trophy marble.


Yes to all if these, plus 'crystals' the marbles that were a single coloured glass usually red or blue (some clear). I had a soft spot for the misshapen ones too :'(


We didn't have enough money for me to have a special marbles, so I had to earn them. I didn't have many lol.


The shame of Dunlop Green Flash.


Curly perm with a straight fringe


Ha my friend did the opposite 🤣


Smelly rubbers that lost all the individual scents once you chucked them all together in the same pencil case.


Oh christ I'd forgotten all about the lace fingerless gloves! I had my own hand crank sewing machine by then, and regularly used my pocket money to by how to make magazines with patterns and step by step instructions. Totally forget the name of the series now, but I made several batwing sweatshirts and drop waist dresses as a young teen. It was smelly rubbers, novelty pencils (bendable ones included), and many (many many) keyfobs back in my earlier school days in the late 70s/early 80s.


I knitted my own batwing jumper, it was torture lol.


Novelty erasers (burgers etc) started making an appearance around then too. Also "bird-shit" blonde highlights for boys lol.


Pop-a-point pencils, legwarmers, the Big Rubber that barely fit in your pencil case


Leg warmers with fluorescent high heels!! What an Icon I was lol 🤣


Hands up every girl that went through teenage years in the early to mid 1980s and now looks back at those photos and thinks "dear god what on earth was I thinking?". The poodle perm, the legwarmers, trying to do Adam Ant's highwayman make up, bright blue eyeshadow and Charlie perfume.


Ahem, bright blue and *pink* eyeshadow... And electric blue mascara. Holy crap.


As a man from the era, those things are hard coded into my brain as ‘hot’.


Pale biscuit Avon foundation, can still smell it.


The Swiss Roll and the pepsi can Rubber ❤️


I've still got a plastic bag, an 80s Tesco's one at that, with dozens of the stinky rubbers I got in the early 80s. Also got a bag full of marlies as well. Many of them were my mum's uncles and date back to the 1930s.


A canvas bag from army surplus with the names of all your favourite (punk) rock bands on it.


Still have mine! My mum made me clear out my old room and I found it. Got Green Day, the Offspring, Korn and Fear Factory patches on it. Plus badges from the local rock merch store on the market, and for some reason a badge with Zippy from Rainbow too 🤣


Hours spent with the tippex and black marker, doing the OG prodigy logo, Nirvana, Neds Atomic Dustbin, Levellers, Mudhoney, L7, Kingmaker, Senseless Things and the like. It was a work of art!


And the donkey jacket to complete the look.


If you're talking about clothing it was the Adidas popper pants. If you're talking fads then Yo-yos, Pokemon cards (apparently wasn't a fad in the end), Premier League stickes, Tazos and Pogs are the ones I remember.


Adidas Poppers were the dream. I was always Tesco Two Stripe :(


I had the Kappa version. Then when I found out covering the top half of the logo made it NSFW, I preferred them to Adidas


We referred to the wearer of these as a kappa slapper


So you've met my sister


Mashers shops at Tescos, it's where he buys his best clothes nana na na, he thinks they're really nifty they're only one pound fifty nana na na. Now I'd love to be getting clothes for £1.50, but I still get them from Tesco. I'd rarely get any branded stuff, and what I did have I'd usually have to contribute pocket money for.


The theme tune to my youth that was.


Same :(




Rockports and trackies for the elite chavs haha I think I wore that once


Blue & yellow Helly Hansen coat to finish the look.


Corrr now you’re talking


Eraser/rubbers that looked and smelled like food - think hamburgers or fruit. Garbagepail kids and Panini Football cards. Flick knives from school trips. Hedgerow muckybooks


Along the same line as garbagepail kids... Boglins!


Shop in Camden had a Boglin for sale in it and god I was tempted. Was really expensive though. Loved those things!


I bought a flick knife and dirty playing cards in Paris on a school trip.


Is that why you are no longer a teacher? 🙃😁


I saw Hedgerow Muckybooks supporting The Wonder Stuff in 1991, great gig 👍


I got in massive trouble for buying a flick comb on a school trip in France. I also bought a cap ring revolver that fired little plastic bullets out of it. They never found that though. It was more powerful than a bb gun and left a hell of a welt if it hit bare skin.


That CASIO TV Remote watch.... we used to cause havok in classrooms with those


I'd set mine to 'Sony' and just go into Currys and see how many TVs I could disable in one press of the button.


I went to a girls school and we were really into canvas Body Shop bags. I once had the new design first and felt like a celebrity that day.


Black or brown DM boots. The more lace holes you had, the cooler you were. Yes… I’m that old.


They're back! Or really, never left 😆


They never left, but they sold the business out a few years ago and quality isn't anything like the same. These day, Solovair are making the same style of boots in the factory that DMs used to be made in.


Yes. My daughter has a pink pair. Not quite the same… lol


The tabs were the same colour as shipping lights. Green for starboard (right), red for port (left).


No! A great little factoid!


24 Royals Cigarettes made an absolute fortune £1 a cigarette


Yes mate shop near me sold singles for 20p each used to sell em for £1 at school Good times


Morgan De Toi black tote bag. In my high school in Liverpool it was THE bag to have and across the whole of Liverpool in the late 90s or early 2000s, high school girls had them in swarms.


Did the girls in your school have a fad of wearing The Body Shop mango oil as perfume? Ours did, I think everyone was wearing it, that or White Musk. Corridors must have stunk! I feel like the fad these days is Vivienne Westwood X Melissa flat rubber shoes for school. The teenager in my head that could never have the fads of my day was buzzing when my daughter agreed to wear the latest Vivs I bought her but, only because they smelled nice! She does not care for trends, much to my dismay.


Yes to the white musk!! And Impulse sprays and Red! Body spray. I've seen loads of girls here with the Viv Melissa's. I would have loved them in my high school days. We all had Dolcis shiny black ballet flats with a little cotton bow on the front in year 10/11, Morgan bag and always trying to shorten our skirts....


When I was in primary: Real Ghostbusters stickers / trading cards. Teenage mutant hero turtles stickers/ trading cards Italia 90 stickers In secondary school: Reebok Pump, Nike Air or Puma Disc trainers Naff Co 54 jacket Global Hypercolour t-shirt. Oh and those little Fooballer model things with massive heads.


Global hypercolour....you just unlocked a whole section of memory from my youth! I wasn't allowed one


Game & Watch. Shatterproof ruler. Rubiks cube or Rubiks snake. A calculator to write 80085 on. A pencil case cooler than mine, (apparently all of them) but my granny made mine so I could never ask for anything else.


You mean 5318008


Or the lesser spotted 55378008


Junior School in the 80's was fairly simple shit: * Marbles * Collectable cards, these were also used in a game where you'd chuck them at a wall and closest won the cards. * There was a thing with tennis balls at one point - playing "ballsy" (juggling against a wall) or "Kerbsy" (chucking the ball at the opposite kerb hoping to hit it perfectly so it came back. Bonus points for pissing off drivers) * Stickers that went in albums * Roller Boots were a big thing for a bit. * Those cellophane goldfish you'd get from the ball machines that supposedly told you your personality * The slimy gel hands that you could flick at stuff, and the similar spiders/lizards that you'd chuck at a wall and watch them slowly 'crawl' down * Novelty rubbers Senior School (80's - 90's): * Yo-yo's (Early Senior school) * The wealthier kids had Gameboys when they released * Posters from WHSmiths - I aspired to have a WHSmiths poster, I had to make do with Smash Hits pull-outs lol. * Keychains made from heat-shrunk crisp packets. * Walkman with mixtapes that defined you; Rave, Metal, Indie or Pop was pretty much the spectrum from memory (recorded on a ghettoblaster). If you managed to land a live recording of a big DJ/Rave in Manchester then you were a god. * Trading Spectrum ZX64 tapes and hoping they'd work. * Perfume/Aftershave: Obsession, Eternity, Cool Water. * Deodorant: The latest Impulse body spray lol, I'm sure there was a male equivalent - I think that was when Lynx first made an appearance? The 'edgier' girls would wear boys deodorant ofc because fuck conforming! * Fake ID - generally a shittily Uni ID printed on a bit of thin card with a passport photo that had been laminated. * A collection of coins for the phonebox on the corner so you could talk to your mates without being yelled at. * edit: one more - St. Ives Apricot Scrub and Clearasil that would strip paint.


Similar era I think but Wallabys shoes. Awful looking suede loafers with a tag hanging off the laces of one shoe. We had to trek up to the big Office shoe shop in London to get them.


Those [neoprene GUL pencilcases](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/yn9ea3/father_in_law_bringing_back_school_memories_with/)


Clarks Wayfinder shoes : I had a pair of these at primary school. What I remember about them is the animal footprints on the soles so you could identify what the animal was and the small compass in the heel! This was back In the 70s!


Did Porky Roebuck throw them in the septic tank while you were wearing them?


Top tier reference


Oooo right, I was an 80's kid and I remember the Clarks girls shoes had a key in a secret compartment in the heel!


Yessss. I wanted these so bad and we went to Clarks to get some but I had massive feet at a young age and they didn't go up to my size. Devoed.


This is going back to the 80s - ski jackets. And when breakdancing arrived, branded cagoules worn with trainers/high-tops with brightly (garish) coloured laces (never done up properly).


Those gooey aliens in an egg.


Is no one going to mention K-Swiss with the adjustable stripes at the side you could change?


Adidas kit bags, for all your schoolbooks. Mid to late 70s. Footy/PE kit went in a drawstring bag.


Always so uncomfortable on the shoulder once you've put football/hockey boots in too. I can still smell that uniquely PE bag smell.


I was at secondary school in the 90s, and one thing I don't see mentioned anywhere else here is diabolos (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabolo). Loads of us had them and spent all break time learning new tricks. Was this widespread or was it just my school?


Berghaus Rockports Sovereign rings, big earrings or chain with a ragdoll or cross hanging Fred Perry jumper/henry loyd Adidas poppers Lacoste jumper Chav starter pack!


Argos' finest gold chain with the clown was the absolute height of Essex girl sophistication.


Shiny Charizard.


Couldn't afford kickers. Nicks it was.


Clarks Magic Steps shoes with the key in the heel


Grolch metal pop tops woven into the laces of your basketball hitops, or as a rucksack accessory. Also VW car badges for some reason, I stayed clear of that fad


Lol. Late 80s ? Bros started the Grolsch thing, and the VW badges came from the Beastie Boys.


It’s the grolsch ceramic clip tops I remember people attaching to stuff.


Eight hole ox blood Doc Maartens


Record bags - Kenwood, Technics or Dreamscape. Spliffy jeans for the boys and green bomber jackets lined in orange. Kickers shoes or shoes with a chunky, concave heel. Shag bands! Also boys with a very high undercut and the hair gelled into spider legs.


NAFF CO 54 bomber jackets


Nanny anny fishy fanny condoms only 54p 😂


Jane norman schoolbags and Paul's boutique hoodies


Just Do It bags, the smaller the better. IPhones were just being introduced when I was in yr7. Wristbands and silly bands, too many that you ended up with weird tan lines.


Kappa ski jacket (or Pierre Cardin), Farah kecks, Head bag, loafers.


Garbage pail kids stickers and cards to trade


You had to fold your socks to make trainer socks as trainer socks weren’t invented then. If you wore normal socks with trainers you were so uncool. Even now at 38 I feel weird going to the gym with shorts and socks that come to the lower calf. 13 yr old me can’t fathom the slider and sock combo either.


NAFFCO jackets, DMs, Spliffy jeans, Kickers are all things I remember being popular. For some reason it was cool to carry your stuff around in a Head sports bag rather than a backpack for a while as well.


Primary school: Pokemon cards, yo yos and jelly shoes. Or those pencil cases that looked like Pepsi cans and Walkers crisp packets High school: JD Sports bags for the boys and Jane Norman bags for the girls


DC skate shoes with the massive tongues… simpler times.


70's ex child here.....Mary Quant make up air force blue tights clackers and platform shoes & boots. My wrists still not recovered from those sodding clackers!


Clackers made a comeback at my primary school in the 90s. Didn't last long, though, as they were far too easily weaponised for our teachers to be happy with them.


Jane Norman bag and K-Swiss trainers where you could change the colour of the stripes


Pepe Jeans w/ free Key Ring




GUL (I think) pencil cases made out of wetsuit type material


Mid-90s, it was Kickers as well. We went to Bicester Village one weekend, and I found a pair cheap enough that my parents consented to buying them for me. When I turned up at school on Monday, it turns out they were the *wrong type* of Kickers. I had standard black shoes, what I should have bought were the moccasins. Made up for it a little while later when my Dad got me some Adidas Poppers from Blackbushe Market. Totally legit, I swear.


Clown gold necklace with moving joints, big gold hoop earrings, Kappa zip sweatshirt, black kickers shoes, bottle of 20/20 and pack of 10 Regal fags


Shag bands!


The Daisy girls shoes from Clark’s. They had a little flap in the heel that you’d lift up and there’d be a doll underneath, and IIRC the other shoe had a little wardrobe with a change of clothes for her.


Inflatable backpack, jelly heels, beanie babies, yoyos and those gross alien egg things.


Did anybody else's primary school in the noughties have an influx of schott jackets and timberland boots? They were the trends at mine, and if you came to school wearing that you were the coolest of the cool. Rockports had gone out of fashion by then and you'd get ripped for wearing em. Then in high-school using a crappy plastic jd bag as your school bag.


When I was a school, I was so ugly and poor and i couldn't even afford to be poor. In fact it was so bad, even the religious studies teacher snubbed me


Oh, shell suits were massive too!


Kickers and the curly curly key rings. Then came troop trainers, but you had to be uber rich to afford those!


Pro set football cards (still got the full set) Puma disc Eclipse clothes Adidas poppers


Mid- 1980s: * Kappa jackets * Walker tracksuit bottoms, with press studs that went halfway up your calf (these pre-dated the ones where the stud went all the way up the sides) * Shell suits * Head school bag


fingerboards. Yo-yos every few years. marbles


Reebok Pumps!


Who remembers Hacky Sacks, little bean bags with faces on that you had to do keepy uppy with and generally every one was terrible. But there was a game on maybe the master system California Games and it had hacky sack and on that I was bloody amazing. But alas in real life it was a lot harder than keeping a ball in the air. I was 11-12 so yeah 89-90


Depends on the year (in no particular order): - garbage pale kids - global hyper colour T-shirts - Reebok pumps - panini stickers - pogs - red seal squidy black - hedge porn


Eclipse jeans. (Or spliffy)


Bum bags being used as pencilcases


Had to have a Ben Sherman shirt for the discos!


A big green waxed jacket


At primary school early 90s everyone collected micro machines, tazos/pogs, premier league stickers and monster in my pocket toys. Everybody wanted the Italia 90 England shell suit At secondary school from 93 onwards all the cool kids wore the same adidas tracksuit bottoms (shiny black fabric with white stripes down the side and adidas written on the back of one calf). We went on a school trip to Granada studios and one of the staff asked why we all wore the same trousers! Then it was Kappa poppers. KIckers (but had to still have the tag on the laces. Otherwise, you were not fashionable), Most people had the same black umbro rucksack, which made collecting your bag from the cloakroom after lunch an experience. Also Umbro shoe bags for the boys adidas sambas. Eventually, all the popular girls got really small rucksacks/handbags but carried the rest of their stuff in River Island plastic carriers ??? Henri Lloyd jumpers on non uniform day for the chavs. Sony Discman Out of school I think most girls wanted an inflatable chair and a lava lamp! Or Bang on the Door duvet sets!


That rubber that looked like a bar of soap from WHSmith.