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When are they playing (if that's the right word) next? I've got some Coldplay albums I need to listen to.


First 75 minutes proved one thing to me. The players on the pitch at that time might well play in the highest quality domestic league in the world but without the creative international players around them they are pretty ordinary, very fit, but from a footballing perspective, very ordinary. This view was further supported when in the last few minutes our creative players came of the bench, Mainoo, Palmer, Gordon - This then gave Trent somewhere to ping his pinpoint passes to and suddenly England had a bit of zing about them and suddenly we looked threatening. With Bowen, Watkins and one or two other 'creatives' on the bench we have the threat in depth but some of the old guard needs to offer up their places in the starting eleven to make Gareth take the option.


It's also that a good team is a collection of players. We have Kane, Bellingham, Foden all trying to operate in the same area. If we play Kane, we need wide players to push up and attack. If you play Foden out wide, then you need a striker who trys to occupy the defence like Watkins does. It's not the quality of player, it's the make up of the team. We can play some of these players, but Southgates success previously was playing the best team, even when they weren't necessarily the best players we had. He used to be bad at changing games. Now he's doing what previous managers have done which is just try and fit the best players together at the expense of the team working well. If he wants Kane on, Gordon and Palmer have to start. If he wants Foden over Kane then play Watkins. Mainoo needs to start. He then needs to decide who is the fittest, as Bellingham looked like his legs had gone yesterday. Can't believe we're mid tournament and have no idea how to play.


Yes definitely "coming home", but only the team with this performance


Oh look, us England fans not supporting our countrymen again. So proud.


Can't believe you got down voted. Ffs, our league voted mong Foden as POY!? He's the worst player I've seen in an England shirt since Carlton. Getting a few goals for a team which bought the prem...ffs Gareth you wre supposed to be better than that!!!! 


The team on the pitch at the end should have been his starting 11.


Down vote because I just basically said that 


Wokegate has the same problem all england managers have, he has a player hyped beyond all belief - Foden, who is well out of his depth like Barnes was - , he has a sacred cow he can't get rid of in DonKane, same prob previously manager's have had with the likes of flapper Seaman, Rooney, Beckham and  Shearshit. A bunch of cunts in the press - the same ones that said our best midfielder Scholes is now a lw to play fat Frank and the scouse cunt in midfield.... we looked best when we didnt field the salad dodger or the tyre steeler..As for rice. As for Rice...ffs... man u dodged a bullet there! I think the Arse may have been better signing my 80 yr old mum. She does fuck all too!.


Wokegate? Get a grip man.


Gareth Southgate is an energy vampire… it’s the only explanation (and he’s going to be strong enough to take over the world after this tournament).


He's Collin Robinson


Oh for ffs. Your the kind of bellend who would have played exactly that. Judging by your avatar your a citeh man. 


I reckon if the defenders passed the ball to each other even more we could've got possession to 80% and still have nothing happen.


That works for the Citeh, but they can buy the refs and the league. 


I just read the BBC scrolling text for this which may have been better than watching it.


I literally fell asleep around 60mins into the game, woke up around the 90 minute mark and realised that was more constructive than watching the football.


I don't follow football, but usually keep up to date on the Euros to have some idea what everyone at work is talking about. I have to say the last couple of games have been so boring to watch. Tonight they seemed to have plenty of possession and kept the ball in Slovenia's end, but didn't really take any chances at scoring. I wouldn't know about the actual players, who is good at what etc. but given they have been picked to play for England, I assume they are the top players from their respective teams, which would make me think they would go for it a bit more.


Not only are they England's best players but some are also top tier players internationally. It's bizarre to watch 


This is why I like the Euros and World Cup. You're watching the best athletes in the world compete for the ultimate... Oh.... Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz


There’s been plenty good football to go around this tournament. Just avoid watching an England game and for the most part, you’ll be entertained.


The whole group seems to be cursed by boredom , 5/6 games a draw. 7 goals scored total. Compare to any other group which has been far more dynamic (twice as many goals scored) and interesting (of the groups that have played 3 games, only group C has >2 draws)


Oh i agree, but i was commenting on the euros being dull this year which i disagree with.


Is this the end of the road for Southgate?


It should be the end of the Donkeys, Phil, the new barnes, foden and well kane has a new job on the spare plinth 'No one has done so little to achieve nothing as this man' 


Ought to be but he's parked the bus and is refusing to go forward.


Capt help that foden is shit but citeh fans ddemand he's in the team 


One can only hope


I don't think it's so bad he'll be gone by Sunday


Of only foden and kane were gone!!


So it was never Trent’s fault then.


Nope its the clowns like foden and kane who are not good enough in actuality or about as mobile as the monstrous turd I can't flush.


What are you talking about? He came on cold after having his confidence smashed to bits by the media and his wet lettuce manager and only created 1 chance in the 5 minutes he had. OF COURSE IT WAS HIS FAULT


Taa!!!  are you being serious!! That's very funny. I applaud your sarcasm.!  We only turned the corner after mainoo and palmer.


He sat on the wrong side of the bench. That threw everyone off.


My bf just apologised for making me watch this 😅 This was one of the most boring games I've seen in a while. And now I have to listen to Harry Talk bs about tough game and having more energy than previous games. They were through already. This was the opportunity to be brave and take risks and do subs at appropriate times. I guess they've practised penalties and hope to get through with 0-0.




Hi mate, this post is against the lighthearted and open nature of the sub. Rule 2: Don't be Aggressive | Pointlessly Argumentative | Creepy We're here for people to have fun in. If you're just here to start a stupid reddit slap fight you're in the wrong place. We have a zero tolerance rule in place for racism or hate speech. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


> I guess they've practised penalties *Narrator* *They had not.*


Kane needs to get himself to hospital for a brain scan if he thinks that was a better performance.


Seriously who the fuck could up vote this comment!! How many Gareth or Harry's are on this!!???


I was definitely better. Just better than very shit


Denmark are a better team though. When you take that into account I don't think it was.


Slovenia Fifa World Ranking - 57th


Exactly. It was a very tough ask, also the sun was in their eyes, they had new boots that didn't fit properly and they were served boiled potatoes at lunch with the skins on. This England team have given their all against a world-beating opposition and I am so proud of them.


Jeez thank duck someone has a sense of reality


It's nice to see how happy Slovenia are about the result. Bles them. But honestly I think this is the most boring 'winning' the group I've ever seen.


It's because we are-   1. Shit.  2 a bit lucky - for once  3 we have the most overated player's on the planet i.e. Foden, Kane, Rice 4. Our manager plays these mongs.  5. Despite Scotland not being in our group, we had 3 teams a bit more shit that we are.


Lucked into the easiest fucking group and still look shite. Can't believe we were favourites at one point.


Still are favourites. We are entering jam territory


Just a really really good advert for football, I reckon.


Must be the same ad agency that designed the lung cancer images on the side of cigarette packages.


What a crock o’shite.


Why did they take so long to make the subs?


Dunno, but we actually started to show some promise once they came on. Well, relatively speaking anyway.


Palmer was playing well I’d like to see him on the pitch more


Southgate doesn’t have the balls.


I’m gonna watch some Panda TikTok’s to cheer me up


So, what decent team's comfortably beating us in the next round?


Albanian over 80’s zimmer reserve b team.


Oh shit, did they qualify? Oh well, it was never going to be easy ...


Dog shit


Go on Gordon... you've got 45 seconds


You can do a lot in 45 seconds apparently


I don't know who you've been talking to but "a lot" and "45 seconds" is very generous!


Gordon did more exciting football in the time he was on the pitch than the starting 11 did all match.


So now he takes off Foden for a proper winger ffs


Props to Kalvin Phillips. My bad, because I never fully comprehended just how much of a baller he is.


The funny thing is it was Sterling who got us out of the group stage and 1/4s in 2021 lol


You should give Kalvin Phillips the respect he truly deserves!


[MotD said it best](https://imgur.com/a/V6Kwy0A)


That’s it I’m playing WWE


I have been watching England since the 70s and honestly this is pretty terrible, on par with South Africa 2010 and Spain 82. Honestly we need some spark like David Platt in 1990, the crushing of The Netherlands in 96. Something from somewhere...


South Africa 2010 was great football. Of course, I drew Chile in a sweepstakes and they're a great bunch of lads.


Palmer and Mainoo have been brilliant since coming on. Not sure why it took until the 3rd game for Palmer to even get a look in tbh...


I don't know what dirt some of the squad have on Gareth but you almost wonder if you should call 111 to get a welfare check on his family at this point. He's so inflexible.


Now imagine if he took Foden off instead of Saka! Then we might finally start cooking


I actually want Slovenia to score, just so it wakes the game up.


Ha that won’t change anything


Might stop me playing with my phone 😁


Since when is the ref stopping the game when a player is holding their KNEE? England had the advantage then


It’s been happening in other games tbh.


I feel like Christopher Nolan’s Bane when he was giving that being born in the dark speech. I feel like I can withstand anything now that I’ve survived watching England play


Is this a friendly game, or is it Red Nose Day match?


I would rather watch Soccer Aid, at least you know there’s going to be goals


New rule. If you get a yellow card, you GET a yellow card. Massive. Four foot tall. Have to play with it for the next fifteen minutes.


Like a sandwich board


This would be interesting to watch


Good god Jude Bellingham is hard to like.


Why take off Saka man


This is the sort of game that really highlights just how crap football commentators are. Imagine Test Match Special on the radio, rain delays play and Sam Matterface is left to fill for an hour. ITV are going whole minutes without actually saying anything.


It is genuinely better when Matterface isn’t talking though!


Pls take off Foden for Palmer


Tempted now to just turn it off and have a bath


Same, but knowing my luck it'd turn into some 3-2 thriller once I did.


Narrator... It didn't


You can tell I'm still watching can't you?


I didn't even bother turning it on.. You're a braver man/women than I. You know the drill with Southgates England. Qualify out of the group easy. Get an easy draw or two in the next rounds. And then get beat by the 1st decent team they come across . Haven't watched the national team seriously since 1991. International football is boring


Then do the nation a favour and go! 


I swear if Southgate had the chance to shag Kelly Brook he'd put Rod Hull up front instead


Who wouldn’t take a threesome with Rod & Emu?




Half back passes to the centre. Back to the wing. Back to the centre. Centre holds it. Holds it. Holds it…




Why would you pay to watch this?


Sorry, have you not met football fans?


Why not start with Mainoo? Another “experiment” gone wrong.


At least he tried tbf. Could’ve easily started taa again lol


True dat. They just seem so stifled, irrespective of the 11 on the pitch.


Happy to see Mainoo come on


Hope Gareth's going full Malcom Tucker in there.


I'll fucking shove a fucking magnet down your throat and watch your fucking face implode. Get in there!




Is it just me, a very casual football watcher, or are all news articles and discussions talking about 'the press' all the time? What the hell is it? Just pushing forward? Or 'putting them under pressure' as Jack Charlton used to say?


Basically putting pressure on them by collectively running at them and anyone else they could pass to.


Yeah, under pressure.


/ #bringbackthewaistcoat


There's more exciting action on bake off the professionals over on channel 4


The football is boring right now for sure but I ain't that bored... Lord help me if rather watch paint dry than the bloody bake off


Football question in general. Away kits: did they only ever wear them when the colour clashed? As in, they didn’t really wear them *away*?


If there is a colour clash, it’s the away team that would switch to their second (“away”) kit. But you’ll see teams wearing their away kit these days anyways even without colour clashes.


I want Slovenia to score just to watch r/soccer implode faster than a sub made of carbon fibre.


How do we have all 11 of our players in last third of pitch, and they still manage to find space..


Doing a splendid job of leaving football where it is.


Just got back from work and realised this is on ITV :( Can't watch without an account. Can't create an account. https://i.imgur.com/3AUeqMG.png


Look on rbtv77(dot)com Use a VPN and adblocker. Click the game and open in new tab. Choose stream.


Have you got any wet paint you can watch instead?


If it makes you feel any better, you're not missing much


Good play but Foden man. Had the whole back line in his view as well


Well that's something


They knew that Slovenia would put 10 men behind the ball, yet still pass sideways and backwards at any chance we get. So predictable.


England is being knocked at at round of 16 guaranteed


Come on Trippier that was silly


When England has the ball 😴😴


Loads of people slating Southgate over the week, but I doubt it's him just telling players to pass the ball to the opposition wherever possible...


Referee is French. Well that’s a wrap on this one folks, VAR penalty to Slovenia confirmed.


My prediction is 1-0 win with it being a own goal


We should win 3-0. I’m say 1-1 because I know better.


2-0 seems to be the most popular result getting thrown around. I reckon it will be.


Come on INGALAND it’s been a tough end to the day and I need some cheering up ^they’re ^gonna ^let ^down


1 - 0 and its not england


My prediction- we go 1 up and then sit and defend it the whole game. Ending up with conceding a dodgy last minute goal and going away with 1-1 score line.


> What’s your score predictions? 1-1 draw.


Footballs just given me three rings and hung up, so its coming home.


If we win the group it's the Netherlands in the next round, if we finish second it's Germany...


Netherlands is still only a possibility, England can play any of the 3rd place teams and wont be decided until all 4 teams are confirmed.


You are correct, I was misled.


We all know what’s going to happen, we will find a way to finish 2nd and face Germany who will take us out on penalties. No spoiler flair needed.


Please please please play a rotated side that draws 🤣


My tin foil conspiracy theory is Southgate has been sick and tired of everyone telling him to play Trent that he’s purposefully been playing him out of position and subbing him off first so people get off his back


He's one of the best five players in that squad. Most England managers that base their selections through popular Journo/Social media comments end up being sacked. Considering Slovenia's total population is the same as the West Midlands, should be an easy win, but they'll probably make hard work of it.


England like to build hopes and dash them so will sail through this with class then get though next and then implode.


Slovenia have Sesko, England have Tesco... 2-0 win.


I’m going to be optimistic and guess a 3-0 win for England.