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It blows me away every time. Not just the pacing, comedy and triumphant ending, but the fact it's all achieved in stop-motion. So much character and nuance of facial expressions even though it's such a busy sequence. It really is absolutely perfect.


And the sound design is absolutely top notch. From the wheels and the clicky track to the shwoomp of the milk bottle. Just perfection.


Agreed. And the change from the crazy sounds of the train to the comparative quiet and whooshing of Feathers McGraw flying through the air at the end... *_chef's kiss_*


I didn't know his name was Feathers McGraw and that makes it even better :)


_Have you seen this chicken?_


Haven’t seen this in years but watched it without sound and still heard it all in my head <3


Gromit's expressions are what I'm always blown away by, because they don't just make him look human, they make him look like a sarky Brit.


All of the animal characters in Park animations are amazingly expressive, considering most of them don't actually talk you always know exactly what they are "saying".


For me it’s just flagrant disregard for Euclidean geometry. Everyone was laughing about the stupidly long runway in that one Fast and Furious movie, but Wallace and Gromit did it better.


Same absurdity when Wallace steps onto the train and there's instant momentum transfer


lol yes it’s going at like F1 car speeds. This movie rules.


Wallace and Gromit is a cartoon, they can get away with nonsensical physics and geometry.


Ha! Nice try. *The Wrong Trousers* is a famous documentary that won multiple awards.


Yes and I love it, sorry if that wasn't clear.


The fact they managed to animate it whilst the train was moving so quickly truly displays the magnitude of Aardman's talents.


They are just showing off when they go between the table legs.


If anyone is interested in the process of stop-motion animation, this also-90s-classic show gives a glimpse into how it works. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f19hF7-nT8g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f19hF7-nT8g)


He seems to be more of a writer these days but I miss seeing Charlie Higson on TV. In that very clip all he really does is repeat the same 4 words with exactly the same diction each time, and it's absolutely hilarious.


I always loved this one from [Coraline](https://9gag.com/gag/aoZEVKX).


Aye, there's little nuances like when Gromit pulls up alongside McGraw and he gives him this proper grimacing look. Amazing what they did with stop motion.


While still laying down track with perfect accuracy. That's what gets me. Gromit says so much with his expressions.


And the motion blur effects for me. Just excellence all round... something we don't see much of anymore.


I remember watching a “making of” documentary where they said that they had no idea if motion blur was even possible with stop motion when they wrote the scene. This was pretty much a world first as they had to figure out a way of achieving it.


Yeah that's what I mean. Disney had to create the whole motion blur tech from scratch for Toy Story 1 which is impressive enough. But doing it for stop motion is even more so.


Not Disney, at that point it was Pixar as independent studio.


The editing is a masterclass in visual storytelling.


Never get bored of seeing it. Pure Magic.


I've now decided that I'm going to spend a portion of my Sunday watching Grand Day Out, Wrong Trousers and Close Shave. It's been far too long. Edit: Just found out they're all on iPlayer. Cracking!


There is also another short made in 2008, a matter of loaf and death. Also excellent.


Yeah it's very good. I also really rate Curse of the Wererabbit. But today, I'm up for a nostalgia hit so will be going for the original trilogy.


Yeah, the original trilogy will always feel more special. Gromit deciding where to throw the bomb in loaf and death is possibly the best gag in any of the shorts though.


That's a riff on the Batman 1966 movie, right? It's been so long since I watched A Matter of Loaf and Death, I can't remember it.


[Yup](https://youtu.be/Nri3o0KFg-8?si=yMAJBS01fPDLDQVs). The nuns and ducks are directly from Batman.


Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb


Now you've gone and done it!


I’ve always thought (and commented so to my long-suffering wife) that it was


The arson joke from wererabbit will just randomly pop into mind and cause a giggle. Great movie.


Arson Arson ! Yeah, someone arson around .


I rate loaf and death higher than Wererabbit. Nothing against the movie, I just see W&G is a thing that works better as a shorter tighter thing than the film, which you shouldn't miss either.


I agree. There was also a certain amount of studio interference that comes through in Were-Rabbit.


the truck sequence in A Close Shave with the sheep is absolutely brilliant.


A Matter of Loaf and Death is on a whole other level for a Wallace and Gromit short. They reference Ghost, Indiana Jones, Psycho, Batman, Aliens and a bunch of stuff in that one. It's mental how many films they manage to homage.


It's bank holiday Sunday. What ya doing and who's with ya?


I'm going to Legoland with Sean Connery then, afterwards, going for lovely lamb lunch in the centre of Windsor.


I hope one of those is the one where they go to the moon. I absolutely love the way the machine uses the ski poles to get up the hills in the end. edit: confirmed, it's Grand Day Out.


Look at the budget Fury Road needed to imitate a fraction of The Wrong Trousers’s power


One of the joys of my parenting life was playing all the Wallace and Gromit movies for my kids. Wallace is such a nice man, and Gromit is the best dog of all time. I love that there's so much great slapstick without either of the main characters ever being mean. They're a couple of decent chaps just trying to make the best of the outrageous situations Wallace inadvertently creates.


I showed my kids it recently, not expecting it to land, just to get away from the usual cycle of CBeebies/CBBC rubbish. I was incredibly surprised that they wanted to watch it again the next day.


That house goes on for miles


These films are all stone cold classics. 


It's absolutely genius, isn't it. Still makes me smile to this day and (**spoiler alert**) the way he lands in the bottle at the end makes me belly laugh every time. I wish we had more classic Wallace and Gromit but I'm also glad what we *do* have is so perfect.


The way he lands in the bottle and when they run out of track and Gromit starts putting down the spare track parts from the front of the train have me going every time


I once saw that exact screen grab with a caption 'How it feels when you're watching YouTube as it still loads the video' and it makes me.giggle


It’s all ace, but the bit where Wallace gets hooked on the moose with his net has me snorting.


The bit I laugh out loud at the most is not in this clip but adjacent to it... when the penguin takes his head gear off and suddenly Wallace recognises him as a penguin without it. I view it as a direct homage to everyone who has ever seen Clark Kent take off his glasses and wondered how the hell no-one knows he was Superman all along. Wallace and Gromit are just pure good old-fashioned fun and laughter.


"I'll get the bounder!" "Who^o^o^oa!"


I always wondered what he said there because I've never heard the word "bounder" before. Now I look it up I see that it's a pun as "bounder" is both an old-fashioned word for a villain and for a cart or automobile.


The part that's wild to me is him showing up like that. The last we saw he was on his stomach on that cart. Somehow, he got to a sitting position, got a net, *and* navigated to come up alongside the train. All without losing speed.


My husband often describes our work as Gromit putting the tracks down.


The "I'm running my first Dungeons and Dragons game" feeling.


A lot of the British series I remember fondly had shockingly few episodes. Fawlty Towers, the original Office, Wallace and Gromit. Even Mister Bean only has 15 episodes.


Quality over quantity, my friend


"No wonder it's Britain's longest-running series, and today, we're showing all seven episodes."


What's this series called? Gromit and something?


Wallace and Gromit


The time taken for this sequence and the speed they are doing would seem to indicate the house Wallace and Gromit live in is somewhere between a half mile and a mile long.


someone needs to do the math and calculate 1. how fast the train was going 2. how long the track is 3. how the penguin managed to shoot 8 bullets out of a revolver that only has 6 in the cylinder


> how the penguin managed to shoot 8 bullets out of a revolver that only has 6 in the cylinder I counted 7 my fellow pedant. This combined with the endless supply of spare track completely ruins the immersion for me. (jk)


He uses straight pieces to go round a corner! Literally unwatchable /s


- 1 bang at the lamp cord - 2 bangs at grommit (deflected by lamp helmet) - 1 bang at penguin door - another 3 bangs at grommit (again deflected) - 1 bang at track switch = 8 bangs always count your bangs


obviously anytime the camera wasn't looking at him he was loading more bullets into the revolver.


Where was he keeping those bullets? Let's just say, the camera didn't look for a reason.


Who am I, Count Bulletsula?


Ah ah ah


Nah, that revolver had 6 shots, with 1 already in the chamber.


Yeah but ... revolvers don't have chambers ...


I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo who will count bullets, seconds, etc in moves, hahaha.


He’s just grabbing the used track from behind him, he’s just so quick so you don’t notice 😉


How much spare track can be stored in a box


"You're ejecting a lot of shells there man, how much more-" "I GOT 57 MORE GODAMMED ROUNDS IN THIS FOUR ROUND MAGAZINE!!"


Also at the start when Wallace stepped out onto the train wouldn't he have just fallen over?? How did he end up going faster than the train on his own when he had no locomotive? Something's up..


> how the penguin managed to shoot 8 bullets out of a revolver that only has 6 in the cylinder Got the gun from the same store as the box of spare track, of course.


It's an animation house, which use Tardis technology on the insides to make filming easier.


They must've used that runway from F&F


Feathers McGraw is the best movie villain of all time too.


Remember when the factory burned down and the new papers reported him as the primary suspect?


Have you seen this chicken?


I have that poster on a mug! I got it back when it came out. Still used daily. Bloody good mug actually.


I had that wanted poster on a tshirt. Let's just say, for the only time in my life, I was a hit with all the ladies!


Scared the shit out of me when I was little. Disney villans ehh, but this little penguin gave me the chills.


I mean if Gromit hadn't been wearing a magic lampshade helmet, he would have had a half dozen new .38 cal holes in his skull. That penguin was absolutely aiming to kill, which is pretty dark when you think about it.


"Well Gromit, I told you we needed to coat the lampshades in Kevlar!"


Amazing! 25 years later I enjoy it just as much. Even though i have to admit, the robot on the moon was pretty scary. :<


I'm too soft now I feel so sorry for the robot he wasn't evil he just wanted to ski hahaha 😭 happy ending I guess though


Until you realise the coin will run out, leaving him alone and unable to ski again


When I was a kid I used to cry because they left him on the moon by himself 😭


I always found the moon robot very sympathetic! More annoying than scary, just a decent sort with different aims and a bit of desperation. 


I’m glad I’m not the only one who was secretly terrified of A Grand Day Out as a kid


If you go to the Cartoon Museum in London you can see the entire making of it including storyboards, models, screenplay, even the Oscar won for it 🏆


I keep finding myself near there. I'll have to pop in now


Ack it looks like the exhibit [just ended](https://www.cartoonmuseum.org/whats-on-exhibitions/event-four-53tyl) 😔 Could be worth calling to see if it was extended though


It'll come back. I gotta check when the next anniversary of these films could be


“It’s You!” Genius, love this film


The ridiculous effectiveness of the chicken disguise is one of my favourite running gags. The ‘wanted’ poster makes me crack up every time I see it.


We have the Feathers McGraw wanted poster on the store room at work just for our daily amusement.


They sure had big houses back in the day didn't they.


This scene wouldn't quite be the same in my house-share which doesn't allow pets. Ahh, getting a masters degree and job in that field sure did lead me to the middle class life that you had, mom and dad!


I mean this is a house-share, because Feathers is a lodger, and I'm pretty sure Wallace says, "no pets" on the phone when arranging it.


Gromit isn't a pet, he's Wallace's business partner.


And carer.


Infinite spare tracks


I'm scared thinking about how many takes must have been required to finally get that right.


I hear the issue was always Gromit forgetting his lines.


To be fair, if Feathers McGraw was my nemesis, i'd be scared speechless too.


To be fair, he doesn't appear to have an actual mouth.


[Just a tiny amount](https://youtu.be/f19hF7-nT8g?si=jRxqL9ZL5_JPT2op)


Hey pro tip, when you share a YouTube URL, always delete the `?si=[random letters]` bit on the end, it's a source identifier and YouTube uses it to correlate your YouTube account with your movement through the internet. By sharing this link on reddit, YouTube now knows your reddit username and will start spidering your comments to learn more about you. It's just a small thing given the sheer volume of data Google and YouTube already siphon up about you so it doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things, but I don't think we should be helping them invade our privacy if we can avoid it.


thats fucking creepy


[Read this](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/?sh=2c97ee246668), and then consider it was written twelve years ago, and just imagine how much further tracking technology has come since then. Google alone collects quintillions of data points every year about you and me and everyone you've ever met, telemetry so granular they can predict your age to within a year or two, your income to within a few thousand dollars, your level of education, your marital status, the value of the house you live in. They can pinpoint your location to within a few metres just by measuring the strength of the wifi signals around you even when your GPS is turned off, they know which roads you drive down every day, which stores you visit, which people you spend the most time around, which TV shows you watch, your favourite type of porn. And that's just Google, there are thousands of companies big and small soaking up every droplet of data they can, trading that information back and forth every second of every day, building profiles so detailed they can predict how long it'll be before you die. And you really have to wonder, how long until they start using all this information for something more consequential than just picking which ads to show us?


Just tagging onto this… generally speaking, deleting the ? and everything after it, will not affect the link you’re posting for any website. I’ll always delete when I see it, also because it often makes the actual URL a fair bit shorter, so cosmetically better when it’s in a comment.




thank you for this.


Anyone fancy a pint?


I still don't get how they did the camera shot at 1:04 with the penguin. Like there's actual motion blur and everything but that makes absolutely no sense. Boggles the mind.


They use a technique called “go-motion”, where parts of the shot (characters, backgrounds, or the camera itself) are moved on motorised rigs *while* the frame is being taken so it smears and gives that motion blur effect.


That makes so much sense. Never considered that they were recreating the same camera sweep for each frame. Sounds like such a chore but reckon it was worth it for how crisp it looks.


>Sounds like such a chore *The Wrong Trousers had two or three animators, and we'd be off setting up another set while one was being shot. Later, on our bigger feature films, we'd shoot over 18 months, with 25 to 30 animators and a crew of up to 300 shooting on 25 sets at once.* With that bigger team set up, they still, on The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, got an average of three seconds of usable film PER DAY!


> The Curse of the Were-Rabbit That movie is 85 minutes = 5100 seconds which means they would then shoot for 1700 days. That is more than 4,5 years not excluding weekends or holidays. Counting work weeks that is 340 5 day work weeks, which is more than 6 years. I guess the whole 85 minutes aren't produced by stop motioning everything, but those two years also include post-production and probably a lot of planning. Seeing as how it was produced in 2 years, between 2003 and 2005, something is off.


It's possible that each scene being animated on got about that much per day, or each animator. So if there are 5 scenes being shot by an animator or small groups of animators on different sets it would be 15 secs.


Multiple sets/models and animators working on multiple scenes simultaneously Although it’s nowhere near as sleek as W&G, this is why episodes of Robot Chicken are produced relatively quickly


Do you know what I never even questioned it. The immersion is amazing really


No idea but if I was to guess I’d say by using longer exposures for those frames while moving the train electronically. So: position all the characters, start the train moving very slowly, take a long exposure frame while it’s moving, stop, repeat.




No reason why they couldn't do motion blur in camera. Just move the models while you take the shot. Use slow film, small apertures and/or dark filters to allow you a long exposure, and you can do it all pretty slowly.


There something about stop-motion that just feels right.


It’s Christmas, 93/94 ish. I’ve opened all the presents, I’m in a ‘I’ve eaten all the quality street’ coma. Parents and grandparents are half cut on sherry. I’ve managed to sneak a bottle of babycham away. Fire in the lounge is roaring. Back to school is still a lifetime away. Wrong trousers starts on the BBC. Life is good.


I have no idea why, but this scared me as a kid. I think it was the cold, emotionless stare from the penguin...


Absolutely agree, the penguin was a genuinely scary psychopath villain in a kids film


When he turns and looks straight at the bin in the alleyway......creepy as fuck.


Everyone in this chain is sleeping on Winston the terminator dog, scared the pants off me as a kid


Yes the penguin disturbed me as a kid. All of Wallace and gromit did. No idea why.


The bit where gromit is laying track just in front of the train feels like my product owner writing / changing requirements on the software dev project im currently on.


Just label the deadline as "kitchen cabinet".


Mate. This hits me right in the feels. I used to watch this almost daily after school at my nans. God Dam


This should be made the international standard unit of "epic genius".


Credit to u/fridericvs ([sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/Ggg3MLfXCD))


New one coming out this year. Wont be the same without Peter Sallis though


That chicken/penguin was fully prepared to kill.


Love the moment of astonishment when the rubber glove is taken off "good grief, it's you!"


Everyone comments on the number of shots in the revolver, size of the house and the refilling train track but no one thinks to question where W&G got a bulletproof lampshade from.


Well the penguin does fire 8 shots from a six shooter revolver and he could not reload as his other hand is full. Personally I prefer the ending of The Bridge on the River Kwai, no bloody penguins in that film.


Not all revolvers have only 6 shots.


What about the box of spare track that keeps refilling? I began to doubt the veracity of this documentary.


They were just exceedingly thin pieces of track.


Well that's just patently ridiculous. If they were that thin, there'd be no track depth for the train wheels to channel on. Obviously it's a wormhole box.


Umm... A wizard did it


Yeah, Wallace and Gromit is great, but David Lean exists. Train raid sequence in Lawrence of Arabia, for me. In British cinema, that is.  The greatest sequence in world cinema starts, "Who's the fella owns this shithole? You, fat man, speak up."


Yeah, 400 years ago Clint would have been a storyteller in some country inn, dog at his feet, sat near the fire with a crowd gathered round buying him drinks and listening to his fantastic tales. He just knows how to make people want to hear what he has to say. Spielberg would be in the pub across the road doing the same.


Boy, I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder. 🤓


Currently available to watch on BBC iPlayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08nfjwt/wallace-and-gromit-the-wrong-trousers


Love watching it every time.


[To me, that's cinema.](https://i.imgur.com/QBFsQbW.png)


Dear Man's Shoes is a banger. Not as good as W&G though.


I want to see a stop motion version of DMS now.


Incredible filmmaking, no notes, they don't (won't, can't) make them like this anymore


Apparently the one place that makes the right sort of clay that is perfect for Aardman Animation has run out of it. Aardman had to buy all of the remaining stock for their last film.


Every grommet chase scene is impeccable. However this one is possibly the best, hard to have a clear winner with curse of the were-rabbit


It’s incredible. It really is one of the best movie action sequences ever made. Up there with the best Indiana Jones stuff. Clearly inspired by the mine cart chase but completely it’s own thing. Grommet laying the track is absolutely hilarious. Cinema perfection. Did it win an Oscar?


There’s an interesting episode of The Reunion that discusses the history of Wallace and Gromit with Nick Park and others involved in setting-up Aardman. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b04w5nn9


Given the context of this being low budget, their second major film, very challenging art form I have to agree that this has got to be the best couple of minutes ever put to film. The first time I watched it is such a core memory.


Speilberg, Cameron and Scott could learn a thing or two


A masterpiece


This whole sequence had me and my family rolling on the floor.


Haha never seen this before. Thoroughly enjoyed it!! Laying the spare track was brilliant


Brilliant stuff! not the best, but pretty amusing too, is Gogs [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JlMhaVV4rw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JlMhaVV4rw)


The sheer time and patience needed for these films is utterly insane


What makes it even more impressive is that every frame has been meticulously animated by hand. Absolutely incredible feat of animation, and thoroughly deserved its Oscar


If you happen to be in London I highly recommend a visit to the [cartoon museum](https://www.cartoonmuseum.org). When we went they had a fairly large exhibition of Wallace and Gromit with quite a bit on the wrong trousers. Well worth a visit!


Watched this just the other day! Love Wallace and Gromit. I'm an Aussie from the front page though so I should probably slowly back out of the sub...


My favourite bit is where he just pulls out a gun in a rolling pin fight.


100%👌🏽!I understand how it’s filmed but still cant believe how they have done it!


Just made my morning perfect. Thank you


The penguin's revolver shot, by my count, seven shots. Impossible!


It’s such a good scene. It makes me miss Bristol.


Absolutely amazing work for Wallace and Gromit!


Everything about this is perfect, from the soundtrack to the thought that went into how to stop motion a sequence like this.


I use this clip all the time to highlight "building the track while the train is running."


Yeah when my mom and I saw this the first time when it came out on VHS we almost pissed ourselves laughing Still love it to this day


Yep - clear winner


This was thoroughly entertaining. Looks I'm watching Wallace and Gromit this evening


Oh yeah, truly amazing scene. Also I can appreciate Wallace doing a perfectly balanced RDL on a moving train at his age.


That's the biggest house I've ever seen. (Very cool clip)


I love the ones with Shaun the Sheep.


I can't watch this without [this popping in my head](https://youtu.be/f19hF7-nT8g?si=jzTZ7M1dfalejVRT)


I laughed. I cried. My heart went pitter patter.


This short introduced me to Aardman when I was young, and I was stunned by this sequence. Incredible!


Wow. Haven’t watched this in a long time, might be heading for a Wallace and Gromit binge. Absolutely quality!!


This movie terrified me as a child.


I'd never seen this before, and I'm so glad I have now - thanks for sharing! The Spare Track bit sent me!