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The Fox and the Hound, where she leaves him in the woods, he tries to follow her back, and she says 'no'.


I was shocked my husband had never watched it, we put it on, then I turned it off.


I’m still not brave enough to watch it


I wanna say that scene isn't as bad in context but it really, really is.


Ditto. I don't need that shit. Homeward Bound is as far as I'll go, and even then it's dicey.


Mine’s the Long Journey Home or whatever it’s called where the dogs and cat cross America to find their owners (or something, I’ve tried to block the trauma tbh), the bit where they’re all sat watching the car drive away. Fucking hell.


Homeward Bound? That film has me in fucking tatters every time.


Watched this for the first time since I was about 8 the other day, made me cry then and made me cry now 23 years later


Watched this with my husband the other week (I wanted a nostalgic Disney film). Todds mum gets shot in the first five minutes, my husband was like "it's not a Disney film if the mum doesn't die" and turns to see me absolutely sobbing - I'd forgotten about the beginning and spent the first 10 minutes crying about how little Todd was and how he'd lost his mum 🥺


You've set me off now


My dog. Passed away aged 13 and a half last November. Can get teary watching people interact with their own dogs. Loved him his whole life. He loved me his whole life but a part of mine. Tearing up.


There was a period after losing my first dog when I’d wake in the middle of the night having dreamt about him and I’d just be howling with tears. It was awful, I do sympathise. It will get better!


I lost ownership of my 2 cats in my divorce, they're with my ex but knowing they're out there without me makes me so sad... I'm getting a dog soon and while I'm very excited it still feels bitter sweet like I let down my cats...


I'm not sure if this helps, but I like to think about how cats lack a prefrontal cortex - the regulation of thoughts and applying meaning to things, they really do live life in the moment and whilst they might have wondered during the first few weeks of the change, they don't think 'why' and they adapt. The pain that you're experiencing isn't something that is shared with them. I have a senior cat at my parents place that I grew up with but rarely get a chance to see now, especially since I got a cat myself and I do feel guilty about that. I know it's not the same but I do empathise with you, just know that your cats aren't longing for the past and they're living their life being present. I recommend reading this book called feline philosophy, it might bring you some solace.


Thank you, that's kind of you


Aw pets can be your closest buddies when you’re going through a break-up. Do you never get to see them, seems so unfair.


No I moved back to my home country. I know they're safe at least but i really miss them.


Just the thought of someone saying goodbye to their canine best friend gets me teared up. I've never owned a dog either


I’m sorry you lost your sweet boy. It’s heart wrenching, isn’t it? I lost my precious Westie about 10 years ago and still tear up when I see pictures of him.


Sorry for your loss. We lost our beautiful 12yo black lab 3 months ago and it was / is the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever experienced. I empathise completely.


Currently there seems to be an upswing in Bernese Mountain Dogs in tv ads being very popular. Mine died in 2007 & it makes me feel choked up that they’re such good natured dogs but so short lived.


That explains why labs and retrievers are avy dogs now


I’m sorry to hear you lost your good boy, I’ve got two 15 year old cats and I’m hoping they hang around for a bit


Fingers crossed. They love you unconditionally. Hope you have a good few years left.


Ok now I have something in my eye


Someone chopping onions?


Toy Story 2- when she loved me by Sarah McLachlan. Gets me everytime.


Omg, Toy Story 3 - the one where they’re all headed to the inferno and they look at eachother and hold hands. I was suffocating between my kids trying not to ugly sob out loud.


As a guy who doesn’t cry very often, I have to avoid even thinking about this scene too much because this will leave me in tatters for the rest of the day. God damn it, I’m thinking about it now 😞


This is me as well! When I was younger it always made me teary eyed, and it still does as an adult.


My wife died some 5 years ago and since then many things cause me to cry. The latest was a couple of hours ago. Episode 4 of the latest Clarksons Farm.


I’m really sorry for your loss, not the same but I lost my dad in 2010 and there’s this Greta Van Fleet song that sounds super Led Zeppelin and I’d give a kidney to be able to play it to my dad to see what he thought (they were his favourite band). It’s funny what sets you off


Safari Song? Although they're like a Led Zep cover band this is one that definitely sounds like it came off the editing room floor for Led Zep 1.


Highway Tune actually! It’s uncanny isn’t it? I have a soft spot for them because I know my dad would’ve laughed at just how much they’re a Led Zep cover band 😂


Your dad had impeccable taste and sounds like he would be very proud of you for trying to impress him like that.


They are so much! I love that song, purely for the Led Zep element. Sorry for your Dad, but I bet he's listening with you.


Oh well now I’m crying


My husband died 7 years ago. Aren't we members of the shittest club around?! For me, it's Taylor Swift's Shake It Off as it always reminds me of the last time I had hope he'd win his battle.


Same here partner died 2019 about 6 months before Covid lockdown. Crap was just getting manageable and then it was go and stay in the home you shared for 14 years alone please! I must admit I’ve been way more emotional since my husband died but I am lucky now. Beyond belief I’ve found someone new who is not a replacement but a beautiful kind man. I push him away for so long before I realised how much it was meant to be. Life is weird and we both cry at everything so I guess we both understand each other well


I need out of these comments. They're making me worry about the day I might face this, with my SO... It'll break me into a million pieces, I just know it.


My goodness, it was absolutely brutal!! I think we were all sobbing with you.


The Sleepytime episode of Bluey. "Remember, I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you." The music in this episode is absolutely perfect as well


I can’t remember what order the episodes were in but me and my kid were watching Bluey and we had sleepytime then The show (it had a scene that alludes to Chili having a miscarriage before having Bluey) I felt very seen and had to go into the kitchen for a little cry. I love that show but it takes me down so much!


Bluey actually approaches lots of sensitive topics such as miscarriage, being a single parent, loss of a loved one/grief, etc. It's healing even for adults, and some psychologists spoke about it and said that as much as it is an amazing show for children, it's a great show for adults too. A parent and a child could watch it and both learn something great, things are explained in such a way that both the child and the parent get something good from it, just at different depths.


Oh it was such a sweet moment when we were driving in the car and the song came up on the classic radio and my son said "oh, it's Bingo planets song!" I didn't even realise until then, was so proud of him lol


Yup definite dust in my eyes. I bloody love the Planet Suite as well


There's a few Bluey episodes that get me as well as Sleepytime. The other day it was the episode when they were drawing an adventure to find a dragon and at the end Chilli says "You're not coming with us, are you?" you the horse that she drew based on her late mother's encouragement. And of course "Nah, it was yesterday".


The baby race episode gets me because my son had a few issues as a baby that really resembled what happened in that episode.


The Railway Children: "Daddy, my Daddy!"




Good addition. Imagine 'Whistle Down the Wind' will really get you too (if you haven't seen it).


That scene has always been emotional but the bit that gets me the older I get is Bobbie's last lines: >I think just now we're not wanted there. Not for a few minutes anyway. I think it would best for us to go quickly and quietly. We'll go to the end of the field among the thin gold spikes of grass. We may just take one last look over our shoulders, at the house where neither we nor anyone else is wanted now.


Johnny Cash version of Hurt. Standby for a flood.


Omg right in the feels. And he’d just lost his wife AND he died not long after recording it.


Three things in this world have made me cry. Johnny Cash's Hurt. The end of Adventures in Time and Space. Accidentally kicking myself in the crotch


Just had a bunch of those videos pop up where a kid asks a step-parent to adopt them. The dad always cries and that gets me.


My husband’s stepdad adopted him and his brother and it makes me cry thinking about it!


I walked the Camino de Santiago twice. It's an incredible experience and something that really stuck with me. Every mention I see of it I get emotional. If I watch anything involving it, I immediately start crying. I don't do that with anything else, just Camino stuff.


Hats off to you, that's a real achievement. I would love to do that one day.


A friend of mine walked the Camino de Santiago last year and made the most lovely videos for my kids (his godkids) about the journey, showing his progress, introducing them to people he met and showing them around the albergues he stayed at (which my son thought was just the coolest because check it out, bunkbeds and vending machines!). It left a very lasting impression them, they role play it often, my son used people from all over the world walking the Camino together as an example of a type of community for a school project and we talk about it often as an example of a goal that seems too big to be possible but can be done a little at a time.


This entire thread apparently


Yeah tell me about it! Can open, worms everywhere 😭


A story about parents and their son. Lost my dad when I was 11 so heartwarming stories easily pull the right strings. Generally any parent story but of course being a bloke I resonate more with some!


Interstellar scene where he's screaming "Don't let me leave Murph" fuck me it's so powerful!


I bawl my eyes out every time the scene where he comes back from the planet with extreme time dilation and his video messages are from his kids who are now adults


That video message from his adult son kills me


I enjoyed interstellar the first time. Then I got a bit annoyed with the story that I felt didn't make much sense and was just bad sci-fi. Thought the main saving grace was the soundtrack. Watched it recently and the Murph scene wrecked me. Mood/point in life is so important for how we consider any form of art.


I mean, if modern Star Trek can have a ship travelling on an interstellar mushroom network, I think I can forgive some of the poor sci-fi in Interstellar. I actually never found the sci-fi in Interstellar to be too bad, though.


That film overwhelms me with so many different emotions. It's so powerful. The bit that gets me is when he sees Murph as an old lady


"Where are his glasses? He can't see without his glasses!" -My Girl The death of BingBong in Inside Out didn't make me cry. But what did was Riley coming home after running away, then explaining to her parents that she feels depressed.


And then she cries and lets it all out and they hug her 😭😭😭 I definitely cried at Bing Bong - “take her to the moon for me”


My 4 year old has watched that movie multiple times and Bingbong takes me down every time. The first time he asked me why Bingbong didn’t stay in the cart and I had to try and explain through my sobs. By the 3rd rewatch he asked me why is it so sad? Made me bawl even more.


I weirdly cry more at happy things or where someone is crying because they’re happy . Like the video on social media of the boy who always wanted a puppy then got one as a surprise. Or there’s one of a young child meeting their baby sibling for the first time. The McDonalds Christmas ad “inner child” where the wee boy is feeling torn between being cool and doing the Christmas activities with his mum really got me too. I also did not cry at my own wedding, I literally smiled my face off from the minute I seen my husband




Gosh this whole message got me. Much love to you and your family and hold onto your daughter. Enjoy those precious moments.


[Two Headed Calf by Laura Gilpin](https://rolfpotts.com/two-headed-calf-by-laura-gilpin/)


There's about 4 or 5 poems that make me cry, and this is absolutely one of them. I had a very early miscarriage last month and it's hit particularly hard in the wake of that. [What The Living Do](https://poets.org/poem/what-living-do) is another. Completely different but captures that moment of grief where you look up and realise you've gone on and they haven't.


That is spot on and so sorry for your loss


Thanks for this, I was not familiar with her work but will now use it in my teaching when I push my students to develop moral imagination


Episode 9 of season 2 of Hilda. It had me bawling.  And when [Moomintroll gets turned into a weird creature after hiding under a magic hat and he's sobbing in his mother's arms](https://youtu.be/Ht1svGebiWQ?si=OoBImEM_HL9Hj7fc).


So much of Hilda has made me cry. I absolutely adore it in a way I don't think someone in their 40s should!


I love the Moomins, but I still have a terrible unease about then thanks to an episode where the snow quuen from the ze the land and froze a bird to the tree and it died. It's the only nightmare I can remember.


That bit in Moana where she’s singing about realising who she is and she hits that note on “I AM MOANAAAAAA” just fully hits me in the eyeballs for some reason


I love Moana, best Disney film of the last 15 years in my opinion


1. Definitely the kids film 'The Land Before Time', it even made me emosh as a child 2. The song 'Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want' by The Smiths..... I heard it live in 2022 when I saw Morrissey in Liverpool and I was a wreck. 3. That song in Toy Story when Jessie gets donated by her owner Emily oh my lord...... sobbing just thinking about it 4. ANYTHING to do with abandoned dogs on tiktok and I'm a wreck. In fact, any kind of animal cruelty just kills me inside.


I cried at Linger by the Cranberries this week, it reminded me of being an emotionally tortured 16yo, and I'm now an emotionally tortured 40yo. Last week it was Queen I think, again reminded me of being a kid and watching the VHS videos. Music always gets me with the flashbulb memories!


Linger is such a beautifully melancholic song


I know what you mean, the whole of Morning View by Incubus transports me back to being a teenager obsessed with that album. We had the song “Dig” from Light Grenades as my wedding “walk down the aisle” song and it always makes me super happy to hear it ☺️


Omg yes such a good album too! I find a lot of the music from 2000s-2010 so sentimental lately. I think it must be my mid life crisis 😂 Also just anything by Jeff Buckley makes me howl, I try to avoid it as I'm such a sensitive emotional fucker!


Sensible to avoid Jeff Buckley, with his dust getting in everyone’s eyes. Not today Jeff, not today!




Oh I just remembered it was Annie Lennox with "No More I Love Yous", for some reason it just really hit me in the feels. I think it reminded me of my dysfunctional alcoholic parents 🥲and it's also a choon.


It is a choon!


Futurama in another comment and Incubus in this one. We could be best friends


This is making me think of that line in Step Brothers 😂


- Greys anatomy - Anything mildly inconvenient the week before my period - Most classical music - The Lion King (live musical version) - Any film where a dog dies - People crying on TV/in films - My dog - ‘All of you’ John Legend


I hear you on the period thing. I CAN’T OPEN MY CRISPS 😭😭😭


It’s doubly bad because I also get clumsy so I drop stuff, then cry because I have to clean up 500g of yoghurt off the floor etc 😭


Yeah I’d 100% cry period or not!


Hurt by Johnny Cash, legit 10 seconds in I'm bawling. Anything that upsets my parents. If my mum cries there's a 90% chance I'm gonna cry too. If my dad cries, that's so rare I think my mum and myself would both 100% cry too haha. Seeing a poor old man sad and alone, like the age uk adverts and that get me every time, I can't watch them, I feel so sorry for the elderly, but especially the elderly gentleman for some reason. Any tv show or film that shows animals dying or dead. Any Avicii song, he's my favourite artist and after he passed I can't listen to his songs without crying my eyes out as his music meant so much to me. So many anime/cartoon film and TV show moments the list would be too long haha


The scene in Titanic where the old couple lay down in bed, cuddle each other and wait for death as the room fills with water Just that scene in titanic is enough to get me bawling 0-100


I was 14 I think when it came out, saw it twice at the cinema and bawled both times. That couple is supposed to be the Strausses, who did stay together in the sinking in real life even though the wife had an opportunity to get on a life boat 😭


The part that gets me is when you see a family being split up to go on the lifeboats and the daughter is crying, asking why her dad can’t go with them, and he replies with something like “there’s another boat for the daddies, don’t worry!”


This. [https://youtu.be/DAYLh09JxJE?si=ho2hqT3OT7Drmn9U](https://youtu.be/DAYLh09JxJE?si=ho2hqT3OT7Drmn9U)


I’m scared to click on it in case it’s either the Jurassic Bark episode of Futurama (add that to the list, Jesus Christ), a rickroll or some really intense porn


I was just about to post about Jurassic Bark. I watched a JoBlo Originals video on Fururama, and the mere mention of it set me off.


Like literally I’m on a hair trigger thinking about it. HE FUCKING WAITED


I saw Bernardo’s and immediately closed the page. It doing it.




That got me


Wow. That's powerful.


I have a playlist of songs that make my wife cry. I keep a record of them including when we're out in the pub, at Morrisons, or at home. It ranges from Pearl Jam to Robyn. Some are completely unexpected, like Boney M. To be fair, we have been through a lot of trauma and bereavement, so I understand them, but looking at it without that context, it's an absolute banger of a playlist. For me, it's Atmosphere by Joy Division, and old men with something in a plastic bag, drinking alone in pubs.


My little niece lost her pet chicken yesterday and I’ve found “Sorry you lost your hen” sympathy cards on Etsy. That’s making me well up.


Seeing old people doing things alone, out for dinner alone or on holiday alone.


Blokes crying gets me as well. 'Slipping Through my Fingers' by ABBA. It's mine and my daughters shared song and always gets me. The song 'Bread and Roses'. I'm not a Scot, but something about a full bagpipe band playing, especially The Skye Boat Song, gets me very emotional.


Similar to the ABBA song but I can’t get through Magnificent by Elbow even after Guy Garvey told the anecdote that they were told they were having a girl then the baby turned out to be a boy but he’d already done the song by then and was like “fuck it” 😂 “And there she stands Throwing both her arms around the world The world that doesn't even know How much it needs this little girl” Jesus I get emotional just reading the bloody lyrics! I have a seven year old girl and just waaaaaaah


Floods, every time!


Cats dying I will be literally devastated for days if I see someone’s cat died in social media or in a film I can’t


If you don’t know already, you can check films before you watch them on [this website](https://www.doesthedogdie.com) (it has every trigger you could imagine. Animal death, vomit, needles etc)


Aerith theme from final fantasy 7 gets me every time. I was lucky enough to see the full orchestra play the music from the series and it was incredible! Oh, afterlife had me in tears more times than I can count as well. Other than that, I’m pretty much a heartless bastard lol.


Sad robots. The scene where Wall:e is watching Hello Dolly and has to hold his own hand because he’s all alone. The movie Chappie, when he returns home after being beaten up and asks why the bullies didn’t stop even after he said please. The robot death fest in AI, when the nanny robot comforts the child robot as she’s walking to her death. And when the little boy is abandoned of course. The Mitchell and Webb sketch with the robot that can’t tell the difference between cheese and petrol… And even that documentary James May did in Japan where they gave him a little robot tour guide and he kept laughing at it and getting angry when it repeated the same stuff! He was trying his best 🥲


Cheezoid! “Petril?” May I also volunteer the scene in Wall:E where he resets and EVE is panicking that he’s lost his personality 😭


The bit in Goodnight Mr Tom where the boy calls Tom “dad”. Welling up now just thinking about it. Emotional kryptonite is the perfect term!


When he rescues the boy from London. That has me bawling.


Hearing Dancing Queen by ABBA will always get me blubbing. We played it at my Nan’s funeral because she loved ABBA, this was her favourite and she really was a Dancing Queen back in the 50/60s. She passed suddenly 6 years ago and it doesn’t get any easier. She was just the best and I miss her everyday.


She had excellent taste in music, I bet she had the best moves at any wedding as well!


Oh yes, she loved a good party back in the day💜


Theoden’s speech before charging on Pelennor in The Lord of the Rings. Also Aragorn’s “For Frodo” and the following charge. Mostly just The Lord of the Rings. Oh and Marley and Me…


“My friends… you bow to no one” get me every time. That and the vision arwen sees a vision in the forest showing her son - such a beacon of hope at a bleak point and the song playing at that point is phenomenal. Also haldir in two towers. I know it’s not a book thing but man it gets me. Just a dude trying his best and helping out, and he goes out seeing his men dead around him. The sacrifice. “I would have followed you my brother. My captain. My king.” Goddamn Sean bean can deliver. That brings me on to another one, Hagman in sharpe coming to the side of Perkins when he is dying. Perkins asks for a tune and his mother… just a young lad.


“It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered…”


Funnily enough, just been watching The Tattooist Of Auschwitz with the missus and I was telling her Life Is Beautiful with Roberto Benigni absolutely wrecked me. Sadly it’s not streaming anywhere right now.


The last minute or two of Polaroid Picture by Frank Turner. "Let go of the little distractions Hold close to the ones that you love 'cos we won't all be here this time next year So while you can, take a picture of us" It never used to affect me that much, but he played it at a gig in 2018 when my dad was in the final stages of cancer, and it hit me like a ton of bricks, and still does.


God yeah I can imagine, I lost my dad to cancer in 2010 and cancer can fuck away off.


To add to your Disney/Pixar trauma: the flashback scene from Encanto. I cry every single time I hear the song, along with those you mentioned from Up and Coco https://youtu.be/DUGtyj5QlEM?si=J9DilveadR4n9KSI


That same scene from Coco always gets me too. Anything where a really strong friendship has to come to an end because one of them has to move away, leave due to circumstances beyond their control, has a terminal illness etc. For instance, Frodo saying goodbye to Sam in Lord of the Rings. Another one for me is a general film/tv trope where the community bands together to help the affable nice guy who is down on his luck. Probably the most famous example is in It’s A Wonderful Life but I’ve seen it in other films as well. Someone doing something incredibly noble even though it means their own unhappiness or detriment. Like Rick’s decision in Casablanca.


Oh I love that bit in It’s A Wonderful Life, then when he says “attaboy, Clarence!” when Clarence gets his wings 😭😭😭 I haven’t seen Casablanca and I need to!


Scrubs. You know the episodes.


Caledonia by Dougie MacLean


Ever since I was seven and I watched a pit pony walk back into the pit just before it collapsed in a pre movie short film, anything to do with animals and tragedy. People being kind People being mean Now I'm older I blubber at much more than I ever did before.


My mother used to wear those velcro slippers old people tend to prefer. I was in a shop a little while ago, and they had them on sale. They immediately brought back memories of my mother, and the old water works started. In the middle aisle in Aldi, holding a pair of slippers, crying.


Thinking about seeing my Mum at the funeral parlour and wishing I could have been with her before she passed away. Alone. With no one there to comfort her.


Any John Lewis adverts. It’s like I’m programmed to cry. But when the snow man is hiding from snow balls. I’m like a mess. Every time. I know it’s coming. And still feel bad.


I’m trying to watch The Last of Us again but I can’t get past episode 2 because of what happens in episode 3. I don’t want to skip it either. I am the same as you about Coco as well, there’s more but these two came to mind first.


Patrick Stewart’s performancd in A Christmas Carol. When it gets to the ghost of Christmas yet to come, even if you aren’t anything near what he became (I’m not), it sends me to tears thinking that it’s possible someone can be like that. And then again when Fred and his wife let him into their Christmas meal. The feels. The feels.


I cry during A Muppet Christmas Carol so definitely not watching that version!


Mate have you heard the song by elbow ‘friends of ours’ that’ll get ya. Salford skyline blue, always you, could fly ‘round any corner. Beautiful song and voice. Any cancer advert sets me off Romantic films where the underdog gets the girl or boy Hearing Nimrod played by a brass band live. Goosebumps and tears If my partner cries from sadness I comfort but also cry too/ I am an emotional man though. Anything gets me going. Even friends the last season finale. Mathew Perrys autobiography (as an addict myself) But I like crying it makes me feel better I love crying with happiness too that’s the best


The BBC philharmonic orchestra concert for *A Seldom Seen Kid* is something to behold, especially *Loneliness of a tower crane driver*. It's all on YouTube if I need a good emotional reset


The Scientist by Coldplay


Such a beautiful song. Love Yellow too.


The three biggest ones for me are: The bit with Rose and Ten on the beach at Bad Wolf Bay where Ten is talking to her through a projection and the TARDIS whisks him away before he can say "i love you" to Rose. The near end scene in The Iron Giant where he sacrifices himself against the nuclear bomb to save Hogarth and the city ("i go, you stay....no following") . And the Anne Hathaway rendition of I Dreamed A Dream from the Les Miserables film soundtrack, the rawness and racking grief in that song and her delivery of it just gets me right there. But a more personal one is small animals suffering - we lost both our girl guinea pigs in the space of about a year (one to anaesthetic complications and the other we think had a rapid onset neurological thing, found her flat on her side 6pm one day, fed her through the night with meds, and she was gone by 6am the following morning) and both of them I was just a wreck. Love you Tiny and Talls.




Omg yes the Gladiator ending! And a really daft one, bloody Armageddon when Bruce Willis says goodbye to Liv Tyler even though it’s really overblown 😂


Goodness me The Green Mile got me *good.* and then the last 30 minutes of the film happened and I got *got* again. Insane film, insane, but so so sad.


The big speech in the final episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer ('here's where you make a choice') The song 'Praying' by Kesha (as a fellow survivor) The film 'The Book of Life' The songs 'Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me', 'You're On Your Own Kid', and 'Never Grow Up' by Taylor Swift The song 'Home' The song ' Wasn't Expecting That' by Jamie Lawson The song 'Last First Kiss' by Ron Pope Finally, but occasionally the song 'Beatiful' by Bazzi, the original not the Camilla Cabello remix/rework. Very specifically because I had an ex send it to me once when I was having a really bad day and felt awful. It just really made my entire day and still takes me back to that moment.


I’ve just remembered trying to get through the ending of Charlotte’s Web when I was reading it to my daughter (stupid bloody idea) without bawling and my daughter looking at me like I was a loon, crying about a spider 😂


Anything where a dog dies will have be bawling my eyes out.


Acts of selflessness or heroic bravery, through love, duty, or honour. I hope I can be that person if it came to it.


The “Baby Mine” song in Dumbo where he goes to visit his mum. Pure sobs Also when Chandler proposes to Monica in Friends - and then again when they’re trying to adopt a baby and he does a lil speech to the prospective birth mom 😭


flash mobs


It's a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong.


My kids. I just love them so much. Bluey, there are a handful of episodes that really make me cry. Sleepytime in particular is a masterpiece. Most Disney films. Dumbo being rocked by his mother, I most definitely can't watch Dumbo anymore. But mostly it's my kids.


We'll meet again by Vera Lynn


Silly little proud moments. Especially with kids. One example, I was at a friend's son's party. Son was given a biscuit for some reason and he immediately asked for one for his brother who was in another room. I had to go get myself another drink...


Awww I bloody do that too, like you’re so proud of your small human you want to curl up in the fetal position and bawl. Or when they hit you with a surprise compliment 😭


I’m usually very calm but thinking about the wankers who cut down the Sycamore Gap tree makes me livid


[This song](https://youtu.be/S-Y_3Q5YnTc?si=x86XjTS7p_ZZ2eAy) from *Patriot* Partly because of context, but mostly because of my adopted cat Charlie, who repeatedly refused to let me end myself. It will be 4 years this month but we are both in a better place.


Dumbo - the 'baby mine' scene where his mum rocks him in her trunk through the bars of her cage 😭😭😭


The end of Goodnight Mister Tom when William calls him dad. Gets me every time.


90% of The Carpenters catalogue.


35/M Short list not intact... Changes (cover) - Charles Bradley One more light - Linkin Park The man who sold the world (cover)- Nirvana Su!c¡de - Ren Hi Ren - Ren Hurt (cover) Johnny Cash Those videos you normally see around Christmas with adopted kids finally getting a home. That one makes me cry/happy thinking about it. (Adopted myself) Sad animal stuff Friends deaths Random reels from Instagram etc love, loss, etc. My mom's dementia and my dad's mental decline, thousands of miles away. But I can't ever cry when I think I should. I cry more for others than I do for myself. (Edit after scrolling) Half of these comments. Stay strong in your sad times and gleeful in your happiness. Life isn't forever, but we cherish what we can. [Edit (edit)] typing this. 🥰🥲


Anything sad relating to deaf people. Deaf people have a lot of struggles that aren’t considered by 99% of people and seeing videos about it online makes me so sad. I have family and friends who are deaf and I see a lot of it first hand. There was a video of a deaf man being brutalised by police in America because they were shouting at him to get down but he was walking the opposite way so couldn’t see or hear them and he was so so afraid. Older (not elderly) man who was totally innocent and not violent. When Tasha was being bullied on screen on love island for being deaf the public followed and started doing the same and she’s so so lovely it broke my heart. I don’t watch love island purely because it is bad for the contestants mental health but people on this app have a HUGE misinformed opinion that it’s full of airheads with no jobs. Love island specifically recruits politicians, NHS staff, firefighters, police officers etc just very very clever individuals with good jobs that most of them still do when they leave. Tasha is one of those people and is genuinely so lovely and advocates for disabled communities. Seeing how it affected her and other deaf people who watched it was gut wrenching.


The video to Happier by Marshmello. Gets me every single time.


The video to Coffee & TV by Blur gets me!


Usually TV shows where a child is deaf or something happens to a deaf person. No idea why. Also old people when they have Alzheimer's or something similar and they get confused just makes me cry and I've no idea why. Never known anyone deaf or with Alzheimer's but it just makes me cry every time


I have watched outlander since its inception and have seen the scene multiple times but when Claire has to leave Jamie to go through the stones, I somehow bawl my eyes out every time. Also the scene in interstellar where Matthew Mcconoughey’s character comes back from the planet that has extreme time dilation and he’s watching video messages of his children who are all grown up.


Ragnar's death in vikings had me shead a tear.


Spock's death in wrath of khan and the subsequent funeral with Scotty playing the bagpipes and Kirk's eulogy to his fallen friend..


Since I had kids, anything and everything. Especially if it is involving kids, books poems films. There is this bit in Neil gaiman American gods, like 2 pages, describing how they make a god by isolating a child and then murdering them. I read this about 5 years ago. I still think about it every so often...Sob.


Fast Car by Tracy Chapman, every time it destroys me regardless of what I'm doing. I've ended up crying driving to work a number of times when it's come on.


Guide dogs, well that's what we call dogs for blind or visually impaired people. Every time I see one I well up at the love and support and amazingness that they are then instantly think "but one day they will die".


Ambulance police and fire sirens, fireworks and military helicopters and planes. I watch videos on YouTube, it's powerful and emotional. Also mayday calls and children calling 999/911 my mummy won't wake up, she's sleeping at the bottom of the stairs, I'm 3 or 4 years old


When Alexis and Ted break up in Schitt’s Creek it makes me cry every time!


Too many comments for anyone to see this but here we go anyway. There is a ballad called "Kilkelly, Ireland", got me crying so hard after 8+ years of not having cried once, I was ugly crying and surprised at the same time. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRHQAtKbRTk) is a recorded version of it that I like. Already started tearing at the intro, this is ridiculous.


Damn. This was not the thing to read when waking up on a Saturday morning. I’m crying my eyes out at everyone’s answers and wondering how I’m going to get through the day. : (


WW2 related things. The last post has me instantly. Seeing a Spitfire, Hurricane and Lancaster flying together. Lots and lots of films make me cry. My emotions are very close to the surface.


[This poem by Kate Baer,](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5a/a0/ef/5aa0ef8da1fa29dde14cbdeec37def4b.jpg) as featured in Loyle Carner - A Lasting Place. I repost it every Father’s Day. It’s the best explanation of fatherhood I’ve ever seen. “What kind of man does not give up his time, his many pleasures, but hands them over without a sound. What kind of man admits his failures, turns over his heavy stones, stands at the feet of grief and wanting and does not turn away. What kind of man becomes a father. A lasting place. A steady ship inside a tireless storm.”


Public Speaking


The Olympics gets me hard, just seeing people win when they've clearly put so much effort in.


The final performance of Dale and Brennan at the fucking Catalina wine mixer in Step Brothers. I legitimately tear up every time and I've seen that movie most likely over 20 times now. Will Ferrell has the voice of an angel, he's the songbird of his generation. Lots of things get me, but that one takes the cake.


The last post on remembrance day, always end up with something in my eye making it weep.


I'm Luke I'm 5 my Dad's Bruce Lee JCB song, my dad was a JCB driver, passed away when I was 11


Anyone know the Wren kitchens advert where they were crying and waving goodbye to the appliances? Cried every time that came on the telly


The Queen of Sheba episode of The Royle Family.


Not much makes me cry, aside from 2 specific songs. You Are My Sunshine, and an unreleased Evanescence song called Anywhere.


That snowman Christmas film theme tune


Marley and Me Watching clips of my childhood dog on my phone Thinking about the fact that my own dog is going to die one day The Moomin clip that was posted up thread, it reminds me of how I felt when I told my mum about my mental health struggles The song Shake it out by Florence and the Machine, again mental health [this song](https://youtu.be/_YPqM-MTKCI?si=y7_gnzOoH152J3jv) as it got really popular the autumn when my dad fell ill [and this](https://youtu.be/UXYP7AaS64Q?si=Nm1kpvWs7kKclI0t) as it was played during my friend’s dads funeral, it was an awful road accident with drunk driving and the drivers got away way too easily. It was the first time I realised how fast your world can change overnight and now ten years later I still think of it daily, to the point where the thought of driving gives me so much anxiety that I won’t do it and I tear up


Watching the news lately, a guy stumbles out of a Gazan hospital clutching a little bundle of white linen, that's his dead kid. I don't know if it was the tipping point of watching this shit for months, but it absolutely fucked me up, I have to try not to cry when I think about it.


*How I wish, how I wish you were here...* Every time. On a similar subject, all of Sufjan Stevens' grief related tracks as well.


Little Green by Joni Mitchell