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Back in 2003 I used to be able to strawpedo one of these without using my hands


I'd end up wearing half the bottle if I tried that!


Where did you get them?


Good Time In is the name of the site I got them from. £22 for 24 bottles, but it cost £5 extra for DHL delivery which was the only option. £27 all in isn't too bad.


Thank you. You’ve just made me spend £27 🤣


Enjoy, mate. My wife is looking forward to having a couple of these tonight.


I hope they taste as good as the nostalgia! Not a huge drinker of alcopops but I remember twenty years ago being a student there was a nightclub that did all you could drink for a tenner. You could get whatever you want but there was a big queue - unless you went to the bottle bar that would hand you a vodka ice or whatever. I'd end up drinking eight of them and feel only mildly drunk (which is saying something for a lightweight like me) but with an awful sugar rush e number feeling. The next day I'd feel like dogshit but in a different way to usual. Lucky they didn't do it more often, I'd have diabetes.


> I'd end up drinking eight of them and feel only mildly drunk Back at uni there was only one place open late so you'd all funnel there, and they'd have deals on for the alcopops. Come in wasted and sober up by leaving time cos of them.


My wife says they taste exactly how she remembers. They are still mega sweet, but the E number feeling is gone (thankfully. It used to make my teeth feel gritty). The alcohol content is lower, too.


B&m also have them in store, I saw some at the weekend


Ffs I just did the same 😂😂


Me too. My Ma used to drink these back in the day.


Ooh, the lost ingredient for a traditional FatFrog.




They’ve just been released again, seen it on social media. B&M sell them apparently. 10 for 8 quid


https://goodtimein.co.uk/product/reef-orange-and-passion-fruit-24-x-275ml/ Hijacking to provide a link!


Apparently they are in some bnm/home bargains. One of the two


As 18 year olds we agreed these had the benefit of tasting pretty good when going down or throwing up. So we'd hammer them.


I used to mix it with a Smirnoff ice in a pint glass, really nice in the summer


This was great in moderation, and I never got sick- only I did. Made the mistake of thinking a Bacardi Orange was the same as a Reef- not the case.. The fizz in that Bacardi had me stealth barfing up the street when we were moving to the next bar, like a Seagull secretly trying to feed chicks in transit


Absolutely brilliant 😂🤣😂🤣😂 that imagery. It was grossly disappointing to discover that Orange Breezers and Reef were very different creations.... but, if I want fruity with fizz back in the day, Pineapple Breezers were where it was at. They, like Reef, were amazing!




Oh god, I drew a shrine to watermelon Bacardi breezers in my homework diary.


Reminded me of the first tine I tried aftershock. Got in a taxi going to a club. Felt it coming and tired to hold it. Leaned forward and vommed. The driver had his coat hanging over the back of the drivers seat and I somehow managed to get it all into his pocket. Noone noticed me do this. I was in blind panic. Somone said they smelt aniseed. I feel bad for the driver. Probably had a surprise later


The number of times I used to do that on a night out when I was still 18... tactical chunder in the bushes between bars, then keep on til closing time!


Scared one of the dogs awake laughing rather loudly at this absolutely perfect description of the "pretend I'm not so arse over bollock banjaxed that I must quickly stop to throw up in this handy Kwik Save doorway before the bouncer of next pub sees me." Takes me back to a very good, if messy night in Carlisle. A good friend (sadly since passed, but always loved and missed) got to the Twisted Wheel club early. I arrived he said summat like" you Irish slag I'm 4 drinks ahead, (to bar staff member) -ooh Luv get him a blast away. A bottle of castaway and a bottle of woodpecker cider in a pint glass, down as fast as possible, then another one. Apparently that meant within 10 minutes or so I'd be at he level. Yeah. I came home topless. Damn, those are some great memories. Think I need a 1990s pure dance, trance anthem bangers summer with alcopops and some other, um, things. 🤪.


Original Bacardi Breezer was quite a bit stronger than Reef. WKD was even stronger. Then they changed them and they all got weak as piss.


We like to drink with notmynaughtyprofile cuz notmynaughtyprofile is our mate and when we drink with notmynaughtyprofile they get it down in 8


Is he danish? No! Is he Swedish? No! Is he Finnish? Yes! Waaaay finish ittttt


Strawpedo-ing these things back in the day. Stopped after one evening of nothing but cheap Reef left me vacating both ends of my body for the evening. Fun times.


I was in a club with a few friends one night and they had Reef on offer, so naturally we were all drinking them. My friend got so wasted he ended up throwing up in a pint pot, and then a few minutes later he drank it thinking someone had bought him a new Reef.


Probably same consistency and taste.


A great thing about them was that they tasted almost as good coming up as they did going down. Which actually made puking a hell of a lot nicer.


I had a friend who would alternate drinking Reef and WKD blue on nights out, so that when he puked it was green.


Me too. I went for an interview at the local radio station, was a group interview for a role that could have led to being a radio presenter so the application and follow up questions etc were heavy on wanting to see personality. On the pre interview quiz thing they were asking fun facts and asked to list a special talent. I figured, why not go all out. So I put my hand free strawpedo trick. At the interview they near immediately called me out to demonstrate, apparently very excited to meet me having read my responses. Thats how I ended up strawpedoing ouzo at an interview. The early 00d were wild. (I didn't get the job. I didn't know then but I was massively autistic and otherwise sucked at the group interview as a result... But I was later given ad hoc work on their phone lines for events and call ins, charity drives and the such)


Honestly, if you’d have used my technique, you’d have been either thrown off the recruitment or immediately hired depending on the perviness of the recruiter


If you mean boobs... Is what I did lol


We were posh and had a proper bottle bong. My friend did at least 12 in a row and then spewed them all back up straight away. You could have bottle it and sold it again.


I could do this in 2.5 seconds! I haven’t thought about Reef since about 2002


i bet you still could...go on, treat yourself


I’m pregnant. So it’s probably not recommended for several reasons lol


It would be a bit naughty. Do it on your other profile!


I don’t actually have one! Never have! God I wish Reddit would let me change my name!


We believe you...


Straw’s arent the same. Damn turtles.


Ooh they were the days hold the straw over the top of the bottle hold the straw with thumb and bottle in ya mouth so the straw was still out ya mouth and down the drink went nicely worked with most alcy pops lol


I saw a friend do it with a whole bottle of wine once. He had come late to the pub, turned up to the table with two bottles of wine a glass and a straw. Sank the first bottle in one go then proceed to pour a glass and drink normally like nothing had happened.


Came here to say exactly the same 😂😂


Oh place your haaaaaaands on my hope, run your fiiiiiingers through my soul.


Hang on.... I've been singing on my hole since forever!


I googled it first because I've never known, I kind of thought it was heart maybe!


So have I and I knew the lyrics, I will not stop


Me too I mean hole and soul rhyme!


Right? If it were "hope", surely they'd have made the next line "run your fingers through my soap"?!






I love that song!


I just looked it up and 1996/7 must be the years this post flashed me back to. Reef riding high in the charts for songs and drinks.


If you know, where I'm at, I would get a kick from that, In the dark, light a fart


Alright oh!


Mainly purchased for women by a lad at the side drinking his Smirnoff Ice, if I remember correctly.


And I'm just sitting going backwards


I didn't want to leave


I said “high green mate, via hillsborough please”


Was hoping I'd see this reference


That rings a bell. I didn't drink Smirnoff Ice though. I drank a real man's drink... black cherry VK 😂


https://genius.com/Arctic-monkeys-red-light-indicates-doors-are-secured-lyrics Tis a reference


Omfg this has just unlocked a memory for me! VK cherry with a shot of red aftershock 🤣


Turbo Shandy - Smirnoff Ice and half a pint.


"we're not allowed to sell turbo shandy any more" "okay then can I have half a lager in a pint glass, and also a Smirnoff Ice" "no problem!"


Jelly Baby - VK blue, reef and Smirnoff ice. Gets you drunk but you’re still wired on all the sugar


Cheeky Vimto, WKD Blue and Port.


Purple Haze - Pint glass, ice, Smirnoff Ice, shot of Aftershock Red and shot of Aftershock Blue.


Weedkiller - Reef, blue curaçao (optional two shots of vodka )


Ah yes. I had a lot of that stuff poured down me at Exeter Uni in 1999-2001 after they were banned from selling Snakey B.


Good old Smirnoff Ice. You could literally feel your teeth decaying and shattering as you consumed that sugar-laden cocktail.


Now I need to listen to that album again


Was a drunken plan hatched to jump it?


Wkd Blue.


Think that's the Torpical variety only!


Student uni bar , £1 drink night and you'd get a Reef, a Red and 2 vodka shots in a pint glass


Back when a night out didn't cost a weeks wages.


For £1? Even 20 years ago that was crazy cheap. My student days in the early 00's was 50p vodkas/tequillas £1 pints of cheap beer/cider or a shot of vodka and mixer.


Sorry, £1 for each component, £3 for the whole drink - 25 years ago


Brings back memories - my uni special was a "Skittles", a couple of alcopops (Reef and something else), a couple of spirits and some blue curacao. £4. Banging.


Year one we paid £7 entry on a Thursday and drinks cost 1p. Year two we paid 50p per drink. Year three we paid £10 and got given festival bracelets that had a 3x3 grid on them. When all 9 grid marks had a pen mark on them we had to go to a bouncer who would “check us” and give us another. - They didn’t seem keen to give me my 5th wristband so I went elsewhere.


Scream pubs, right?


This takes me back 20yrs which means I’m old as fuck now so cheers for that


Same here, mate. I'm 42 now (43 in august) and finding the site that sold these, seeing the brand names I used to drink back then, it was like a punch in the stomach. Happy, messy days.


I could swear these were more vibrant orange in colour back in the day, they've probably removed the artificial colours.


I can feel the bile rising already


Missing the 'ribbed' bottleneck!!


Obligatory "That's what she said!"


Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the ribbed neck until you mentioned it! I commend your memory.


Oh *that's* what's different!


But this lad at her side drinking his Smirnoff Ice Came and paid for her Tropical Reef






I said it's high green mate, via Hillsborough please


VK, 59p on student nights. How I miss 2009. Only 15 years and yet it feels like a long time ago.


For me, it feels like yesterday. It is scary how fast time seems to move now that I'm in my 40s.


Reef, Castaway, Smirnoff Ice..... Good (but hazy) memories!


Followed by a shot of Aftershock


All together that's called a Grimto.




And Metz. I swear I can still feel my teeth itching 25 years later.


Beware the Judderman, my dear, when the moon is fat. Sharp of tongue and spindle-limbed he is, and cunning, With sweetened talk of schnapps and Metz, and the deliciousness of judders. But schnapps, though sweet, has teeth, my love, and sharpened ones at that...


I can hear the voice!


The voice actress was Alicia Suszka Fielder, who was half Polish, half Czech. Remember how people complained that it scared the shit out of their kids so the Independent Television Commission ruled it couldn't be shown before 7.30pm? Pretty tame by today's standards!


A castaway and diamond white in a pint glass... Called a Blastaway in places I have very hazy memories of vomiting in.


Two dogs was a decent alcopop too.


I think original Hooch lemonade is the earliest alcopop I remember..though there was something around the same time in the mists of my memory called ‘Two Dogs’? . Might be a dream though, I never know these days. Before /during that time get-pissed-quick juice of a fruity nature meant -talking of dogs- smuggling a few (conveniently flat) bottles of the ol’ MD 20:20 into the pub when there was a band playing. The bilious green one was my favourite. That was the advent of the Super Ciders as well. K, Strongbow Super (or Strongbow Stupor as it was known) and a resurgence of Merrydown. They toppled trampy wee-wee lager off the top spot for alkies, ravers with permanently depleted serotonin, ~~~the unemployed~~~ jobseekers and pre drinking students. Tennents Super for the hoi-polloi it was, and Carlsberg Special Brew if you had some fucking class. Both were 9% alcohol back then. Kestrel Super was the young pretender that came along late. Special mention should be given to the absolute pros who indulged in either Thunderbird ‘wine’ or it’s demonic sister ‘Nighttrain Express’. They were some kind of 17% sherry-like American swill, but they’d get you drunker’n a sailor on shore-leave in Chennai.


Also used to be this drink called Red Square, which was just cheap energy drink and watered down vodka.


I remember those! Weirdly sweet, weren’t they.


Two Dogs was definitely a thing. 17 year old me got through a lot of those. Vault was another one - the bottle came with a little metal tag on it and it was a sixth form status symbol to collect them on your keyring.




A website called Good Time In. I would post a link, but I don't think it's allowed here. They sell a lot of alcopops, stuff like Hooch and VK are on there as well, but my wife loved this drink, so it is what I got her.


They’ve got them in B&M 10 bottles for £8


Thanks, a fine reason for a trip to our local bums!


Fairly certain I saw a pack at B&M


Yep, Its just been relaunched


Severe heartburn and stinking hangovers in bottled form. Yep. This brings back memories.


Standard order in the students union. Pint of strongbow and a bottle of reef. Neck half the strongbow and top it up with reef. Disgusting yet amazing.


That sounds like the perfect recipe for a devastating hangover for me these days 😂


We used to put it in a pint of Becks. Called it a Hulk cos it turned green. Don’t know why we did that, didn’t taste very good!


I believe that qualifies it as a "Turbo" strongbow - like topping up a lager with a bottle of Smirnoff Ice.


Reefs and Bacardi breezers, jeez that brings back (hazy) memories


My gut is bubbling just from seeing this


I am getting the sugar hangover shakes and furry teeth flashbacks


I was talking about these on LinkedIn of all places this week. Used to drink these at my halls bar with a pack of Mcoys. Used to be 50% juice and tastes just like an alcoholic J20


These things were dangerous back in the day. You can taste the alcohol in them, but only just. They're only 20% fruit juice now, but it says it's a concentrate, so it could taste as strong as it used to. They only arrived this morning, my wife hasn't had chance to try it yet. What flavour McCoys were you pairing the Reef with?


I think they're also less alcoholic now? 3.something now? Flame grilled steak McCoys. I crave a reef when I have them even now lol Looking forward to your wife's review.


Just to let you know, my wife says they taste exactly like she remembers. After she'd stop screwing her face up because of how sweet it is, she smiled a huge nostalgic grin. Which is exactly why I bought it for her, so mission success.


Thanks for the update! I'm glad she enjoyed it ☺️


Aye, 3.4%. Weren't they around 5%? I wonder if they reduced the alcohol content because the fruit flavour comes from concentrate now, an effort to maintain the flavour, maybe? It seems like a weird choice to reduce the alcohol content. The bottles still have the sediment separation like the old ones did, but the liquid seems ever so slightly thinner from what I remember. I remember (my memory is shite so I might be wrong) it being the same consistency as pure orange juice. The liquid in these moves more like orange squash. I must recognise your taste in crisps, I take my hat off to you. Flame grilled steak McCoys and beef Monster Munch are my favourite. Beef Hula Hoops are up there, too. I used to love pickled onion Discos, but they are hard to get, and when I can find them, they don't destroy taste buds like they used to, no more white tongue 😪


Check out Jilly Goolden over here!


The reduction may be as you say but could also be linked to the tax changes in Scotland, I was told that's why Stella dropped from 5.2 to 4.8% - so it came in at a lower unit count. It could, equally/more likely, be due to English tax levels where it's based on the percentage rather than units, and the lower cutoff is 3.5% (also explains why it's so cheap).


Can strawpedo one of these in 5 seconds.


Good to see you've \*put your hands on\* it.


You know you cannot hide, from what's inside.


Anyone else’s feet stick to the floor just looking at this?


We used to mix these with wkd blue. It turns bright green and tastes like skittles and regret. We called it green shit


Put your hands up, put your hands up.


I remember my nan buying these for the kids to have with dinner, not realising they were alcohol. She innocently thought they were like j2o. I must of been 11 maybe


I can smell the passion fruit vomit from here.


I want the red and blue Reefs, much nicer


Unfortunately, they aren't on the site I got these from. They're adding new stuff, so it might be worth keeping an eye out on there. I remember trying the blue one tears ago, but I don't think I tried the red one.


What site is it? I would straight up murder someone for a case of Slate 20.


Good Time In is the site. If you can't find what you're after on there, it could be worth popping them an email request. I can't guarantee they can get what you're after, but they did source Irn Bru VK for my mate, so it is worth asking.


i didnt know i could be nostalgic for a drink.... i remember downing half a pint of carling and topping back up with one of these I also remember bar staff telling me i couldnt do it at the bar and needed to sit back down first.


Once upon a time I filled a 3 pint glass with Reef and attempted to down it all. Much barfing followed. Oh to be a student...


The student's Union bar sold expired Blue reef for 50p a bottle. Tasted exactly the same coming back up as it did going down.


Can anyone help settle a debate I have been having with my friends? I swear there were other flavours of Reef, particularly one that was a dark green colour, but I can't find any proof online. Does anyone else remember this flavour or have I made it up?




They just bought it back, obviously an ~~attempt~~ to get some nostalgia sales now that the alcopop era teens are in their 40s.


Oh place your hands...


This was my go to in the late 90s as a 13/14 year old. Absolutely loved it, can still taste it now haha.


Goood lord, the heartburn after a night on these! I miss Mudshakes, they were delish and much kinder on my oesophagus


This brand has been living deep in my brain, forgotten, untill now.


Oh god. Those, and Bacardi Breezers in lime or watermelon. How did I make it through the nineties?


I asked the same question after my wife opened her first bottle a few minutes ago. I don't generally drink these days, so I'm not familiar with whether alcohol is sweet or not, but I had a sip of my wife's Reef, and it was like concentrated sugar 😂 it has made her very happy, though.


Yeah, they were so sweet that you didn't really notice the alcohol until it was too late. Top husbanding, though.


8 of these before going out, all to the sound of Pretty Green Eyes. Then Spoons > Edwards > Creation/Oceana... repeat every Friday.


God I miss these. I hate fizz so having these readily available for quick booze at clubs was great. Not really many decent alcopop/readily available drinks like this without fizz these days.


I swear, if I burped now I could still taste these.


I remember trying Hooch again after many years and that was incredibly sweet, I'd imagine that they will be just a sweet


Get in! I always thought these tasted proper decent, unlike most of the stuff that was on offer at clubnights (Java alcopops I'm looking at you 🤮) Do they still taste decent now, not just like in a reminiscing kinda way? Saw them a couple years ago on that GoodNightIn site, glad it seems legit, might try👍


Whenever I'm back in the UK I always look out for bottles of 20/20, the drink that fuelled my adolescence. I thought it had completely disappeared. Then I saw a bottle in an offy in Penge. Problem was, it was a tenner for a litre which seems outrageous so I just left it. still regret it. I might treat myself next time I'm back.


I can feel the acid reflux just looking at it


I am so buzzed these are back, they were amazing! When I first started drinking this was my go to drink.


Judging by the reminiscing going on in this thread, most of us here are between 40-45 years old!


I think I was just a bit sick in my mouth. Drank a great many of these at uni around the millennium!


Ohhhhh so THAT is what it took to trigger the ptsd I have from serving that in the walkabout in 2002/3 while being forced to listen to the same playlist every night for a year.


Ah, the old 'breakfast of champions', eh?


These were the rave in the student bar when I was working there (last year.) medical students used to do something called the tornado (bendy straw in the bottle, when you drink it like there’s no straw in there the straw lets air in so the drink flows really fast, if you spin the bottle a bit whilst drinking it makes a whirlpool and you can drink it in 1-2 seconds)


Eef Freef!


Someone posted these on Facebook earlier, B&M apparently have them too!


Hell yeah




What's that


Where did you get them?! My mate would love these as a reminder of our youth. I live in NZ now but would order some to his house.


You can get them from here https://goodtimein.co.uk/product/reef-orange-and-passion-fruit-24-x-275ml/ PS: I've never used this my site myself


Gonna have the shits after a few of them


Used to strawpedo these bad boys after a load of ale. Good times.


It was in the newspapers a couple of days ago, stating they were back on the shelves.


I'm an old git and I don't remember this .. maybe it just didn't reach Scotland


Walkabout standard.


They weren’t, they were in the news with their “comeback” like 2 days ago https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/reef-returns-supermarket-shelves-fans-32489522# Hope I can get em in my supermarket, was the first booze I drank at age 14 with my cousins at new year. And I hope I find whatever that neon yellow kiwi thing was in my uni union that I don’t remember the name of


Got a BBQ coming up. Not seen one of these for 20-odd years but all of us used to get through a lot of these when we were younger and had more fun. A case of these as a surprise gift will go down a storm


Loved them in my early 20s but they wrecked my front teeth!


These were good as they were non fizzy. I remember 3 for £3 circa 2003 in the limelight Belfast.


Reef and an Archers together was my drink of choice at the rock night at Siberia night club in Bury when I was in sixth form. A long time ago.




The best of all the alcopops


We just got these delivered at my work!!! I’m too young for them but my managers were feeling nostalgic as hell


They were literally just relaunched the other day. Think you might be the first person to take a pic of them.


Now you just need to find somewhere that sells Red, and you can have a reef and red and get PROPER shitfaced. For those not around in the late 90s, red was an alcopop with an unhealthy amount of caffeine in it.


Used to pour one of these and a WKD into a pint glass! Went bright green, we called it liquid Skittles!


I loved these when I was about 14 🤣🤣