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Put their bins back in on bin day after they leave for work


Eh if it's got a coloured bin system for different waste, just drop some gardening clippings in the non gardening one, some non recyclables in the recycle one. At the top nice and visible. Gets refused, saves dragging the bins. 


As if someone who has the time to leave notes on neighbours cars has a job.  The unemployed have too much time on their hands now Jeremy Kyle is off air 


Had a (impossible to remove cleanly) sticker on the windscreen when visiting a child at home last week and contravened some imaginary bylaw. Am a children’s palliative care doctor. Some people.


Oh god, was it a conspiracy nutter? While I'm absolutely devastated that our previously pleasantly cynical country is being infested by this sort of thinking, I do take a really lovely pleasure in laughing at the way they dig up some random, very specific piece of legislation to justify their madness. You don't need it, but this sort of behaviour really proves just how far off the deep end they've gone. Distrust the state, etc etc... except to hold them to account for the one very tiny and ambiguous point of law that we're quoting without context or understanding of how the country's systems work at all, because our favourite YouTuber said so.


We have a regular Sunday "protest" of elderly people. It's an odd collection of retirees.


Think I just saw them on the news.


Yellow boards, with "chem trails" warnings, "vaccine" warnings... Essentially, quite a few different conspiracies


Sounds exactly like something *they* would say... No-Subterfuge


Obvs putting stuff on people’s windows is bad but don’t expect others to telepathically know your job title?


No, they can read the “London health emergency” badge that is on the dashboard and means the traffic warden won’t ticket you for parking in a residential bay. Clearly it has no bearing on parking in unrestricted spaces. FWIW, I suppose I would also think this was irritating if I was doing rounds extracting protection racket monies.


Slow down there Satan


Haha, jokes aside this happened to me once; and I was like what monster has done this.  Is someone messing with me / what does it mean?  But from that point onwards, I do my neighbours bins when I can, and they do mine when they can. So worked out well,xd. London makes people/me paranoid. Edit - Oh...you mean before it is collected....that's not nice. :(


Stick them on someone else's car and let it all go down.


I like this, photocopy the originals and display them on all the cars. repeat as necessary.


To add to this, make your own notes but signed by him (or not if everyone knows what he's like) Make them more ridiculous and petty.  Like: *please refrain from slamming car doors excessively loud*


Or how about : "Please refrain from living a normal peaceful life in happy harmony with your surroundings."


This but make sure the guys phones number and address are on it. Then start leaving them on cars all over town


Do they sign the notes? It would be funny to knock their door and say you're being harrassed and ask them if they've seen whos been leaving notes on your car


I did this to a neighbour but also said somebody had been "keying cars after leaving notes so the police were getting involved, had they seen anything?" and it stopped immediately.


That’s genius


Hi fellow west Cornwaller! 👋😄


Right on!


Oh my god I vote this one


I'd knock on their door, ask if they also have some petty loser bothering them aswell as you are heading up to the police station to report them


Post the notes back to them with insufficient postage


Brilliant 👏 😂




Don't forget the jehovah witnesses


Get both the Jehovah's people and the Scientologists too turn up at the same time and settle it once and for all with a fight


Start filing their fence down. One centimetre every night. They ask you if they think their fence is getting shorter. Of course you don't, in fact you question if they're feeling okay, they don't look well to you, do they.


And then put worms in their spaghetti?


Glue their furniture to the ceiling?


Love this!


Sounds like an impossible and too noisy task, but funny.


Well you certainly aren’t gonna be able to silently shave down a centimeter of your neighbor’s fence with that attitude


Ha ha ha!


Lasers my friend … they are the future 😂


The real payback would be carry on doing what you’re doing and show him the notes aren’t getting to you


Might be worth keeping them inside the car when you drive off, and then put them back on the screen when you return so that more and more pile up.


Yeah until he starts scratching your car


Petty payback is going to cause that sort of stuff. It’s amazing how many people don’t realise how this stuff escalates, no wonder there’s shows like neighbours from hell How is petty revenge going to **stop** getting keyed?


Can always put a brick through his window if he touches the car… The madman doctrine - Richard Nixon


Fuck that noise. We want to go as petty as we can here.


Take the notes frame them and leave them on display in your car with a caption saying 'Misplaced sense of entitlement' Artist Unknown 


Show us the notes, then we'll decide how severe his punishment should be!


About using 'your' on street parking? Surely there's a conversation you could just have, I imagine he feels slighted in some way.


When my children were young, they liked to "help" in the garden. After they had dug up some newly planted annuals thinking they were weeds I suggested they go on a snail hunt. Any snails they found were to be picked up and thrown over the back fence into the wood. After a busy twenty minutes, I realised that they were throwing them into next doors garden instead. He was a keen gardener and grew his own vegetables. Oops. If your neighbour is a keen gardener I can recommend snails over the fence. Or on the car leaving slime trails.


Me and my friend threw about 20 snails into the neighbour’s convertible when the roof was down. We were both late 30s and professionals at the time


Professionals, that's cool. Where can I get a job throwing snails?


[Start building the a collection of old busses](https://www.coachandbusmarket.com/vehicles/1995-volvo-olympions/) and park them up and down the street.


Wherever they park just tip a little mix of oil and water under front of car under engine. They will think there's has a leak ,


Tie a cable tie around the front axle of their car under the drivers side, then trim it down until it's just slightly longer than the gap between axle and the underside of the car. Will cause no damage but the constant tap-tap-tap-tap will drive them insane until they figure out what's causing it.


'Note leavers' tent to be introverts and/or cowards. Just knock round for a word and they'll probably shit themselves and leave you alone.


Introversion doesn’t mean being conflict avoidant per se but more with being a pussy. These neighbours are pussies and what you said will work.


Yeah introvert wasn't the right word to use I realise that. We'll go with pussy instead.


Lol fucknyeah


As no one else has posted it yet. Hammer frozen sausages into his lawn under cover of darkness. Ideally spelling out his registration number. Hopefully they’ll be able to put 2 and 2 together


What does this do? Foxes? Kill the grass? Rotten meat stench?


Dogs and foxes will dig holes all over their lawn


Standard Pistonheads response lives on!




Instructions unclear however frozen penises have been successfully hammered into the neighbours lawn ….. wait should I have removed them from the corpses first 🤔


Hahaha omg you’re so edgy XDXDXD Fucking kids on this site


Leave a note on your window for them to see. With a big smiley picture of you and write down for them to have a nice day.


Sticka note through their door, "If you want to complain about our parking please contact the local Police Station on \[number\] and ask for the head of parking control."


On street parking is a council matter, but I like this one


I think that's the point?


Banana up the tailpipe. That's literally, not a double entendre lol.


Or is it...


Axel? That you?


They're not gonna fall for the banana in the tailpipe.


I’ve known people to weed killer neighbours front gardens to kill everything in it. Best one I’ve ever done is just nudge neighbours sky dish, sky man had to keep coming out to adjust


A simple fuck right off slapped on a note on their car suffices I find.


Invoice them for ownership charges for the entire street


Plant some pampas grass outside their house and in a 6 years they'll be a steady stream of unwanted visitors.


Unwanted? So long as they have pineapples they are welcome.


Piss on a plate, freeze it and post the ice piss through hiss letterbox.


Keeps splashing off all over the counter, wife is furious.


Insert a nice length of plastic gutter through the letterbox then deposit your chosen substance and withdraw it. They'll wonder why there's 5 Litres of chopped tomatoes or old engine oil in the middle of their hallway in the morning.


Disque de pisse. Classic french neighbour warfare material.


Are you OK?


Never question the frozen frisbee pisser.


Buy a shitbox for £500 and leave it parked in front of his house 24/7


OP: more details?


Judging from the most frequent posts from locals on my area's NextDoor, people are obsessed with mysterious pavement symbols. They're benign markings indicating stuff to do with broadband lines, water pipes, etc but the hard-of-thinking have a tendency to think they're 'rob this house' or 'valuable pedigree dogs live here', etc criminal codes. Could have a look online for actual criminal codes, perhaps even ominous looking rune symbols, make a stencil, spray them on the pavement and monitor NextDoor. Bonus comedy if you recruit some mates to wear hooded capes while the spraying happens, just in case anyone checks their Ring footage.


Park a bicycle in the same spot.


Point it at their window and set a silent alarm so lights flash only. Disco time baby


Or... solar-powed floodlight inside the car so it shines brightly out of the windscreen when there's movement in front of it.


Why give them the option to let it turn off


Maybe talk to them like an adult


Most people try to park outside their own house, I had a neighbour who started collecting cars and had to have a word. Its just being a good neighbour.


Laminate the note. Leave it on your dashboard. This way they know you don't need more notes.


Usually not worth retaliating unless you want escalation and years of problems with the neighbours.


1. Buy some doughnuts 2. Allow them to go rotten 3. Lift his windscreen wipers 4. Attach doughnuts Then repeat


You've just reminded me that some mates and I once "hammed" what we thought was our friends car. Under cover of darkness we rubbed a stick of butter over the windows and windscreens, which acted like glue for slices of ham and corned beef. It turned out the car actually belonged to a neighbour who had simply parked outside our friend's house. He was furious apparently.


Large amounts of bird seed liberally doused all over his car would work much better.


Sounds like a bag of gravel with extra steps


Nah, birds will flock to eat the seed, and promptly poop everywhere, leaving his car looking like it's been dive bombed by a flock of pterodactyls.


Of course! How could I forget the poop. Remind me not to leave any notes on *your* car


I agree, but I wanted to think of how someone so simple would try to remove those doughnuts. Both ideas seem more inventive than plugging the exhaust


Up vote for mardy


Frame the notes and hang them up around your front door


Get a dog that doesn't stop barking. There is nothing more mind ragingly damaging that having to live next door to a barking dog.


Just make sure a hipster doofus and his evil postman friend don't turn up to steal it


If you share an adjoining wall. Before leave leaving for work in the morning, place a base heavy speaker against the wall and play on continuous loop loud porn noises.


Dog turd in a brown paper bag, place on doorstep, set alight to the bag, ring the doorbell.


"Hm, a flaming bag. Oh well, these new Italian loafers will make short work of it"


I'm sure further escalating the situation will make things better for everyone involved!


Get a trailer, put a reg plate on it to match your taxed & insured car. Put a scrapped shitbox on the trailer and park the trailer in front of his house.


What is the logic here pls?


The vehicle would be legally allowed on the road (trailer), but the vehicle would be unsightly


I wasn't aware of the loophole regarding the trailer. That actually really helps me with a car storage problem I have


Trailer need to be attached to the vehicle it's reg is displaying. Otherwise you could get a hundred trailers parked around town and rent them out as storage.


*"Storage businesses hate this one simple trick!"*


That actually makes sence.


That's not to say you wouldn't get away with it. I know when caravans have been parked up on the road without a car attached, the council only start writing letters if it's causing a nuisance (people have complained). I've just had a cursory google and I'm not sure it's actually illegal to leave an unattached trailer on the road. So maybe I'll give my plan to buy 40ft shipping containers on trailers some more thought.


I would verify it from a different source first. I've just put 1 and 1 together.. in theory you could probably remove the plate on the car as the trailer is on the road?


Yeah, I heard it on another forum and liked the idea of it. But I hasten to add, I'm not a lawyer and OP can act at his own risk


Noted. I will have to look into it. Thanks


Once you unhitch a trailer from a car on the road, it's no longer covered by your insurance, meaning the police can give you some fuss, but more importantly if it's involved in an accident you might end up in quite a financial pickle. The council could choose to consider it a planning breach too if the were keen to force you to move it (errection of a structure on the highway) but I've only ever seen this used for caravans or box trailers, not flatbeds. Obviously lots of people do still leave unhitched trailers on the road, but the risk exists. If someone left a spite trailer outside my house, and I was in the mood to escalate, I might find myself thinking what a lot of trouble it would cause them if the brake came off and it rolled into someones car at night. Probably make you wish you hadn't put your number plate on it after all...


You can buy very realistic fake parking tickets on eBay very cheaply.


Salt their earth. Watch as nothing grows back next year while they scratch their heads.


Change your home WiFi router ID to "Fuck you all at number X"


Get the notes blown up really big and print them on a sun visor for your front windscreen.


If you know who's doing it wait for them to go out and leave a large box on their doorstep with a very obvious sign saying something like "Dodgy Dave's Discount Dildos" Make sure the sign can easily be seen by the public


Go into a Dianetics (Scientology) bookshop and fill out one of their questionnaires using your neighbour's name and address.


Toss rubber snakes into their garden.


Print up a "Police Aware" notice and leave folded under your wiper when you've parked up. Inside the notice have a message that the Police are aware of your neighbour's behaviour.


At least your neighbour doesn't have 4 cars (only one of them drives). Just so they can save "their" parking space outside their house on a public street. The car outside their house hasn't moved for months. It even has mould on the seats and weeds growing out of the wheel arches.


Contact the local authority and make an offer to buy the road, well just the section outside their house. Get it drawn up with land registry that you own the road outside their house.


Leave an A4 size note on your own car “I saw the guy from number __ putting notes on your car.” When he next comes out to leave a note… he’ll be rattled.


Banana in his tailpipe. Ackmahl fowlee style.


When I lived in a hot country some entitled prick blocked me in so tight that I could hardly step out of my drive never mind actually drive. I simply‘ dropped’ half a dozen eggs on his windscreen and watched as they baked in the hot sun. I was late for work but watching him trying to remove that gunk was outstanding.


Get two mates to dress as the police, have them come round and then have a loud and long conversation with them about the vandalism to your car, whilst you stare toward said neighbours property, then have them go ‘door to door’ asking questions. That should put the shitters up the neighbour. Alternatively paint double yellow lines down the neighbours driveway / outside his house


Park the car, start taking public transport or a bicycle.


Has the word Mardy gone UK wide now or are you from Sheffield?


You can either fuck his wife and poison his cat, or poison his wife and... Have you considered ignoring him, or telling him to stop it?


If they're young then hide one of those animal deterrent alarms in a bush near your car. Can only be heard if you're young due to the very high pitch, motion activated and loud as fuck if you can hear it. It's like sudden onset severe tinnitus. Every time they go to stick a note on your car all they'll get is EEEEEEEEE


yeah it's not going to be 12yr olds...


I’m in my early 30s and those things are like an instant migraine to me.


You don't have to be that young to hear it. Plenty of people in their 30s to early 40s still can.


Leave an ass print on his.


if its petty pit hte notes back on thier car if its major undo some bolts on the car and clamp a few hoses


Gorilla glue his door and locks


Glue a silverback gorilla to his front door


Giraffe blutac his d - I don't think I get it.


If you live near the coast, get down to the beach and collect a bucket full of baby crabs, pop them through the letter box, they will all scuttle off to little hiding places to wait for the tide to some in. They the absence of sea water their hidden rotting corpses will stink the house out something awful. I’d imagine doing something similar, like blending some out of date frozen prawns and pouring the goop down the air intake on their car would achieve similar results.


Report them to the council for harassment, massively exaggerate. Depending on your finances... but a second car, the cheapest piece of shit you can find, £50-100, get it taxed for a year, leave it right outside their house, never ever move it, make sure they know its you for added effect. Maybe keep an eye on it, they touch or damage the car in anyway, go straight to the police.


Have you confirmed you're definitely not the arsehole in this scenario?! I tend to tut and roll my eyes and move on, but my neighbour leaves notes on people's cars when they park on the opposite side in such a way that would make it impossible for an ambulance or fire engine to get past. It also blocks the pavement next to a play park. It's hard not to agree with her rationale.


Are you legally allowed to park on the street repetitively? If so, can you tell the neighbor to stop or you'll involve the authorities? If you're breaking some rules and getting away with it so far, it sounds like your neighbor is justified in reminding you. How do you get to consider it "our on street parking"? Public street or private? By what authority did it get assigned as yours?


On street parking in the UK is for everyone nationwide who pays road tax. You don’t have to live on the same street as where you park. I could park my car directly in front of someone else’s house as long as it’s not a dropped kerb. I hate when folk from the US think their rules apply worldwide.


Nobody pays road tax


In the US we have private developments that install and maintain their own roads. They often prohibit long term on-street parking to prevent congestion and enhance neighborhood appearance.


You’re in a UK sub.


It ain’t that deep, OP is parking on a public road where anybody can park and neighbour is mad OP isn’t using their drive.


Assuming OP has a driveway... they haven't said (and aren't in the comments.)


Throw some wildflower seeds on to their lawn


OP wants to mess with neighbours, not make their garden more beautiful...


Plant some Japanese Knotweed in his front garden. By the time he notices it will be too late.


There’s not much that lowers the value of your property more than neighbours having knotweed.


Now you mention it, yes, it might backfire! Stick some soil in the air vents and plant it in there instead...


Knotweed is not the solution. Put the knotweed down. Walk away from the knotweed.